Data-Driven Growth: How to Grow Your Business with Data
Data-Driven Growth: How to Grow Your Business with Data, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 37 lectures, based on 80 reviews, and has 732 subscribers.
You will learn about How to adopt the data-driven growth mindset Transform your company into a data-driven enterprise Develop the growth mindset Understand the 3 levels of data maturity Diagnose the current state of affairs in your business Uncover business value by using data Start making data-driven decisions Build a data-driven business Ensure your business makes disciplined data-driven decisions Leverage the power of A/B testing and experimentation Acquire the necessary budget to hire talent and invest in data infrastructure Get your business to data maturity level 3 This course is ideal for individuals who are Business owners or Decision intelligence managers or Data scientists or Data analysts or Business analysts or Enterpreneurs or Business executives or Consultants or Anyone interested to improve their business It is particularly useful for Business owners or Decision intelligence managers or Data scientists or Data analysts or Business analysts or Enterpreneurs or Business executives or Consultants or Anyone interested to improve their business.
Enroll now: Data-Driven Growth: How to Grow Your Business with Data
Title: Data-Driven Growth: How to Grow Your Business with Data
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to adopt the data-driven growth mindset
- Transform your company into a data-driven enterprise
- Develop the growth mindset
- Understand the 3 levels of data maturity
- Diagnose the current state of affairs in your business
- Uncover business value by using data
- Start making data-driven decisions
- Build a data-driven business
- Ensure your business makes disciplined data-driven decisions
- Leverage the power of A/B testing and experimentation
- Acquire the necessary budget to hire talent and invest in data infrastructure
- Get your business to data maturity level 3
Who Should Attend
- Business owners
- Decision intelligence managers
- Data scientists
- Data analysts
- Business analysts
- Enterpreneurs
- Business executives
- Consultants
- Anyone interested to improve their business
Target Audiences
- Business owners
- Decision intelligence managers
- Data scientists
- Data analysts
- Business analysts
- Enterpreneurs
- Business executives
- Consultants
- Anyone interested to improve their business
What is data-driven decision making?
Why is it essential for your business?
How to take actionable steps to apply the growth mindset framework?
By the end of this course, you will be able to answer these questions and will have a clear idea of how to transform your company into a data-driven enterprise.
About the authors
Tina Huang is one of the most popular data YouTubers with more than 350k subscribers. She holds a Master’s degree (Computer and Information Technology) from the University of Pennsylvania and has worked as a data scientist at Meta.
Davis Balaba, PhD is a data science manager with significant experience in one of the MANGA companies.
Why is this course different?
The authors are not consultants who want to sell abstract ideas. They are a pair of data science manager and data scientist who have actually implemented the strategies discussed in the course in their own work and seen the results. If you are a manager or a small business owner, you will know that strategy is crucial, but implementation is a whole other beast. Davis and Tina are here to help you develop the growth mindset and help you start making data-driven decisions.
The growth mindset framework
What is the growth mindset? Why was it such a revolution?
The growth mindset manifests itself in a culture of discontent of the current state. The underlying assumption is that there is always more value to be uncovered and data is the path to unlock that value.
What if our business does not have as much data as a large tech company?
Growth is a mindset. Data fuels your growth thinking
You don’t realize how much data you have until you start focusing on it
The course also provides actionable advice on how to get started on your data journey. You don’t have to have big data to be data-driven.
Why is the growth mindset important?
This course is an amazing collection of videos that teach you how to approach data science work with a growth mindset. This mindset can be the key lever to grow your business.
The growth mindset is important for three reasons:
Ensures that you always work on the most important problems first
Helps clarify what outcomes you can expect
Focused on the desired end-result and encourages an execution mindset
How will this course help you?
You want to grow your company by trying to ensure it makes disciplined data-driven decisions.
In the absence of prior data, the associated risk to a data science investment is assumed to be high. When the associated risk is high, decision makers’ desire to invest is lower.
Where does that leave you as a data scientist, a data science team, or a data science leader that is trying to accelerate your company’s data journey?
This course will show you how approaching your work with a growth mindset can help you reduce the associated risk to data investment.
Davis and Tina propose low-cost ways to de-risk the decision for the budget owner. In the process, you will acquire the budget to get the talent, skills, and the tools you need to fully unlock the value hidden in your data.
Does the content of this course apply to all industries and verticals?
The answer is yes. In any vertical, in which you can have multiple challenges or multiple potential solutions (which is all businesses) coupled with limited resources, having a growth mindset will always help you prioritize better.
How is the course structured?
If this sounds a bit vague to you, no problem. Let’s be more concrete with full examples of what you can achieve at each stage of maturity.
Assuming we can define three stages of data maturity (level 1, level 2, level 3), Tina and Davis will explain what the different stages look like (in case you are not sure which stage you are in) and discuss how to use the growth mindset in that stage and what you can accomplish using the data you have.
Then the lessons will be hands-on and Davis would walk you through a full project, so you can see the exact steps in implementation. At the end of each section, Tina will discuss, what are the steps you need to undertake to get to the next stage of data maturity.
Sounds like one of the most valuable online courses you have come across, doesn’t it?
Well then what are you waiting for?
Buy the course now and get started on your data-driven journey today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course – meet your instructors
Chapter 2: The stages of data maturity
Lecture 1: The stages of data maturity and what you will see next
Lecture 2: How to go from no data to some data – Reach Level 1 (Optional)
Chapter 3: Data Maturity Level 1 – Project 1
Lecture 1: Data maturity Level 1
Lecture 2: Intro to Project 1
Lecture 3: Why do the analysis?
Lecture 4: Formulating an analysis plan
Lecture 5: The data we will use
Lecture 6: Exploring the data: large dataset
Lecture 7: Exploring the data: small dataset
Lecture 8: Customer journey
Lecture 9: Top of funnel opportunities
Lecture 10: Middle of funnel opportunities
Lecture 11: Bottom of funnel opportunities
Lecture 12: Test and learn
Lecture 13: Next steps
Lecture 14: How to get to data maturity Level 2
Lecture 15: How to ask for funding
Chapter 4: Data Maturity Level 2 – Project 2
Lecture 1: Data Maturity Level 2
Lecture 2: Intro to Project 2
Lecture 3: The Crawl stage
Lecture 4: The Walk stage
Lecture 5: The Run stage
Lecture 6: A/B testing and A/B test mechanics
Lecture 7: Statistical significance and potential outcomes
Lecture 8: The impact of sample size
Lecture 9: Test power vs. lift
Lecture 10: How to get to Data Maturity Level 3
Lecture 11: How to ask for funding
Chapter 5: Data Maturity Level 3
Lecture 1: Data Maturity Level 3
Chapter 6: Project 3
Lecture 1: Intro to Project 3
Lecture 2: Exploring the dataset
Lecture 3: Analyzing purchase rate across groups
Lecture 4: Understand the business problem and specify your objectives
Lecture 5: Explore data. Create, train, and test dataset
Lecture 6: Perform the analysis
Chapter 7: Beyond Data Maturity Level 3
Lecture 1: What to do to improve even further
365 Careers
Creating opportunities for Data Science and Finance students -
Davis Balaba
Data Science leader -
Tina Huang
Data Scientist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 27 votes
- 5 stars: 34 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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