Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.53, with 57 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 19619 reviews, and has 38868 subscribers.
You will learn about Identify how team working through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes Explore how people can behave and react to change and the emotions experienced in change Recognize why some conflict is to be expected and why it is a part of healthy relationships Examine behavioral styles with a focus on your style and how to work with others with different styles Ascertain how to work to build the hearts and minds of your team Develop and build your emotional resilience, your social skills and your emotional intelligence This course is ideal for individuals who are This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. or This course will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop your interpersonal relationships within teams. It is particularly useful for This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence. or This course will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop your interpersonal relationships within teams.
Enroll now: Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Title: Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.53
Number of Lectures: 57
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 66
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 66
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Identify how team working through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes
- Explore how people can behave and react to change and the emotions experienced in change
- Recognize why some conflict is to be expected and why it is a part of healthy relationships
- Examine behavioral styles with a focus on your style and how to work with others with different styles
- Ascertain how to work to build the hearts and minds of your team
- Develop and build your emotional resilience, your social skills and your emotional intelligence
Who Should Attend
- This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence.
- This course will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop your interpersonal relationships within teams.
Target Audiences
- This course will support the development of your emotional intelligence.
- This course will be of interest to you if you are looking to develop your interpersonal relationships within teams.
How effective are you at working with other people in small groups or in larger teams?
How good are you at communicating and building effective relationships?
How are you working with the emotional intelligence of your team and developing emotional intelligence in the workplace?
The increasing complexity of teamwork in the 21st century means that teams are unlikely to achieve superior performance through chance or the skills of an effective team leader. What matters is how the team manages the emotional climate under which they are working – in other words, effectively managing emotional intelligence in the workplace.
This course is about proactively working together with others in ways that will help you to communicate more efficiently as you engage with each other to bring value to your company and your customers. In addition, the emotional intelligence skills, processes and tools taught in this course can bring value to other aspects of your life.
People often talk about positive and negative emotions. This is not that helpful as emotions cannot really be labelled in that way. The course also covers the myths around positive and negative emotionsand why this terminology is not appropriate when working to understand emotions and emotional intelligence in the workplace.
Good team working means that you can understand how each other works together. It means that you can have an understanding of other people’s strengths and limitations through the way in which they use they prefer to approach situations, their focus and their behaviour.
The course, also, covers working with the emotions experienced during changeand ways to develop resilience in individuals, teams and organisations.
Some disagreement and conflictwill be inevitable as this is where learning, creativity and understanding occurs. It is not that conflict occurs that is the issue, it is how it is managed by the individuals involved, the team and the leader.
The course is based around the outer worldcomponent of emotional intelligence focusing on empathy and social skills.
This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how to work more effectively with others within teams. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.
The course covers the DISC model looking at the behaviours of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance and how these work together in teams.
You get the opportunity to look at the four behavioural styles and how you can work better with others who have a different style to your own. Completing the assessment to determine your own DISC style, will enable you to have a better understanding of your preferences and focus and how these differ from your team co-workers.
You’ll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.
The course is made up of a series of lectures and contains comprehensive course notes. There are a series of interactive exercises that involve some activity with other people and some reflection.
The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour’s training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.
PLEASE NOTE – This course is NOT for you if you are not prepared to work through the practical activities that make up a fundamental part of the course. Team working cannot be developed just by watching the video lectures. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. I’m afraid that you won’t get the best from the course unless you are prepared to do this.
There are SEVEN practical activities included within the course that are designed to help you and your team to develop your team working capabilities.
These are
Reflecting about this Course on Teams
Assessing the Dynamics of your Team
Team Emotional Intelligence Checklist
Exploring Emotional Hot Buttons
Assessing your Behavioural Style
Your Least Preferred Style
Review your Learning
All of these practical activities require you to engage with your team and do some work outside of the course.
This course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.
All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.
All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.
All videos have grammatically correct English captions.
Latest update – August 2024
CPE (Continuing Professional Education)
Learning Objectives
Identify how team working through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes
Recognize why some conflict is to be expected and why it is a part of healthy relationships
Examine behavioral styles with a focus on your style and how to work with others with different styles
Ascertain how to work to build the hearts and minds of your team
Explore how people can behave and react to change and the emotions experienced in change
Develop and build your social skills and your emotional intelligence
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Emotionally Intelligent Team Working
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Lecture 2: Being Emotionally Intelligent About this Course on Udemy
Lecture 3: Activity Booklet: Reflecting about this Course on Teams and Team Working
Lecture 4: Learning Outcomes of the Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams Course
Lecture 5: Perspectives That Will Challenge Your View on Team Working
Lecture 6: Introduction Module – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 7: The 3 Virtues of an Ideal Team Player
Lecture 8: High Performing Teams and How to Become One
Lecture 9: Giving and Receiving Feedback In Team Working
Lecture 10: Tips to Develop your Emotional Intelligence Working in a Team
Chapter 2: Practical Activities – Assessing your Team
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: Assessing the Dynamics of your Team
Lecture 2: Activity Booklet: Team Emotional Intelligence Checklist
Chapter 3: What is Emotional Intelligence?
Lecture 1: What is Emotional Intelligence? – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: Defining Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 3: Emotional Intelligence – What is the Difference Between EI and EQ?
Lecture 4: Booklet: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 5: Insights into Emotions
Lecture 6: Emotions and Emotional Intelligence at Work
Lecture 7: The Myth about Positive and Negative Emotions
Lecture 8: Working with the Emotional Climate
Lecture 9: Running Virtual Meeting with Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 10: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 11: Activity Booklet: Exploring Emotional Hot Buttons
Chapter 4: Change Management
Lecture 1: Change Management Module – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: How People Emotionally Engage With Change
Lecture 3: Poster: Personal Transition through Change
Lecture 4: The Emotional Transition through Change – How to Identify and Work with Emotions
Lecture 5: How to Move from Setback to Comeback
Chapter 5: Conflict in Teamwork
Lecture 1: Conflict in Teamwork – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: Constructive and Destructive Behaviours
Lecture 3: Conflict is Inevitable in Teamwork Yet Has Benefits
Lecture 4: Factors and Questions to Consider in Resolving Conflict
Lecture 5: The Role of Trust in Conflict
Lecture 6: The Equation of Trust
Lecture 7: Working with Conflict in Teamwork
Chapter 6: Working with Others in a Team
Lecture 1: Working with Others – Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: Activity Booklet: Assessing your Behavioural Style
Lecture 3: The Importance of Behavioural Flexibility
Lecture 4: William Moulton Marston's Model of the Behavioural Expression of Emotions
Lecture 5: The High Dominance Behavioural Style
Lecture 6: The High Influence Behavioural Style
Lecture 7: The High Steadiness Behavioural Style
Lecture 8: The High Compliance Behavioural Style
Lecture 9: The Ideal Behaviours for Ideal Interactions with Each Behavioural Style
Lecture 10: Working with Others – Review
Lecture 11: Activity Booklet: Your Least Favoured DISC Style
Chapter 7: DISC Quiz
Chapter 8: The Emotional Resilience of Teams
Lecture 1: Emotional Resilience in Teams — Learning Outcomes
Lecture 2: The Meaning and Definition of Resilience
Lecture 3: Why, When and How Resilience is Useful at Work
Lecture 4: Ways of Working to Build Team Resilience
Lecture 5: The 4 Things That Resilient Teams Do
Lecture 6: Three Commonly Used Phrases that Drain Resilience
Lecture 7: Techniques That Will Help You to Strengthen Resilience in Others
Lecture 8: Developing Emotional Intelligence in Teams – Course Review
Lecture 9: Activity Booklet: Review your Learning
Chapter 9: Conclusion to the Course
Lecture 1: How to Access your Udemy Certificate
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Robin Hills
Business Psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 127 votes
- 2 stars: 272 votes
- 3 stars: 2097 votes
- 4 stars: 7500 votes
- 5 stars: 9623 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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