Effortless Income Formula – A Work From Home Business Plan
Effortless Income Formula – A Work From Home Business Plan, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.3, with 91 lectures, based on 149 reviews, and has 855 subscribers.
You will learn about Earn money from their home computer… Solve one of the biggest problems small businesses are facing… Flood your inbox with biz owners who are eager to hire them… This course is ideal for individuals who are Men and women who want to work from home… or Anyone needing to create an additional stream of income… It is particularly useful for Men and women who want to work from home… or Anyone needing to create an additional stream of income…
Enroll now: Effortless Income Formula – A Work From Home Business Plan
Title: Effortless Income Formula – A Work From Home Business Plan
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.3
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Published Lectures: 91
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 91
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Earn money from their home computer…
- Solve one of the biggest problems small businesses are facing…
- Flood your inbox with biz owners who are eager to hire them…
Who Should Attend
- Men and women who want to work from home…
- Anyone needing to create an additional stream of income…
Target Audiences
- Men and women who want to work from home…
- Anyone needing to create an additional stream of income…
Wanta fast way to fill your bank account with an extra $500… $1,000… Even $10,000 or more by the end of next week?
Then you need to watch the video above and read every word on this page. That’s because on this page you will discover a brain dead simple way to earn 6 or even 7-figures…
Without having to leave your home…
Without having to do any hard selling…
In fact you can run this business in just 20 minutes a day all over email and see your first payment by this time next week.
Fact: Local mom and pop businesses have a MAJOR problem that is affecting their business and is costing them customers.
More and more customers are turning to online review sites like Yelp for recommendations on where to take their business. Reviews on these sites can make or break a business, well reviewed businesses can get a flood of customers from these sites while a business with bad reviews are left in the dust.
Their problem is your opportunity…
Biz owners are willing an eager to pay $500 per month or more to anyone who can solve this problem for them. $500 is peanuts compared to the amount of money they are losing by not taking control of their online reputation.
The good news is that only costs around $100 to hire a service that monitors their online reputation and improve their scores on review sites. That leaves you with a profit of $400/month for EVERY biz owner you connect to this service.
A simple Google search turns up hundreds of thousands of businesses across the country that have not claimed their yelp listing and need help managing their online reputation. Many businesses don’t know about this problem, and one’s who do feel helpless to fix it!
A single email is all it takes…
I’ve been emailing the business owners about this problem and getting replies of them thanking me for pointing it out and asking to hire me to fix it.
I usually book a new client for every 20 emails I send out to business owners.
With the explosive popularity of online review sites, there are more businesses that need this than there are consultants that can help them.
This opportunity is only getting bigger.
There are simply more businesses in the country who need this service than there are people who can help them. The reputation management industry is set to explode in 2018, and I’ve decided to put together a Udemy course to help you get in on the action.
By the end of this Udemy master class, you will:
- Flood your inbox with biz owners who are eager to pay you $497 a month or more to help them with this problem.
- Fill your bank account with monthly payments that arrive like clockwork on the 1st of every month.
- Earn a profit every month as a middle man by connecting these biz owners to the services that can help them.
And to help you get started earning money even faster, I have put together an exclusive bonus package for $438 if you were to buy these items on my website individually.
Inside this free package you are getting:
- Done-For-You sales video that sells this service ($197 value) – How would you like to only hear from business owners after they have paid your fee? Let this proven video do all the selling for you so you can wake up tomorrow to your first pay check.
- Copy-paste cold emails to send out to business owners ($97 value) – Just copy and paste these emails to 5 businesses a day and you will have landed your first paying client in a week’s time.
- Over the shoulder walkthrough video that you can follow along with ($47 value) –Set this up correctly the first time by following along in my over shoulder video.
- Bonus client work agreement ($97 value)– Lock biz owners into an annual contract that guarantees you get paid every month for this service.
Normally these bonuses would cost you $438 if you bought them on my Success With Luther site, however they are yours FREE when you enroll in this Udemy master class.
Just imagine it:Each night this week you perform a simple Google search to find businesses that need this help…
You send just 5 of them an email before you go to bed…
You wake up in the morning next week and see that first $497 payment in your back account… The first of many to come in that week.
All it took was 20 minutes each night to send a few emails before bed.
Think about it: It only takes about 20 cold emails sent to the right businesses to land a paying client.
20 cold emails nets you 1new client paying $500/month
200 emails would land you 10 clients earning $5,000 a month
2,000 emails would land you 100 clients and earn you $50,000 a month
How fast can you send out that first batch of 20 emails?
Disclaimer: this won’t work for everyone.
Most people who enroll in Udemy courses watch the videos and don’t take any action, and NEVER see any results. Earning money with any online business requires work, it requires you take what you learn and apply it in the real world.
If you are the type of person who expects results without having to do any work, then this program is not for you. However, if you are willing to dedicate the time to watch this training and put in just 20 minutes a day for the next week into growing your income…
Then this is not just another Udemy course for you.
This is the ONLY program you will ever need.
So, let’s make this a complete no brainer for you ok?
See if you were to join my exclusive business coaching program to learn this method you would have to pay my coaching fee of $2,500. I’m sure you’d agree $2500 is a small price to pay considering you will earn 6-figures a year as a result am I right?
The retail price of this course outside of Udemy is $497… which is a total bargain considering the results previous customers are already seeing with this training.
However, being new to publishing on Udemy I want to make this course a no-brainer for you. So if you are on this page now, consider yourself lucky, that’s because you’re getting in on this program at less than half what everyone else will pay.
You won’t be paying my consulting fee of $2,500 today… nor will you be paying the retail price of $497, not even half that!
You are receiving the entire consulting training course, the bonus restaurant website software, the done for you sales material in a copy-paste format, and all the done-for-you sales bonuses all for one easy payment of just $X.
Listen: Don’t decide right now.
Take advantage of my ‘First client in 30 days’ guarantee. Just try this course out for a full 30 days on me…
Watch the training videos and spend 20 minutes a day sending out these copy/paste emails to business owners in your local area. If you don’t land at least one client…
If you are not totally satisfied with the training…
Or even if you don’t like the font I use in my videos, anything at all…
Just send me an email or support ticket with the word refund and I will send you back every penny. No questions asked, no hassles. You can even keep the bonus software and eBooks as a thank you for trying out my first Udemy course.
As long as you have actually watched the videos, and given this course a real shot, I am personally promising that you will be satisfied – a promise backed with an iron-clad 100% money backed guarantee. That’s a powerful promise for just $X am I right?
Click on the green button, the one that says ‘take this course now’ to get started in this course.
Remember: The sooner you can get started the sooner you will become the ‘goto’ expert in your local area. This high ground will make you the authority for online consulting and businesses will naturally flock you.
Seeing that first payment land in your PayPal account from a business owner who needs your help is LIFE CHANGING. It’s an experience that can’t be put into words… The pride, and confidence that comes with it… Knowing that YOU have the power to generate income on demand and you will never have to worry about money ever again.
It’s an experience I want YOU to have, and one that I am willing to personally promise you.
Click on the ‘take this course’ button now to lock in your discounted price. Follow the instructions on the next page to get started today on this life-changing course. I will see you inside with some extra surprise bonuses.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Big Picture
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About This Course
Lecture 3: About Your Instructor
Lecture 4: Testimonials
Lecture 5: Where to Get Support & Bonuses
Lecture 6: Why You Should Get These Bonuses
Lecture 7: Getting Your Bonus Materials
Chapter 2: Section 2: Getting Started
Lecture 1: The Big Picture: Summary
Lecture 2: Tools & Skills
Lecture 3: How Consulting Works
Lecture 4: Ensuring Your Success
Chapter 3: Section 3: Sales Training Basics
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Working Backwards To Move Forward
Lecture 3: Finding A Hungry Audience
Lecture 4: Direct Marketing Basics
Lecture 5: Finding Great Products & Services To Offer
Lecture 6: Increasing Your Client Value
Lecture 7: Always Be Closing
Chapter 4: Setting Up Your Business
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Business Entity & Taking Payments
Lecture 3: Using PayPal To Take Payments
Lecture 4: Your Website
Lecture 5: Your Business Card
Lecture 6: Your Contact Information
Lecture 7: Your Sales Material
Lecture 8: Grab Your Bonus Materials
Chapter 5: Prospecting & Finding Businesses
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: The Great Review Problem
Lecture 3: The Demand For This Service
Lecture 4: The Solution To The Review Problem
Lecture 5: Finding Businesses With This Problem
Lecture 6: Prospecting Search Terms
Lecture 7: Start Prospecting Now
Chapter 6: Direct Marketing Training
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Persuasion
Lecture 3: Conducting Outreach
Lecture 4: Selling With Benefits
Lecture 5: Selling With Fear
Lecture 6: Calls To Action
Lecture 7: Sell The Urgency
Chapter 7: Selling With Cold Emails
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Grab Your Bonus Email Templates
Lecture 3: Autoresponders & Lists
Lecture 4: Selling With Fear In Emails
Lecture 5: Using The Fear of Loss In Emails
Lecture 6: Social Proof In Emails
Lecture 7: Email Calls To Action
Chapter 8: Selling With The Telephone
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Grab Your Bonus Scripts
Lecture 3: What To Say On The Call
Lecture 4: How To Talk On The Sales Call
Lecture 5: Hiring Out The Telephone Sales
Chapter 9: Selling With Direct Mailers
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Grab Your Bonus Mailer Templates
Lecture 3: Mailer Walk-Through
Lecture 4: Mailer Physicality
Chapter 10: Servicing The Client
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Best Practices
Lecture 3: Claiming Yelp Profiles
Lecture 4: Claiming Google Profiles
Lecture 5: Claiming Trip Advisor
Lecture 6: Claiming Other Profiles
Lecture 7: Review Theory
Lecture 8: Use This Custom Review System
Lecture 9: Pre-Empting Reviews
Lecture 10: Getting In Front Of Bad Reviews
Lecture 11: Review Monitoring As A Service
Chapter 11: Outsourcing This Business Plan
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Outsourcing the Client Service
Lecture 3: Outsourcing Sales Tasks
Lecture 4: Outsourcing the Busy Work
Chapter 12: Build A Long Term Plan
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Think Big
Lecture 3: Getting Referrals
Lecture 4: Building Long Term Relationships
Lecture 5: Chasing High Ticket Clients
Lecture 6: Dealing With Bad Clients
Chapter 13: Upselling More Services
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Grow The Client Value
Lecture 3: Upselling Websites
Lecture 4: Upselling Functionality & Features
Lecture 5: Targeting Niches
Lecture 6: Upselling SEO
Lecture 7: Upselling Mobile Services
Chapter 14: Launching This Business Plan Today
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Activate The Business Plan Now
Luther Landro
Success and Business Development Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 6 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 16 votes
- 4 stars: 36 votes
- 5 stars: 90 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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