How to Increase your Rental Property ROI
How to Increase your Rental Property ROI, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.8, with 26 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 13 reviews, and has 154 subscribers.
You will learn about Generate MORE Income with rental property Capture income that might have been left on the table Write off legitimate expenses Begin Investment Analysis with actuals and not estimates Expert Worksheets and templates to help you get started Confidently perform investment analysis to generate NOI – Net Operating Income and Cap Rate Systematically track monthly accounts receivable, accounts payable Provide more accurate data to your accountant for taxes Understand the basics of IRS Form Schedule E Continue to Take Steps to Financial Freedom Be ready to take the next course on Buying Right – Purchasing Cash Flow Properties And much more….!!!! This course is ideal for individuals who are Newbie or beginner real estate investors or First Time Landlords or Anyone who is trying to figure out how to earn more money with their rentals or Anyone who wants to see what the latest trends are with income and expense or Anyone looking to make money and change their lifestyle or Anyone who is interested in purchasing rental property or income property or Anyone who already owns rental property or Realtors who are helping investors purchase rental property or Property Managers, Brokers, Bankers, investors, Mortgage Brokers or Anyone who wants to build passive income to live on or Anyone who might inherit rental property or Anyone who wants to learn and have new cocktail party conversations or If you want to be financially free so you can travel and have flexibility and independence, sign up now or Don’t take this course if you are a nay sayer, negative, or think you know all there is to know in real estate It is particularly useful for Newbie or beginner real estate investors or First Time Landlords or Anyone who is trying to figure out how to earn more money with their rentals or Anyone who wants to see what the latest trends are with income and expense or Anyone looking to make money and change their lifestyle or Anyone who is interested in purchasing rental property or income property or Anyone who already owns rental property or Realtors who are helping investors purchase rental property or Property Managers, Brokers, Bankers, investors, Mortgage Brokers or Anyone who wants to build passive income to live on or Anyone who might inherit rental property or Anyone who wants to learn and have new cocktail party conversations or If you want to be financially free so you can travel and have flexibility and independence, sign up now or Don’t take this course if you are a nay sayer, negative, or think you know all there is to know in real estate.
Enroll now: How to Increase your Rental Property ROI
Title: How to Increase your Rental Property ROI
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.8
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $54.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Generate MORE Income with rental property
- Capture income that might have been left on the table
- Write off legitimate expenses
- Begin Investment Analysis with actuals and not estimates
- Expert Worksheets and templates to help you get started
- Confidently perform investment analysis to generate NOI – Net Operating Income and Cap Rate
- Systematically track monthly accounts receivable, accounts payable
- Provide more accurate data to your accountant for taxes
- Understand the basics of IRS Form Schedule E
- Continue to Take Steps to Financial Freedom
- Be ready to take the next course on Buying Right – Purchasing Cash Flow Properties
- And much more….!!!!
Who Should Attend
- Newbie or beginner real estate investors
- First Time Landlords
- Anyone who is trying to figure out how to earn more money with their rentals
- Anyone who wants to see what the latest trends are with income and expense
- Anyone looking to make money and change their lifestyle
- Anyone who is interested in purchasing rental property or income property
- Anyone who already owns rental property
- Realtors who are helping investors purchase rental property
- Property Managers, Brokers, Bankers, investors, Mortgage Brokers
- Anyone who wants to build passive income to live on
- Anyone who might inherit rental property
- Anyone who wants to learn and have new cocktail party conversations
- If you want to be financially free so you can travel and have flexibility and independence, sign up now
- Don’t take this course if you are a nay sayer, negative, or think you know all there is to know in real estate
Target Audiences
- Newbie or beginner real estate investors
- First Time Landlords
- Anyone who is trying to figure out how to earn more money with their rentals
- Anyone who wants to see what the latest trends are with income and expense
- Anyone looking to make money and change their lifestyle
- Anyone who is interested in purchasing rental property or income property
- Anyone who already owns rental property
- Realtors who are helping investors purchase rental property
- Property Managers, Brokers, Bankers, investors, Mortgage Brokers
- Anyone who wants to build passive income to live on
- Anyone who might inherit rental property
- Anyone who wants to learn and have new cocktail party conversations
- If you want to be financially free so you can travel and have flexibility and independence, sign up now
- Don’t take this course if you are a nay sayer, negative, or think you know all there is to know in real estate
Keeping the most moneyin your pocket is a primary goal of
owning rental property. After taking
this course you will be able to take immediate action to increase your rental
income and reduce your expenses. CASH FLOW!You
will have an action plan of what to do when your leases expire. Plus, you will better understand how to do
your taxes and expenses that might be able to be written off – again saving you
If you want to ultimately change your lifestyleand become
more in control of your time, live where you want, have more flexibility, and
achieve happiness then becoming a rental property owner is for you! This course is a good foundational course to
set you up for purchasing a new rental (income property). If you already own a rental property,
regardless of how many units or homes, I’m sure you’ll like to hear what the
latest trends are around the countryfor increasing cash flow.
Sign up now and get a grip on your business! Know your numbers! Be a savvy real estate investor!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Income and Expense Intro
Lecture 1: Free class Intro: Income & Expense
Chapter 2: It Starts with Income – Show Me The Money
Lecture 1: Income is More than Rent
Lecture 2: 21+ Ways to Collect More Money! Uncover and Generate Income
Lecture 3: Uncover and Generate Income (part 2)
Lecture 4: Uncover and Generate Income (part 3)
Lecture 5: Uncover and Generate Income (part 4)
Lecture 6: Uncover and Generate Income (part 5)
Lecture 7: Income Tracker Worksheet Overview
Lecture 8: Example Monthly Income Tracker WORKSHEET
Chapter 3: Expenses Are Our Friends
Lecture 1: Lamest Advice Ever
Lecture 2: Legitimate Expenses Can Be Written Off
Lecture 3: IRS Form Schedule E Intro
Lecture 4: Schedule E Demystified
Lecture 5: Are You Writing Off These Expenses?
Lecture 6: Are You Writing Off these Expenses part 2
Lecture 7: Are You Writing Off these Expenses (Part 3)
Lecture 8: WORKSHEET: Expense Tracker
Chapter 4: Find Money In These Places
Lecture 1: Hidden Money in Your PROPERTY (Part 1)
Lecture 2: Hidden Money in Your PROPERTY (part 1 cont)
Lecture 3: Hidden Money in Your PROPERTY (part 2)
Lecture 4: Hidden Money in Your BUSINESS (part 1)
Lecture 5: Hidden Money in Your BUSINESS (part 2)
Chapter 5: Putting It All Together
Lecture 1: Putting It All Together
Lecture 2: Revisiting Estimates
Lecture 3: Take Action Now!
Lecture 4: Invest in Yourself
Sharon Cunnington
Entrepreneur, Real Estate Expert, Coach, Inventor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 6 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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