Essential Interviewing Skills for Hiring
Essential Interviewing Skills for Hiring, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 21 lectures, based on 107 reviews, and has 11886 subscribers.
You will learn about You'll learn about effective, quantitative interviewing techniques that produce more reliable resuls You'll learn how to avoid common interviewing traps, both related to the documentation and the actual interviewing process You'll learn how to prepare and conduct effective interviews, and score candidates in a quality manner You'll learn about all the required soft skills as an interviewer This course is ideal for individuals who are You're a current (or prospective) hiring manager at your company or You're a current (or prospective) talent manager who must hire and wants to know how to do it better It is particularly useful for You're a current (or prospective) hiring manager at your company or You're a current (or prospective) talent manager who must hire and wants to know how to do it better.
Enroll now: Essential Interviewing Skills for Hiring
Title: Essential Interviewing Skills for Hiring
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 21
Number of Published Lectures: 21
Number of Curriculum Items: 21
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 21
Original Price: €49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You'll learn about effective, quantitative interviewing techniques that produce more reliable resuls
- You'll learn how to avoid common interviewing traps, both related to the documentation and the actual interviewing process
- You'll learn how to prepare and conduct effective interviews, and score candidates in a quality manner
- You'll learn about all the required soft skills as an interviewer
Who Should Attend
- You're a current (or prospective) hiring manager at your company
- You're a current (or prospective) talent manager who must hire and wants to know how to do it better
Target Audiences
- You're a current (or prospective) hiring manager at your company
- You're a current (or prospective) talent manager who must hire and wants to know how to do it better
You’ll find it’s not secret that most hiring managers don’t actually get good at interviewing and hiring.
And you may agree that one of the causes is not getting enough practice. Sure.
But you may also find that not having a quantitative approach, with evidence-based questions, measuring skills, traits and outcomes for these, is also one major problem.
And on top of that, most courses don’t cover this.
You’ll find they give you more gimmicks and useless subjective questions, trying to “break” the candidate or ask him what sort animal they would be, and you’re supposed to believe you’ll hire quality people like this.
In this course, you are going to learn how to effectively prepare for and conduct quality interviews that generate better candidates.
You’ll find that this course is the result of my experience coaching several hiring managers and partners at different firms, covering both the process and the required skills of interviewing. You’ll find this course broken into three main modules:
First, you’ll come across the Preliminary Work module, where you will learn about a quantitative, due diligence approach, how to craft role descriptions, prepare questions, and consider different sourcing systems;
Then, you’ll get to know the Interviewing module, where you’ll learn about the full interviewing process, the different question types, soft skills to use, and traps to avoid;
Finally, you’ll learn about some Post-Interview considerations in their own module, covering topics such as closing a candidate, onboarding them, company culture, and more;
Naturally, you’ll find a fit with this course if you’re a professional that has to perform interviews in their daily job functions. Maybe you’re a HR professional, a hiring manager, or you’re just tasked with recruiting and interviewing.
But, besides that, you’ll be the ideal student for this course if:
You’re someone tired of subjective approaches to interviewing, and you want a more rigorous approach;
You’re just starting out with interviewing, and you want the right framework from the beginning;
You’re curious about the current traps in terms of redacting job descriptions, conducting interviews, and other elements at different stages of the process;
You want to know what a full interviewing process looks like, from job role redaction to hiring, as well as the numbers involved;
Some people – including me – love to know what they’re getting in a package.
And by this, I mean, EVERYTHING that is in the package.
So, here is a list of everything that this course covers:
You’ll learn about the different approaches to interviewing (the “prosecutor”, the “sponge”, etc) and why most fail, as well as why the quantitative approach is the one that generates the highest-quality candidates in the most reliable manner;
You’ll get to know some tips and guidelines to effectively craft a role description, including focusing on the right level of work, the right quantity and mixture of work, clearly knowing the difference between a job posting and a role description, and not focusing on activities but instead outcomes;
You’ll learn how to properly prepare interviewing questions based on skills, including specific considerations such as using the past tense, using Brad Smart’s TORC (or Threat of Reference Check), focusing on similar outcomes to this position, and preparing everything beforehand to collect data;
You’ll learn about why hiring manager accountability is crucial for a quality hiring process, not dumping responsibility on HR, using specific scorecards and quantitative techniques, and making hiring success part of incentives, among other measures;
You’ll get to know an overview of the different sourcing systems for candidates, including recruiters, online platforms, referral programs, and staffing for temporary situations, as well as the costs and time involved in each;
You’ll get to know about the general interviewing process in general, starting with your candidate sourcing and reviewing of CVs, then your interviewing, including 3 different interview types (the screening interview, the “main” interview and possibly deep dive interviews with experts), and finally, your scoring of the final candidates and selection – as well as what to do in each task;
You’ll learn about the three main types of interviewing questions: Functional, Interpersonal and Cultural, which focus on different important areas of candidates, and that are all required, letting you evaluate the candidate on their technical skills, on their personal values, and on their communication/teamwork/other interpersonal capabilities;
You’ll learn about the main soft skills to keep in mind when interviewing, including establishing rapport and empathy, being able to read a candidate’s reactions (including lies and hesitations), as well as probing, insisting, and maintaining diplomacy and respect;
You’ll get to know which traps to avoid in the interviewing process, from you possibly not having enough depth in the questions you ask, to losing control of the flow of the interview, asking the wrong questions, making snap judgments, and/or possibly not coordinating with other interviewers, resulting in repetition and a bad experience for the candidate;
You’ll learn about the main types of checks to perform on a candidate before accepting them, including possible pre-employment tests, reference checks and background checks, that you can perform to be more sure about a candidate’s quality;
You’ll learn about the components of closing a candidate, including negotiating compensation and benefits, inculcating the right company culture, taking into account the person’s home and family (other possible influencers), as well as being transparent on other opportunities and which way they’re leaning;
You’ll learn about a brief overview of the onboarding process, including components such as welcome packages, introductions to key people, cultural indoctrination, possible orientation or mentoring events or programs, and the person’s ramp-up;
Finally, you’ll get to know about how you can create long-term changes in hiring processes, including changing the company culture to hold hiring managers accountable and use hiring success as KPIs, and changing HR policies, with senior management support, to reflect this, among other measures;
Remember that you always have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so there is no risk for you.
Also, I suggest you make use of the free preview videos to make sure the course really is a fit. I don’t want you to waste your money.
If you think this course is a fit and can take your dispute resolution knowledge to the next level… it would be a pleasure to have you as a student.
See you on the other side!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Preliminary Work
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Useful Information
Lecture 3: The Due Diligence Approach
Lecture 4: Role Description Optimization
Lecture 5: Systematic Question Preparation
Lecture 6: Manager Accountability
Lecture 7: Sourcing Systems
Lecture 8: Outro
Chapter 2: Interviewing
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Process Overview
Lecture 3: Question Types
Lecture 4: Mindset and Soft Skills
Lecture 5: Traps to Avoid
Lecture 6: Final Checks
Lecture 7: Outro
Chapter 3: Post-Interview
Lecture 1: Intro
Lecture 2: Selling and Closing
Lecture 3: Onboarding and Indoctrination
Lecture 4: Long-Term Changes
Lecture 5: Outro
Chapter 4: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Vasco Patrício
Executive Coach, Past MIT Portugal IEI-Backed Founder
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 17 votes
- 4 stars: 26 votes
- 5 stars: 59 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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