Foundations in data analysis: techniques to unlock insights
Foundations in data analysis: techniques to unlock insights, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 42 lectures, based on 35 reviews, and has 201 subscribers.
You will learn about Apply the right techniques for the type of data Compare data by using averages, medians and modes Further analyse data by its shape using histograms and other data visualizations Measure and describe the spread of data around the average Measure the strength of a relationship between two variables Construct confidence intervals to describe how trustworthy and an average really is Complete a t-test to compare how similar or different two sets of data are Learn how to analyse wage data and identify gender discrimination This course is ideal for individuals who are Students studying economics, finance or social sciences or Anyone interested economics, statistics or finance or Aspiring or experienced data scientists, analysts or researchers or Monitoring and Evaluation practitioners and other researchers It is particularly useful for Students studying economics, finance or social sciences or Anyone interested economics, statistics or finance or Aspiring or experienced data scientists, analysts or researchers or Monitoring and Evaluation practitioners and other researchers.
Enroll now: Foundations in data analysis: techniques to unlock insights
Title: Foundations in data analysis: techniques to unlock insights
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Apply the right techniques for the type of data
- Compare data by using averages, medians and modes
- Further analyse data by its shape using histograms and other data visualizations
- Measure and describe the spread of data around the average
- Measure the strength of a relationship between two variables
- Construct confidence intervals to describe how trustworthy and an average really is
- Complete a t-test to compare how similar or different two sets of data are
- Learn how to analyse wage data and identify gender discrimination
Who Should Attend
- Students studying economics, finance or social sciences
- Anyone interested economics, statistics or finance
- Aspiring or experienced data scientists, analysts or researchers
- Monitoring and Evaluation practitioners and other researchers
Target Audiences
- Students studying economics, finance or social sciences
- Anyone interested economics, statistics or finance
- Aspiring or experienced data scientists, analysts or researchers
- Monitoring and Evaluation practitioners and other researchers
In this course we use a real data-set to practice what is taught in each of the lecture videos. By the end of this course you will be able to explain why some females earn less than males and be able to identify (and measure) where gender wage discrimination is taking place and where not.
The techniques taught in this course are all executable in Microsoft Excel and will help you improve your current analysis skills. The topics cover:
Using averages and means
Using counts and medians
Data visualizations (graphs and plots)
Correlations and scatter-plots
Histograms to describe the shape of data
How to easily understand and use variance and standard deviation
How to construct and use “confidence intervals”
Hypothesis testing
Using t-tests to prove or disprove an assumption
For all of the above we replicate the technique in Excel and practice drawing insights about what we are seeing.
The course begins by introducing you to some basic theory about data and variables. You will then be introduced to some Excel tips and tricks (if you want) and the data-set that will be used. The data is a sample of over 500 survey responses that includes information about income, employment, education, gender, race, age and industry.
We then dive into the different techniques until we can statistically prove, with a high level of confidence, where wage discrimination is taking place (or not).
I hope you find this course rewarding, interesting and challenging!
Kind regards,
Jef Jacobs
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: A short introduction to data and variables
Lecture 1: Understanding the four different types of variables
Lecture 2: Understanding the three different types of data sets
Chapter 2: Welcome to the wage data we will use in this course
Lecture 1: An overview of the wage data used in this course
Chapter 3: Microsoft Excel tips and tricks to speed up your analysis
Lecture 1: Excel tip: Navigating and selecting data quickly
Lecture 2: Excel tip: Filtering and sorting data
Lecture 3: Excel tip: The =AVERAGE function
Lecture 4: Excel tip: The =AVERAGEIF function
Lecture 5: Excel tip: The =AVERAGEIFS function
Chapter 4: Descriptive statistics: describing your data
Lecture 1: Using the Average or the Mean to describe your data
Lecture 2: Excel tip: How to calculate the average, median or mode
Lecture 3: Basic data visualizations for categorical variables (bar graphs and pie charts)
Lecture 4: Excel tip: Creating bar-graphs and pie-charts
Lecture 5: Comparing means and percentage contributions within categories
Lecture 6: Excel tip: Using "=COUNTIFS" to compare sub-categories
Lecture 7: Box-plots: an easy way to compare different samples or categories of data
Lecture 8: Excel tip: how to create and edit box-plots
Lecture 9: Using scatter-plots to identify a trend or relationship between two variables
Lecture 10: Excel tip: creating and editing scatter plots
Lecture 11: Using "correlation" to identify trends or relationships
Lecture 12: Excel tip: calculating the correlation coefficient
Lecture 13: Using Histograms (frequency distributions) to understand the shape of your data
Lecture 14: Excel tip: Creating and editing Histograms
Chapter 5: Measuring dispersion: the spread of data relative to the mean
Lecture 1: Why we often square values or differences in statistics to measure "spread"
Lecture 2: Calculating the variance of data
Lecture 3: Excel tip: calculating variance
Lecture 4: Calculating and using the Standard Deviation of the mean
Lecture 5: Excel tip: calculating Standard Deviation
Chapter 6: How to improve the "confidence" of our analysis
Lecture 1: Introducing Standard Normal Distributions (and why they are so cool)
Lecture 2: Central Limit theorem
Lecture 3: How to construct confidence intervals
Lecture 4: How to use confidence intervals in a graph
Lecture 5: Excel tip: calculating confidence intervals
Lecture 6: Excel tip: adding confidence intervals to bar graphs
Chapter 7: Hypothesis testing through t-tests
Lecture 1: Hypothesis testing: One Sample T-Test (calculating the t-value)
Lecture 2: Hypothesis testing: One Sample T-Test (finding the critical T-value)
Lecture 3: Hypothesis testing: One Sample T-Test (one tail vs two tail test)
Lecture 4: Hypothesis testing: One Sample T-Test (Using p-values)
Lecture 5: Hypothesis testing: One Sample T-Test (Using p-values in a one-tail test)
Lecture 6: Two sample t-test: calculating the t-value
Lecture 7: Two sample t-test: calculating the critical T-value
Lecture 8: Two sample t-test: the p-value approach
Chapter 8: Analysis overview
Lecture 1: Applying some of the techniques we have learnt to investigate wage differences
Jef Jacobs
Economist, academic and strategist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
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