Ghostwriting Masterclass: Start A Ghostwriting Business
Ghostwriting Masterclass: Start A Ghostwriting Business, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 50 lectures, based on 49 reviews, and has 2370 subscribers.
You will learn about Start your own ghostwriting company and automate it Write invoices and manage ghostwriting jobs Hire employees and be familiar with the formalities Offer translations and other services Earn money through Fiverr and other freelancing platforms Acquire customers on the Internet and offline This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to start a successful ghostwriting business or Authors who would like to turn their hobby into a job or Entrepreneurs who look for a new online income stream or Ghostwriters who want to take their ghostwriting business to the next level It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to start a successful ghostwriting business or Authors who would like to turn their hobby into a job or Entrepreneurs who look for a new online income stream or Ghostwriters who want to take their ghostwriting business to the next level.
Enroll now: Ghostwriting Masterclass: Start A Ghostwriting Business
Title: Ghostwriting Masterclass: Start A Ghostwriting Business
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 50
Number of Published Lectures: 50
Number of Curriculum Items: 50
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 50
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Start your own ghostwriting company and automate it
- Write invoices and manage ghostwriting jobs
- Hire employees and be familiar with the formalities
- Offer translations and other services
- Earn money through Fiverr and other freelancing platforms
- Acquire customers on the Internet and offline
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to start a successful ghostwriting business
- Authors who would like to turn their hobby into a job
- Entrepreneurs who look for a new online income stream
- Ghostwriters who want to take their ghostwriting business to the next level
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to start a successful ghostwriting business
- Authors who would like to turn their hobby into a job
- Entrepreneurs who look for a new online income stream
- Ghostwriters who want to take their ghostwriting business to the next level
Would you like to start your own ghostwriting business or are you looking for an efficient way to earn money as an author on the internet? Then this course is for you.
In this course, I will show you how to register your ghostwriting business, scale it, find the right accountant, write invoices, and much more.
You don’t have to be a ghostwriter and you don’t need any start-up capital to start this kind of business. This business model can be set up in such a way that you hire freelancers or employees to do the ghostwriting for you. It is therefore possible to start a fully automated ghostwriting business.
But what exactly will you learn in detail in this course?
Registering a business & the business model: In this part of the course, you will learn how to register a business and find a qualified accountant to help you with paperwork.
Hiring & Organization: How can you find employees and should you hire them or employ them as freelancers? What is payroll accounting and which insurances do I need? In this chapter, you learn how to hire employees and how to organize yourself.
Managing orders & writing invoices: We will now learn to write invoices. You will receive a sample invoice from me, which you can fill out and use for your purposes. You will also learn how ghostwriting jobs are done, what you have to pay attention to, and how to make a customer happy.
Work as a ghostwriter yourself: How can you earn money as a ghostwriter alone and what are the potential sources of income? In this section of the course, I will show you how to write books for clients and how you can earn money as a ghostwriter on your own.
Ghostwriting on Fiverr: Fiverr is one of the largest freelancing platforms in the world. In this chapter, I will show you how you can get started on Fiverr and earn money. We also learn about other platforms like PeoplePerHour or Upwork.
Offering translations: Translations can be another interesting service for you. You will now learn how you can earn money with machine learning tools and freelancers by translating existing works.
Customer Relations & Marketing: In order to make money with your ghostwriting company, you need customers. And without marketing, there are no customers. That’s why I’m going to show you the most effective ways to acquire customers online and offline in this chapter.
After completing this course, students will be able to do the following:
Start your own ghostwriting company and automate it
Write invoices and manage ghostwriting jobs
Hire employees and be familiar with the formalities
Offer translations and other services
Earn money through Fiverr and other freelancing platforms
Acquire customers on the Internet and offline
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for this course today and I’ll see you in the first video.
Best regards,
Business Hero
– instructor –
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome
Lecture 1: Welcome
Lecture 2: What will the students learn in this course?
Chapter 2: How to Start A Business
Lecture 1: Developing a business model around ghostwriting
Lecture 2: Register the business
Lecture 3: Finding an accountant
Chapter 3: Business Model
Lecture 1: Defining your ghostwriting services
Lecture 2: Should you write the book yourself or should you hire someone?
Lecture 3: How much should you charge per word + pricing structure
Lecture 4: What makes more sense – hiring a freelancer or someone full-time?
Lecture 5: Defining downsells and upsells
Chapter 4: Getting the First Job done
Lecture 1: What's the process like?
Lecture 2: How to deliver the results properly
Lecture 3: What are some problems that could occur?
Chapter 5: Hiring A Ghostwriter
Lecture 1: Where can you find ghostwriters?
Lecture 2: 5 things you should look out for when hiring ghostwriters
Lecture 3: Hire ghostwriters on Upwork
Lecture 4: Hire ghostwriters on PeoplePerHour
Lecture 5: Contracting with your ghostwriters
Chapter 6: Your First Job + Invoices
Lecture 1: Define the scope of the job
Lecture 2: Offer free plagiarism checks
Lecture 3: How to write an invoice – step by step
Lecture 4: Which jobs you should not accept
Chapter 7: Working as a one-man business
Lecture 1: How to write a book – step by step
Lecture 2: Setting daily goals
Lecture 3: Correcting grammar and spelling mistakes with Grammarly
Chapter 8: Fiverr Ghostwriting
Lecture 1: What is Fiverr? How do you find a profitable niche?
Lecture 2: Fiverr seller account overview
Lecture 3: Fiverr seller levels explained
Lecture 4: Setting Up A Fiverr Gig – Step By Step
Lecture 5: Fiverr Gig Splittesting
Lecture 6: Fiverr Gig Terms
Chapter 9: Upwork Ghostwriting
Lecture 1: Why should you work on Upwork?
Lecture 2: Upwork – step by step (account overview)
Lecture 3: How to get accepted by Upwork
Chapter 10: Ghostwriting on Freelancing Platforms
Lecture 1: How to get started on PeoplePerHour
Lecture 2: 3 other freelancing platforms you could work on
Lecture 3: Why you have to set up a website + newsletter
Chapter 11: Offering translations
Lecture 1: Why should you offer translations?
Lecture 2: Creating translations with machine learnings tools
Lecture 3: The more languages, the better
Chapter 12: Acquiring Customers
Lecture 1: How to run Facebook ads – step by step
Lecture 2: How to create a Facebook traffic ad
Lecture 3: Choosing the right format for a traffic ad
Lecture 4: Create and run video ads on Facebook
Lecture 5: How to run a lead ad on Facebook
Lecture 6: How to acquire customers on Instagram
Lecture 7: Contact magazines and newspapers
Lecture 8: Why YouTube is one of the best way to attract new customers
Chapter 13: Thank you
Lecture 1: How to get started
Lecture 2: Thank you
Business Hero
Professional online business education & personal support
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 12 votes
- 5 stars: 28 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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