Failure Mode Effects Analysis
Failure Mode Effects Analysis, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 59 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 27 reviews, and has 119 subscribers.
You will learn about Lean how to manage a FMEA Project What is System, Process, and Product Criticality Ranking Deference between a design and process FMEA FMEA process from initiation to closer Build FMEA Report Real Case Studies How to apply FMEA Internally and Externally What is the FMEA Rating Scale Tools to engage FMEA team Reverse FMEA This course is ideal for individuals who are Service Industry and Manufacturing Operations Professionals or Design Responsibility Engineers or Reliability Professionals or Maintenance Professionals or Executives Seeking Advanced Knowledge It is particularly useful for Service Industry and Manufacturing Operations Professionals or Design Responsibility Engineers or Reliability Professionals or Maintenance Professionals or Executives Seeking Advanced Knowledge.
Enroll now: Failure Mode Effects Analysis
Title: Failure Mode Effects Analysis
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 59
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 59
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Lean how to manage a FMEA Project
- What is System, Process, and Product Criticality Ranking
- Deference between a design and process FMEA
- FMEA process from initiation to closer
- Build FMEA Report
- Real Case Studies
- How to apply FMEA Internally and Externally
- What is the FMEA Rating Scale
- Tools to engage FMEA team
- Reverse FMEA
Who Should Attend
- Service Industry and Manufacturing Operations Professionals
- Design Responsibility Engineers
- Reliability Professionals
- Maintenance Professionals
- Executives Seeking Advanced Knowledge
Target Audiences
- Service Industry and Manufacturing Operations Professionals
- Design Responsibility Engineers
- Reliability Professionals
- Maintenance Professionals
- Executives Seeking Advanced Knowledge
FMEA is now a common strategy in organizations all over the world. In this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts you need to act as an agent for FMEA projects in your organization. This course will outline historical insights, primary methodologies, and core concepts associated with Process and Design FMEA. You will learn what FMEA means, how to run your FMEA from concept to completion, how to scope your FMEA project, and how to facilitate an effective FMEA and core methodologies of Process and Design FMEA. The course will also cover foundational concepts of FMEA. Students are asked to complete projects throughout the course. Our goal is to teach you the key concepts you need to act as an agent for FMEA in your organization. This course will outline a Foundation of knowledge for you. You will learn about the History of FMEA, Some Key methodologies used in FMEA, including the Risk Priority Number. This course will launch you into the world of FMEA.
What would you get after taking this course: FMEA Project?
You become FMEA Project leader.
Become a pro at asking tough brainstorming questions
Understand several real-life anecdotes from industry experts
Receive trainer assistance using the Q&A Discussion board
Add the FMEA credential to your resume
Become a problem solver for your business
Learn root-cause analysis techniques
Learn how to create an FMEA project dashboard
This FMEA Project is suitable for individuals from:
Maintenance and Reliability
Transaction processing
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
Or any repeatable nature of business in the Service Industry
This FMEA project is not for anyone outside of the given scope.
This FMEA Project is comprehensive yet straightforward designed to help you learn FMEA Project tools and techniques using practical, real-life examples and lots of activities. As a bonus, in this FMEA Project, you will also learn to create complex statistical analyzes such as Hypothesis Testing, Design of Experiments, and Mistake Proofing.
Whether you want to:
Become an in-demand FMEA professional for potential service industry organizations
Go freelance and work from home, set your schedule and rates
Sharpen your process improvement skills to reach the advanced level
Bring your ideas to life with your first FMEA case study
This complete FMEA course is what you need and more.(You’ll even get a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal).
What makes this course great?
Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented online know-it-all tutorials, which assumed you could understand the complex manufacturing jargon and left you without having you practice what you have learned.
Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics and generally confusing info presented in the wrong way. Its high-definition, comprehensive tutorials are designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind.
You will get the best-in-class support from the instructor for any questions you have related to the course.
The course is very well structured:
The course duration is 4.5 hours
You become an expert in FMEA tools and techniques
These 7 steps over 50 short lectures
Each lecture covers bite-sized information; easy to grasp and apply
Each lecture consist of a video screencast
Each section is well-rounded with:
A section objective discussed at the beginning
o Then, the concept discussed at length
o Have examples are discussed to review concepts from a practical perspective
o This is followed either by an activity or a quiz
o Real Life Proficiency Hacks are added for you to be proficient in using this methodology
o Each section ends with an apt summary
· Numerical activities are supplemented with live process data
· There are several downloadable ready-to-use templates that are comprehensive and pertinently cover everything you’ll need to run your FMEA Project
Using the Q&A discussion board, you receive trainer assistance on course-related questions.
The market is never short of jobs in quality, process excellence functions. There are great jobs. They only need skilled individuals. They are ready to hire individuals with hands-on knowledge who outshine the interview process.
**** A little more detail on FMEA Project Training and its Benefits ***
What is an FMEA?
The FMEA is a strategically designed set of tools and techniques that help improve business processes within an organization. The primary goal of FMEA is to drive access to organization access and prioritize risk.
What are the benefits of FMEA?
FMEA’s helps your organization reduce variation and eliminate errors
An organization has several business processes. Each business process has its own unique set of procedures followed by individuals working in that business. Completing this training enables YOU to become crucial to your organization to identify and eliminate variation and repeatable process errors.
With an FMEA Project, you can help transform and enable your organization to increase revenue by identifying and eliminating errors that would otherwise have brought poor customer satisfaction and losses to the business. FMEA Project professionals can help reduce variation, errors, customer complaints, cycle time, cost, schedule delays, and spending/revenue leakages.
Improve your business and sustain the gains
Once you have your FMEA Project certification, you’ll be able to prove you have the knowledge to identify gaps in an organization’s business process, and you will be able to measure, analyze and improve those gaps. You will also have the ability to conduct a complete review of the current process and gain a clear understanding of their impact on the output.
You’ll also develop the ability to achieve exceptional improvements in your business and sustain them by monitoring processes closely to ensure there is little or no deviation from the mean and taking corrective measures to improve your implemented actions.
FMEA is applicable across industries
What is the value of FMEA? FMEA techniques are applied in aerospace, electronics, telecom, banking and finance, IT, HR, marketing, and many more industries as an industry-independent methodology.
Getting an FMEA can lead to better job opportunities and improved salaries -. FMEA professionals get so much respect because the practical applications of FMEA tools and techniques require creative and out-of-the-box thinking – and executives and hiring managers at major companies are well aware.
With an FMEA Project, you will position yourself as a change agent, spearheading quality improvement throughout your team or organization, showcasing your leadership skillset. With FMEA Project, you become knowledgeable in dozens of different methods to streamline business processes, improve employee acceptance, reduce costs, and increase revenue – all of which lead to a better bottom line, no matter the industry.
As a professional, you need to adapt yourself to the changing demands of your industry. No matter what industry you are a part of, it would help adjust your knowledge to different situations.
Improve Your Managerial and Leadership Ability
FMEA Project training also prepares you for leadership roles, with the techniques and know-how to cut costs, increase revenue, and improve the business process’s efficiency. Those who achieve complete this course are educated on the methodologies of FMEA. They are also prepared to become a change agent within their organization, leading efforts to improve processes, product quality, customer services, and Gain Hands-On Experience In Quality Management
Unlike a few other FMEA training, it includes hands-on work on industry projects and experience implementing theoretical principles to real-life scenarios. It looks at FMEA as a Project, not a spreadsheet.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to FMEA
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: The Cost of Failure
Lecture 3: Purpose of FMEA
Lecture 4: History of FMEA and FMECA
Lecture 5: When to use FMEA
Lecture 6: The 7 Steps to FMEA Project
Chapter 2: Initiating and Planning
Lecture 1: Process vs. Design FMEA
Lecture 2: Project Scope
Lecture 3: FMEA Team Charter
Lecture 4: Team Assembly and Resource Management
Lecture 5: Process Performance Tracking
Lecture 6: Pareto Analysis
Lecture 7: Summary of Initiating and Planning
Chapter 3: Structure and System Analysis
Lecture 1: What is a Structure and System Analysis
Lecture 2: Block Diagram (D FMEA)
Lecture 3: Design Tree
Lecture 4: The Voice of the Customer and Critical Customer Requirements
Lecture 5: How to Build a Process Map (P FMEA)
Lecture 6: How to Create a SIPOC
Lecture 7: How to conduct a Brainstorming Session
Lecture 8: Brainstorming Techniques
Lecture 9: Structure and System Summary
Chapter 4: Function Point Analysis
Lecture 1: What is a Function Point Analysis
Lecture 2: D FMEA Function Tree
Lecture 3: Function Point Tools
Lecture 4: Value Steam Analysis
Chapter 5: Failure Analysis
Lecture 1: What is a Failure Analysis
Lecture 2: Design FMEA Failure List
Lecture 3: Ishikawa diagram (Fishbone)
Lecture 4: How Maximize Your FMEA Facilitation
Chapter 6: Risk Analysis
Lecture 1: Risk Priority Number
Lecture 2: How to use the FMEA Form
Lecture 3: Step 1: Pre-FMEA Data Input on FMEA Form
Lecture 4: How to Rank Severity
Lecture 5: How to Rank Occurrences
Lecture 6: How to Determine Detectability
Lecture 7: Step 2: Determine the Risk Failures on FMEA Form
Lecture 8: Step 3 and 4 Develop Action Plans and Inputs Improvements
Lecture 9: Risk Analysis Summary
Chapter 7: FMEA Optimization and Project Execution
Lecture 1: How to Optimize FMEA Project
Lecture 2: Decision Tree Example
Lecture 3: Monte Carlo Simulation
Lecture 4: Design of Experiment FMEA
Lecture 5: PDCA
Lecture 6: S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Lecture 7: Project Communication
Lecture 8: Optimization and Execution Summary
Chapter 8: Monitoring and Controlling (Result/Documentations)
Lecture 1: Introduction to Control Plan
Lecture 2: How to Reduce Risk
Lecture 3: Reporting FMEA
Lecture 4: Quantitative Audit
Lecture 5: Monitoring and Controlling Summary
Chapter 9: Bonus
Lecture 1: Nominal Group Technique
Lecture 2: Consensus Seeking
Lecture 3: Building Facilitation Behaviors
Lecture 4: The Eight Types of Wastes
Lecture 5: Reverse FMEA
Lecture 6: Critical Spares Strategy
AW Schultz
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (Author/Trainer)
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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