End to End AML KYC (Anti-Money Laundering and KYC)
End to End AML KYC (Anti-Money Laundering and KYC), available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.82, with 120 lectures, based on 341 reviews, and has 1165 subscribers.
You will learn about End to end AML KYC Complete Understanding of Customer Identification What are Sanctions What is Suspicious Activity Report or SAR Key concepts of KYC What is Politically Exposed Persons or PEPs Customer Identification and Onboarding Transaction Monitoring This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to become a KYC Analyst or People who are starting their career in AML KYC or People who are shifting their career to AML KYC It is particularly useful for People who want to become a KYC Analyst or People who are starting their career in AML KYC or People who are shifting their career to AML KYC.
Enroll now: End to End AML KYC (Anti-Money Laundering and KYC)
Title: End to End AML KYC (Anti-Money Laundering and KYC)
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.82
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 120
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- End to end AML KYC
- Complete Understanding of Customer Identification
- What are Sanctions
- What is Suspicious Activity Report or SAR
- Key concepts of KYC
- What is Politically Exposed Persons or PEPs
- Customer Identification and Onboarding
- Transaction Monitoring
Who Should Attend
- People who want to become a KYC Analyst
- People who are starting their career in AML KYC
- People who are shifting their career to AML KYC
Target Audiences
- People who want to become a KYC Analyst
- People who are starting their career in AML KYC
- People who are shifting their career to AML KYC
Money Laundering is one of the biggest threats to financial institutions and companies in the world.
Millions of dollars are spent annually by organizations in managing the Money Laundering risks.
KYC specialists are hired on very high packages around the world, to oversee the compliance culture.
The main purpose of this course is teaching end to end KYC process and key topics, which will be used in real time job. here we will teach all the concepts belongs to AML KYC process, including Sanctions, how to perform screening in correct way, politically exposed persons, Suspicious Activity Report, Risk based assessment, Customer due diligence, enhanced customer due diligence and much more, post completion of this course you will gain more knowledge in KYC process and you can able to use same knowledge into your day-to-day work.
In this course we have discussed important concepts in prat of KYC process.
In this course we will be discussing so many definitions in the KYC process and what are the key concepts should know to perform Customer Identification and verification process, what are the public source and how to use them in your KYC review for your clients.
Your learning journey will cover a number of important KYC Concepts, including:
What is KYC?
What is the Risk-based Assessment?
What is Customer Due Diligence (CDD)?
What is Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and what are Politically Exposes Persons (PEPs)?
What is Risk based Assessment (RBA)?
How Will You Be Benefitted Through This Course?
This course will help you in your job if you are doing a job in a company or institution, as:
Compliance Analyst,
AML Analyst,
KYC Analyst
CFT Analyst
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Know Your Customer (KYC)
Lecture 1: What is KYC
Lecture 2: Why does KYC matter
Lecture 3: Who needs to have KYC processes and how does KYC work
Lecture 4: What are the requirements for KYC
Lecture 5: What’s the difference between AML and KYC
Lecture 6: Traditional KYC processes and KYC Registries
Chapter 2: Customer Identification Program (CIP)
Lecture 1: What is End-to-End KYC
Lecture 2: Legal Name of the Individual
Lecture 3: What is legal name of the entity
Lecture 4: Finding Legal name of the entity
Lecture 5: What is Legal entity
Lecture 6: Legal Entity Identifier or LEI
Lecture 7: Finding LEI codes online
Lecture 8: What are L-E-I Codes in Banking
Lecture 9: What is Trade Name
Lecture 10: Trade name search
Lecture 11: What is legal address also known as domicile address
Lecture 12: Registered Address
Lecture 13: Finding Domicile or Registered address
Lecture 14: Principal Place of Business (Business Address, PPOB)
Lecture 15: Date of Incorporation
Lecture 16: Finding Incorporation date
Lecture 17: Bearer Shares
Lecture 18: What is Payable Through Account
Lecture 19: Tax Residence
Lecture 20: Tax Haven Country
Lecture 21: Tax identification Number (TIN)
Lecture 22: Finding TIN
Lecture 23: What is Shell Company or Corporation
Lecture 24: Finding Shell Company
Lecture 25: Front Company
Lecture 26: Ownership Structure
Lecture 27: Understanding the Control and Ownership Structure
Lecture 28: Finding Ownership Structure
Lecture 29: What is a Company Registration Number (CRN)
Lecture 30: Finding CRN
Lecture 31: Beneficial Ownership
Lecture 32: What is an Ultimate Beneficial Owner
Lecture 33: Offshore Banking Account or Offshore banking license
Lecture 34: Offshore Banking Unit (OBU)
Lecture 35: Public Traded Company
Lecture 36: Finding Public Traded company
Lecture 37: Financials
Lecture 38: Finding Financials
Lecture 39: Financial Regulation
Lecture 40: Financial Industries or Institutions
Lecture 41: Source of Wealth
Lecture 42: Source of Funds
Lecture 43: Importance of Source of Funds and Source of Wealth
Lecture 44: What is the Gatekeeper Initiative in KYC
Lecture 45: Money Services Business also known as MSB
Lecture 46: NAICS & SIC Codes
Lecture 47: Finding NAICS & SIC Code
Lecture 48: What is SSN
Lecture 49: What are the Types of Business Ownership
Lecture 50: What is W-8 Form
Lecture 51: What is W-9 Form
Chapter 3: Sanctions
Lecture 1: What are Sanctions
Lecture 2: Types of Sanctions
Lecture 3: Sanctions in KYC
Lecture 4: Sanctions Screening
Lecture 5: How does Sanctions Screening Work
Lecture 6: When do we need Sanctions Screening
Chapter 4: Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
Lecture 1: Politically Exposed Person or PEP
Lecture 2: Types of PEPs
Lecture 3: Identifying whether a customer or Beneficial Owner is a PEP
Lecture 4: Monitoring transactions of high-risk PEP’s
Lecture 5: When a PEP leaves their position
Chapter 5: Risk Based Assessment (RBA)
Lecture 1: Risk Based Assessment RBA
Lecture 2: Customer Risk
Lecture 3: Geographic Risk or Country Risk
Lecture 4: Product Risk or Service Risk
Lecture 5: Sector Risk or Industry Risk
Chapter 6: Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)
Lecture 1: What is Suspicious Activity Report or SAR
Lecture 2: When does a suspicious activity report required
Lecture 3: How confidential are suspicious activity reports
Lecture 4: Sources for identifying suspicious activity
Lecture 5: Documentation requirements for SAR
Lecture 6: Notifying Senior Management
Chapter 7: Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
Lecture 1: What is CDD
Lecture 2: CDD Requirements
Lecture 3: Streamlining the CDD
Lecture 4: Ongoing Monitoring & Screening
Lecture 5: Why Is CDD Important
Lecture 6: Difference Between KYC and CDD
Chapter 8: Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)
Lecture 1: What is EDD
Lecture 2: When is EDD Required
Lecture 3: Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) Risk Factors
Chapter 9: Transaction Monitoring
Lecture 1: What is Transaction Monitoring System
Lecture 2: What is the importance of transaction monitoring in the financial industry
Lecture 3: Transaction Monitoring Tools
Surendra Reddy B
KYC Specialist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 26 votes
- 2 stars: 21 votes
- 3 stars: 84 votes
- 4 stars: 95 votes
- 5 stars: 115 votes
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