Entrepreneurship mindset: 50 MBA mindset of entrepreneur (1)
Entrepreneurship mindset: 50 MBA mindset of entrepreneur (1), available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.79, with 58 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 7 reviews, and has 52 subscribers.
You will learn about Imagine if you can build business!! you can then build ANY business. Business building is like bike riding. Once you learned you can never forget. Things engineering schools do not teach their graduates … but vital for their startup or business success. We use fifty short lessons, originally made by engineering professor with six startup experience. Entrepreneurship covers business, technology, market, capital, investment and experience. We use pictorial centric approach to illuminate on the many facets. Understand the soft power such as focus, traction, ideas, plan structuring, marketing, experience, failure, and side hustle preparation. Styled after a curated museum of science – you will quickly learn powerful condensed concepts wrapped in pictures. Build top down unbrella understanding of the entrepreneurship concept even before your ideas and plans are solid. Covers topics including startup process, preparation, MBA essentials, techniques and tactics, grounded action, fallacies. Grasp multitude aspects of essentials rapidly and save time – get access to practical crux. This course is ideal for individuals who are Programmers, solo ecommerce worriors, digital marketing free lancers. or Any solo first timer who wants to BUILD YOUR OWN BUSINESS and career. It is particularly useful for Programmers, solo ecommerce worriors, digital marketing free lancers. or Any solo first timer who wants to BUILD YOUR OWN BUSINESS and career.
Enroll now: Entrepreneurship mindset: 50 MBA mindset of entrepreneur (1)
Title: Entrepreneurship mindset: 50 MBA mindset of entrepreneur (1)
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.79
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 57
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 65
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 64
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Imagine if you can build business!! you can then build ANY business.
- Business building is like bike riding. Once you learned you can never forget.
- Things engineering schools do not teach their graduates … but vital for their startup or business success.
- We use fifty short lessons, originally made by engineering professor with six startup experience.
- Entrepreneurship covers business, technology, market, capital, investment and experience. We use pictorial centric approach to illuminate on the many facets.
- Understand the soft power such as focus, traction, ideas, plan structuring, marketing, experience, failure, and side hustle preparation.
- Styled after a curated museum of science – you will quickly learn powerful condensed concepts wrapped in pictures.
- Build top down unbrella understanding of the entrepreneurship concept even before your ideas and plans are solid.
- Covers topics including startup process, preparation, MBA essentials, techniques and tactics, grounded action, fallacies.
- Grasp multitude aspects of essentials rapidly and save time – get access to practical crux.
Who Should Attend
- Programmers, solo ecommerce worriors, digital marketing free lancers.
- Any solo first timer who wants to BUILD YOUR OWN BUSINESS and career.
Target Audiences
- Programmers, solo ecommerce worriors, digital marketing free lancers.
- Any solo first timer who wants to BUILD YOUR OWN BUSINESS and career.
Entrepreneurship is to start a business. Business has a framework rule and then it is all improvised creativity. It is vital that one knows the framework.
Our modern day higher education is just hired education – it is teaching not learning. After commencement, you teach yourself and entrepreneurship start, one way or another. Schools teach nothing but how to pass exams. It is a place for mediocre people to show how good they are at getting good grades.
Even if you go to Harvard undergrad and was a MIT chair professor – entrepreneurship is still a metamorphosis of yourself. Great entrepreneurs do not skip school, but they unlearn schooling. This is especially true for engineers, STEM students, and coders.
In startup, the start is easy. The “up” is hard to reach.
To break rules, you must learn some rules first. If you don’t you will have to struggle and learn.
TECH entrepreneur: quick review of 50 facts the MBA and investors know and you should before starting entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a big puzzle. This course help you read investors’ mind. Entrepreneurs, spend an hour here, save years of struggle and regrets. Entrepreneurship is not aptitude, but attitude. MBA and investors are not smarter, but they know some things engineering schools never teach. We ONLY cover the absolute essentials here.
Entrepreneurship is first about business, and secondly about innovation. Unfortunately most technical founders and entrepreneurs don’t know any business. Let’s do a quick essential survival review here, to make up some critically needed MBA perspective. You don’t have to spend 2 years to get a business degree.
MBAs are from Mars, and Coders/engineers are from Venus.
This course is made for engineers. If you don’t know these, you will struggle forever in your startup and entrepreneurship journey.
MBAs and investors are not necessarily smarter, but they know some business facts that the best engineering schools forget to teach. Get a quick overview of 50 such critical concepts in under an hour, using the original diagrams made by a seasoned veteran. I am technical and I started six companies. I know that the engineers are sorely missing. I developed the illustrations to teach technical people about business concepts. Let’s take the mysteries out.
I am a Caltech PhD in Electrical Engineering who spend 20 years as engineering school professor. I started six companies – I want to teach engineers what you must know at the minimal about business.
Let’s be honest. Entrepreneurship is one of the hardest things to teach and understand – it is learning and exploration much beyond classrooms and jobs. If you did not start building business as a teen, you don’t have time to waste. You don’t want to waste time on hope and euphoria. You want to cut to the heart of the game, and build your enterprise or products.
Why so many entrepreneurs fail? because they are first timer and inexperienced. Entrepreneurship is not THAT hard. It is just hard for first timer. I want to make it easier for first timers. Iwant people to start create business with confidence. Spend an hour on this course, save 10 years of struggle. This course is for programmers and first time entrepreneurs. Get income, funding, customers. Get rich.
A picture is worth 1000 words. Spend an hour, save ten years of struggle in uncertainty. Welcome to a pictorial collection – 50 original images, and 50 short curated lessons to reveal the many facets of entrepreneurship. Grasp the many facets of entrepreneurship, fast and end to end straight, with hand made illustrations and diagrams in this collection.
I am presenting a Visual Museum of Entrepreneurship teaching to completely demystify entrepreneurship for beginners. This course is unique – it circles around visual images like a museum exhibit. This collection has 50 original essential illustrations, diagrams, and quotes (many of them preview-able). Made and collected over 40 years of personal career experience. You will access highly intimate and insightful complete entrepreneur knowledge made, selected and curated by a veteran entrepreneur teacher.
Are you frustrated that entrepreneurship is shrouded in uncertainty and cloud? do you wish to have confidence to cross the difficult startup phase? Are you baffled that the dry books don’t give you a clue how to create? follow a veteran on his journey and essential collections of lessons. The big picture of entrepreneurship is a rich mosaic – each hand-made original drawing or collected picture here tells a different angle with a deep meaning. You won’t see this complete a collection of honest teaching and curating anywhere else.
Let’s demystify the entrepreneurship process by examining it from multiple angles of observation. We use hand made diagrams, original and curated illustrations, pictures and quotes to make sure you completely “gets it”. These are original, honest, accurate, and intimate observations that comes from a serial entrepreneur and teacher.
We use 100 diagrams to illustrate the entrepreneur process – how to think how to execute and how to finish. This is a unique gift for first time entrepreneurs to gain complete clarity and become a master of your own startup fate rather than guessing and hoping.
Veteran Curated Diagrams Completely Demystify Entrepreneurship. Make the cloud go away. Personal original diagramming meant to illuminate the mind and path.
Entrepreneurship Illustrated: 50 image collection tutorial
Curated original collection diagramming made by veteran serial entrepreneur | get big picture and deep honest insight
Entrepreneurship visual museum:
50 Essential Images and Original Diagrams To Demystify Entrepreneurship
Essential MBA for tech entrepreneur CEO in 60 minutes
Coder to CEO: Essential MBA for coders startup in 60 minutes
Business is a game. The winner of every niche takes all.
Money is water, business is river.
Money is but a token – you get those by providing your designated customers extreme value.
Entrepreneurship is a form of life style choice, and ultimate learning.
Learn by experiencing, about things no one write in books and no one teaches in schools.
To start to “own a business”, take three actions.
1. Start.
2. Prepare yourself.
3. Pick a business to own.
These three are unrelated.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Entrepreneurs v. Schooling. Entrepreenruship is a fight against your schooling.
Chapter 2: The analogies
Lecture 1: The fishing analogy
Lecture 2: The catch lightning analogy
Lecture 3: The learning bicycle analogy
Lecture 4: The learning swimming analogy
Lecture 5: The learning cooking analogy
Lecture 6: The rocket launch analogy
Lecture 7: The high voltage ground analogy
Lecture 8: The drilling prospecting analogy
Lecture 9: The house frame ceiling analogy
Lecture 10: The comfort zone of life vs entrepreneurship
Lecture 11: The comfort zone feeder system vs. entrepreneurship
Lecture 12: The architecture and building analogy
Chapter 3: The startup curve
Lecture 1: ideas and secrets – idea, plan and execution
Lecture 2: Risks are hidden, but everywhere
Lecture 3: Risks are only risks when they are hidden
Lecture 4: The startup process
Chapter 4: Stuff MBA thought you know
Lecture 1: Market is where selling happens
Lecture 2: Focused niche on fat markets with large TAM
Lecture 3: The real secret is trade secret – it is hidden in market
Lecture 4: Assembly the business of dreams – five peices DIY
Lecture 5: Elements of the track
Lecture 6: Don't make and then market like drifting bottle
Lecture 7: People buy extreme value and benefits
Lecture 8: Business is like a person – it has a life cycle
Lecture 9: You don't have to make your own products
Chapter 5: Crafts, tactics, schemes
Lecture 1: Huge funnel leads to low price
Lecture 2: Flashing to lead to the funnel
Lecture 3: How to find what people will buy
Lecture 4: Provide benefits – don't just solve problems
Chapter 6: The journey. Path to safe execution
Lecture 1: Entrepreneurship of science – try and try.
Lecture 2: The magic zone beyond the comfort zone
Lecture 3: Should I get an MBA to open my own business? am I a founder or CEO?
Lecture 4: Fail early, succeed early. Get the fear of "F" out of you
Lecture 5: Quitting your job or start? there is no conflict.
Lecture 6: Steps to become an entrepreneur – complete clarity in 60 minutes.
Chapter 7: Practical mindset
Lecture 1: Assemblying a business by YOU
Lecture 2: Line up market, your skill and audience
Lecture 3: Listen to a lot of people, they are all partly right
Lecture 4: The free style assembly of business
Lecture 5: To catch a fast train, be there on time – timing is 42% of work
Chapter 8: Well grounded dreamers
Lecture 1: Ground your dream to shop craft – work shop and shop front
Lecture 2: Wright brothers were shop owners
Lecture 3: Estee Lauder's start – losing money to make more
Lecture 4: Be a leader, not just a boss
Lecture 5: The vision and mission and the journey
Lecture 6: Knowledge vs expertise
Lecture 7: Silo and deep knowledge
Lecture 8: Get networked – understand the circulation of money and goods and fortune saving
Chapter 9: Innocent fallacies
Lecture 1: Let fish come to you to a funnel trap
Lecture 2: Books alone teach nothing
Lecture 3: Off the pedestal
Lecture 4: Your plan and reality
Lecture 5: Lean startup is not take chance lottery
Lecture 6: People's needs
Lecture 7: Find people who need you to enpower
Chang Liu
Engineer, author, CEO, and entrepreneur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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