Flawless Webinar Hosting: Gain Confidence And Effectiveness!
Flawless Webinar Hosting: Gain Confidence And Effectiveness!, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 27 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 1546 subscribers.
You will learn about Host a Flawless Webinar that is easy to setup and conduct. Master the techniques that dramatically increase the engagement and effectiveness of your webinars. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is great if you are have never used webinars before or have hosted a few and want to quickly leap to an expert level. or This course is also perfect for those who have more webinar experience and want to take their expertise to a higher level. or If you are looking for a course on how to operate a specific platform then this course may not be for you. Focus of the course is to learn best practices that can be applied to any platform such as Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts with Webex being used for demonstration purposes and not a "click here" based tutorial. More universal than that. It is particularly useful for This course is great if you are have never used webinars before or have hosted a few and want to quickly leap to an expert level. or This course is also perfect for those who have more webinar experience and want to take their expertise to a higher level. or If you are looking for a course on how to operate a specific platform then this course may not be for you. Focus of the course is to learn best practices that can be applied to any platform such as Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts with Webex being used for demonstration purposes and not a "click here" based tutorial. More universal than that.
Enroll now: Flawless Webinar Hosting: Gain Confidence And Effectiveness!
Title: Flawless Webinar Hosting: Gain Confidence And Effectiveness!
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 27
Number of Published Lectures: 27
Number of Curriculum Items: 27
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 27
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Host a Flawless Webinar that is easy to setup and conduct.
- Master the techniques that dramatically increase the engagement and effectiveness of your webinars.
Who Should Attend
- This course is great if you are have never used webinars before or have hosted a few and want to quickly leap to an expert level.
- This course is also perfect for those who have more webinar experience and want to take their expertise to a higher level.
- If you are looking for a course on how to operate a specific platform then this course may not be for you. Focus of the course is to learn best practices that can be applied to any platform such as Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts with Webex being used for demonstration purposes and not a "click here" based tutorial. More universal than that.
Target Audiences
- This course is great if you are have never used webinars before or have hosted a few and want to quickly leap to an expert level.
- This course is also perfect for those who have more webinar experience and want to take their expertise to a higher level.
- If you are looking for a course on how to operate a specific platform then this course may not be for you. Focus of the course is to learn best practices that can be applied to any platform such as Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts with Webex being used for demonstration purposes and not a "click here" based tutorial. More universal than that.
“Comprehensive with lots of detail.”-Michah C
Webinars are a great tool but many people lack the confidence and skill to use them well.They struggle with them and are frustrated or avoid doing webinars at all. This course will give you the best practices and confidence you need so you can be comfortable and great on your next webinar!
Has this every happened to you:
- Takes forever to setup a webinar and usually forget something or screw up a setting leading to embarrassment when the webinar is live.
- Webinars doe not run smoothly and time is spent on trying to get the webinar to work right instead of focusing on the content of the meeting.
- Had your boss, a client, or someone else on the webinar complain about the setup and facilitation.
- Something else that just does not make you super confident on webinars and know life would be easier if you could host flawless webinars that others rave about.
Then this course is for you.
The instructor is well versed in a variety of webinar types from traditional virtual meetings to promoting your organization, working with prospects, and even selling educational webinars that generate $10,000 in revenue. Webinars can be high stakes endeavors and this course will help you to be at your best with 3 hours of great content.
Course Overview
Section 1looks at why do webinars in the first place and the key concept of understanding the goal of your webinar plus the difference between private and public webinars. You will understand the variety of ways webinars can be used and how you can take advantage of them.
Section 2goes over all the preparation work which is critical because if you do the prep well then better chance everything else goes smoothly and poor prep leads to poor execution. Great demonstrations how to setup a webinar that is not platform specific and concepts can be applied to other platforms. Plus how to work with other presenters and subject matter experts from sourcing and coaching to holding an effective dry-run in preparation for a high stakes webinar.
Section 3 is all about the big day and the best practices when you actually launch your webinar and what to do before others join. Also how to encourage engagement through the use of tools such as the Chat Box, Polls, and tips on holding effective question and answer sessions. Plus the benefits of recording and how it can be your best friend. What to do if disaster does strike such as the power going out or dealing with rude or unruly attendees. How to use reports to see who is paying attention on your webinar and how much as well as registration and attendance reports for your public webinars.
You will gain a tremendous amount of information you can use immediately from someone who uses webinars all the time in a variety of ways in an international environment and he will share all that expertise and best practices so you jump ahead in the use of this necessary tool and proceed with confidence, effectiveness, and productivity.
Many of the learners in this course:
- Have never done a webinar before or very few and a new role requires it or they want to make money with webinars as an entrepreneur.
- Have done webinars but run into problems and want their webinars to be easier and more professional. Webinars can be a great professional strength if done well.
- Use a wide variety of webinar platforms like Webex, Go-To-Meeting, and Google Hangouts and want to learn tips and best practices that are more than using a specific system but are universal in nature and go beyond simple setup but to a higher level of being great with virtual meetings.
In this course you will learn how to setup and host a webinar for success. Period.
Don’t wait. Click TAKE THIS COURSE and get started now and become recognized as a webinar pro that your peers, co-workers, bosses, and clients value highly. Thanks and look forward to seeing you in the training!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Why Do Webinars?
Lecture 3: Goal of Your Webinar
Lecture 4: Public vs. Private Webinars
Lecture 5: Course Interaction
Chapter 2: The Before: Webinar Preperation and Setup
Lecture 1: Best Days and Times to Hold a Webinar
Lecture 2: How Long Should a Webinar Last?
Lecture 3: Sample Webinar Lengths
Lecture 4: Equipment Needs and Best Practices
Lecture 5: Basic Webinar Setup Demonstration
Lecture 6: Advanced Webinar Setup Demonstration
Lecture 7: Sourcing Presenters
Lecture 8: Coaching Presenters
Lecture 9: Using a Template for Your Webinar Slides
Lecture 10: Doing a Dry Run
Chapter 3: The Big Day: Launching & Hosting a Flawless Webinar
Lecture 1: Launch & Fine Tuning Before Others Join
Lecture 2: During The Webinar Best Practices
Lecture 3: Engaging the Audience
Lecture 4: Effectively Using the Chat Box
Lecture 5: Question & Answer Best Practices
Lecture 6: Polling
Lecture 7: Recording
Lecture 8: If Disaster Strikes: Power Outages, Unruly Participants, etc…
Lecture 9: Ending the Webinar
Chapter 4: The After: Reporting & Analytics
Lecture 1: Reporting: Analyzing Attendance and Engagement
Lecture 2: Course Wrap Up
Lecture 3: Lets Keep The Learning Going
Steve Ballinger, MBA
Millionaire Investor|Stocks|ChatGPT|Mgmt. Teaching 760,000+
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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