Data Analytics Using Google CoLab : A course for Beginners
Data Analytics Using Google CoLab : A course for Beginners, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.29, with 75 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 7 reviews, and has 73 subscribers.
You will learn about Problem solving skills related to data Detecting hidden pattern in the data Building Predictive models for different domains Basic concepts of Business Statistics and Machine Learning Advance statistical concepts used in business analytics and data analytics Time Series Forecasting Building Recommendation System Quiz on each section for evaluation This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners willing to learn programming Business Statistics in Python or Beginners Python developers curious about analysis of data It is particularly useful for Beginners willing to learn programming Business Statistics in Python or Beginners Python developers curious about analysis of data.
Enroll now: Data Analytics Using Google CoLab : A course for Beginners
Title: Data Analytics Using Google CoLab : A course for Beginners
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.29
Number of Lectures: 75
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 75
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Problem solving skills related to data
- Detecting hidden pattern in the data
- Building Predictive models for different domains
- Basic concepts of Business Statistics and Machine Learning
- Advance statistical concepts used in business analytics and data analytics
- Time Series Forecasting
- Building Recommendation System
- Quiz on each section for evaluation
Who Should Attend
- Beginners willing to learn programming Business Statistics in Python
- Beginners Python developers curious about analysis of data
Target Audiences
- Beginners willing to learn programming Business Statistics in Python
- Beginners Python developers curious about analysis of data
In this course we have examples of analytics in a wide variety of industries, and we expect that students will learn how you can use data analytics in their career and become data analyst. One of the most important aspects of this course is that you, the student, are getting hands-on experience creating analytics data models. The course has four module first module give learner knowledge about python programming which include packages like Pandas, Numpy and Scipy are being taught in detail, second module introduces Business Statistics where students will get in depth knowledge of Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics and Predictive Statistics along with their example in python i.e. how to implement all statistical modules in python, third module introduces to machine learning in which you will be introduced with Linear and Logistic Regression , Ordinary Least Squares, SVD and PCA for reducing dimensions of the data and the fourth module dedicated to implementation of learned ideas in projects where you were taught to work on data through four phases Data Discovery, Exploratory Data Analysis ,Model Building and result analysis. This is not an end you will going to have a free demo on “Building Movie Recommendation system from scratch” in Google CoLab.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: ***Data Analytics from basic to advance***
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Analytics using Google CoLab: An overview
Lecture 2: The outcomes of the course and future prospects as data analyst …
Lecture 3: The detail course structure of section 1
Lecture 4: How to link a .csv file with Google Colab
Lecture 5: Basics of Python : Part1
Lecture 6: Basics of Python : Part2(Loops in python)
Lecture 7: Basics of Python : Part3(List)
Lecture 8: Basics of Python : Part4 (Dictionary and tuples)
Lecture 9: Basics of Python : Part5 (Functions in python)
Lecture 10: Concepts of Numpy in Google Colab
Lecture 11: Concepts of Pandas part1
Lecture 12: Concepts of Pandas part2
Lecture 13: Exploratory data analysis using test case : part1
Chapter 2: Data Wrangling : Clean, Transform, Merge and Reshape
Lecture 1: Data Wrangling and getting familiar with Data Frames
Lecture 2: Data Cleaning and model building using Test case part-2
Chapter 3: *** Probability and Probability Distributions***
Lecture 1: Probability Distribution Functions and Probability Mass Functions
Lecture 2: Python implementation of Different type of Distribution
Lecture 3: Cumulative Distribution Functions
Lecture 4: Questions on Probability Distribution
Lecture 5: Concepts of Bayes Theorem part1
Lecture 6: Concept of Bayes Theorem an Naïve Bayes Classifier
Lecture 7: Naïve Bayes theorem Part 3
Lecture 8: Practical Example of Bayes Theorem
Lecture 9: Building a Naïve Bayes Classifier from scratch
Chapter 4: ***Sampling Theory and Sampling Distribution***
Lecture 1: Overview of Section and its outcomes
Lecture 2: Concept of Sampling Theory and Distribution
Lecture 3: Confidence Interval Estimation
Chapter 5: ***Hypothesis Testing in business statistics***
Lecture 1: Concepts of Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 6: ***Linear Regression and Logistic Regression using Python***
Lecture 1: Concept of Linear and Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Implementation of linear regression from scratch
Lecture 3: An example of Ordinary Least Square
Lecture 4: Multivariate Linear Regression
Lecture 5: Significance of independent vs dependent variable
Lecture 6: Multivariate Linear regression implementation in Python
Lecture 7: Maximum Likelihood estimation in Statistics
Lecture 8: Concepts of Logistic Regression in Business Statistics
Lecture 9: Implementation of Logistic Regression in python
Lecture 10: Loan Prediction algorithm implementation using Logistic Regression
Chapter 7: ***Feature Engineering In Business Statistics***
Lecture 1: Feature engineering on house price prediction
Lecture 2: Feature Engineering on Categorical Variable : House Prediction
Lecture 3: Heart Disease Prediction using Feature Engineering
Chapter 8: ***Singular Value Decomposition***
Lecture 1: Implementation of SVD using Housing Data
Chapter 9: ***Decision Trees using python in Google Colab***
Lecture 1: Overview of Decision Tree and its implementation
Lecture 2: Introduction to Decision tree and ID3
Lecture 3: Introduction to ID3 and its concepts
Lecture 4: Concept of Entropy, Overfitting and Information Gain
Lecture 5: Practical Implementation of ID3and their limitations
Lecture 6: C4.5 Decision and its advancement over ID3 Decision tree
Lecture 7: Building a Decision tree with data using python from scratch
Lecture 8: Practical Implementation of CART Algorithm using Python
Lecture 9: CHAID Algorithm and its importance in Data Analytics
Lecture 10: Implementation of CHAID using Python
Lecture 11: Random Forest Regressor and its comparison with Linear Regression model -part3
Chapter 10: ***Time Series and Exploratory Data Analysis***
Lecture 1: Test Case1 : Tractor Sales Data
Lecture 2: Test Case 2: Air Passengers Forecasting
Lecture 3: EDA of Covid Data of India
Chapter 11: Clustering Algorithms in Data Analytics
Lecture 1: Introduction to the concepts of Unsupervised Learning and clustering
Lecture 2: The Mathematics of K-Means Clustering
Lecture 3: The math of k means part 2
Lecture 4: Practical Implementation of K-Means Clustering
Lecture 5: Concept of Silhouette Coefficient to measure quality of Clusters
Lecture 6: Fuzzy C Means Algorithm : Practical Implementation
Lecture 7: Fuzzy C Means Algorithm-FAANY
Lecture 8: Mean Shift Clustering
Lecture 9: DBSCAN- Density Based Spatial Clustering
Chapter 12: Recommendation System
Lecture 1: Introduction to Recommendation System (RecSys)
Lecture 2: Memory Based Collaborative Filtering
Lecture 3: Matrix Based Collaborative Filtering
Lecture 4: Item Based RecomendationSystem
Lecture 5: Movie Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering
Lecture 6: Collaborative Filtering Based Movie Recommendation System
Lecture 7: Hybrid Collaborative Filtering
Lecture 8: Implementation of Clustering in Recommendation System
Chapter 13: Churn Prediction Algorithm
Lecture 1: Comparative analysis of Churn Prediction Algorithms
Lecture 1: Car Prediction Model Using Linear Regression
Rituraj Dixit
Data Scientist and Assistant Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
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