Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition
Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 13 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 80 reviews, and has 383 subscribers.
You will learn about Industry decarbonisation and challenges of energy transition Overview of the most carbon-intensive industrial processes and products (including cement, hydrogen, steel and aluminium) Industry decarbonisation (electrification, energy efficiency, low carbon fuels, carbon capture, innovation in technology and materials) Examples of new low-carbon manufacturing approaches This course is ideal for individuals who are Leaders and managers who are interested in exploring the issues around the concept of energy transition and decarbonisation, and find the ways to contribute to GHG reductions or Government officials who are tasked with the development or execution of net-zero/decarbonisation policies and initiatives or Financial services professionals and asset owners who are interested in decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets or Technical professionals who want to get broader understanding of climate change and their role in transitioning to net-zero or Students who are starting to learn about industrial processes and product design or Innovators and inventors looking for inspiration to come up with solutions to complex climate change problems or Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory or Anyone who wish to engage with the challenges and potential solutions to sustainability and climate change It is particularly useful for Leaders and managers who are interested in exploring the issues around the concept of energy transition and decarbonisation, and find the ways to contribute to GHG reductions or Government officials who are tasked with the development or execution of net-zero/decarbonisation policies and initiatives or Financial services professionals and asset owners who are interested in decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets or Technical professionals who want to get broader understanding of climate change and their role in transitioning to net-zero or Students who are starting to learn about industrial processes and product design or Innovators and inventors looking for inspiration to come up with solutions to complex climate change problems or Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory or Anyone who wish to engage with the challenges and potential solutions to sustainability and climate change.
Enroll now: Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition
Title: Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 14
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 14
Original Price: £19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Industry decarbonisation and challenges of energy transition
- Overview of the most carbon-intensive industrial processes and products (including cement, hydrogen, steel and aluminium)
- Industry decarbonisation (electrification, energy efficiency, low carbon fuels, carbon capture, innovation in technology and materials)
- Examples of new low-carbon manufacturing approaches
Who Should Attend
- Leaders and managers who are interested in exploring the issues around the concept of energy transition and decarbonisation, and find the ways to contribute to GHG reductions
- Government officials who are tasked with the development or execution of net-zero/decarbonisation policies and initiatives
- Financial services professionals and asset owners who are interested in decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets
- Technical professionals who want to get broader understanding of climate change and their role in transitioning to net-zero
- Students who are starting to learn about industrial processes and product design
- Innovators and inventors looking for inspiration to come up with solutions to complex climate change problems
- Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory
- Anyone who wish to engage with the challenges and potential solutions to sustainability and climate change
Target Audiences
- Leaders and managers who are interested in exploring the issues around the concept of energy transition and decarbonisation, and find the ways to contribute to GHG reductions
- Government officials who are tasked with the development or execution of net-zero/decarbonisation policies and initiatives
- Financial services professionals and asset owners who are interested in decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets
- Technical professionals who want to get broader understanding of climate change and their role in transitioning to net-zero
- Students who are starting to learn about industrial processes and product design
- Innovators and inventors looking for inspiration to come up with solutions to complex climate change problems
- Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory
- Anyone who wish to engage with the challenges and potential solutions to sustainability and climate change
“Decarbonisation and Energy Transition: Industry” is a short course that focuses on decarbonization challenges in Industry sectors of the economy, which are particularly hard to abate.
This course is designed to:
raise awareness about the urgent need to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and transition to low-carbon economy;
explain what decarbonisation and energy transition mean for the industry and the challenges of such transition;
provide overview the most carbon intensive industrial products and processes and discuss some of the new technologies being developed to address the problem.
You don’t need any prior knowledge of this subject, just an interest in business management, strategic thinking, modern technologies and sustainability, as well as desire to learn about solutions to the formidable problem of climate change. However this course is best with its companion courses on Decarbonisation and Energy Transition (by sector).
At the end of the course, we will test your knowledge with the multiple-question quiz and provide you with the Handout Slides with the summary of main points from the course.
I hope you will enjoy this course and I am looking forward to your feedback and reviews.
Please check out my other courses.
Julia Mariasova
This course is part of the “CLIMATE CHANGE FOR PROFESSIONALS” series which consist of the following courses:
1. Key Climate Agreements & Role of Governments/Policymakers
2. Every Company’s Guide to Climate Action & Achieving Net Zero
3. Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines
4. ESG in Executive Leaders’ Agenda: Reporting and Analytics
5. Power Sector Decarbonisation and Energy Transition
6. Heavy Industry Decarbonisation and Energy Transition
7. Transport and Mobility Decarbonisation & Energy Transition
8. Blockchain Technology in Climate Change and Sustainability
You can find the links on my profile page – just click my name at the bottom of the course description just before the course reviews.
***Always check my website (Shortlisted Productions) for the latest discounts on the courses and follow me on social media (LinkedIn) ***
#decarbonization #energytransition #netzero #GHGemissions #climateaction #climateawareness #climatechange #climatecrisis
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Course introduction (trailer)
Lecture 2: Your course instructor and guest speakers
Chapter 2: Decarbonisation and Energy Transition: Industry
Lecture 1: Industry – Carbon Intensive Products and Processes
Lecture 2: Hydrogen recap
Lecture 3: Hydrogen
Lecture 4: Green Steel – HYBRIT and MSE
Lecture 5: Energy and Operaional Efficiencies
Lecture 6: Industry Decarbonisation in practice – Thermal Recovery – Compressors example
Lecture 7: Industry Decarbonisation in practice – Onsite Nitrogen Production
Lecture 8: Recycling and Materials Innovation
Lecture 9: Handout slides and additional resources
Chapter 3: Course Wrap-up
Lecture 1: Our new Courses
Lecture 2: Thank you and course wrap-up
Julia Mariasova
Management Consultant / Media Producer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 9 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 41 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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