Data Analysis Essentials Using Excel
Data Analysis Essentials Using Excel, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 152 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 13157 reviews, and has 69676 subscribers.
You will learn about Confidently use the most crucial Excel functions and techniques for analysis Correctly use the appropriate charts in Excel Apply analysis techniques to datasets in Excel Manipulate and prep datasets in Excel Build presentation ready dashboards in Excel Create your own formulas in Excel Turn real world data into business insights in Excel This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to learn the core concepts of data analysis in the Excel environment or Anyone who wants to learn to apply data analysis techniques using Excel or Anyone who wants to become proficient at using Excel for data/business analysis or Anyone who wants to be able to turn data into business insights in Excel or Anyone who wants to be able to run simple to sophisticated analysis on data using Excel or Anyone who wants to learn the most frequently used Excel functions and techniques used by analysts It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to learn the core concepts of data analysis in the Excel environment or Anyone who wants to learn to apply data analysis techniques using Excel or Anyone who wants to become proficient at using Excel for data/business analysis or Anyone who wants to be able to turn data into business insights in Excel or Anyone who wants to be able to run simple to sophisticated analysis on data using Excel or Anyone who wants to learn the most frequently used Excel functions and techniques used by analysts.
Enroll now: Data Analysis Essentials Using Excel
Title: Data Analysis Essentials Using Excel
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 152
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 130
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 154
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 132
Original Price: $189.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Confidently use the most crucial Excel functions and techniques for analysis
- Correctly use the appropriate charts in Excel
- Apply analysis techniques to datasets in Excel
- Manipulate and prep datasets in Excel
- Build presentation ready dashboards in Excel
- Create your own formulas in Excel
- Turn real world data into business insights in Excel
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to learn the core concepts of data analysis in the Excel environment
- Anyone who wants to learn to apply data analysis techniques using Excel
- Anyone who wants to become proficient at using Excel for data/business analysis
- Anyone who wants to be able to turn data into business insights in Excel
- Anyone who wants to be able to run simple to sophisticated analysis on data using Excel
- Anyone who wants to learn the most frequently used Excel functions and techniques used by analysts
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to learn the core concepts of data analysis in the Excel environment
- Anyone who wants to learn to apply data analysis techniques using Excel
- Anyone who wants to become proficient at using Excel for data/business analysis
- Anyone who wants to be able to turn data into business insights in Excel
- Anyone who wants to be able to run simple to sophisticated analysis on data using Excel
- Anyone who wants to learn the most frequently used Excel functions and techniques used by analysts
Instructor Symon He hosts near daily LIVE office hours on TikTok 10:30PM PDT. Find him @SymonHe.
Ibadullah Khalil – 5 Stars
“A great instructor and guide for the course. All topics were well driven and to the point with no gibberish language used to make it difficult for the learners just like other instructors. A highly recommended course for every beginner who aims to become a data analyst”
Jianyong Chen – 5 Stars
“This is one of the best course I took on Udemy so far. The instructors explained everything in detail and there are practices after each section. Make sure you download all the files, practice on your own, and you will learn a lot. Highly recommend!”
Every business generates data. But whether you’re able to turn that into useful insights depends on your ability to process, manipulate, and ultimately translate that data.
Whether you’re working for a company or running your own, being able to make better decisions requires you to be able to analyze and interpret data.
What data do you need? How do you prep that data? How do you analyze it to answer specific questions?
In this course, we’re going to show you step-by-step, exactly how to do that, by starting with the very basics.
Why Microsoft Excel?
This course is as much about Excel, if not more, than data analysis concepts and techniques. Why?
Excel is still the most popular tool used by analysts in all industries, across all roles. It’s used by financial analysts, marketing analysts, sales analysts, and of course, data analysts.
Yes, there are many tools out there but if you learn and master the core concepts and techniques of data analysis in Excel, you’ll be able to apply your knowledge to a broad range of applications.
Don’t underestimate Excel–a single worksheet can technically hold more than 17 BILLION data points (granted, it will make your computer REALLY slow). Fortunately, most of us running analysis will need to process far fewer data points than that. Still, it speaks to the power of the program.
Maurizio Zippo – 5 Stars
“This is one of the best course I have ever taken and thoroughly enjoyed. Highly recommended if you want to brush up your existing Excel Skills and to learn how to build some complicated formulae. The Pivot Table and Charts were something I always struggled with but thanks to Symon and Travis’ explanations they are now so easy to use every day at work, saving me tonnes of time! Many Thanks Symon and Travis for putting together this great course you are my Excel heroes! The case studies on Cryptocurrency and The Start Up Market are absolute gems! I can’t wait to get started with your next course.”
Why learn from us?
By signing up with us, you will be learning from two instructors with a combined 35 years of relevant experience across a wide range of analyst roles.
Travis has been a digital marketer, investor, and entrepreneur for 20 years. He’s led growth in Asia for Groupon and even helped build Excel when he was as an engineer at Microsoft. He is a data analysis and data visualization expert who pulls from his industry experience to teach some of the advanced data analysis topics you’ll find in this course.
Symon has been interpreting and analyzing data for 15 years. He has served as a financial analyst, marketing analyst, and even head of marketing analytics across half a dozen industries. If you look at his other courses on Udemy, you’ll see that he is an Excel and analysis ninja, having taught nearly 180,000 students with over 18,000 reviews.
Together, we’ve pulled directly from our personal experience and put everything we could into this course. In fact, all of the case studies you’ll find inside are inspired by real-world projects we’ve worked on.
What if I don’t have any data analysis or Excel background?
No worries! This is why we start with the very basics in our foundational sections, which is designed to get you familiar with Excel before we move on to more advanced topics. You can be a complete beginner and take this course. It might sometimes feel like you’re drinking out of a fire hose, but if you put in the time and effort we promise you’ll see results by following our course and doing the exercises.
We then progressively increase the difficulty as you move along in the course, culminating in advanced techniques taught through our case studies.
If you do have an Excel background, you can skip or skim through the foundational sections and move directly into the more advanced topics.
Stephen Dias – 5 Stars
“If you’re trying to learn the foundations of excel this course is all you need.”
Brandon Parker – 5 Stars
“I have a lot of experience building excel models and purchased the course for the case studies. I didn’t expect to learn much from the introductory parts but was surprised to find additional keyboard shortcuts I had never learned as well as powerful new functions that will make my life a lot easier. This course helped me brush up on functionality that I often neglected while using excel and was super comprehensive. I look forward to continuing using this course as additional case studies are added and highly recommend it for even excel experts.”
Learn through practice.
Like most things in life, becoming proficient at data analysis in Excel takes practice. A lot of practice.
Sure, you’ll pick up plenty just from watching, but you’ll be doing yourself a disservice if you don’t download our more than 100 custom-built Excel practice files specifically designed to help you master the program.
We’re not done adding all our content yet, either. This class was initially created an “intro” course, but it will soon become a complete coverage of all things data analysis in Excel.
In conclusion, does any of the following apply to you?
1. Do you want to really know your way around Excel?
2. You have data for your work or business but you’re not sure what to make of it?
3. You might know your way around Excel but you’re not confident about turning data into business insights
4. You frequently receive Excel spreadsheets from others but want to better understand how they arrived at their conclusions?
5. You want to learn the best practices when it comes to using Excel for data analysis.
6. You are intimidated by spreadsheets and terms like Pivot Tables and VLookups
7. You want to learn a skill set that is useful for any role in any industry you get into later.
If so, then take charge and take our course.
You have absolutely ZERO risk. Udemy gives you a solid-as-an-oak-tree 30-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
So if you’re ready to go from data deficient to data proficient, enroll now!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Watch This First
Lecture 1: Course Intro.
Lecture 2: A few reminders before we begin
Chapter 2: Jumpstart
Lecture 1: Jumpstart Overview
Lecture 3: Jumpstart Part 1
Lecture 4: Jumpstart Part 2
Lecture 5: Jumpstart Part 2 Filtering Unique Values
Lecture 6: Jumpstart Part 3
Lecture 7: Quick Reminder
Chapter 3: Getting Acclimated with EXCEL – Foundations
Lecture 1: Getting Acclimated Section Overview
Lecture 2: EXCEL User Interface
Lecture 3: Adding, Deleting, and Editing Data in a Cell
Lecture 4: Introduction to Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 5: 50 Time Saving Excel Shortcuts
Lecture 6: Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 7: Data Selection Keyboard Shortcuts
Lecture 8: Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
Lecture 9: Auto Fit Row and Column Size
Lecture 10: Freeze Panes and Split Boxes
Lecture 11: Formatting Numbers
Lecture 12: Formatting Cells
Lecture 13: Grouping and Hiding Rows or Columns
Lecture 14: Installing EXCEL Add-Ins
Chapter 4: Basic EXCEL Formulas & Functions – Foundations
Lecture 1: Basic Excel Formulas & Functions Section Overview
Lecture 2: Basic Math Functions in Excel
Lecture 3: Conditional Math Functions
Lecture 4: MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE Functions
Lecture 5: Logical Operators and Functions
Lecture 6: Anchoring Cell References and Name Ranges
Lecture 7: Array Functions
Lecture 8: Quick note about next three lectures
Lecture 9: Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Functions
Lecture 10: Net Present Value (NPV) and Cash Multiple
Lecture 11: Loan Amortization Table
Lecture 12: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
Lecture 13: Formula Auditing
Lecture 14: Fill Commands
Lecture 15: IS Functions
Lecture 16: Rounding Numbers
Chapter 5: Text, Times, and Dates Data Formats – Foundations
Lecture 1: Text, Times, and Date Data Formats Section Overview
Lecture 2: Note to EU Students about Date Format
Lecture 3: How EXCEL Treats Text, Times, and Dates Data
Lecture 4: Changing the Case of Text
Lecture 5: Combining Strings of Text Together
Lecture 6: Cutting Substrings from a Text
Lecture 7: Using the FIND Function
Lecture 8: Searching for Specific Text in Data
Lecture 9: Splitting a Text Field into Multiple Columns
Lecture 10: Converting Dates from Text into Values
Lecture 11: Adding and Subtracting Dates
Lecture 12: Compiling Monthly and Annual Totals
Lecture 13: Conducting Day of the Week Analysis
Lecture 14: Combining Date and Time Data
Lecture 15: Adding and Subtracting Times
Lecture 16: Conducting Hours of the Day Analysis
Chapter 6: Introduction to Statistics in EXCEL – Foundations
Lecture 1: Introduction Statistics in EXCEL Section Overview
Lecture 2: Brief Overview of Statistics
Lecture 3: Mean, Median, & Mode
Lecture 4: Percentile and PercentileRank
Lecture 5: Frequency Distributions
Lecture 6: Standard Deviation and Variance
Lecture 7: Trends in Data
Lecture 8: Introduction to Correlation
Chapter 7: Handling Data in EXCEL
Lecture 1: Handling Data Overview
Lecture 2: Lookup with VLOOKUP
Lecture 3: Lookup with HLOOKUP
Lecture 4: Name Arrays for Reuse and Readability
Lecture 5: Group Records with Nested IF Statements
Lecture 6: Avoid Errors with IF and ISNUMBER
Lecture 7: Create Dropdown Lists for Filtering
Lecture 8: Create Unique Lists
Lecture 9: Fast Lookup with INDEX and MATCH
Lecture 10: Multi-Condition Lookup with DSUM
Lecture 11: Create Rankings with SMALL and LARGE
Lecture 12: Multi-Condition Lookup with INDEX and MATCH
Chapter 8: Pivot Tables
Lecture 1: Insert a Pivot Table
Lecture 2: Prepare Data for Pivoting
Lecture 3: Learn to Pivot a Table
Lecture 4: Group Rows and Columns
Lecture 5: Format for Readability
Lecture 6: Modify Output Values for Insights
Lecture 7: Insert Calculated Fields
Lecture 8: Sort, Filter and Slicer
Lecture 9: Handle New Data in Pivot Tables
Chapter 9: Introduction to Charts in Excel
Lecture 1: Intoduction to Charts in Excel Overview
Lecture 2: Why Use Charts Anyway?
Lecture 3: Line Chart
Lecture 4: Pie Charts
Symon He
Author | Investor | MBA -
Travis Chow
Tech Veteran Mentoring & Teaching for 20+ Years
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 52 votes
- 2 stars: 127 votes
- 3 stars: 1117 votes
- 4 stars: 4695 votes
- 5 stars: 7166 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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