Ditch Photoshop today! Zero to Pro Photo editing in 8 hours!
Ditch Photoshop today! Zero to Pro Photo editing in 8 hours!, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 3.56, with 62 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 87 subscribers.
You will learn about Avoid steep leaning curve of Photoshop or Illustrator so you can cut down time to learn photo editing to one fifth and achieve the same (or even better) result. Master basic to advance techniques to enhance digital photos that are used in photography studios and professional workflows so you can edit your way easily without sweating or self doubting. Absorb photo editing principles naturally from one of the best photo editing apps for Mac so you can apply to your own tasks or projects creatively. Learn easy photo editing skill sets so that you are confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software. This course is ideal for individuals who are Learn easy photo editing skill sets that make you confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software. or Web designers and developers who wants to edit banner, ads, icons, logos quickly without a big learning curve. or Social media manager who creates social media pictures, covers on a regular basis. or Marketing professionals who work in small companies or startups who are tasked with creating brochures, posters, flyers and do not have budget for ad agency. or Small entrepreneurs or startup owners who want to take control of their brand designs, and do not want to pay $50-$200 for professional services to simply get their portraits cropped, straightened, boosted in color, corrected for skin blemishes,.. all of which, and even more, can be done in less than 10 minutes. or Freelancers who just start out and want to improve photo editing skills to get a better rate. or If you are at beginner level or know nothing about Pixelmator or photo editing, this is the ultimate course for you to get into proficiency! or If you are at intermediate level, you will pick up certain fine editing techniques (such as layering, masking, tone blending) and quick workflows to achieve a same result that may get you surprised. or If you are at advanced level, there should not be too much new techniques that you can get from this course. You may want to check other in-depth courses on Udemy that go deeper into smaller topics of photo editing. It is particularly useful for Learn easy photo editing skill sets that make you confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software. or Web designers and developers who wants to edit banner, ads, icons, logos quickly without a big learning curve. or Social media manager who creates social media pictures, covers on a regular basis. or Marketing professionals who work in small companies or startups who are tasked with creating brochures, posters, flyers and do not have budget for ad agency. or Small entrepreneurs or startup owners who want to take control of their brand designs, and do not want to pay $50-$200 for professional services to simply get their portraits cropped, straightened, boosted in color, corrected for skin blemishes,.. all of which, and even more, can be done in less than 10 minutes. or Freelancers who just start out and want to improve photo editing skills to get a better rate. or If you are at beginner level or know nothing about Pixelmator or photo editing, this is the ultimate course for you to get into proficiency! or If you are at intermediate level, you will pick up certain fine editing techniques (such as layering, masking, tone blending) and quick workflows to achieve a same result that may get you surprised. or If you are at advanced level, there should not be too much new techniques that you can get from this course. You may want to check other in-depth courses on Udemy that go deeper into smaller topics of photo editing.
Enroll now: Ditch Photoshop today! Zero to Pro Photo editing in 8 hours!
Title: Ditch Photoshop today! Zero to Pro Photo editing in 8 hours!
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 3.56
Number of Lectures: 62
Number of Published Lectures: 62
Number of Curriculum Items: 62
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 62
Original Price: €99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Avoid steep leaning curve of Photoshop or Illustrator so you can cut down time to learn photo editing to one fifth and achieve the same (or even better) result.
- Master basic to advance techniques to enhance digital photos that are used in photography studios and professional workflows so you can edit your way easily without sweating or self doubting.
- Absorb photo editing principles naturally from one of the best photo editing apps for Mac so you can apply to your own tasks or projects creatively.
- Learn easy photo editing skill sets so that you are confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software.
Who Should Attend
- Learn easy photo editing skill sets that make you confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software.
- Web designers and developers who wants to edit banner, ads, icons, logos quickly without a big learning curve.
- Social media manager who creates social media pictures, covers on a regular basis.
- Marketing professionals who work in small companies or startups who are tasked with creating brochures, posters, flyers and do not have budget for ad agency.
- Small entrepreneurs or startup owners who want to take control of their brand designs, and do not want to pay $50-$200 for professional services to simply get their portraits cropped, straightened, boosted in color, corrected for skin blemishes,.. all of which, and even more, can be done in less than 10 minutes.
- Freelancers who just start out and want to improve photo editing skills to get a better rate.
- If you are at beginner level or know nothing about Pixelmator or photo editing, this is the ultimate course for you to get into proficiency!
- If you are at intermediate level, you will pick up certain fine editing techniques (such as layering, masking, tone blending) and quick workflows to achieve a same result that may get you surprised.
- If you are at advanced level, there should not be too much new techniques that you can get from this course. You may want to check other in-depth courses on Udemy that go deeper into smaller topics of photo editing.
Target Audiences
- Learn easy photo editing skill sets that make you confident, even if you are forced to use another editing software.
- Web designers and developers who wants to edit banner, ads, icons, logos quickly without a big learning curve.
- Social media manager who creates social media pictures, covers on a regular basis.
- Marketing professionals who work in small companies or startups who are tasked with creating brochures, posters, flyers and do not have budget for ad agency.
- Small entrepreneurs or startup owners who want to take control of their brand designs, and do not want to pay $50-$200 for professional services to simply get their portraits cropped, straightened, boosted in color, corrected for skin blemishes,.. all of which, and even more, can be done in less than 10 minutes.
- Freelancers who just start out and want to improve photo editing skills to get a better rate.
- If you are at beginner level or know nothing about Pixelmator or photo editing, this is the ultimate course for you to get into proficiency!
- If you are at intermediate level, you will pick up certain fine editing techniques (such as layering, masking, tone blending) and quick workflows to achieve a same result that may get you surprised.
- If you are at advanced level, there should not be too much new techniques that you can get from this course. You may want to check other in-depth courses on Udemy that go deeper into smaller topics of photo editing.
- Are you tired of digging through Photoshop’s complex tutorials that “take forever to get it done” and you still “can’t get it”?
- Do you want a simpleway to enhance your photos or more practically, design your social media picture without spending money for ad agency or taking a week-long photo editing course?
- Are you a Mac user who loves photography, or an Instagram person and want to learn to edit photos effortlessly?
If you answer Yes then this is the course for you!
Join me to a 8 hour virtual journey in which I hold your hand and take you from a Photoshop-averse photo-editing wannabe to a confident power editor of pictures and a proficient master of graphics. With all the skills set learn, you will be in best place to jump start your creative projects, either as a hobby, or freelancing or even a big career change!
Just like you, I started out fighting my way through the Photoshop’s jungles.
The software is not designed for beginners. It’s for high level people in graphic industry.
It’s powerful, but its complex interface and non-intuitive functions quickly turned me off.
Too many options, too many tools, too many small little boxes!
I like photography, and I want to get the idea of how the picture should be in my head quickly presented on the monitor screen.
I like things that is simple.
I want to pay an affordable price to use the software, and not get stuck with Creative Cloud’s subscription forever and fork out $10 per month for features 70% of which I would never use.
I was almost lost for a while researching for another better and easier way.
I found out about Pixelmator. I paid $30 for it. I never look back.
I have played with Pixelmator, tried to understand how it works.
And I have ultimately taken all trial and errors of Pixelmator for you and packaged it into a bite sized, easy to follow course that you can learn to jump start your editing skills from zero to pro level in only 8 hours!
I am not a professional designer. I am a graduate student from a business school. I am starting my own business.
Just like you, I am starting out, and I know for a fact that photo editing is an useful skillthat is important in this media dominated world.
In my lessons, I use a simple language style so you are not inundated with unnecessarily complicated jargons. I have been there and done that, and I have simplified everything for you.
It is a good alternative to Adobe Photoshop for Mac users. If you are a Mac person, you like simplicity. Pixelmator is about simplicity.
It’s a fairly light app to quickly edit graphic images with its robust built in effects, tools, textures to help editors bring their imagination to paper.
Thanks to its design simplicity and clean interface, it cuts the usual Photoshop learning curve down a tons, making it super easy for someone without a lot of Photoshop knowledge to crank out some good looking photos.
You do not need high end powerhouse with a tons of hidden features to it photos like a pro. At the end of the day, who cares which photo editing apps you use.
You need to get your photos done and shining that you are proud of, without too much complexity and headache.
-You will understand and practice the basics to advances of photo editing with Pixelmator in a matter of 8 hours (a working day), not weeks or months to get around the basics with Photoshop. All technical details that are not needed to get maximum results are left out.
-Unlike other photo editing courses in general or Pixelmator courses in specific, you will not learn concepts and tools separately (one per video). In this course, you get to focus on practical cases where several editing tools are grouped and introduced at the same time, so you can learn those tools quickly and see the differences in terms of the final image immediately.
-Each lessons build up in terms of difficulty, but can be watched separately in any order and at your own pace
–Built-in guide boxes in each lesson show clearly which keyboard shortcuts to hit, which tools or effects are used. You do not need written cheat sheets, as these guide boxes are already added along the way for you.
-This course is taught in an unscripted way, and show you after each step real small problems you may come along when editing and quickly show you the fastest work around.
-Support files that include all photos used in the course and brief introduction files to content of the lessons are included so you can follow along in the hands-on lessons
-Instructor support: I answer to most questions within 24 hours.
-How to jump start your photo editing conquest without getting lost (It’s hard to get lost in Pixelmator): navigate the interface, customize palette, open/create new file, print, save, export, share, turn on ruler, grid, guides
– How to not let layers and masks (they are simple!) scare you: learn dynamics of (clipped) masking and stacked layering and blending modes to create a show-through look, apply color adjustment to a specific part of an image, on a specific layer, correct blown out or overexposed area, create a gallery canvas, create a music event’s poster, create a simple fading text box, fix crooked photos, create a realistic vignette and creamy bokeh look,…
– How to select precisely parts of images you want to edit: understand modes of selection, refine/deselect/reselect/invert selection, selection based on shape and color
– How to use painting tools to create pattern, icon and painting: how to draw with pen, explore cool brushes, create your own brushes, understand settings, use various painting tools,…
– How to use vector shape to create graphics like a pro: get familiar with common shapes and create a chat mobile application icon from shapes
– How to make your text stunning quickly: bring more texture and depth, stylize text
– How to remove unwanted part in your images QUICKLY: remove any parts, not least red eyes area
– How to distort certain parts of your image in a purposeful way: stylize images, generate pattern from images, soften edges, create a wet painting look, quickly sharpen,…
– How to master using colors so you can tweak them effortlessly: tonal and color balance, tonal range, color vibrancy, colorization, masking, adjust saturation, hue,…
– How to draw viewers to the main object of the image: create a focal point, create a miniaturize effect
– How to retouch portrait photos like a pro: reduce wrinkles, smoothen skin, boost colour vibrancy, create a soft focus look, with advanced blending of light effects
– How to create special cool “looks” that you are proud of: selective black & white, blueprint magazine cover, multiple exposure, comic look, authentic vintage, artificial HDR, high vibrancy, blockbuster movie, dreamy retro look, decoupage look, customized sepia look, composite background
Don’t wait any longer.
Join me and other fellow students and start your creative journey by exploring the nuggets inside Pixelmator, an amazingly powerful photo editing software!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: 1. Welcome to our journey
Lecture 1: Welcome!
Lecture 2: Is this the right course for you?
Lecture 3: What will you learn?
Lecture 4: Pixelmator vs Photoshop? Or you want to ditch Photoshop and marry Pixelmator?
Chapter 2: How to start your editing conquest without getting lost in Pixelmator
Lecture 1: Open a file (project, image) from iCloud, Local hardrive or Photo album
Lecture 2: Navigate the interface and Customize Palette
Lecture 3: Create a new file, Manage presets
Lecture 4: Turn on Ruler, Grid, Guides
Lecture 5: Save, Export, Share your photo
Lecture 6: Print images
Chapter 3: How to select precisely parts of images you want to edit
Lecture 1: Use 2 selection tools to select based on shape of an object (And learn marquee a
Lecture 2: Use 4 selection tools based on color (Quick/Color/Magnetic Sltion, Select Color)
Lecture 3: Know the 4 modes of selection so you won't get bumped!
Lecture 4: Master selection skill by learning to deselect, reselect and invert selection
Lecture 5: Refine your selection for more precise editting
Chapter 4: How to use painting tools to create pattern, icon and painting
Lecture 1: Master Brushes to create the stroke you want
Lecture 2: Explore cool brushes and Create your brush in under 1 minutes in 3 simple ways
Lecture 3: Master Painting tool (And learn to use brush, pencil, paint bucket, eye dropper)
Lecture 4: Draw your own creative way with pen and freepen tools
Chapter 5: How to not let layers and masks (they are simple!) scare you
Lecture 1: Understand the dynamics of layers
Lecture 2: Learn how blending modes change the look of layered images
Lecture 3: Apply a color adjustment effect to a specific part of an image (And learn quick
Lecture 4: Correct blown out or overexposed area (And learn to use a mask to localize color
Lecture 5: Apply effects on a seperate layer by Pasting, Adding Mask
Lecture 6: Create a gallery canvas (And learn to stack, tranform layers, remove background,
Lecture 7: Create a music event's poster (And learn blended layers with polaroid image)
Lecture 8: Create a show-through look (And learn clipping masks)
Lecture 9: Create a simple fading text box (And learn to arrange, group, merger layers)
Lecture 10: Fix crooked photos in under 1 minute (And learn how to straighten and resize Ima
Lecture 11: Retouch scenery photos – Create a realistic vignette and creamy bokeh look (And
Chapter 6: How to use vector shape to create graphics like a pro
Lecture 1: Learn the difference between vector and pixel so you wont have pixelated image
Lecture 2: Play with shapes at a basic level
Lecture 3: Create a mobile app icon (And learn to draw preset shape and use subtract mode)
Chapter 7: How to make your text stunning quickly
Lecture 1: Jump start adding text (And learn to add, edit, dictate and position text)
Lecture 2: Quickly change how text looks using Style (And learn blending mode and opacity)
Lecture 3: Bring texture and depth to text (And learn text masking, brushes and effects)
Chapter 8: How to remove unwanted part in your images QUICKLY?
Lecture 1: Delete unwanted objects in images effortlessly (Clone Stamp Tool, Repair Tool)
Lecture 2: Effortlessly remove red eyes in your photo (Red Eye Removal)
Chapter 9: How to distort certain parts of your image in a purposeful way
Lecture 1: Quickly sharpen part or whole image (Sharpen tool, Sharpen, Edges and Unsharp)
Lecture 2: Push, Pull, Pucker, Bloat parts and Create a wet painting look (Liquify, Smudge)
Chapter 10: How to master using colors so you can tweak them effortlessly
Lecture 1: Adjust color, saturation, hue and change colors (Colorize, Hue, Replace Color)
Lecture 2: Make tonal & color balance adjustments (Black & White, Color Balance, LightDark)
Lecture 3: Make colors vibrant & correct tonal range (Auto Enhance, Levels, Curves)
Lecture 4: Colorize a black and white image (Burn, Gradient tools, Masking, Colorize)
Chapter 11: How to draw viewers to the main object of the image?
Lecture 1: Improve visibility of main object by selective blur (Gaussian & Miniaturize)
Lecture 2: Make photos compelling by creating a focal point (Sponge, Dodge & Sponge Tool)
Chapter 12: How to retouch portrait photos like a pro
Lecture 1: Retouch Portrait – Enhance skin, color vibrancy, and create a soft focus look
Lecture 2: Retouch Portrait – Create stylish 1980s look w/ advanced blending light effects
Chapter 13: How to create special cool "looks" that you are proud of
Lecture 1: Create an Artificial High Dynamic Range look (Tone Mapping)
Lecture 2: Turn image into black & white except one specific area (Desaturate, Masking)
Lecture 3: Create a decoupage look (Blending, Noise, Color Hatch)
Lecture 4: Multiple exposure to create a surreal image (Blending mode)
Lecture 5: Create comic or old magazine look (Halftone)
Lecture 6: Create a vibrant look to photos of sport scenes, weddings, music/fashion events
Lecture 7: Create a summer blockbuster look (Hue, Levels, Curves, Channels)
Lecture 8: Create a customized authentic vintage look (Blur, Noise, Sepia Tone & Texture)
Lecture 9: Convert regular photos into a sepia toned photo quickly (Gradient, Curves, Fill)
Lecture 10: Add extra depth and texture to create a composite background
Lecture 11: Turn an image Into Architect’s Blueprint Drawing & Finish it as a magazine cover
Lecture 12: Create a dreamy and vintage look to a poster art
Chapter 14: This is beginning!
Lecture 1: Thank you for completing this course
Lecture 2: Pixelmator Pro Released in 2018: How good is it?
Anh Ngo
Marketing Consultant who loves photo and video editing.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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