Food Safety: HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Food Safety: HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.42, with 40 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 320 reviews, and has 1141 subscribers.
You will learn about Introduction To HACCP Types of Food Safety Hazards Assemble The HACCP Team Describe The Product Describe The Intended Use And Consumers Create and Verify The Flow Diagram Conduct Hazard Analysis Establish Critical Limits Establish Corrective Actions Establish Verification Procedures Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures This course is ideal for individuals who are The Ideal Student For This Course Is Anyone Who Wants To Learn About HACCP Or An Existing Professional Who Wants To Expand On Their Current Skills. It is particularly useful for The Ideal Student For This Course Is Anyone Who Wants To Learn About HACCP Or An Existing Professional Who Wants To Expand On Their Current Skills.
Enroll now: Food Safety: HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Title: Food Safety: HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.42
Number of Lectures: 40
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 40
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 52
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 52
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Introduction To HACCP
- Types of Food Safety Hazards
- Assemble The HACCP Team
- Describe The Product
- Describe The Intended Use And Consumers
- Create and Verify The Flow Diagram
- Conduct Hazard Analysis
- Establish Critical Limits
- Establish Corrective Actions
- Establish Verification Procedures
- Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Who Should Attend
- The Ideal Student For This Course Is Anyone Who Wants To Learn About HACCP Or An Existing Professional Who Wants To Expand On Their Current Skills.
Target Audiences
- The Ideal Student For This Course Is Anyone Who Wants To Learn About HACCP Or An Existing Professional Who Wants To Expand On Their Current Skills.
What is the connection between space exploration and the food in your pantry, on the grocery shelves, or the one you are eating? This is not a conspiracy. Want to know?
The answer is… H-A-C-C-P.In this course, we will discover how space exploration not only pushed the limits of human knowledge but also opened the way that propelled the food industry to ensure food that is safe for consumption – anytime, anywhere, for everyone.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It is a system widely used in the food manufacturing industry as a proactive and systematic tool to identify the potential risks and the critical control points(or CCP) in the ingredients, processes, and environment in the manufacturing of food. There are 12 steps involvedin developing the HACCP Plan and this course will guide you in each step through comprehensive discussion and examples. Exams and self-paced activities test your understanding and practice as you learn the concepts.
I am your guide in this course. My name is Johnathan Miller. I have been in the food industry for 10+ years and have an extensive experience in food safety management and HACCP development and implementation. After completing the course, you will be readyto create the HACCP Plan for your organization and contribute toward food safety.
Enrolling in this course proves your commitment to food safety. I look forward to seeing you in this course and let us learn together!
Food is an essential need of humans. We consume food to nourish ourselves or satisfy our cravings. Food has been part of our evolution as humans – developing ways to gather, store, make, and cook.
One of the key discoveriesin our history was made by microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Food spoils due to microorganisms. To prevent spoilage, food can be preserved by destroying or not allowing the microorganisms in food. This theory led to different ways of preserving food. The main idea is to control the temperature and reduce the water content in food to not support the growth of these microorganisms.
With this theory, food preparation and manufacturing have improved significantly throughout the years. The advancement in technology and the growing demandbring food manufacturing to a different level and on a massive scale. Bringing food from its origin to supermarket shelves and on our tables has become the primary goal of the food industry. Aside from the logistics like transportation and storage, food safety and availabilityare factors to be considered.
Foodcan now be prepared and served anywhere at any time – at homes, in schools, aboard airplanes and ships, and even in outer space. Did I mention outer space?Yes!In the 1950s, as space exploration was already taking off, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA saw the need for food for their astronauts during space travel. With the limitations in food preparation and storage in outer space, the food has to be “special” to overcome the limitations and bring proper nourishment to the astronauts.
Of course, food must be safe as well so as not to introduce microbiological hazards into space. With NASA’s risk-based thinking and dedication to quality assurance, they wanted a controlled procedure and environment during the manufacture of food to ensure overall quality – not only during the finished goods inspection.
So, in the 1960s, Pillsbury Company took on the challenge to manufacture the first space food with NASA’s directive to design a system for controlling food safety. Pillsbury developed the HACCP System.
HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.
This is a system to preventfood safety hazards. HACCP is a systematic methodology to identify the potential risks and the critical control points(or CCP) in the ingredients, the processes, and the environment in the manufacturing of food.
As space travel became longer, Pillsbury further improved the HACCP system in collaboration with NASA and the US Army to be a proactive system. This is the HACCP we now have today.
In 1967, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognized HACCP and started implementing its concepts into the food manufacturing processes. It was then that the HACCP concepts made their way from the space programto commercial food manufacturing.
This paved the way for HACCP to be recognized globally through the reports of international groups like the National Academy of Sciences in 1985, the International Commission for the Microbiological Specifications for Food in 1988, and the Codex Alimentarius Commission of the World Health Organization or WHO. It is considered an important elementin the published standards of food safety management systems like ISO 22000, BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, and SQF Code.
In its current form, HACCP has seven principles. These are the following:
Principle 1: Analyze the Hazards. Potential food safety hazards are identified. These hazards can be physical, chemical, or biological hazards.
Principle 2: Identify Critical Control Points.In a simple definition, these are the points in the manufacturing processes at which potential hazards can be controlled, reduced, or eliminated.
Principle 3: Establish Critical Limits for each Critical Control Point.This sets the minimum or maximum limits for the control points, which include but are not limited to temperature and time.
Principle 4: Establish Monitoring Procedures.These are the steps on the what, when, where, how and by whom, the critical points are monitored.
Principle 5: Establish Corrective Actions.These are the actions to take when the critical limits are not met.
Principle 6: Establish Verification Procedures.These are the steps to verify the measurements in the monitoring of the critical points; and last,
Principle 7: Establish record-keeping and documentation procedures.This principle is about maintaining the records related to the HACCP system – hazard controlling and monitoring, corrective action implementation, and validation studies.
In this course, we will be discussing in detail these seven principlesand the other steps to establish and implement an effective HACCP system.
Who are the Instructors?
Your instructor, Johnathan Miller, is a certified food safety HACCP professional!
With over 12 years of teaching and training experience, he is here to help you learn! This course sums up his 12 years of learning. Imagine the value every hour holds for you. So, don’t wait and get started right away!
We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee,so if you aren’t happy with your purchase, we will refund your course – no questions asked! – though this will never be needed.
We can’t wait to see you on the course!
Enroll now, and Let’s see you on the Inside!
Johnathan Miller, from MagineSolutions.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To HACCP
Lecture 1: Introduction To HACCP
Lecture 2: Course Activities Introduction
Chapter 2: Types of Food Safety Hazards
Lecture 1: Important Tips For This Course!
Lecture 2: Types of Food Safety Hazards
Chapter 3: Step 1: Assemble The HACCP Team
Lecture 1: Step 1: Assemble The HACCP Team
Chapter 4: Step 2: Describe The Product
Lecture 1: Step 2: Describe The Product
Lecture 2: Course Check-In
Chapter 5: Step 3: Describe The Intended Use And Consumers
Lecture 1: Step 3: Describe The Intended Use And Consumers
Chapter 6: Step 4: Create The Flow Diagram
Lecture 1: Step 4: Create The Flow Diagram
Chapter 7: Step 5: Verify The Flow Diagram
Lecture 1: Step 5: Verify The Flow Diagram
Chapter 8: Step 6: Conduct Hazard Analysis
Lecture 1: Step 6: Conduct Hazard Analysis
Chapter 9: Step 7: Determine Critical Control Points
Lecture 1: Step 7: Determine Critical Control Points
Chapter 10: STEP 8: Establish Critical Limits
Lecture 1: STEP 8: Establish Critical Limits
Chapter 11: STEP 9: Establish Monitoring Procedures
Lecture 1: STEP 9: Establish Monitoring Procedures
Chapter 12: STEP 10: Establish Corrective Actions
Lecture 1: STEP 10: Establish Corrective Actions
Chapter 13: STEP 11: Establish Verification Procedures
Lecture 1: STEP 11: Establish Verification Procedures
Chapter 14: STEP 12: Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Lecture 1: STEP 12: Establish Record Keeping and Documentation Procedures
Chapter 15: Implementing HACCP
Lecture 1: Implementing HACCP
Chapter 16: Summary
Lecture 1: Summary
Chapter 17: ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Course Preview
Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course
Lecture 2: Introduction To The FSMS
Lecture 3: Process Approach PDCA Cycle
Lecture 4: Risk Based Thinking
Lecture 5: High-Level Structure
Chapter 18: ISO 31000 Enterprise Risk Management Course Preview
Lecture 1: Introduction To The Course
Lecture 2: Introduction To The Risk Management
Lecture 3: Clarity of Risk
Lecture 4: Risk Vs. Issue
Lecture 5: Risk Appetite Vs. Risk Tolerance
Lecture 6: Definition of Risk Management
Chapter 19: ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Course Preview
Lecture 1: Course Overview
Lecture 2: Common Business Continuity Myths And Misconceptions
Lecture 3: Key Terms In BCM
Lecture 4: What is ISO 22301
Lecture 5: The PDCA Cycle
Lecture 6: What Are The Advantages of BCM?
Chapter 20: Extras!
Lecture 1: Quick Review of FSMS (e-book)
Lecture 2: Quick Review of HACCP (e-book)
Lecture 3: Transcript
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture
Magine Solutions Team
This is Our World!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 33 votes
- 4 stars: 98 votes
- 5 stars: 178 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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