Customer Success Manager: Fundamentals to your CSM career
Customer Success Manager: Fundamentals to your CSM career, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 30 lectures, based on 6291 reviews, and has 24377 subscribers.
You will learn about Have a better understanding of what your job as Customer Success Manager will be like Understand the fundamental principles of Customer Success. Which will be the foundation for your career as a CSM Be more prepared for a Customer Success Manager job interview (we will not cover interview skills, but you will know more about customer success) Show your interviewers that you are more knowledgeable about Customer Success than most of the people Get ready to start your new job with as a Customer Success Manager This course is ideal for individuals who are People looking for a new career in tech or software based companies or Sales people or business professionals looking to switch industries or careers or Professionals with basic knowledge of Customer Success or Customer Success Managers that just got started in the career or This course is NOT for experienced CSM, even though it is always good to review the fundamentals every now and then. It is particularly useful for People looking for a new career in tech or software based companies or Sales people or business professionals looking to switch industries or careers or Professionals with basic knowledge of Customer Success or Customer Success Managers that just got started in the career or This course is NOT for experienced CSM, even though it is always good to review the fundamentals every now and then.
Enroll now: Customer Success Manager: Fundamentals to your CSM career
Title: Customer Success Manager: Fundamentals to your CSM career
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 30
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Have a better understanding of what your job as Customer Success Manager will be like
- Understand the fundamental principles of Customer Success. Which will be the foundation for your career as a CSM
- Be more prepared for a Customer Success Manager job interview (we will not cover interview skills, but you will know more about customer success)
- Show your interviewers that you are more knowledgeable about Customer Success than most of the people
- Get ready to start your new job with as a Customer Success Manager
Who Should Attend
- People looking for a new career in tech or software based companies
- Sales people or business professionals looking to switch industries or careers
- Professionals with basic knowledge of Customer Success
- Customer Success Managers that just got started in the career
- This course is NOT for experienced CSM, even though it is always good to review the fundamentals every now and then.
Target Audiences
- People looking for a new career in tech or software based companies
- Sales people or business professionals looking to switch industries or careers
- Professionals with basic knowledge of Customer Success
- Customer Success Managers that just got started in the career
- This course is NOT for experienced CSM, even though it is always good to review the fundamentals every now and then.
Uzo Akotaobi, Director, Human Resources at Comcast, said:
“I took Gustavo’s course about Customer Success and found it to be the single most valuable resource I tapped into when pursuing a career in this space. The reason for that is because Gustavo was able to explain the science of customer success in such a way to where you could look at your own experience whether it was in Customer Success or not and find ways to translate it to a resume. This helped me tailor my resume to Customer Success jobs in ways I didn’t think to do otherwise. I can attest to the fact that after I took the course on Customer Success and revised my resume, recruiters responded more frequently. No joke! 3 different companies contacted me over the course of 3 weeks vs. NONE before. My background is in HR so I was looking at Customer Success roles in the HR technology space. Gustavo was easy to understand and the content was insightful. There is no silver bullet but if you take his course and really try to understand how your experience translates to Customer Success, there is no way you won’t benefit from this course. I know I did and I got the interviews and job OFFER to prove it! “
What is a Customer Success Manager?
In the digital age, tons of new jobs have sprung up. Most people think of computer programming, website design or software integration, but what about the human side? The Customer Success Manager is one such job.
To sum it up in one sentence: This job is simply helping customers accomplish their goals with the software or service they purchased.
For any business, client retention is huge. It costs a company way less to keep a customer than to acquire a new one, and even more costly is to try and win that customer back. That’s where this job comes in. If they have a complaint, you take care of it. If they succeed, you celebrate with them. You get to build long-term relationships with the clients, and as the client’s needs adapt and change, you get to assist them in that process.
Benefits of working as a Customer Success Manager
Let’s start with Salary. According to Payscale the average salary for an Entry-Level Customer Success Manager is $59,619 per year and $69,210 when you are past Entry-level and can reach into the 6 figure range for those who excel at this position.
More and more companies are seeing the incredible opportunities this type of job can provide. Startups and tech companies are leading the way, both big and small, and this field of work is only growing bigger.
And let’s not forget perks. Because a lot of these jobs are at tech and startup companies, often they have great employee benefits such as:
Great health care coverage, and even gym memberships.
Amazing offices, with plenty of recreational activities around.
Often they will match your 401(K).
Free snacks, free catered lunches every day… some even free beer.
Happy hours or cocktail afternoons.
Company trips, dinners, events.
Flexible hours and unlimited vacations.
Remote work.
And of course: equity.
If you consider all of the benefits, the salary, and how dynamic this position is, it definitely makes sense to invest a few dollars in a course that will help you learn about and prepare for this growing job opportunity.
Enroll now, and I’ll see you on the inside.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Customer Success Manager Course
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Customer Success Manager course
Lecture 2: Why did I ask you to introduce yourself?
Chapter 2: The Basics of Customer Success Or Customer Success 101
Lecture 1: Resources
Lecture 2: What is Customer Success and why is so important?
Lecture 3: What if your Customers Success Management is terrible or non existent?
Lecture 4: When should you start worrying about Customer Success?
Lecture 5: Purpose, People and Culture
Lecture 6: Customer Success Terminology
Chapter 3: Customer Success Manager
Lecture 1: What is a Customer Success Manager & its Mission?
Lecture 2: Other Customer Success Manager Tasks
Lecture 3: The skills to be a great CSM
Lecture 4: Customer Success Manager Roles
Chapter 4: The Keys to be a Successful CSM and creating a world known CS brand
Lecture 1: What is “success” for your client?
Lecture 2: Time to first value
Lecture 3: Understand and map the whole process from sign-up to becoming brand ambassador
Lecture 4: Reduce the time from sign-up to actual usage, to initial feeling of victory o
Lecture 5: Always show value and focus on solutions
Lecture 6: The basic Reduce Churn
Chapter 5: 2 Basic Principles for Customer Success Process
Lecture 1: Profile your ideal customer
Lecture 2: The Success Gap. The last step before your customer’s success
Chapter 6: Where to find Customer Success Manager jobs
Lecture 1: Where to find Customer Success Manager jobs Part I – AngelList
Lecture 2: Where to find Customer Success Manager jobs Part I – LinkedIn Jobs
Chapter 7: The Plan, Lessons Learned and FAQs
Lecture 1: The Plan to launch your Customer Success Manager career
Lecture 2: Lessons Learned of Customer Success Manager 101
Lecture 3: FAQs about Customer Success Manager
Chapter 8: Review
Lecture 1: More tips and hacks
Lecture 2: Customer Success Resources
Lecture 3: BONUS
Gustavo Escobar Henríquez
Helping businesses generate quality leads and sales -
Digital Life Academy
Develop your skills to succeed in a digital world
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 44 votes
- 2 stars: 100 votes
- 3 stars: 660 votes
- 4 stars: 2077 votes
- 5 stars: 3410 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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