Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business
Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 42 lectures, based on 26840 reviews, and has 75646 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a cultural environment that fosters creativity and innovation Establish an open idea-sharing program in for employees and managers Attract creative and innovative talent Truly "think outside-of-the-box" Master creative thinking skills and teach them to your team Implement Design Thinking, a powerful innovation methodology and process Overcome common blocks that hold organizations back from growth Use proven processes for generating ideas and brainstorming solutions Develop a deeper understanding of your users or clients Create and test prototypes in order to rapidly identify the validity of ideas Create disruptive innovation and look to the future This course is ideal for individuals who are Business owners, managers, or team leaders or Leaders who want to create a creative corporate culture or Leaders who want to encourage innovation in the work place or Leaders of creative teams It is particularly useful for Business owners, managers, or team leaders or Leaders who want to create a creative corporate culture or Leaders who want to encourage innovation in the work place or Leaders of creative teams.
Enroll now: Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business
Title: Creativity, Design Thinking, and Innovation for Business
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $124.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a cultural environment that fosters creativity and innovation
- Establish an open idea-sharing program in for employees and managers
- Attract creative and innovative talent
- Truly "think outside-of-the-box"
- Master creative thinking skills and teach them to your team
- Implement Design Thinking, a powerful innovation methodology and process
- Overcome common blocks that hold organizations back from growth
- Use proven processes for generating ideas and brainstorming solutions
- Develop a deeper understanding of your users or clients
- Create and test prototypes in order to rapidly identify the validity of ideas
- Create disruptive innovation and look to the future
Who Should Attend
- Business owners, managers, or team leaders
- Leaders who want to create a creative corporate culture
- Leaders who want to encourage innovation in the work place
- Leaders of creative teams
Target Audiences
- Business owners, managers, or team leaders
- Leaders who want to create a creative corporate culture
- Leaders who want to encourage innovation in the work place
- Leaders of creative teams
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.
We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.
Use creativity and design thinking to transform your work environment!
Do you want to add creativity and design thinking to make product improvements, better meet your customers’ needs, or solve problems that are holding your company back?
Do you want to want to use creativity and design thinking to create innovative new products, services, or systems that will expand and evolve your business to the next level?
If so, you need to create an innovative corporate culture and a creative friendly workplace environment. In this course, you’ll explore why creativity and innovation are more important for businesses today than ever before. You’ll examine why and how leading edge companies have turned conventional business culture models on their head through embracing creativity and how to protect your organization from being disrupted or left behind in a rapidly evolving business climate.
You’ll learn how to create a cultural environment that fosters creativity, including creativity blocks to avoid, like micromanaging and an over emphasis on efficiency, and how to establish an idea-response system for your managers, in order to encourage the open the sharing of ideas. Plus, you’ll find out why a creative corporate culture is the key to attracting and retaining great talent, increasing moral and productivity, and ultimately you’re company’s bottom line.
You’ll learn best practices for unleashing your creative team’s potential by bringing together diverse perspectives and creating an environment that embraces risk taking and removes fear of failure.
You’ll learn what “thinking outside-of-the-box” really means and how to overcome the mental traps that hold back individuals and organizations. You’ll master your own creative thinking, so that you can bring your full potential to the team and accelerate your career. And, you’ll be able to teach creative thinking skills to your team, allowing them to reframe challenges into possibilities.
You’ll learn how to apply a powerful creative-problem-solving technique called DESIGN THINKINGto your business. The design thinking process will provide a blueprint for creating innovative creative products and services by helping your team:
· Understand the needs and problems faced by your customers and clarify the true problems holding back your business
· Question assumptions and explore alternative solutions that are beyond any preconceived limitations
· Identify requirements for a satisfactory solution and criteria for testing and identifying when goals have been met
· Generate out-of-the box ideas and a broad range of possibilities by using proven strategies like story mapping and powerful brainstorming processes
· Use hands-on approaches and tangible prototypes to experiment and test your ideas, helping you identify the best solutions that will make the biggest impact for your users and your organization.
If you are ready to transform your organization by bringing in creativity and design thinking this course is for you!
So, are you ready to transform your department, company, or business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
So who are we?
We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We own a digital media publishing company called Transformation Services, Inc. We provide training programs and curriculum development for entrepreneurs and small businesses. We also run a magazine and live events and conferences. We’ve worked with 300,000+students, coaches and businesses from 195 countries. All of our programs are created based on over a decade of experience in education, business development and coaching, as well as my background in psychology, including my Master’s in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology.
Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: Benefits of an Innovation-Friendly Environment
Lecture 3: Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors
Chapter 2: Creative Thinking
Lecture 1: Creative Thinking: Re-framing and Mind Mapping
Lecture 2: Exercise: Creative Thinking Part 1: Reframing and Mind Mapping
Lecture 3: Creative Thinking: Insights and Flow
Lecture 4: Exercise: Creative Thinking Part 2: Insights and Flow
Lecture 5: The Importance of Happiness, Play, and Idle Time
Lecture 6: Exercise: The Importance of Happiness, Play, and Idle Time
Lecture 7: The Importance of Rewarding Creativity
Lecture 8: Exercise: Rewarding Creativity and Risk Taking
Lecture 9: The Power of Questions
Chapter 3: Developing a Creative Work Environment and Team
Lecture 1: Developing Creativity in Individuals
Lecture 2: Exercise: Developing Creativity for Individuals
Lecture 3: Creating a Creative Physical Environment
Lecture 4: Exercise: Creating a Creative Physical Environment
Lecture 5: Empowering Creative Teams
Lecture 6: Exercise: Empowering a Creative Team
Lecture 7: The Importance of Diversity
Lecture 8: Exercise: The Power of Diversity
Lecture 9: Develop an Idea-Response Process
Lecture 10: Exercise: Develop an Idea-Response Process
Chapter 4: Overcoming Creativity Blocks
Lecture 1: Overcoming Creativity Blocks
Lecture 2: Overcoming Problem-Solving Blocks
Chapter 5: Design Thinking Methodology and Process
Lecture 1: Why Design Thinking?
Lecture 2: Exercise:Design Thinking
Lecture 3: Step 1: Empathize with the End User
Lecture 4: Exercise: Step 1: Empathize with the End User
Lecture 5: Step 2: Define the True Problem
Lecture 6: Exercise: Step 2: Define the problem
Lecture 7: Step 3: Ideate and Brainstorm
Lecture 8: Exercise: Step 3: Ideating and Brainstorming
Lecture 9: Brainstorming Process
Lecture 10: Exercise: Brainstorming Process
Lecture 11: Step 4: Prototype Solutions
Lecture 12: Exercise: Step 4: Prototyping Solutions
Lecture 13: Step 5: Test, Implement and Assess
Lecture 14: Exercise: Step 5: Testing and Assessment
Chapter 6: Looking to the Future
Lecture 1: Disruptive Innovation
Lecture 2: Conclusion and Next Steps
Lecture 3: Blue Ocean Thinking and Opportunities for Growth
Lecture 4: Bonus: Additional Resources You Don't want to Miss
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Top instructor with over 700,000 students -
Transformation Services
International Academy of Life Coaching & Entrepreneurship
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 160 votes
- 2 stars: 503 votes
- 3 stars: 3710 votes
- 4 stars: 10190 votes
- 5 stars: 12277 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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