EXPORT IMPORT of Merchandise : Principally and Practically
EXPORT IMPORT of Merchandise : Principally and Practically, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4, with 27 lectures, 64 quizzes, based on 8 reviews, and has 432 subscribers.
You will learn about You will know well about the meaning of Export Import, principally n the practice of Export Import at FCL Term compared to LCL Term People will know well what is the different between SALE IN YOUR COUNTRY ONLY and HOW TO SELL OR BUY to or from another Country proportionally Learning the content about Transaction of Documents of export import ( exim ) : Packing List ( PL ), Commercial Invoice ( CI ), Bill Of Exchange ( BE ) and B/L Anyone can follow this course with no knowledge of exim AT ALL : step by step Of process of EXIM available by scheme with the parties involved & the documents Anyone can easyly undestand the process of Export Import by utilizing the BASICAL SCHEME of the Operational and parties involved of the Exporter & the Importer You will know better/well , I accompany you all utilizing Udemy website insight by chatting concerning to : DOCUMENTS, TERMS & PARTIES INVOLVED. This course is ideal for individuals who are 1. Anyone can take part :the Courses is deeply learnt and studied in detail is about Transaction of Documents , i.e : Transport Documents, Packing List, Commercial Invoice and the B/L , also about the basical of Business if Contract i.e. : SALES CONTRACT as the basical contract between Exporter and Importer, and LC Payment and the Content of it as a basical of safety payment at the Export Import matters. Of Course, We study the all Documents of Export Import, begginning from the Introduction letter till Sales Contract and the other documents as a supporting documents of Export Import making the process running well as based on the Sales Contract and there will be an easyly process of Import at the customs of the Importer, because there is a documents called COO ( Certificate Of Origin ) isssued by the Commercial govermental Department of respectively of the Exporter Countries. or 2. Anyone can take part : the Course begins with the ways how to achieve the Sales Contract with the scheme , till realizing of Export and Import process , so it is easy to make an understnding the process of Export Import. In this case, you will know the kinds of Documents and parties or Institution involved at the process of Export and process of Import of goods or merchandising. Students or Audience is going to know well who makes the documents and get the approval of it or the partners/oyher parties will issue the new document for the approval of the matters made , for example that Exporter makes a shipping Instruction towards the shipping company or the forwarder, and in this case that the shipping company will issue the new document called B/L or BL as a shipping document. or 3. Anyone can take part : the function of B/L is 3 ( three ) roles as of shipping document ,i.e : as receipt , as transport and as ownership of concerning the merchandise delivered. or 4. Anyone who wants to develop the skills of export import matters and finally has a higher salary as an employee. or 5. I myself and my team and my son have a kind of dream to realize an Export Import with your Company all over the World. Halo : " Hai Alfath Link Online " or We can each other communicate with other media like linkedin, whatsapp with your internet Link. or 6. Thanks so much you all , Expect that we are going to know each other with better understanding to achieve the better living of life , TOGETHER. It is particularly useful for 1. Anyone can take part :the Courses is deeply learnt and studied in detail is about Transaction of Documents , i.e : Transport Documents, Packing List, Commercial Invoice and the B/L , also about the basical of Business if Contract i.e. : SALES CONTRACT as the basical contract between Exporter and Importer, and LC Payment and the Content of it as a basical of safety payment at the Export Import matters. Of Course, We study the all Documents of Export Import, begginning from the Introduction letter till Sales Contract and the other documents as a supporting documents of Export Import making the process running well as based on the Sales Contract and there will be an easyly process of Import at the customs of the Importer, because there is a documents called COO ( Certificate Of Origin ) isssued by the Commercial govermental Department of respectively of the Exporter Countries. or 2. Anyone can take part : the Course begins with the ways how to achieve the Sales Contract with the scheme , till realizing of Export and Import process , so it is easy to make an understnding the process of Export Import. In this case, you will know the kinds of Documents and parties or Institution involved at the process of Export and process of Import of goods or merchandising. Students or Audience is going to know well who makes the documents and get the approval of it or the partners/oyher parties will issue the new document for the approval of the matters made , for example that Exporter makes a shipping Instruction towards the shipping company or the forwarder, and in this case that the shipping company will issue the new document called B/L or BL as a shipping document. or 3. Anyone can take part : the function of B/L is 3 ( three ) roles as of shipping document ,i.e : as receipt , as transport and as ownership of concerning the merchandise delivered. or 4. Anyone who wants to develop the skills of export import matters and finally has a higher salary as an employee. or 5. I myself and my team and my son have a kind of dream to realize an Export Import with your Company all over the World. Halo : " Hai Alfath Link Online " or We can each other communicate with other media like linkedin, whatsapp with your internet Link. or 6. Thanks so much you all , Expect that we are going to know each other with better understanding to achieve the better living of life , TOGETHER.
Enroll now: EXPORT IMPORT of Merchandise : Principally and Practically
Title: EXPORT IMPORT of Merchandise : Principally and Practically
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 27
Number of Quizzes: 64
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 64
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will know well about the meaning of Export Import, principally n the practice of Export Import at FCL Term compared to LCL Term
- People will know well what is the different between SALE IN YOUR COUNTRY ONLY and HOW TO SELL OR BUY to or from another Country proportionally
- Learning the content about Transaction of Documents of export import ( exim ) : Packing List ( PL ), Commercial Invoice ( CI ), Bill Of Exchange ( BE ) and B/L
- Anyone can follow this course with no knowledge of exim AT ALL : step by step Of process of EXIM available by scheme with the parties involved & the documents
- Anyone can easyly undestand the process of Export Import by utilizing the BASICAL SCHEME of the Operational and parties involved of the Exporter & the Importer
- You will know better/well , I accompany you all utilizing Udemy website insight by chatting concerning to : DOCUMENTS, TERMS & PARTIES INVOLVED.
Who Should Attend
- 1. Anyone can take part :the Courses is deeply learnt and studied in detail is about Transaction of Documents , i.e : Transport Documents, Packing List, Commercial Invoice and the B/L , also about the basical of Business if Contract i.e. : SALES CONTRACT as the basical contract between Exporter and Importer, and LC Payment and the Content of it as a basical of safety payment at the Export Import matters. Of Course, We study the all Documents of Export Import, begginning from the Introduction letter till Sales Contract and the other documents as a supporting documents of Export Import making the process running well as based on the Sales Contract and there will be an easyly process of Import at the customs of the Importer, because there is a documents called COO ( Certificate Of Origin ) isssued by the Commercial govermental Department of respectively of the Exporter Countries.
- 2. Anyone can take part : the Course begins with the ways how to achieve the Sales Contract with the scheme , till realizing of Export and Import process , so it is easy to make an understnding the process of Export Import. In this case, you will know the kinds of Documents and parties or Institution involved at the process of Export and process of Import of goods or merchandising. Students or Audience is going to know well who makes the documents and get the approval of it or the partners/oyher parties will issue the new document for the approval of the matters made , for example that Exporter makes a shipping Instruction towards the shipping company or the forwarder, and in this case that the shipping company will issue the new document called B/L or BL as a shipping document.
- 3. Anyone can take part : the function of B/L is 3 ( three ) roles as of shipping document ,i.e : as receipt , as transport and as ownership of concerning the merchandise delivered.
- 4. Anyone who wants to develop the skills of export import matters and finally has a higher salary as an employee.
- 5. I myself and my team and my son have a kind of dream to realize an Export Import with your Company all over the World. Halo : " Hai Alfath Link Online " or We can each other communicate with other media like linkedin, whatsapp with your internet Link.
- 6. Thanks so much you all , Expect that we are going to know each other with better understanding to achieve the better living of life , TOGETHER.
Target Audiences
- 1. Anyone can take part :the Courses is deeply learnt and studied in detail is about Transaction of Documents , i.e : Transport Documents, Packing List, Commercial Invoice and the B/L , also about the basical of Business if Contract i.e. : SALES CONTRACT as the basical contract between Exporter and Importer, and LC Payment and the Content of it as a basical of safety payment at the Export Import matters. Of Course, We study the all Documents of Export Import, begginning from the Introduction letter till Sales Contract and the other documents as a supporting documents of Export Import making the process running well as based on the Sales Contract and there will be an easyly process of Import at the customs of the Importer, because there is a documents called COO ( Certificate Of Origin ) isssued by the Commercial govermental Department of respectively of the Exporter Countries.
- 2. Anyone can take part : the Course begins with the ways how to achieve the Sales Contract with the scheme , till realizing of Export and Import process , so it is easy to make an understnding the process of Export Import. In this case, you will know the kinds of Documents and parties or Institution involved at the process of Export and process of Import of goods or merchandising. Students or Audience is going to know well who makes the documents and get the approval of it or the partners/oyher parties will issue the new document for the approval of the matters made , for example that Exporter makes a shipping Instruction towards the shipping company or the forwarder, and in this case that the shipping company will issue the new document called B/L or BL as a shipping document.
- 3. Anyone can take part : the function of B/L is 3 ( three ) roles as of shipping document ,i.e : as receipt , as transport and as ownership of concerning the merchandise delivered.
- 4. Anyone who wants to develop the skills of export import matters and finally has a higher salary as an employee.
- 5. I myself and my team and my son have a kind of dream to realize an Export Import with your Company all over the World. Halo : " Hai Alfath Link Online " or We can each other communicate with other media like linkedin, whatsapp with your internet Link.
- 6. Thanks so much you all , Expect that we are going to know each other with better understanding to achieve the better living of life , TOGETHER.
1. The Courses learn and study about documents of Transaction of Export Import , i.e : Transport Documents, Packing List, Commercial Invoice, Draft/Bill Of Exchange and the B/L . How to understand and make Master Documents as the basical of Business if Contract i.e. : SALES CONTRACT as the basical contract between Exporter and Importer, and LC Payment and the Content of LC as a basical of safety payment at the Export Import matters.
2. Studying and learn about the all Documents of Export Import, beginning from the Introduction letter till Sales Contract and untill the Exporter received the LC Beneficiary as a supporting documents of payment guaranteed by the Bank of Export Import, respectively the Bank Of Issuing Bank or Opening Bank as the Bank Of Importer and Advising Bank or Negotiating Bank as the Bank of Exporter.
3. Understanding and implement of How to make the process of Export Import running well by learning the important role document of Export Import Notification controlled by Customs of every Country called PEB document and PIB document in Indonesia and there is a Document of permiting to enter the Customs of Importer Country called COO document, In Indonesia called or the same as SKA document.
4. The course begins with understanding and knowledge Of Export and Import basically and refer to matters of HS CODE and INCOTERMS2020 practically, so this Course can be taken part or followed by Beginner.
5. This course preserve the SCHEME of process of Export Import as a basically matter concerning of How to make easy of learning Export Import of Merchandise, So this case makes easyly for beginner to take and understand the process of Export Import basically and practically.
6. The content of the course utilizing Of Scheme Method Of Process Export Import and the Scheme Of INCOTERMS2020 with the 11 ( eleven ) terms of the Content, this Course makes the Students easyly to undesrtand the Knowledge and How to understand Implement the Export Import process, especially in a case that this Course preserve students to learn Export Import at FCL Term.
7. Through this course are going to know well about 3 ( three ) Challenge of thing in order to know better knowledge of Export Import , namely : a). DOCUMENTS Of Export Import needed, b) TERMINOLOGIES or Terms and INCOTERMS2020 happened and c) PARTIES INVOLVED in the directly operational of process of Export Import at FCL Term.
8. There are basically at least : 15 ( Fifteen ) Documents learnt basically, 50 ( Fifty ) Terminologies refer to the items content Of making document of Export Import and refer to the Operational of the process Export Import, 11 ( Eleven ) Terms of INCOTERMS2020, and 7 ( Seven ) Parties Involved directly of the operational Of process of Export Import.
9. There is no doubtfull to take part in this Course of mine, because I myself have an Experience as an employee staff of Exporting Company,especially the products of briquettes charcoal, besides as a Lecturer Of Export Import principal and practice and also a lecturer Of Shipping and Customs at one Institution Of Education in East Java Indonesia untill now.
10. Who knows that in the next near future refer to the challenge and hindrance faced : with my team of Alfath Edu of mine , Indonesia where I and my team live has many varieties of merchandise :,among others at catagory of Handmade with enough quantity and good Quality , we will be able to implement an export import of a merchandise , either in FCL Term or LCL Term, to achieve the better living for togetherness
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: EXPORT IMPORT Principally of Merchandising Containerized or at FCL Term
Lecture 1: Introduction Of Export Import at FCL Terms or Containerized ( 20 ft or 40 ft )
Lecture 2: A Few Lecture of Learning : 5 matters of Export import for Containerized volume
Lecture 3: Definition OF EXIM,Challenge Hindrance,, Process & Practical Type OF EXIM
Lecture 4: Process OF Sales Contract Achievement
Lecture 5: A Basical Process OF EXIM Described by Scheme with the Parties involving
Lecture 6: A Process of Export-Import completely by scheme with the documents & parties
Lecture 7: Terminologies often happened at documents,parties & operational of EXPORT IMPORT
Chapter 2: 5 ( FIVE ) CHALLENGES About Export Import Practically for Containerizing volume
Lecture 1: Sales Contract, HS Code, Incoterms2020, Payment, Cost of Goods & LC Content
Lecture 2: Principally Concept Content of Sales Contract
Lecture 3: HS Code and Incoterms2020
Lecture 4: Payment Terms and Incoterms2020
Lecture 5: a Basical Concept of Cost Calculation of Merchandise or Goods exported imported
Lecture 6: Payment : a Basical LC Payment and Non LC payment
Chapter 3: a study case of EXIM based on Sales Contract & LC of Exporter / LC Beneficiary's
Lecture 1: Exporting based on Sales Contract & the LC's Exporter : make docs of transaction
Lecture 2: How to make the transport document of that case
Lecture 3: How to make the packing List based on a realization of merchandise exported
Lecture 4: making Commercial Invoice based on the realization of merchandise the exported
Lecture 5: the Bill of Exchange refer to Commercial Invoice & the real Quantity exported
Chapter 4: Shipping Intsruction & B/L are the two important of operational process of EXIM
Lecture 1: B/L issued by Shipping company is one important document of transaction
Lecture 2: Shipping instruction is an operation & document : between exporter -to-carrier
Lecture 3: B/L is a doc for nego Exporter the bank of exporter & receive goods for Importer
Lecture 4: Shipment advice is an important step of exim after the merchandise on Board
Chapter 5: SHIIPMENT ADVICE PROCESS: Operation of EXIM , available at my 2nd Ebook in Udemy
Lecture 1: Shipment advice is the first step done by Exporter, after delivery of the goods
Chapter 6: More 60 Quizzes made as A TOOL TO UNDERSTAND the material of this Course of EXIM
Chapter 7: MORE QUIZZES RELATED INCOTERMS2020 & LC PAYMENT as Bonus of Quizzes
Chapter 8: A BONUS LECTURE & ASSIGNMENT, i.e. : a practice to make documents of transaction
Lecture 1: Bonus-1 : Sales Contract & LC of Exporter Achieved available
Lecture 2: Bonus-2 : Sales Contract & LC of Exporter achieved available
Ir. Nurhadi Yuwono, Bsc
Very happy my ex-students"ve worked at Export Import Company -
Prauditya Yoga Sugama
Co – Instructure
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
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