Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification
Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.43, with 103 lectures, based on 2699 reviews, and has 17005 subscribers.
You will learn about Help your clients find clarity about their business ideas and goals Help your clients know exactly what steps to take next Help your clients launch a start-up quickly or quantum leap their existing business Help your clients navigate road blocks, get unstuck, and strategize solutions Help your clients stop wasting time and laser focus on income producing results Coach your clients to identify their target market of ideal clients Coach your clients to write epic marketing copy and sell their product or service Coach your clients to increase their revenue Coach your clients to set actionable short and long term goals and REACH THEM Coach your client to master their mindset, stay motivated, and follow through This course is ideal for individuals who are You are (or want to be) a business or entrepreneurship life coach or Life coach who wants to help start-up or existing businesses implement a new business idea quickly or Life coach who wants to help employees break free from the corporate rate race or Life coach who wants to coach indiepreneurs or small businesses to make more money or Life coach who wants to help heart-centered small business owners who want to make money while making a difference in the world or You are en entrepreneur or business owner who wants to coach others to start or grow their business It is particularly useful for You are (or want to be) a business or entrepreneurship life coach or Life coach who wants to help start-up or existing businesses implement a new business idea quickly or Life coach who wants to help employees break free from the corporate rate race or Life coach who wants to coach indiepreneurs or small businesses to make more money or Life coach who wants to help heart-centered small business owners who want to make money while making a difference in the world or You are en entrepreneur or business owner who wants to coach others to start or grow their business.
Enroll now: Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification
Title: Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.43
Number of Lectures: 103
Number of Published Lectures: 103
Number of Curriculum Items: 103
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 103
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Help your clients find clarity about their business ideas and goals
- Help your clients know exactly what steps to take next
- Help your clients launch a start-up quickly or quantum leap their existing business
- Help your clients navigate road blocks, get unstuck, and strategize solutions
- Help your clients stop wasting time and laser focus on income producing results
- Coach your clients to identify their target market of ideal clients
- Coach your clients to write epic marketing copy and sell their product or service
- Coach your clients to increase their revenue
- Coach your clients to set actionable short and long term goals and REACH THEM
- Coach your client to master their mindset, stay motivated, and follow through
Who Should Attend
- You are (or want to be) a business or entrepreneurship life coach
- Life coach who wants to help start-up or existing businesses implement a new business idea quickly
- Life coach who wants to help employees break free from the corporate rate race
- Life coach who wants to coach indiepreneurs or small businesses to make more money
- Life coach who wants to help heart-centered small business owners who want to make money while making a difference in the world
- You are en entrepreneur or business owner who wants to coach others to start or grow their business
Target Audiences
- You are (or want to be) a business or entrepreneurship life coach
- Life coach who wants to help start-up or existing businesses implement a new business idea quickly
- Life coach who wants to help employees break free from the corporate rate race
- Life coach who wants to coach indiepreneurs or small businesses to make more money
- Life coach who wants to help heart-centered small business owners who want to make money while making a difference in the world
- You are en entrepreneur or business owner who wants to coach others to start or grow their business
Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by a internationally recognized the Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 20 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 20 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.
We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.
The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group.
Are you ready to learn and teach proven entrepreneurship skills?
Do you want to coach your clients towards entrepreneurship so that they can make money doing what they love, start a business, get more clients, or take their business to the next level?
Become a Certified Entrepreneurship and Business Coach!
Self-employment though Entrepreneurship is the ultimate form of self-empowerment, and by coaching clients to create a thriving business, you are handing them the key to their freedom to determine their destiny and fulfill their life’s purpose.
This program is designed to for life coaches who want to work with those that want to improve their entrepreneurshipskills such as indiepreneurs or solopreneurs, such as contractors, independent practitioners, life coaches, or small business owners with only a handful of employees. These can be business start-ups or those that are new to entrepreneurship or existing businesses who want to implement a new idea, make changes, get more clients, or expand their business.
In this entrepreneurship and business life coach training and certification course, you will learn a proven step-by-step process for helping your clients:
· Find clarity about the business and lifestyle they truly want to create and what they need in order to get there
· Turn their fantastic entrepreneurship and business idea into a concrete plan of actionso they can stop spinning their wheels and KNOW what action to take next
· Get unstuckby identifying current or possible roadblocks, whether they’re skills, resources, or mindsets, and strategize solutions for overcoming them
· Quit wasting time and laser focus on INCOME PRODUCINGRESULTS
The best part is you’ll be using a PROVEN entrepreneurship systembecause we are giving you the exact process that we have used over and over againto start our own businesses, each in only 6 weeks, and that we have implemented with our business and entrepreneurship coaching clients for almost a decade! You’ll receive a complete entrepreneurship blueprint that includes all of the life coaching activities and tools you need to create your own entrepreneurship coaching program using our 6-week “quantum leap your business”model or custom designing your own entrepreneurship and business coaching process based on your unique passions and experience and your client’s needs.
You’ll learn powerful entrepreneurship coaching processes and tools for helping your clients in 6 key areas of their business:
· Discover their tribe of ideal clients and conduct market research in their niche
· Write epic marketing copy and know exactly how to sell their product or service
· Setting an ideal price based on the true value of what they offer
· Increasing their revenue by creating new revenue streams
· Establishing actionable short and long term goalsand the action plans to get them there
· Cultivating sustainable motivationthat will keep them moving toward their goals
· Plus, a bonus section that will teach you how to help your clients master their mindset—which
is often the biggest thing that holds people back—including their beliefs about money, excuses, procrastination, doubt, and failure.
So if you are ready to transform lives by giving the gift of entrepreneurship and helping others fulfill their purpose than enroll now. We look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
So who are we?
We are joeel and Natalie rivera. We own a digital media publishing company and an online course and training company called Transformation Academy. We’re serial entrepreneurs who have started businesses including a photography company, an import business, a holistic virtual office center, an adolescent coaching center for at risk youth, a book publishing company, a magazine, a life coach training institute, as well as running conferences, festivals and creating online courses. All of our programs are based on our decade of experience as coaches, speakers, and in social services, as well as my experience as a psychology instructor, my Master’s in Counseling and Education and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology.
Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Being an Entrepreneurship Coach!
Lecture 1: Welcome and Introduction
Lecture 2: What Does an Entrepreneurship Coach Do
Lecture 3: Our Journey of Quantum Leaping
Lecture 4: How to Complete This Program
Lecture 5: Q&A, Support and Workbook Exercises
Lecture 6: Structuring Your Entrepreneurship Coaching Program
Lecture 7: Identifying the Starting Point-
Lecture 9: Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors
Lecture 10: All Course Documents in One Handy Place
Lecture 11: REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics
Chapter 2: Step 1 Creation and Clarity (Making Business Ideas Concrete)
Lecture 1: Introduction: CREATION
Lecture 2: COACH: Coaching Your Client to Clarity
Lecture 3: COACH: The Importance of Brainstorming
Lecture 4: The Art of Brainstorming
Lecture 5: COACH: Empower Your Client with Research Skills
Lecture 6: The Art of Research
Lecture 7: COACH: Inspiring Your Clients to Act
Lecture 8: The Art of Action
Lecture 9: COACH: Accountability, Goal Setting, and Action Plans
Chapter 3: Part 2 CONNECTION: Identify Your Tribe and Niche
Lecture 1: COACH: Helping Your Client Find and Target Their Tribe
Lecture 2: What is a tribe?
Lecture 3: Who is Your Tribe?
Lecture 4: Market Research: Defining Your Tribe
Lecture 5: Testing Your Niche
Lecture 6: Finding Your Tribe IN PERSON
Lecture 7: Finding Your Tribe ONLINE
Lecture 8: Joint Ventures and Referral Partners
Lecture 9: Contacting Referral Partners
Lecture 10: Action Steps to Connect to Your Tribe
Chapter 4: Step 3 Communicating Their Message through Marketing Copy
Lecture 1: COACH: Helping Your Client Master Their Message
Lecture 2: Telling Your Story
Lecture 3: Establishing Credibility
Lecture 4: What Value Do You Offer?
Lecture 5: Copywriting and Key Words
Lecture 6: Write Epic Marketing and Sales Copy
Lecture 7: Writing Website Copy Part 1
Lecture 8: Writing Website Copy Part 2
Lecture 9: Your Elevator Pitch
Lecture 10: Writing Your Manifesto
Lecture 11: Action Steps: Get Your Message Out There (Marketing Tips)
Chapter 5: Part 4 CAPITALIZATION: Make Money with Your Mission
Lecture 1: Playing the Money Game (Helping Your Clients Identify Their Financial Needs)
Lecture 2: Determining What to Charge
Lecture 3: Create Your Pricing Sheet or Package
Lecture 4: What Else Can You Offer? (Solving Problems)
Lecture 5: Creating Different Revenue Streams
Lecture 6: Automation and Collaboration
Chapter 6: Step 5 Commitment and Goal Setting
Lecture 1: COACH: Staying Committed and Following Through
Lecture 2: • Overcoming the Change Cycle
Lecture 3: Commitment
Lecture 4: COACH: Bridge to Your Dreams and Smart Goals (Coach)
Lecture 5: The Bridge to Your Dreams
Lecture 6: SMART Goals
Lecture 7: COACH: Goal Setting and Tada List
Lecture 8: Long-Term Goal Setting
Lecture 9: Creating a Vision
Lecture 10: Monthly Milestone
Lecture 11: The 60 and 30 Day Plan
Lecture 12: Monthly Check-ins
Lecture 13: The Weekly "Ta-Da" List
Lecture 14: Daily Planning
Lecture 15: Roadblocks and Setbacks
Lecture 16: Productivity and the Not-to-Do List
Lecture 17: COACH: Accountability, Massive Action and Assessment
Lecture 18: Accountability
Lecture 19: Massive Action and Assessing Results
Lecture 20: Coach: Small Changes Big Results
Lecture 21: Small Changes, Big Results
Chapter 7: Step 6 CULTIVATION: Stay Motivated and Inspired
Lecture 1: COACH: Helping Your Clients Stay Motivated
Lecture 2: COACH: Big Enough Reason Why
Lecture 3: Having a Big Enough Reason
Lecture 4: COACH: Identifying Keys to Motivation
Lecture 5: Keys to Motivation
Lecture 6: Motivation: Business
Lecture 7: Motivation: Money
Lecture 8: Motivation: Lifestyle
Lecture 9: COACH: Identifying What Demotivates Your Clients
Lecture 10: Avoid Demotivation
Lecture 11: COACH: Stimulating Motivation
Lecture 12: Stimulating Motivation
Lecture 13: COACH: Pain and Pleasure
Lecture 14: Pain and Pleasure
Lecture 15: COACH: Celebrate and Bucket List
Lecture 16: The Importance of Celebrating
Lecture 17: Writing Your Bucket List
Chapter 8: BONUS STEP: Creating a Success Mindset
Lecture 1: COACH: Helping Your Clients Master Their Money Mindset
Lecture 2: Money Block 1: Poverty Consciousness
Lecture 3: Money Block 2: Money Guilt
Lecture 4: Money Block 3: Fear of Money
Lecture 5: How Would Your Life Change?
Lecture 6: Double Your Money Activity
Lecture 7: COACH: Excuses and Procrastination
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Top instructor with over 700,000 students -
Transformation Services
International Academy of Life Coaching & Entrepreneurship
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 29 votes
- 2 stars: 38 votes
- 3 stars: 267 votes
- 4 stars: 745 votes
- 5 stars: 1620 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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