Hands-on HR Analytics Course : Employee Satisfaction using R
Hands-on HR Analytics Course : Employee Satisfaction using R, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 3.65, with 27 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 105 reviews, and has 678 subscribers.
You will learn about End-to-End Statistical project on Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis in R. Master practical skills to solve HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “Anatomy of a Statistical Model”. Understand how employee satisfaction affect business in terms of money? Convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem. Understand how to discover and collect data. Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights. Apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction. Extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution. Understand how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction. This course is ideal for individuals who are Managers who want to make data-driven decisions about employee, teams and their management practices. or HR Professionals who want to measure and improve employee satisfaction in their organization. or Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. or Students or any individual who want to advance into HR. It is particularly useful for Managers who want to make data-driven decisions about employee, teams and their management practices. or HR Professionals who want to measure and improve employee satisfaction in their organization. or Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. or Students or any individual who want to advance into HR.
Enroll now: Hands-on HR Analytics Course : Employee Satisfaction using R
Title: Hands-on HR Analytics Course : Employee Satisfaction using R
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 3.65
Number of Lectures: 27
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 27
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 36
Original Price: ₹7,900
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- End-to-End Statistical project on Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis in R.
- Master practical skills to solve HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “Anatomy of a Statistical Model”.
- Understand how employee satisfaction affect business in terms of money?
- Convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem.
- Understand how to discover and collect data.
- Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights.
- Apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction.
- Extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution.
- Understand how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction.
Who Should Attend
- Managers who want to make data-driven decisions about employee, teams and their management practices.
- HR Professionals who want to measure and improve employee satisfaction in their organization.
- Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
- Students or any individual who want to advance into HR.
Target Audiences
- Managers who want to make data-driven decisions about employee, teams and their management practices.
- HR Professionals who want to measure and improve employee satisfaction in their organization.
- Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
- Students or any individual who want to advance into HR.
This is the second course in our series “People Analytics : Learn ~ Practice ~ Implement”.
Our mission is simple – “Help anyone learn Data Science, create projects they were passionate about, and use those projects to improve their careers and lives”.
This hands-on project-based course is the only course on Udemy which offers an end-to end statistical project, guiding you to develop and master practical skills to solve any HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “Anatomy of a Statistical Model for HR Analytics”.
This is the tutorial you’ve been looking for, to start building a portfolio of great HR Analytics projects.This without any doubt, is one of the best ways you can advance your data science career.
In fact, when we spoke to data science recruiters and hiring managers all over the world, we heard the same thing over and over again: data science portfolios and Git-hub repositories are among the first things they look at. Employers want to see if you can really do the job you’re being hired for, so having real-world projects to prove your skills you’re claiming on your resume is a must, whether or not you have a fancy degree.
Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain to you why we’ve built this course and what is different here than any other Data Science or Machine Learning Course you’ll find all over the internet.
1. In this course you will learn to use a dimension reduction technique known as Exploratory Factor Analysis to address an important HR issue “Employee Satisfaction”
2. This course starts with a fundamental understanding of what is Employee Satisfaction, various metrics of measuring Employee Satisfaction, how do different organizations collect data around employee satisfaction, different tools available to collect data, how employee satisfaction can actually impact a Business financially.
3. After finishing this course, you will be able to convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem, know how to discover and collect data, how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights using various methods such as Uni-variate and Bi-variate Analysis, hypothesis testing etc, apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction, extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution and finally how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction.
4. You will learn all the above with specific tool that is one of the most in demand in the industry right now – R Studio. It’s geared specifically for people who want to learn employable skills in 2019.
5. This course is developed by a team of analytics professional with a in-depth knowledge and understanding of HR domain. We wanted to build something that would not only teach students HR Analytics in a fun, hands-on way, but that would also help motivate them to keep learning.
In this course, you will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:
1. End-to-end Statistical project on Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis in R
2. Master practical skills to solve an HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called “Anatomy of a Statistical
3. Understand how employee satisfaction affect business in terms of money?
4. Convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem.
5. Understand how to discover and collect data.
6. Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights.
7. Apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction.
8. Extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution.
9. Understand how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction.
This course and all other courses in this series is the accumulation of all of our years of working in Data Science, Human Resource, learning, and teaching and all of the frustrations and incomplete information we have encountered along the way. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things. So, this course is the answer to that exact problem. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked, and what hasn’t and I’ve created this course to narrow down the best way to learn and the most relevant information.
We firmly believe that you won’t find a course like this out there that is as well organized, and as useful, to build a strong foundation for you.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Abstract
Lecture 3: Objective
Chapter 2: Anatomy of Statistical Model
Lecture 1: The Anatomy of Statistical Model.
Chapter 3: Understanding Business Problem
Lecture 1: Business Problem Understanding
Chapter 4: Installation of R & R Studio (Optional)
Lecture 1: R and R Studio Installation
Chapter 5: Data Discovery & Collection
Lecture 1: Resources
Lecture 2: Understanding Data Architecture
Lecture 3: Collection of Initial Data
Lecture 4: Define variables and create Data Dictionary
Lecture 5: Validate for Correctness
Chapter 6: Data Preparation
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Preparation.
Lecture 2: Uni-variate Analysis
Lecture 3: Feature Engineering
Lecture 4: Reliability testing
Lecture 5: Bi-variate Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
Lecture 6: Dimension reduction Using Factor Analysis Part 1
Lecture 7: Dimension reduction Using Factor Analysis Part 2
Chapter 7: Insights and Prescription
Lecture 1: Major Findings
Lecture 2: Important Results and Suggestions
Lecture 3: Conclusion
Chapter 8: (Bonus) Employee Satisfaction
Lecture 1: 1. What is Employee Satisfaction?
Lecture 2: 2. Benefits of Employee Satisfaction
Lecture 3: 3.What is Survey?
Lecture 4: 4. How to calculate Employee Satisfaction?
Lecture 5: 5. What is effect of Employee Satisfaction on business ROI ?
Chapter 9: Final Test
Chapter 10: Coming Soon – End-to-end Hands-on Project using Python
Lecture 1: Coming Soon – End-to-end Hands-on Project using Python
Unlock HR
HR Analytics / People Analytics / Talent Analytics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 41 votes
- 5 stars: 30 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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