Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking
Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 48 lectures, based on 179 reviews, and has 1694 subscribers.
You will learn about Expand your client base by reaching more people Turn the processes you use with your life coaching clients every day into teachable workshop material Entice your audience to buy your products or services without sounding "salesy" Turn your speaking gig into an opportunity to develop your brand and business Feel confident making your offer and enroll your ideal clients into your life coaching programs This course is ideal for individuals who are Life coaches, independent practitioners, authors, or service professionals who want to enroll more clients in their programs or Life coaches who want to attract their ideal clients or Life coaches or other professionals who want to add a new revenue stream to their business through workshops or Anyone who wants to learn how to "sell" without feeling our sounding "salesy"! It is particularly useful for Life coaches, independent practitioners, authors, or service professionals who want to enroll more clients in their programs or Life coaches who want to attract their ideal clients or Life coaches or other professionals who want to add a new revenue stream to their business through workshops or Anyone who wants to learn how to "sell" without feeling our sounding "salesy"!.
Enroll now: Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking
Title: Get Life Coaching Clients with Workshops and Public Speaking
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 48
Number of Published Lectures: 48
Number of Curriculum Items: 48
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 48
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Expand your client base by reaching more people
- Turn the processes you use with your life coaching clients every day into teachable workshop material
- Entice your audience to buy your products or services without sounding "salesy"
- Turn your speaking gig into an opportunity to develop your brand and business
- Feel confident making your offer and enroll your ideal clients into your life coaching programs
Who Should Attend
- Life coaches, independent practitioners, authors, or service professionals who want to enroll more clients in their programs
- Life coaches who want to attract their ideal clients
- Life coaches or other professionals who want to add a new revenue stream to their business through workshops
- Anyone who wants to learn how to "sell" without feeling our sounding "salesy"!
Target Audiences
- Life coaches, independent practitioners, authors, or service professionals who want to enroll more clients in their programs
- Life coaches who want to attract their ideal clients
- Life coaches or other professionals who want to add a new revenue stream to their business through workshops
- Anyone who wants to learn how to "sell" without feeling our sounding "salesy"!
We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category and the leading provider of Life Coaching training and certification programs. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.
<<Note: This course contains similar content to our course “Use Public Speaking to Sell from the Stage”, however this version is specifically designed for Life Coaches or other similar service providers.>>
The biggest question we get asked by our life coaching and business students and clients is:
In our decade of experience, we’ve found there is ONE MARKETING STRATEGY that works above all else…
SPEAKING in front of your ideal potential clients!
You see, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. The best way to let your potential clients get to know you is to meet them in person (or online) and show them what you can do for them. The best way we have found to do this is to offer an INTRODUCTORY program related to your larger program, product, service or life coaching topic. During this presentation, you have the opportunity to provide tremendous value by teaching the audience powerful tools that get them real results. And, at the same time, by using the powerful blueprint we provide in this course, you can use proven processes for gently encouraging your audience to WANT to learn more about what you have to offer.
You see, most life coaches or other heart-centered business owners hate selling. It feels awkward and inauthentic to be convincing someone to want to do business with you. And that’s why the best part about this program is that you will learn how to offer your life coaching or other services without sounding (or, more importantly, feeling) “salesy”!
So, what exactly IS this course?
This course provides a complete blueprint for developing a presentation or workshop that:
a) Attracts a room full of your ideal clients
b) Provides them REAL VALUE so they have a chance to get to know you and see you as an expert
c) Uses our secret formula for getting your audience excited to know more about your product or service at the end of the presentation—WITHOUT having to convince them
Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or totally new to the idea of teaching what you know, this program provides proven, best-in-the-industry strategies that will give you the confidence to add workshops to your business as a powerful way to attract clients.
You will receive everything you need to create the curriculum for your workshop, including templates for the worksheets, handouts or PowerPoint presentation that you’ll use during the presentation.
You’ll learn the secrets of soft-selling so that you will feel confident(and not awkward) making your offer.
You’ll also learn bonus tips like how to overcome fear of forgetting, how to market your workshops, and more!
And most of all, if what you do can really impact people’s lives, it is your moral obligation to tell them! This course will give you a pain free way to make sure you are putting yourself out there and making the difference in the world you were meant to make.
So, are you ready to get more of your ideal coaching clients? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
So, who are we?
We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We have been life coaches for over a decade and we’ve learned the hard way what works and what doesn’t to get the right clients, and we’re excited to be sharing our best practices with you! We have over 300,000+students from 195 countries. Our courses are all based on our educational background in psychology and education, our experience as entrepreneurs and life coaches, as well as my background as a psychology instructor, my Master’s in Counseling and my research on happiness for my dissertation for my PH.D. in Psychology.
Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What You Will Learn in This Program
Lecture 3: Why We Are Here
Lecture 4: IMPORTANT: Workshop BLUEPRINT and Documents
Lecture 5: IMPORTANT: Demonstration Documents
Lecture 6: Q&A, Support and Workbook Exercises
Lecture 8: Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors
Chapter 2: Using Public Speaking and Workshops to Soft-Sell Your Programs
Lecture 1: Shifting Your Perception of Sales (The Power of Solf-Selling with Workshops)
Lecture 2: Seeding: The Secret of Soft-Selling
Lecture 3: Knowing Your Target Audience
Lecture 4: Types of Workshops
Chapter 3: Determining What to Teach in Your Workshop
Lecture 1: Teaching Your Expertise
Lecture 2: Your Unique Personal Blueprint
Lecture 3: Achieving Your Goals
Lecture 4: Solving Client Problems
Chapter 4: Crafting Your Workshop INTRODUCTION
Lecture 1: TRAINING: Positioning Your Self
Lecture 2: DEMONSTRATION: Positioning Yourself
Lecture 3: TRAINING: Positioning Your Audience
Lecture 4: DEMONSTRATION: Positioning Your Audience: Who Are They?
Lecture 5: TRAINING: Positioning the Workshop
Lecture 6: DEMONSTRATION: Positioning the Presentation: Why Are They There?
Lecture 7: TRAINING: Positioning Your Offer
Lecture 8: DEMONSTRATION: Introducing the Big Picture (Sampler Platter)
Lecture 9: DEMONSTRATION: Step 1) IDENTIFY: Identify Your Script, Identity, and Beliefs
Lecture 10: DEMONSTRATION: Step 2) EMPOWER: Rewrite a More Empowering Story
Lecture 11: DEMONSTRATION: Step 3) IMPLEMENT: Make Life Changes that Reflect Your New Story
Chapter 5: Crafting Your Workshop BODY CONTENT
Lecture 1: TRAINING: Workshop Content: The Main Course
Lecture 2: DEMONSTRATION: What You Will Learn Today Introduction
Lecture 3: DEMONSTRATION: Introducing the Life Movie Process
Lecture 4: DEMONSTRATION: The Beginning (The Background Story)
Lecture 5: DEMONSTRATION: The Rising Action (Important Scenes)
Lecture 6: DEMONSTRATION: The Climax (Turning Point)
Lecture 7: DEMONSTRATION: The Current Story (The Falling Action)
Lecture 8: DEMONSTRATION: The Ending (To-Be-Continued)
Lecture 9: DEMONSTRATION: The Plot Summary
Lecture 10: DEMONSTRATION: Important Things to Consider
Chapter 6: Workshop Closing and Transition to the Sale
Lecture 1: TRAINING: Closing Steps
Lecture 2: DEMONSTRATION: How to Apply This to Your Life
Lecture 3: DEMONSTRATION: The Offer—Summary Sheet & Recap of WHY
Lecture 4: DEMONSTRATION: The Offer—What My Program Will Do for You
Chapter 7: Important Workshop and Speaking Tips
Lecture 1: Teaching with Learning as Your Goal
Lecture 2: Time Planning and Staying on Track
Lecture 3: Overcoming Fear of Forgetting (Memory Techniques) (Part 1)
Lecture 4: Overcoming Fear of Forgetting (Memory Techniques) (Part 2)
Lecture 5: Marketing Self-Hosted Workshops
Chapter 8: Course Wrap-Up
Lecture 1: Wrap-Up and What's Next
Lecture 2: BONUS: Additional Life Coaching Tools You Don't Want to Miss
Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Top instructor with over 700,000 students -
Transformation Services
International Academy of Life Coaching & Entrepreneurship
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 10 votes
- 4 stars: 47 votes
- 5 stars: 119 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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