How To Create Awesome Relationships With Your Customers
How To Create Awesome Relationships With Your Customers, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 592 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 94 subscribers.
You will learn about Create excellent relationships with customers Create regular customers Get your customers to shop with you exclusively Get excellent and positive word of mouth from your customers This course is ideal for individuals who are Sales people or Business people or Sales students or Business students or Anyone who has relationships with customers It is particularly useful for Sales people or Business people or Sales students or Business students or Anyone who has relationships with customers.
Enroll now: How To Create Awesome Relationships With Your Customers
Title: How To Create Awesome Relationships With Your Customers
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 592
Number of Published Lectures: 592
Number of Curriculum Items: 592
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 592
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create excellent relationships with customers
- Create regular customers
- Get your customers to shop with you exclusively
- Get excellent and positive word of mouth from your customers
Who Should Attend
- Sales people
- Business people
- Sales students
- Business students
- Anyone who has relationships with customers
Target Audiences
- Sales people
- Business people
- Sales students
- Business students
- Anyone who has relationships with customers
Getting and keeping customers and having them talk positively about you to friends and acquaintances has a lot to do with the relationships you have with them. Customers love to shop with people who they have great relationships with. Customers can go from store to store, shopping here and there without any feeling of loyalty to any of them. When you have great relationships with your customers, they are more likely to buy from you than your competition. Create great relationships with them so that you are the only person they consider when making the decision of where to shop and who to buy from. Succeed with your customers by having awesome relationships with them and have them only buy from you.
I talk about building a relationship over time to focus on the long game. Staying touch with customers in an engaging way and keeping them on social media. Creating a positive reputation and name for your business. Making your business better than the competition.
The best way to sell and run your business is with amazing relationships. A mutual admiration between you and your customer is going to be the key to faster, more effective business growth and super satisfied customers.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Why have a relationship with your customers
Lecture 3: Have a better relationship than your competitors
Chapter 2: How to have a relationship
Lecture 1: Care about having a great relationship
Lecture 2: Building a relationship also builds trust
Lecture 3: How to start an awesome relationship
Lecture 4: Open the conversation with small talk
Lecture 5: Making sure the customer is satisfied
Lecture 6: Focus on the relationship to solve business problems
Chapter 3: Sales
Lecture 1: Selling the right way
Lecture 2: Selling the perfect product to your customer
Lecture 3: Relationship selling
Lecture 4: The dream come true product
Lecture 5: Making sense to the customer
Lecture 6: Building admiration from your customers
Chapter 4: The approach
Lecture 1: How to get positive engagement
Lecture 2: A positive approach creates a better interaction
Lecture 3: Establish a need before selling
Lecture 4: Establish a relationship
Lecture 5: Enjoy the interaction
Lecture 6: Authenticity sells
Lecture 7: Do what feels right
Lecture 8: Find common ground
Lecture 9: Create positive energy
Lecture 10: Open your customer in a non salesey way
Chapter 5: Transitioning to a business conversation
Lecture 1: Mixing business and personal conversations
Lecture 2: Establishing the value of the transition
Lecture 3: The right product is the valuable one
Lecture 4: Letting the customer lead the sale
Chapter 6: Consultation
Lecture 1: What’s their perfect product
Lecture 2: Satisfying your customers
Lecture 3: Consultation creates more satisfied customers
Lecture 4: Connecting during the consultation
Lecture 5: What’s their relationship with your products
Lecture 6: Progress though consultation to find features
Lecture 7: Connecting during the consultation
Lecture 8: Consultations build relationships with your customers
Lecture 9: Making sense to the customer
Lecture 10: Answer any customer questions
Chapter 7: Relationship factors
Lecture 1: Customer feelings
Lecture 2: Being fair
Lecture 3: Giving free things
Lecture 4: Handling requests
Lecture 5: Being friendly to your customers
Lecture 6: How to hold up both sides of the relationship
Lecture 7: Have parties
Lecture 8: Continuing the conversation
Lecture 9: Pricing
Lecture 10: Social media relationship
Chapter 8: Social media relationships
Lecture 1: How to connect on social media
Chapter 9: Customer satisfaction
Lecture 1: Making sure the customer is satisfied
Lecture 2: Keeping customers happy
Lecture 3: Satisfaction is the goal
Lecture 4: What the customer feels is valuable
Lecture 5: Cater to customers’ requests
Chapter 10: Networking
Lecture 1: Networking with customers
Chapter 11: Building relationships
Lecture 1: Building the relationship is what’s important
Lecture 2: Customer must want to build a relationship
Lecture 3: Honesty is a central factor
Lecture 4: People only want the best
Lecture 5: Care about your customers
Lecture 6: Spoil your customers with awesome service
Lecture 7: Do things that matter to customers
Lecture 8: The customer can rely on you
Lecture 9: Organize parties and events
Lecture 10: Excitement and fun
Chapter 12: Logistics
Lecture 1: Find what’s important
Lecture 2: Fulfilling requests
Lecture 3: Creating excitement
Lecture 4: Caring about your customer
Lecture 5: Keeping your customers
Lecture 6: Asking questions
Lecture 7: Intent matters most
Lecture 8: Recommending a better product
Lecture 9: Focus on what’s important to the customer
Lecture 10: Social media connections
Chapter 13: Engaging customers
Lecture 1: Get them in your store
Lecture 2: How to get social media info from your customers
Lecture 3: Keep things interesting
Lecture 4: Create a comfortable situation
Lecture 5: Spontaneity
Lecture 6: Staying in the conversation authentically
Lecture 7: Get them to want a relationship
Lecture 8: Listening to feedback
Lecture 9: Does your customer need your product?
Lecture 10: What does your customer value?
Chapter 14: Getting customers
Mike Korytny
Business, Retail, And Sales Consultant Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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