eCommerce Website: Shopify, Dropshipping, Amazon and more.
eCommerce Website: Shopify, Dropshipping, Amazon and more., available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 115 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 1079 reviews, and has 84258 subscribers.
You will learn about How to get started with eCommerce Why now is the time to get started with eCommerce and position yourself for BIG profits! How to find products that will sell like crazy The best platform to use to setup your first eCommerce store… even if you don’t have any technical skills… The fastest way to get traffic and start making money right away with your new eCommerce business The insider trick to getting products to sell without having to store your own inventory Plus, a whole lot more about eCommerce and dropshipping Overview of Shopify, WooCommerce, Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, and more ahead This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online through building an eCommerce business or Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards of starting an eCommerce business or Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and anyone with the desire to learn about eCommerce or 9-5 workers who want to make side income from eCommerce or Anyone who is interested in learning an effective way to start earning money online through eCommerce. It is particularly useful for Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online through building an eCommerce business or Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards of starting an eCommerce business or Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and anyone with the desire to learn about eCommerce or 9-5 workers who want to make side income from eCommerce or Anyone who is interested in learning an effective way to start earning money online through eCommerce.
Enroll now: eCommerce Website: Shopify, Dropshipping, Amazon and more.
Title: eCommerce Website: Shopify, Dropshipping, Amazon and more.
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 115
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 113
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 114
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to get started with eCommerce
- Why now is the time to get started with eCommerce and position yourself for BIG profits!
- How to find products that will sell like crazy
- The best platform to use to setup your first eCommerce store… even if you don’t have any technical skills…
- The fastest way to get traffic and start making money right away with your new eCommerce business
- The insider trick to getting products to sell without having to store your own inventory
- Plus, a whole lot more about eCommerce and dropshipping
- Overview of Shopify, WooCommerce, Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, and more ahead
Who Should Attend
- Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online through building an eCommerce business
- Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards of starting an eCommerce business
- Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and anyone with the desire to learn about eCommerce
- 9-5 workers who want to make side income from eCommerce
- Anyone who is interested in learning an effective way to start earning money online through eCommerce.
Target Audiences
- Beginners who wants to make passive, recurring income online through building an eCommerce business
- Anyone willing to put in the work and reap the rewards of starting an eCommerce business
- Bloggers, business owners, sport trainers , coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and anyone with the desire to learn about eCommerce
- 9-5 workers who want to make side income from eCommerce
- Anyone who is interested in learning an effective way to start earning money online through eCommerce.
If you’re looking to make money online, or even if you just want to increase the profits of your existing business; creating an eCommerce store is an excellent strategy. Scratch that: this is 100% the best way to make money online and that goes for hobbyists, entrepreneurs, bloggers and small businesses alike.
Bold claim? Sure is! But read on to find out why we can be confident in making it.
So just what is eCommerce? Of course, the term refers to online commerce: i.e. selling products online.
But while eCommerce could mean selling an eBook from a landing page, it is most often used to refer more exclusively to online shops that sell multiple products and that have a particular layout and set-up. The most popular example of an eCommerce storeis undoubtedly Amazon. This acts just like a high street store and allows you to browse products at your leisure and add them to a shopping cart. The only difference is that you can do all this from the comfort of your home and once you check out, the products are the simply delivered to you wherever you are.
It’s a familiar concept, but what makes it so important?
Why eCommerce is the Future
#1 eCommerce is Growing
The first thing you need to recognize is that eCommerce is growing. In the early days, people were uncertain about spending money online and found that it was daunting handing over their card details and trusting in a supplier that they couldn’t meet face to face.
But now look at companies like Amazon and eBay. These are household names around the world and everyone from the young and tech savvy to the elderly are now happy to shop with them. These companies have helped many people to put aside any concerns they might have had regarding eCommerce and to trust in buying online.
And eCommerce is growing as well doing massive business.
For proof, you need look no further than stats from ‘Cyber Monday’. Cyber Monday is a national holiday of sorts where online retailers are anticipated to lower their prices. It follows Black Friday but these days it tends to do nearly as much business – and it’s growing rapidly.
For example, in 2014 Cyber Monday created a total of $2.59 billion sales online. That’s no small number but in 2015 this was increased to $3.19 billion. That’s a huge increase. $2.28 billion of these were on desktop (versus $2.04 billion last year) while $838 million were through mobile devices (versus $548 million).
Across all devices, Cyber Monday increased by 21%!
Seeing as Amazon is probably the best known online retailer, how is its growth going? Well, the company sold a total of $107.01 billion worth of products in 2015. The company employees 230,800 and there are 304 million active Amazon customer accounts. The brand is worth $47.73 billion and this is only expected to continue to grow as well.
The story is the same across the board. People are becoming more and more familiar with eCommerce and high-street stores are struggling. This is undoubtedly the future of selling and it’s easy to see why.
#2 It’s Convenient
So what is it that has led to such growth in eCommerce? Well, the simple fact of the matter is that online sales benefit everyone. The only reason online sales haven’t already dwarfed physical sales is probably the fact that some people still don’t trust shopping online or aren’t sure how to go about it. Over time this concern will be eroded more and more – while tools like PayPal will make it easier and safer than ever before.
When you sell products online, it means that you don’t have to employ staff and you don’t have to rent the same amount of physical space. You’ll need somewhere to store your products (unless you’re drop shipping) but other than that, your only costs will be hosting, shipping and web design.
Lower overheads mean more profit for you but they also mean lower prices for customers. Customers now have the ability to order products online conveniently but on top of that, they’ll be getting them for a much lower price.
There’s also greater versatility in terms of what you can sell. With an eCommerce store you can sell physical products which will require some up-front investment. But
There’s also a lot less up-front cost. If you wanted to set up a high-street store, then you would need to be willing to spend a large amount of money to rent the physical space, to invest in the stock and to manage staff etc.
However, if you are setting up an online store then all you’re going to need is some inventory to sell (perhaps not if you are going to be selling digital products or acting as an affiliate) and a website. It takes just a few clicks to set up an eCommerce store and that means you can have one up and running in minutes for a negligible cost.
#3 It’s the Best Way to Monetize a Website
The last two examples explain why businesses should launch their own eCommerce stores and why you might consider launching an eCommerce store as your business. But you should also sit up and take notice if you run a blog or website already and you’re just looking for a way to monetize it.
Why? Because it’s actually one of the most effective methods there is of making money from an eCommerce website.
Until now, you likely have been relying on one of several methods to make money online. Perhaps you’re making ads from advertising on your website (Google AdSense for example) or maybe you’re making money by selling an affiliate product.
In either of those scenarios, it’s important to recognize that you have placed yourself at the bottom of the ‘foodchain’. In other words, you’re being paid by those advertisers and product creators in order to send business their way. The fact that they’re happy to continue paying you, means that they’re making more money that that from you. In other words, they’re earning more from your visitors than you are! You’re getting a small share of their profit but they’re taking home the lion’s share. And in fact, you’re essentially doing their work for them!
And that’s why you’ll typically earn about 1-50 cents per click on an advert. Meaning in turn that you’re going to need hundreds of thousands of visitors to your site a day to make any reasonable money. Compare this with selling your own products and making $20-50 each time. Of course, it’s much easier to get someone to click on an advert than it is to get them to buy something – but not as much easier as you think if you have decent products and you’re running your store well. The bottom line? You can make a living from a website with just a few hundred daily visitors instead.
If you have an eCommerce website, then the buck stops with you. Now you’re making the maximum profit from your customers because you’re selling something to them and keeping the difference. What’s more, is that you’re keeping your visitors on your eCommerce website and engaged with your brand. You’re not sending them away, you’re keeping them right where you want them and making a real difference to the way they see you.
Finally, selling eCommerce products is better than selling digital products or affiliate products because it’s something that anyone can appreciate. Only a very specific type of person buys eBooks about making money online. Phone cases and clothes though? That has a much broader appeal!
Try putting an eCommerce website on your existing website and just see what a difference it makes to your profits. And the potential for growth is MASSIVE.
What You’ll Learn
So with all that in mind then, it’s definitely worth learning how to create an eCommerce store so that you can start maximizing your online earnings. And potentially, so that you can turn your small website into your very own global brand selling products that get you really excited!
That’s where this course comes in. Here, you will learn:
How to run an eCommerce website and create an effective business model
How to set up your own eCommerce website with one of several eCommerce platforms
How to find, create or buy products you can sell online
How to build an eCommerce website and social media presence to promote your store
How to stock and design your eCommerce website to maximize sales
How to price your products
How to choose products that will sell well
How to use apps, plugins and more to get even more sales
And much more!
In short, you’ll learn how to create an eCommerce business or add eCommerce to your existing model in simple, easy steps. From there, you’ll then be shown multiple ways you can increase your profits and turn that business into a huge success.
Learn the Blueprint for WooCommerce, Shopify, AliBaba, Amazon, and eBay.
Are you ready? Let’s start selling online!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: eCommerce Empire
Lecture 1: Curriculum Overview
Lecture 2: Highly Important to read
Lecture 3: Introduction
Lecture 5: Creating Your Online Store Part One – Your Website
Lecture 6: WooCommerce Products Limitation Correction
Lecture 7: Creating Your Online Store Part Two – Ecommerce Store Platforms
Lecture 8: Creating a Shopify Site
Lecture 9: Creating a WooCommerce Store
Lecture 10: Designing a Store That Will Sell
Lecture 11: More Ways to Generate More Sales With Pricing and Persuasive Writing
Lecture 12: Marketing
Lecture 13: Starting Your eCommerce Business
Lecture 14: Supplementary Materials: eBook
Lecture 15: Supplementary Materials: Cheat Sheet
Lecture 16: Supplementary Materials: Resources Sheet
Lecture 17: Supplementary Materials: Mind Map
Chapter 2: Tools of Trade!
Lecture 1: Eleator.Store | Handpicked deals on the best business tools will save you $500
Chapter 3: Shopify Overview
Lecture 1: Shopify Overview
Lecture 2: Starting Your Free-Trial with Shopify
Lecture 3: Shopify General Settings
Lecture 4: Shopify Payments Providers
Lecture 5: Shopify Customer Checkout Options
Lecture 6: Thrivecart Integration + Customer Shipping Options
Lecture 7: Tax Calculation and Collection + PayPal
Lecture 8: Customize Notifications
Lecture 9: Account Administration
Lecture 10: Legal Policy Pages
Lecture 11: Products setting and testing
Lecture 12: Customer Research & Discounts
Chapter 4: Shopify Pro Store
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How to Install Themes to Shopify
Lecture 3: How To Add & Edit Products
Lecture 4: How To Create Collections
Lecture 5: How to Create a Navigation Menu Part 01
Lecture 6: How to Create a Navigation Menu Part 02
Lecture 7: How to Create a Footer
Lecture 8: Lookbook setup
Lecture 9: Product Collections Breadcrumb
Lecture 10: How to Create a Split Banner
Lecture 11: How To Create a Blog
Lecture 12: Sales Proof Motivator
Lecture 13: How To Create A Hero Banner
Lecture 14: 15 Product Page Layout Customisation
Lecture 15: Summary of What's Been Done
Chapter 5: WooCommerce
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Themes
Lecture 3: Product Settings Overview
Lecture 4: Product Organization
Lecture 5: Product Attributes
Lecture 6: Expansion
Lecture 7: WooCommerce Automation
Chapter 6: Dropshipping
Lecture 1: What is Dropshipping?
Lecture 2: The Big Advantages of Dropshipping
Lecture 3: The Challenge of Dropshipping
Lecture 4: Choosing a Niche and an Industry
Lecture 5: Choosing the Perfect Product
Lecture 6: Creating Your Brand and Building Your Audience
Lecture 7: Building an Ecommerce Store and Making Your Products Fly Off the Digital Shelves
Lecture 8: Persuasive Writing for Increasing Sales
Lecture 9: Supplementary Materials: eBook
Lecture 10: Supplementary Materials: Cheat Sheet
Lecture 11: Supplementary Materials: Resource Sheet
Lecture 12: Supplementary Materials: Mind Map
Chapter 7: ِAlibaba
Lecture 1: Overview
Lecture 2: Setting Up Your Alibaba Account and Trade Assurance
Lecture 3: Finding A Product To Sell
Lecture 4: How To Reduce Your Risk As A Buyer
Lecture 5: Getting Started Contacting Suppliers
Lecture 6: Testing Your Samples
Lecture 7: Moving Forward With An Order Once Your Sample Checks Out
Lecture 8: Placing Your Order Using The Online Order Form From Alibaba
Lecture 9: Making Payment
Lecture 10: Having Your Products Shipped
Lecture 11: When Your Product Arrives
Lecture 12: What’s A Good Product
Lecture 13: Finding Marketable Products On Alibaba
Lecture 14: Best Practices On The Search For Great Products
Lecture 15: Narrowing Down Your Good Product Ideas
Lecture 16: How Experienced Sellers Find Suppliers On Alibaba
Lecture 17: Approach To Successfully Selling Your Product On Any Exchange
Lecture 18: Selling Your Alibaba Sourced Product In The Store Model
Lecture 19: Sell Your Alibaba sourced Product Using an Advertising Model
Lecture 20: Testing Then Scaling Up An Offer Or Walking Away
Chapter 8: Ebay
Lecture 1: eBay
Lecture 2: eBay Store
Lecture 3: Selling Products
Lecture 4: Vendor Tools
Lecture 5: Source Items
Lecture 6: Selling
Lecture 7: Shipping
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Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 31 votes
- 2 stars: 36 votes
- 3 stars: 175 votes
- 4 stars: 335 votes
- 5 stars: 502 votes
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