How to become a professional speaker
How to become a professional speaker, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.85, with 16 lectures, based on 20 reviews, and has 297 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to make money speaking as a public speaker You will join a profession that is expanding and offering very large saleries. You will learn how to self promote yourself from your dining room table You will be taught by a professional international key note speaker By the end of this course you will be able to speak with confidence and impact having learnt the secrets of speaking from a professional speaker. You will be able to overcome some of the mega fears of public speaking. You will be shown how to prepare for a speech before you even start writing it. You will discuss the difference between meeting the needs and expectations of the organizer and the audience. In this course you will learn how to start a presentation and to end with impact. You will master how to use your voice,tell a story, and wow your audiences. You will be introduced to alternatives to powerpoint. You will be shown what do with your hands and be taught efficient eye contact in a room that seats over 500. You will be shown how to make a professional video to promote yourself without spending thousands of dollars You will be shown how to make your own website without waisting money on a web master. You will be taught how to avoid answering difficult questions. Each class is supplemented with external resources from the net. The material includes hours of additional video,articles and more. This course is ideal for individuals who are The course is intended for anybody who needs to speak in public. Whether giving a presentation at work, or speaking to a larger audience, or even just pitching an idea to a small number of people. or You don't need to be a professional speaker to benefit from this class. You may need to just present at work a project of pitch an idea. or If you want to join a rapidly growing professional field that offers high income for little return or The course offers ways to self promote yourself using social media so it is essential for anybody looking for a job or self employed in a private business. It is particularly useful for The course is intended for anybody who needs to speak in public. Whether giving a presentation at work, or speaking to a larger audience, or even just pitching an idea to a small number of people. or You don't need to be a professional speaker to benefit from this class. You may need to just present at work a project of pitch an idea. or If you want to join a rapidly growing professional field that offers high income for little return or The course offers ways to self promote yourself using social media so it is essential for anybody looking for a job or self employed in a private business.
Enroll now: How to become a professional speaker
Title: How to become a professional speaker
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.85
Number of Lectures: 16
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 15
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to make money speaking as a public speaker
- You will join a profession that is expanding and offering very large saleries.
- You will learn how to self promote yourself from your dining room table
- You will be taught by a professional international key note speaker
- By the end of this course you will be able to speak with confidence and impact having learnt the secrets of speaking from a professional speaker.
- You will be able to overcome some of the mega fears of public speaking.
- You will be shown how to prepare for a speech before you even start writing it. You will discuss the difference between meeting the needs and expectations of the organizer and the audience.
- In this course you will learn how to start a presentation and to end with impact.
- You will master how to use your voice,tell a story, and wow your audiences.
- You will be introduced to alternatives to powerpoint.
- You will be shown what do with your hands and be taught efficient eye contact in a room that seats over 500.
- You will be shown how to make a professional video to promote yourself without spending thousands of dollars
- You will be shown how to make your own website without waisting money on a web master.
- You will be taught how to avoid answering difficult questions.
- Each class is supplemented with external resources from the net. The material includes hours of additional video,articles and more.
Who Should Attend
- The course is intended for anybody who needs to speak in public. Whether giving a presentation at work, or speaking to a larger audience, or even just pitching an idea to a small number of people.
- You don't need to be a professional speaker to benefit from this class. You may need to just present at work a project of pitch an idea.
- If you want to join a rapidly growing professional field that offers high income for little return
- The course offers ways to self promote yourself using social media so it is essential for anybody looking for a job or self employed in a private business.
Target Audiences
- The course is intended for anybody who needs to speak in public. Whether giving a presentation at work, or speaking to a larger audience, or even just pitching an idea to a small number of people.
- You don't need to be a professional speaker to benefit from this class. You may need to just present at work a project of pitch an idea.
- If you want to join a rapidly growing professional field that offers high income for little return
- The course offers ways to self promote yourself using social media so it is essential for anybody looking for a job or self employed in a private business.
Within a few hours you will be able to stun audiences with your new communication skills.
Never forget what you want to say and never use PowerPoint again (the real professionals have replaced it with something much better and easier to use).
This online public speaking course reveals secrets only discovered by an instructor who is teaching his own profession. If you want to learn to speak with impact, take a course from a leading professional.
Split into easily comprehensible sections, the course will guide you through the stages of; researching your audience, presenting your speech and ending with impact.
We have added an additional section that reveals the secrets of self-marketing your presentation on the internet. This section includes how to make a website, without prior knowledge, in 30 minutes or less. Additionally there is a fascinating lecture entitled: The Four Secrets of Public Speaking They Never Tell You.
By following short and easy to follow videos, you will learn how to create a presentation that will literally wow your audience. In addition to the lectures you will also be able to read some great “cheat sheets” and notes prepared for you.
This public speaking course is different from others as it does not set out artificial rules for speaking. It reveals the secrets of the trade based on the experience of a professional speaker who addresses over 30,000 people a year in five countries. Soon, you too, could be making a six figure salary in public speaking.
Take this Public Speaking Course right now and learn effective public speak for money.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Speech Preparation
Lecture 1: An Introduction. Preparing Your Speech
Chapter 2: Presenting Your Speech With Impact
Lecture 1: Three Ways to Start a Speech with Impact
Lecture 2: Get To WOW – How to end a speech with Impact
Lecture 3: Stop Using Powerpoint – This is What The Professionals Use
Lecture 4: Eye Contact – With an Audience of 500
Lecture 5: Using Story in Speech – The 1+5+1 Rule
Lecture 6: How to Answer a question
Lecture 7: What do I do with my hands?
Lecture 8: How to use your voice as a weapon
Chapter 3: BONUS. Learn how to promote yourself on social media
Lecture 1: Make a website for free without experience
Lecture 2: Make a promotional video for $30
Lecture 3: 4 Secrets That Every Professional Speaker Should Know
Chapter 4: Final Thoughts
Lecture 1: How to ask me a question
Lecture 2: The Last and Best Kept Secret
Lecture 3: Let's Sum Up
Neil Lazarus
Professional Keynote Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 6 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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