Delegation Mastery: Increase Productivity & Hit Your Goals!
Delegation Mastery: Increase Productivity & Hit Your Goals!, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 42 lectures, based on 1889 reviews, and has 11886 subscribers.
You will learn about Discover how delegation frees your time so you can focus on moving towards your most important goals. Overcome common obstacles such as feeling that "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself." Learn not only how delegation is great for you but also helps develop others and positively impacts the organization. See that delegation is essential for managers and entrpraneurs but also critical for individual contributors. Apply the 10 Steps to Delegation so that delegated tasks run smoothly every time. Use the 6 levels of Delegation to match the right person to the right task and give them the right amount of authority. Apply the specific lessons on delegating to different people such as subordinates, peers, team members, vendor/partners, virtual assistants…even your boss. Enjoy FREE lesson updates and bonus lessons. Participate in active discussions with other learners and where the instructor does answer questions. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone looking to be more effective and grow in their career and reach their goals. or Absolutely essential for managers and entrapreneurs and those who aspire to those positions. or People who had a bad experience or struggle with delegating this course will dramatically impact your life. or Have some experience with delegation and want to be great and reach a mastery level. or Doubters who think delegation is not for me. It is particularly useful for Anyone looking to be more effective and grow in their career and reach their goals. or Absolutely essential for managers and entrapreneurs and those who aspire to those positions. or People who had a bad experience or struggle with delegating this course will dramatically impact your life. or Have some experience with delegation and want to be great and reach a mastery level. or Doubters who think delegation is not for me.
Enroll now: Delegation Mastery: Increase Productivity & Hit Your Goals!
Title: Delegation Mastery: Increase Productivity & Hit Your Goals!
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Discover how delegation frees your time so you can focus on moving towards your most important goals.
- Overcome common obstacles such as feeling that "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself."
- Learn not only how delegation is great for you but also helps develop others and positively impacts the organization.
- See that delegation is essential for managers and entrpraneurs but also critical for individual contributors.
- Apply the 10 Steps to Delegation so that delegated tasks run smoothly every time.
- Use the 6 levels of Delegation to match the right person to the right task and give them the right amount of authority.
- Apply the specific lessons on delegating to different people such as subordinates, peers, team members, vendor/partners, virtual assistants…even your boss.
- Enjoy FREE lesson updates and bonus lessons.
- Participate in active discussions with other learners and where the instructor does answer questions.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone looking to be more effective and grow in their career and reach their goals.
- Absolutely essential for managers and entrapreneurs and those who aspire to those positions.
- People who had a bad experience or struggle with delegating this course will dramatically impact your life.
- Have some experience with delegation and want to be great and reach a mastery level.
- Doubters who think delegation is not for me.
Target Audiences
- Anyone looking to be more effective and grow in their career and reach their goals.
- Absolutely essential for managers and entrapreneurs and those who aspire to those positions.
- People who had a bad experience or struggle with delegating this course will dramatically impact your life.
- Have some experience with delegation and want to be great and reach a mastery level.
- Doubters who think delegation is not for me.
Delegation is a key skill for anyone who wants to be more productive and make fast progress on their professional and personal goals. Critical for managers and entrepreneurs but it is also absolutely necessary for anyone in today’s global economy.
Unfortunately, many people are hesitant to delegate routine tasks because they have had a bad experience in the past or feel “If I want it done right I have to do it myself” or other obstacles that have hindered them.
“People and organizations don’t grow much without delegation.” -Steven Covey
You will learn:
- All the key steps to effective delegation that will ensure when you delegate things will go smoothly. Perfect execution everytime.
- Various levels of delegation so you can match the right person to the right task.
- Specifically how to delegate to various stakeholders such as subordinates, peers, team members, vendors/partners, virtual assistants…and even your boss!
Learning to be great at delegation changed your instructor’s life and set him up for success and it can for you as well. I was a very hard working but failing young manager and learning how to properly delegate helped me quickly become a superstar who earned maximum bonuses and was rapidly promoted.
No matter if you are a manager, entrepreneur, or an individual contributor I want to share with you these important and practical real life techniques and best practices that can help you as well.
Get even more:
- Lifetime access to the course so you get updates and new bonus lessons for FREE.
- Ask questions and I will answer them for you. Very focused on this to personalize learning.
- Udemy 30-day no questions asked refund guarantee. I want you to love the course or simply return it.
No risk to sign up and impact could be life-changing. Learn from my experience and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Don’t delay.
Click the TAKE THIS COURSE button in the upper right corner and let’s get started.
Many thanks and I appreciate your interest and hope to see you in the course!
-Steve Ballinger
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To Delegation
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: How I Was Almost Fired From My First Management Job
Lecture 3: Benefits Of Being A Master Delegator: To YOU!
Lecture 4: Benefits Of Being A Master Delegator: To YOUR Team And Teammates!
Lecture 5: Benefits Of Being A Master Delegator: To YOUR Organization!
Lecture 6: Getting The Most Out Of the Course
Chapter 2: Obstacles To Effective Delegation
Lecture 1: Classic Obstacles To Effective Delegation
Lecture 2: Skill-Based Obstacles To Effective Delegation
Lecture 3: Emotional Obstacles To Effective Delegation
Lecture 4: Organizational Based Obstacles To Effective Delegation
Chapter 3: Delegation Core Concepts
Lecture 1: Who Should You Delegate To?
Lecture 2: When Should You Delegate
Lecture 3: What Should You Delegate
Lecture 4: What You Should NOT Delegate
Chapter 4: Delegation Steps For Success!
Lecture 1: Delegation Step 1: Define The Task And Goal
Lecture 2: Delegation Step 2: Select The Right Person
Lecture 3: Delegation Step 3: Discuss Scope And How Task Can Be Done
Lecture 4: Delegation Step 4: Agree On An Approach
Lecture 5: Delegation Step 5: Authority And Responsibility
Lecture 6: Delegation Step 6: Limitations, Boundaries, And Parameters.
Lecture 7: Delegation Step 7: Controls, Checkpoints, And Reporting
Lecture 8: Delegation Step 8: Time Schedules And Deadlines
Lecture 9: Delegation Step 9: How Is Success Measured
Lecture 10: Delegation Step 10: Feedback, Coach, And Counsel
Chapter 5: The 6 Levels Of Effective Delgation
Lecture 1: Delegation Levels Introduction
Lecture 2: Delegation Level Zero: I Do It Myself
Lecture 3: Delegation Level 1: Do Exactly As I Say
Lecture 4: Delegation Level 2: Give Me Options
Lecture 5: Delegation Level 3: Make A Recommendation And I Decide
Lecture 6: Delegation Level 4: You Decide And I Approve
Lecture 7: Delegation Level 5: You Decide And Approve
Lecture 8: Delegation Level 6: You Decide And Implement. I Trust You.
Chapter 6: Specific Roles And Delegation
Lecture 1: Delegating To Your Subordinates
Lecture 2: Delegating To Your Boss
Lecture 3: Delegating To Your Peers
Lecture 4: Delegating To Your Fellow Team Members
Lecture 5: Delegating Outside The Organization (Vendors/Partners)
Lecture 6: Delegating To A Virtual Assistant
Chapter 7: Course Wrap Up
Lecture 1: If Delegation Goes Bad. Analyzing and Recovering.
Lecture 2: Final Thoughts And Next Steps
Lecture 3: Bonus: Extra Tips & Mini Review
Lecture 4: Lets Keep The Learning Going
Steve Ballinger, MBA
Millionaire Investor|Stocks|ChatGPT|Mgmt. Teaching 760,000+
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 16 votes
- 2 stars: 25 votes
- 3 stars: 269 votes
- 4 stars: 708 votes
- 5 stars: 871 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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