Globalization : Overcoming the challenges
Globalization : Overcoming the challenges, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.15, with 68 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 923 reviews, and has 19194 subscribers.
You will learn about Six main takeaways of this MOOC on Globalization 1. Assessing the risks and opportunities of globalization regarding cross-cultural management 2. Understanding the spill-over effects of macroeconomic and geopolitical volatility on business strategy 3. Looking at long-term trends, beyond quarterly reporting, with cross-country comparisons and historical perspectives 4. Working in a multi-cultural team, while transforming information and data into economic intelligence 5. Benefiting from the expertise of a team of professional instructors who combine strong academic skills and operational experience: globalization is a concrete and dynamic process 6. Combining a wide range of challenging activities, including online group discussions, collective news mash-ups, team reports, interviews, rankings and ratings This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who are aiming to have mobile and diverse professional careers in the global markets or Professionals who need to assess the risks of spill-over in the globalized economic system or Those who want to get beyond short-term myopia and understand the underlying causes of global structural transformations It is particularly useful for Students who are aiming to have mobile and diverse professional careers in the global markets or Professionals who need to assess the risks of spill-over in the globalized economic system or Those who want to get beyond short-term myopia and understand the underlying causes of global structural transformations.
Enroll now: Globalization : Overcoming the challenges
Title: Globalization : Overcoming the challenges
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 85
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Six main takeaways of this MOOC on Globalization
- 1. Assessing the risks and opportunities of globalization regarding cross-cultural management
- 2. Understanding the spill-over effects of macroeconomic and geopolitical volatility on business strategy
- 3. Looking at long-term trends, beyond quarterly reporting, with cross-country comparisons and historical perspectives
- 4. Working in a multi-cultural team, while transforming information and data into economic intelligence
- 5. Benefiting from the expertise of a team of professional instructors who combine strong academic skills and operational experience: globalization is a concrete and dynamic process
- 6. Combining a wide range of challenging activities, including online group discussions, collective news mash-ups, team reports, interviews, rankings and ratings
Who Should Attend
- Students who are aiming to have mobile and diverse professional careers in the global markets
- Professionals who need to assess the risks of spill-over in the globalized economic system
- Those who want to get beyond short-term myopia and understand the underlying causes of global structural transformations
Target Audiences
- Students who are aiming to have mobile and diverse professional careers in the global markets
- Professionals who need to assess the risks of spill-over in the globalized economic system
- Those who want to get beyond short-term myopia and understand the underlying causes of global structural transformations
The seminar aims at assessing the challenges and key opportunities of the globalized market economy. Throughout this MOOC, we shall tackle not only competitiveness, risk management or financial flow issues, but also governance, geopolitical turmoil and sustainable development. Indeed, the global crisis casts light on a key challenge of globalization, namely, providing a social and long-time horizon to the market economy.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: DAY 1 Course Introduction: What will I learn?
Lecture 1: Welcome from Michel-Henry Bouchet
Lecture 2: Kick-off: what will I learn from this course ?
Lecture 3: Q&A video
Lecture 4: Jump-start: A few Q&As (compulsory reading!)
Lecture 5: A focus on the report
Lecture 6: In 2020 is Globalization still alive or threatened? What? When? Who?
Lecture 7: The challenge of cross-cultural management
Lecture 8: Kickoff Conference
Lecture 9: Secular stagnation: Myth or threat?
Lecture 10: Exercise : Brainstorming
Lecture 11: One or two steps further
Chapter 2: The global Big Bang: When and where?
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 2
Lecture 2: Is global growth a short story?
Lecture 3: Is the global Big Bang ever expending?
Lecture 4: Exercise: YOUR vision of the promise and pitfalls of globalization 2016-2030
Lecture 5: One or two steps further…
Chapter 3: DAY 2 Globalization: Silver bullet or more harm than good?
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 3
Lecture 2: Does Globalization hurt? (video 1) Economic liberalization
Lecture 3: Exercise : debate
Lecture 4: Does Globalization hurt? (video 2) Financial liberalization and hyperfinance
Lecture 5: Take off and catching up: myth or reality?
Lecture 6: Reshaping the world map: don’t think in acronyms!
Lecture 7: One or two steps further
Chapter 4: DAY 3 Is globalization out of breath in 2019-20?
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 4: The balance between sovereignty and interdependence
Lecture 2: Is the wealth gap rising forever?
Lecture 3: Dear Boris Johnson: BREXIT or GLOXIT? Goodbye EU or goodbye Globalization?
Lecture 4: BREXIT or GLOXIT? Goodbye EU or goodbye Globalization?
Lecture 5: One or two steps further regarding wealth inequality within & between countries
Chapter 5: Global competition to attract capital flows
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 5
Lecture 2: The push-pull forces of global capital flows
Lecture 3: Exercise : Share Your Amazing story, with interviews and testimonies
Lecture 4: Development finance flows: How much? Where and Who?
Lecture 5: One or two steps further…
Chapter 6: DAY 4 Global competitiveness: Inputs and ranking
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 6
Lecture 2: Exercise : crosscampus debate
Lecture 3: 1- Global competitiveness: The key inputs
Lecture 4: 2- Competitiveness: Measuring, rating and comparing
Lecture 5: Exercise: BCG analysis and debate
Lecture 6: 3- A glance at China's competitive edge
Lecture 7: One or two steps further regarding China's competitive edge
Chapter 7: DAY 5 How to make it work?
Lecture 1: Introduction to section 7: Is global regulation wishful thinking?
Lecture 2: Regulation and global crisis-1: Assessing governance
Lecture 3: Exercise : Ranking on best/worst examples
Lecture 4: Regulation and global crisis-2: Promoting governance
Lecture 5: The global challenge of country risk assessment
Lecture 6: Exercise : IMF debate on corruption in developed and developing countries
Chapter 8: DAY 6
Lecture 1: What is Risk all about?
Lecture 2: What is Country Risk all about ?
Lecture 3: Global risk and wealth gap
Lecture 4: One or two steps further
Lecture 5: Q&A session
Chapter 9: Final session: Course wrap up
Lecture 1: Wrap up time: Post your team report (3 oct.)
Chapter 10: ADDITIONAL- A polarized debate: the pros and cons of globalization
Lecture 1: Additional Resources for the bravest, with Obama, Friedman, Stiglitz and Krugman
Lecture 2: For globalization – The classical approach
Lecture 3: For globalization -The neo-classical approach
Lecture 4: Seven minutes with Milton (Friedman)
Lecture 5: Against globalization – the Marxist approach
Lecture 6: Against globalization -The neo-keynesian dissidents
Lecture 7: Six minutes with Barack (Obama)
Lecture 8: Globalization's pitfalls: 8-10 mns with Joseph (Stiglitz)
Lecture 9: Six minutes with Paul (Krugman)
Chapter 11: ADDITIONAL- The challenge of global warming and sustainability
Lecture 1: Observing climate change
Lecture 2: Introducing Global Warming
Lecture 3: One or two steps further
Chapter 12: ADDITIONAL- The challenge of global offshoring
Lecture 1: Global offshoring
Lecture 2: One or two steps further
Lecture 3: Correction
Michel-Henry Bouchet
Professor – SKEMA Business School -
Mélanie Ciussi
Course design -
Mehmet Donmez
Anke Middelmann
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 25 votes
- 2 stars: 45 votes
- 3 stars: 200 votes
- 4 stars: 293 votes
- 5 stars: 360 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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