Diploma Course in Leadership & Business Management : DLBM
Diploma Course in Leadership & Business Management : DLBM, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 110 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 253 reviews, and has 11608 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn the key factors in Leadership, Management and Business with explanatory role-play videos, real time case studies with analysis, book reviews, multiple self assessments and assignments. Learn the interpersonal communication, team building, conflict management, counseling, situational awareness, emotional intelligence and change management skill with applicable case studies and assessments. Learn about the essential Skills required for business management like Operations, Meeting, Performance, Project and Innovation with case studies, quizzes, assignments and Course works. Learn Strategic Management skills like Influencing, Feedback, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Consultancy and Information handling skills with live projects. This training will be useful if your job involves advising, managing and improving the processes even if you are not a management professional. Discover how to become far more self-aware in the way that you communicate and interact with people. This online course is packed full of professionally produced downloadable management and leadership resources, which will enable you to start practicing immediately after completion. The course has one complete section on book review-based learning with emphasis on concepts demonstrated in some of the best management and leadership bestselling books The course has one complete section on live role play video-based learning with practical demo on concepts related to conflict management, counselling, situational awareness, mentoring, customer service, change management and empathy. The course has one complete section on film analysis video-based learning with analysis on leadership and management practices related to Transformational Leadership, Situational Leadership, Servant Leadership, Leadership with EI, Team Building, Project Management, Conflict Management, Coaching, Change Management and Customer Service You will learn the most important skill for success at every level of management…bringing the best out of people. This course will give you all the tools, templates, formats and framework you will need to develop your management and leadership skills. PLUS: Get access to Facebook, YouTube, Podcast support community and practice your new skills right away. This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals with any management responsibilities or aspirations or New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role or Existing managers looking to create more impact more as a manager and leader or Anyone interested to become a Management and corporate professional It is particularly useful for Professionals with any management responsibilities or aspirations or New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role or Existing managers looking to create more impact more as a manager and leader or Anyone interested to become a Management and corporate professional.
Enroll now: Diploma Course in Leadership & Business Management : DLBM
Title: Diploma Course in Leadership & Business Management : DLBM
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 110
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 110
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 115
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 115
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $54.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn the key factors in Leadership, Management and Business with explanatory role-play videos, real time case studies with analysis, book reviews, multiple self assessments and assignments.
- Learn the interpersonal communication, team building, conflict management, counseling, situational awareness, emotional intelligence and change management skill with applicable case studies and assessments.
- Learn about the essential Skills required for business management like Operations, Meeting, Performance, Project and Innovation with case studies, quizzes, assignments and Course works.
- Learn Strategic Management skills like Influencing, Feedback, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Consultancy and Information handling skills with live projects.
- This training will be useful if your job involves advising, managing and improving the processes even if you are not a management professional.
- Discover how to become far more self-aware in the way that you communicate and interact with people.
- This online course is packed full of professionally produced downloadable management and leadership resources, which will enable you to start practicing immediately after completion.
- The course has one complete section on book review-based learning with emphasis on concepts demonstrated in some of the best management and leadership bestselling books
- The course has one complete section on live role play video-based learning with practical demo on concepts related to conflict management, counselling, situational awareness, mentoring, customer service, change management and empathy.
- The course has one complete section on film analysis video-based learning with analysis on leadership and management practices related to Transformational Leadership, Situational Leadership, Servant Leadership, Leadership with EI, Team Building, Project Management, Conflict Management, Coaching, Change Management and Customer Service
- You will learn the most important skill for success at every level of management…bringing the best out of people.
- This course will give you all the tools, templates, formats and framework you will need to develop your management and leadership skills.
- PLUS: Get access to Facebook, YouTube, Podcast support community and practice your new skills right away.
Who Should Attend
- Professionals with any management responsibilities or aspirations
- New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role
- Existing managers looking to create more impact more as a manager and leader
- Anyone interested to become a Management and corporate professional
Target Audiences
- Professionals with any management responsibilities or aspirations
- New managers looking to transition successfully from a production to a management role
- Existing managers looking to create more impact more as a manager and leader
- Anyone interested to become a Management and corporate professional
Take the next step in your career!Whether you’re an upcoming professional, an experienced executive, aspiring manager, budding Professional. This course is an opportunity to sharpen your leadership and management abilities, increase your efficiency for professional growth and make a positive and lasting impact in the organization.
Leadership is often seen an elusive or complex skill, but with this practical course you’ll soon have it mastered. Whether you’re managing a small team or an entire business this course will build essential skills for your time management, team motivation, and personal happiness. Leadership is an essential skill at home, at work, and in every stage of your career. If you’re in charge of two or more people at work, this course could change your life.
With this course as your guide, you learn how to:
All the basic functions and skills required for the Leadership and Management role.
Transform your Leadership and management efficiency for the current business climate.
Get access to recommended templates and formats of internationally accredited frameworks.
Learn useful case studies, industry practices and demonstrations of different management and leadership practices with role play and book reviews.
Assess your leadership, managerial style and capability as a management professional.
Invest in yourself today and reap the benefits for years to come
Like Top B School’s Management Program (which will cost not less than $20,000!) available here for a tiny fraction of the cost. By taking this course, you can develop a higher level of Leadership and management skills to kick start the Corporate and Management career, help you reach your fullest potential to deliver extraordinary value to your team and the organization.
The Frameworks for Leadership and Management Course
Engaging video lectures, case studies, self-assessment, downloadable resources, Live Roleplay, Film study and interactive exercises. This course is created to Learn how to be an effective Management professional, whether in HR, Finance, Marketing, Operation or Senior Management. Learn skills in Leaderships, Business Management and Management
Business of the organization with proper management and leaderships s a matter of central concern to all managers and not only to senior leadership. Therefore, all managers, irrespective of their functional areas, are called on to solve problems that involve significant Business Management issues. Basic knowledge and better understanding of Business Management would help them in solving such problems. This course aims at imparting knowledge of Business Management, General Management and Leadership skills.
The course includes multiple Case studies, book reviews and resources like formats-templates-worksheets-reading materials, quizzes, self-assessment, live role play, film study and assignments to nurture and upgrade the management and leadership skill.
The Course has been divided in to eight parts
Part A1:you’ll learn the most common leadership practices and concepts like interpersonal communication, team building, conflict management, counseling, situational awareness, emotional intelligence and change management skill with applicable case studies and assessments
Part A2:Practice and evaluate your learning with assignments and practice test for theleadership practices and concepts learnt in the last part/segment.
Part B1: you’ll learn essential Skills required for business management like Operations, Meeting, Performance, Project and Innovation with case studies, quizzes, assignments and Course works along with book review-based learning on concepts demonstrated in some of the best management and leadership bestselling books.
Part B2: Practice and evaluate your learning with assignments and practice test for thebusiness management concepts learnt in the last part/segment.
Part C1: you’ll learn Strategic Management skills like Influencing, Feedback, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Consultancy and Information handling skills with live projects.
Part C2: Practice and evaluate your learning with assignments and practice test for the strategic Management skills concepts learnt in the last part/segment.
Part D1 and D2 : live role play & Film study-based learning with practical demo on concepts related to conflict management, counselling, situational awareness, mentoring, customer service, change management and empathy and film analysis video-based learning with analysis on leadership and management practices related to Transformational Leadership, Situational Leadership, Servant Leadership, Leadership with EI, Team Building, Project Management, Conflict Management, Coaching, Change Management and Customer Service. This is followed by some examples of greatest leaders of the planet.
You’ll develop the ability analyze and solve Leadership and Business Management issues or scenarios with assignments related to Change Management, Situational Awareness, Conflict Management, Project Management and Feedback Management with a compete workbook. You will get full support and all your quarries would be answered guaranteed within 48 hours.
The Course is supported by a complete transcript of the course YATL: You are the leader book available in kindle version.
Part A1: Leadership Theory
Section 1: Introduction
1. Introduction to the Instructor
2. Course Structure and Study plan
Section 2: Self Leadership and Management Style
3. Leadership and Management
4. Self-Leadership
5. Different managerial and leadership styles
6. Self-Assessment of managerial style
Section 3: Interpersonal Skill and Leadership
7. Interpersonal Skills
8. Leadership and Communication
9. FIRO B and Assessment
Section 4: Leadership and team building
10. Team building and stages of team building
11. A Film studies
12. Example and case study
Section 5: Leadership and Conflict Management
13. Conflict Management
14. Counseling Session
15. Styles of Conflict Management
16. Understanding the conflict management style and assessment
Section 6: Leadership in Mentoring and Coaching
17. What is Mentoring and Coaching
18. Leadership and Mentoring
19. Self-Assessment
Section 7: Leadership & Situational Awareness
20. What is Situational Awareness
21. Framework of Situational Awareness
22. Case study of Situational awareness
23. Self-Assessment
Section 8: Servant Leadership
24. What is servant leadership
25. Case Study
26. Self-assessment
Section 9: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
27. Emotional Intelligence
28. EQ 2.0
29. Managing with Empathy
30. Self-Assessment
Section 10: Change Management
31. Change Management
32. Who Moved my cheese?
33. Switch: The Elephant Riding Way in change management
Part A2: Leadership Practices
Section 11: Couse work and assignment
34. Case study of Leadership
35. Framework and Assignment
36. Book reviews of Leadership
Section 12: Leadership Notes and Articles
37. Playbook of Leadership
38. Development of Leadership
Section 13: Practice Test
39. Practice Test 1
40. Practice Test 2
Part B1: Business Management
Section 14: Book review-based learning in Business Management
1. Customer Service Management
2. Motivation 2.0 and case study
3. Sprint: The 5-day model of Decision-making, Design, Facilitate, Map, Meeting, Product development, Prototype, Research, Teamwork, Workshop
4. Extreme Ownership: How to lead and Win
5. Art and Science of Feedback
6. The Storytelling on the 7habits of highly effective people
Section 15: Operation Management
7. Develop Operation Plan
8. Monitor and review operational program
9. Operation Management Case study
Section 16: Meeting Management
10. Prepare for Meeting
11. Conduct and Follow-up
Section 17: Performance Management and Development
12. Performance Management and Development
13. Performance Management Best Practices
14. Case study on Performance Management
Section 18: Project Management
15. Define Project and Develop project plan
16. Admin and Monitor Project
17. Finalize and Review project
Section 19: Create Innovation in workplace
18. Establish and practice for innovation
19. Promote Innovations with Creativity Inc.
20. Case Study on Innovation
Part B2: Business Management Practice
Section 20: Assignment and Practice test for Business Management
21. Assignment on Case Study
22. Quiz on Business Management Practice
Part C1: Management Skills
Section 21: Influencing People
1. Effective Supervision and Direction
2. Delegating and Persuading
3. Facilitating and Coordinating
4. Self-Assessment – How Do You Influence Coworkers
Section 22: Feedback Management
5. Examples of Feedback
6. Case study of feedback
7. Self-Assessment of Feedback Management with workbook
Section 23: Problem Solving and Decision making
8. Problem Solving
9. Decision Making
10. Assessment on Problem Solving
Section 24: Analytical, Critical and Consultancy Skills
11. Analytical Skill
12. Logical and Critical thinking
13. Developing and Justifying argument
14. Consultancy Skill
15. Assessing your Critical Thinking
16. Six thinking hats of Critical Thinking
Section 25: Information handling
17. Handling Information
18. Analysis of information and prediction
19. The Audit Process
Section 26: Business and Financial Skills
20. Business Skills
21. Financial Skills
22. Business simulation game-based learning
Section 27: Time Management Skills
23. Time management: Intro
24. Time management: Priorities & Goals
25. Time management: Time Management System
26. Time management: Action Plan
27. Getting things done
28. Time Management Self-Assessment
Part B2: Management Practice
Section 27: Assignment and Practice test for Management
29. Assignment on Time Management
Part D1: Roleplay sessions, Case Study, Leadership speech and Film study
Section 28: Roleplay and Film study sessions
1. Conflict management
2. Counselling session
3. Situational awareness
4. Mentoring and Coaching
5. Providing feedback
6. Customer Service
7. Change management
8. Manage with empathy
Section 29: Case Study and Analysis
9. Transformational Leadership
10. Servant Leadership
11. Situation Leadership
12. Team Building
13. Conflict Management
14. Change Managements
15. Coaching and Mentoring
Part D2: Motivational Speech
Section 30: Motivational Speech from World leaders
16. Martin Luthar King
17. Mahatma Gandhi
18. Subhas Bose
19. Che Guevara
20. Barak Obama
21. Winston Churchill
Downloadable Resources
The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Leadership Self-Assessment
FIRO B Assessment
Conflict Management Style assessment
Coaching and Mentoring orientation self-assessment
Situational Awareness self-assessment
Servant Leadership self-assessment
EI Assessment
Motivation Orientation assessment
Customer Service Orientation assessment
Operation Management Case Study analysis
MOM Templates
Using Office 365 as Project Management tool
Self-Assessment – How Do You Influence Coworkers
Feedback Management workbook
Assessment on Problem Solving
Assessing your Critical Thinking
The Audit Process
Business Stimulation based game in Excel
Time Management Self-Assessment
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Structure and Study plan
Chapter 2: Self Leadership and Management Style
Lecture 1: Leadership and Management
Lecture 2: Self-Leadership
Lecture 3: Different managerial and leadership styles
Lecture 4: Self-Assessment of managerial style
Chapter 3: Interpersonal Skill and Leadership
Lecture 1: Interpersonal Skills
Lecture 2: Leadership and Communication
Lecture 3: FIRO B and Assessment
Chapter 4: Leadership and Team building
Lecture 1: Team building and stages of team building
Lecture 2: A Film studies
Lecture 3: Example and case study
Chapter 5: Leadership and Conflict Management-Counseliing
Lecture 1: Conflict Management
Lecture 2: Counseling Session
Lecture 3: Styles of Conflict Management
Lecture 4: Understanding the conflict management style and assessment
Chapter 6: Leadership in Mentoring and Coaching
Lecture 1: What is Mentoring and Coaching
Lecture 2: Leadership and Mentoring
Lecture 3: Self-Assessment
Chapter 7: Leadership & Situational Awareness
Lecture 1: What is Situational Awareness
Lecture 2: Framework of Situational Awareness
Lecture 3: Case study of Situational awareness
Lecture 4: Self-Assessment
Chapter 8: Servant Leadership
Lecture 1: What is servant leadership
Lecture 2: Case Study
Lecture 3: Self-assessment
Chapter 9: Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 1: Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 2: EQ 2.0
Lecture 3: Managing with Empathy
Lecture 4: Self-Assessment
Chapter 10: Change Management
Lecture 1: Change Management
Lecture 2: Who Moved my cheese?
Lecture 3: Switch: The Elephant Riding Way in change management
Chapter 11: Couse work and assignment
Lecture 1: Case study of Leadership
Lecture 2: Framework and Assignment
Lecture 3: Book reviews of Leadership
Chapter 12: Leadership Notes and Articles
Lecture 1: Playbook of Leadership
Lecture 2: Development of Leadership
Chapter 13: Practice Test
Chapter 14: Bonus content and Book reviews
Lecture 1: Customer Service Management
Lecture 2: Motivation 2.0 and case study
Lecture 3: Sprint: The 5-day model
Lecture 4: Extreme Ownership: How to lead and Win
Lecture 5: Art and Science of Feedback
Lecture 6: The Storytelling on the 7habits of highly effective people
Chapter 15: Operation Management
Lecture 1: Develop Operation Plan
Lecture 2: Monitor and review operational program
Lecture 3: Operation Management Case study
Chapter 16: Meeting Management
Lecture 1: Prepare for Meeting
Lecture 2: Conduct and Follow-up
Chapter 17: Performance Management and Development
Lecture 1: Performance Management and Development
Lecture 2: Performance Management Best Practices
Lecture 3: Case study on Performance Management
Chapter 18: Project Management
Lecture 1: Define Project and Develop project plan
Lecture 2: Admin and Monitor Project
Lecture 3: Finalize and Review project
Chapter 19: Create Innovation in workplace
Lecture 1: Establish and practice for innovation
Lecture 2: Promote Innovations
Lecture 3: Case Study on Innovation
Chapter 20: Assignment and Practice test for Business Management
Chapter 21: Influencing People
Lecture 1: Effective Supervision and Direction
Lecture 2: Delegating and Persuading
Lecture 3: Facilitating and Coordinating
Lecture 4: Self Assessment – How Do You Influence Coworkers
Chapter 22: Feedback Management
Lecture 1: Examples of Feedback
Lecture 2: Case study of feedback
Lecture 3: Self-Assessment of Feedback Management : with workbook
Chapter 23: Problem Solving and Decision making
Lecture 1: Problem Solving
Lecture 2: Decision Making
Lecture 3: Assessment on Problem Solving
Chapter 24: Analytical, Critical and Consultancy Skills
Lecture 1: Analytical Skill
Lecture 2: Logical and Critical thinking
Lecture 3: Developing and Justifying argument
Lecture 4: Consultancy Skill
Abhisek Gupta
HR Leader, Author, Leadership & Management Coach, PM and OD -
Pallabi Sengupta
HR Professional, Author, Trainer -
Human and Emotion: CHRMI
E Learning, Consulting, Leadership Development
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 35 votes
- 4 stars: 79 votes
- 5 stars: 130 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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