How to launch a digital lifestyle business
How to launch a digital lifestyle business, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.65, with 107 lectures, 9 quizzes, based on 328 reviews, and has 2673 subscribers.
You will learn about Have a solid foundation to start and run a profitable online business Learn how a $500K/year online business is run from the inside Learn proven strategies to grow revenues, marketing, sales, hiring, accounting, and project managing This course is ideal for individuals who are Driven people looking to start an ethical online business or Professionals looking for an alternate source of income online or Not for people looking to get rich quickly without effort It is particularly useful for Driven people looking to start an ethical online business or Professionals looking for an alternate source of income online or Not for people looking to get rich quickly without effort.
Enroll now: How to launch a digital lifestyle business
Title: How to launch a digital lifestyle business
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.65
Number of Lectures: 107
Number of Quizzes: 9
Number of Published Lectures: 107
Number of Published Quizzes: 9
Number of Curriculum Items: 116
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 116
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Have a solid foundation to start and run a profitable online business
- Learn how a $500K/year online business is run from the inside
- Learn proven strategies to grow revenues, marketing, sales, hiring, accounting, and project managing
Who Should Attend
- Driven people looking to start an ethical online business
- Professionals looking for an alternate source of income online
- Not for people looking to get rich quickly without effort
Target Audiences
- Driven people looking to start an ethical online business
- Professionals looking for an alternate source of income online
- Not for people looking to get rich quickly without effort
If you are thinking to start your own online business I’m sure you will find this course extremely helpful.
My name is Miguel Hernandez, for the last 6 years I’ve been making a living exclusively from the Internet.
In 2010 I started an online animation studio called Grumo Media and have been very fortunate to work with hundreds of clients world wide, including big Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft and Walmart, to even hollywood stars like Ashton Kutcher.
I also make money by selling courses online like this one through my sites and on platforms like Udemy where I have now over 20,000 paid students.
I’ve learned so much in these years by talking to other successful online business owners, by reading countless books and articles, by continuously building systems to optimize my online businesses and of course by making lots of mistakes along the way.
I really enjoy teaching online and find extremely rewarding when I hear from students that have learned valuable skills through my courses.
I have courses on animation, website development, course creation, and even online dating.
Now I’ve settled on creating a very comprehensive course to help people create and run a successful small businesses online.
Any business, whether online or offline is made of a large number of moving parts that need to work well together for the business to grow, be profitable and last.
For a first time business owner, even to someone with experience, learning how to build and orchestrate all these parts can be truly overwhelming.
In this course, I want to help you learn about all those parts and build systems around them to simplify and in some cases even automate a lot of the tasks required to keep them all working nicely together.
The good thing is that all businesses have many parts in common. All businesses need a product or service that provides value to a specific audience. They all need a way to attract customers through marketing, to convert prospects into buyers through sales, to hire talent, to keep their finances in order through accounting, and they all need systems to manage all these parts, to track metrics, traffic, leads, sales, conversions, followers, to manage communications, etc.
My goal in this course is to provide you with a solid understanding of how to run your own online business by sharing all the tricks, tools, and advice I’ve collected over the years.
If you are already running an online business I think you will love to have an insight into the systems I’ve developed, get some ideas, and apply them to help your own business.
I don’t intend to be one of those “gurus” that promise “secrets” to making easy money online.
It pains me to see how many people claim to be able to provide these fool-proof one-button turn key systems that for only $49 a month they will provide you with the life style of a rockstar.
This course is a down to earth account of what it takes to run a small online business. Let me tell you right now, making money online in a honest way it’s not easy and it takes a lot of work and patience.
It surely beats many 9-5 boring corporate jobs and if you are lucky and work hard and smart you’ll be able to both quit your dreaded job and work from home or anywhere in the world (with Internet) like I’ve been doing for so many years.
There are many types of businesses you can create online. I’m sure anyone running any kind of online business will find parts of this course valuable. However, in this course I’m going to concentrate on the type of business I have experience with which is mainly a service type business with some products on the side.
Grumo Media is an online digital media agency. We specialize in producing promotional videos or explainer videos for companies of all sizes. Our videos cost an average of $10K and in some cases we’ve produced videos as costly as $50K.
I believe this course will be very useful for anyone getting started today with zero revenues to online businesses generating up to 1 million dollars a year in revenue. (I’m focusing on that revenue bracket because the structure of most businesses change quite a bit after revenues are over a million a year. A 1MM+ business needs to hire people dedicated to each department, rent a space, maybe have a legal team. It gets more complex and it stops being a life style business to become a bigger corporation with all the headaches that entails.)
I’ve really enjoyed building a business that supports me and my family and provides me with the necessary income and free time to enjoy a balanced and happy life style. I want to give you an in depth look a what a business like that looks from the inside.
This course is not for you (although you may still enjoy watching it like someone that watches Netflix for fun)
if your goal is to raise tons of money, build a startup with the goal to exit and sell the company in 5 years. This course is like a blueprint of a fun small bootstrapped life style business that will be able to support a medium size family anywhere in the world.
If that sounds like you then I’d love to have you on board for this journey.
You will learn about marketing, sales, client relations, hiring, accounting, social media, business systems, contracts, and much much more.
If you are a freelancer, a consultant, a speaker, or even a mom stuck at home, this will be like going to business school from the comfort of your home, like getting an MBA on how to have fun and make a comfortable living online doing what you love.
It won’t be easy but I think you will enjoy the learning experience regardless of how successful you are.
I remember when the Internet started to become popular around 1996. Just fresh of the airplane as a new landed immigrant in Vancouver, Canada. I always wanted to be able to leverage this wonderful technology called the world wide web and be able to live on my own terms, without bosses, without commuting.
Honestly, it took a lot longer to get to where I wanted. I built my first website back in 2001. It took me another 9 years of tinkering online before I could quit my job and live 100% of my Internet income.
I know, I was slow compared to many self made Internet multimillionaires. I wanted to be Mark Zuckerberg but I was not smart enough to got to Harvard or ambitious enough to pursue building a multi billion empire.
I just wanted to enjoy life, to have time to spend travelling, going back to Spain every year, playing soccer with my friends. A simple life without huge responsibilities or liabilities.
I’m no Tim Ferris or Gary Vaynerchuck either, no Seth Godin or Paul Graham. People like them have been an inspiration and my indirect mentors. I’m just Miguel Hernandez from Bilbao, Spain and very slowly I carved my own niche in the vast new world of zeros and ones.
I’ve learned a lot in this time and I think now is a good time to share some of the lessons so when you build your own successful business you can speed up through the learning process.
In the end, I’m creating the course I wish it existed 10 years ago when I decided I wanted to make a living online.
Let’s do it!
Zero Risk– Like all Udemy courses remember this course also comes with 30-Day refund policy. It’s time to build your own profitable digital business!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Tips On Taking This Course
Lecture 3: Who Is Miguel Hernandez
Lecture 4: Course Resources
Lecture 5: Revenue Proofs
Lecture 6: A Word About Money
Lecture 7: Miguel Income Vs Happiness
Lecture 8: You Vs The Richest
Lecture 9: You Vs Bill Gates
Lecture 10: Are You Passionate Enough?
Lecture 11: Purpose Venn Diagram
Lecture 12: Still Having Trouble Finding Your Passion?
Lecture 13: Types Of Online Businesses
Lecture 14: Service Vs Product Vs Platform
Lecture 15: One Time Vs Subscription
Lecture 16: What Is A Bliz
Lecture 17: Bliz Or Blung
Lecture 18: Find Your Bliz Score
Chapter 2: IDEATION
Lecture 1: Steps To Start A Bliz
Lecture 2: 6 Tips To Maximize Success
Lecture 3: My Pointkit Failure
Lecture 4: How To Start A Startup
Lecture 5: Answer These 10 Questions
Lecture 6: Yc Application Questions
Lecture 7: Do You Pass The Calacanis Test
Lecture 8: Coming Up With An Idea
Lecture 9: Idea Grader Spreadsheet
Lecture 10: What Is Idea Extraction
Lecture 1: Steps To Create An MVP
Lecture 2: What Makes A Great Name
Lecture 3: Name Grader Spreadheet
Lecture 4: How To Find A Good Domain
Lecture 5: What If The Domain Is Taken
Lecture 6: 5 Steps To Launch Your Website
Lecture 7: Guide To Installing WordPress
Lecture 8: Basic WordPress Setup
Lecture 9: Installing Basic WP Plugins
Lecture 10: Installing WP Templates
Lecture 11: WordPress Menus and Widgets
Lecture 12: Set Up Email Account
Lecture 13: Set Up Newsletter
Lecture 14: Create A Landing Page
Lecture 15: Drive Traffic To Your Website
Lecture 16: How I Validated Grumo Media
Lecture 17: Validating An Idea With Just A Landing Page
Lecture 1: Business Diagram
Lecture 2: Grumo Media Bliz Diagram
Lecture 3: Business Model Canvas
Lecture 4: Simplified Business Model Canvas
Lecture 5: Grumo Business Model Canvas
Lecture 6: BMC For Facebook, Twitter, Visa
Lecture 7: Break Down Your Process
Lecture 8: Document, Delegate, Automate
Lecture 9: Grumo Process Steps Spreadsheet
Lecture 10: The Grumo Bible
Chapter 5: MARKETING
Lecture 1: What Is Marketing
Lecture 2: Marketing Channels
Lecture 3: The Sales Funnel Explained
Lecture 4: What Is Inbound Marketing
Lecture 5: Inbound Vs Interruption Marketing
Lecture 6: Grumo's Inbound Marketing Breakdown
Lecture 7: Grumo's Google Analytics
Lecture 8: 7 Steps To Get Started With Inbound Marketing Today
Lecture 9: Intro To Dan Martell Authority Engine
Lecture 10: Authority Engine Explained
Lecture 11: Marketing Schedule
Lecture 12: Collect Testimonials
Lecture 13: 1K A Day On Facebook Ads
Lecture 14: How Much Time To Spend In Marketing
Lecture 15: Direct Marketing the Grumo Way
Lecture 16: Grumo's Direct Marketing Success Formula
Chapter 6: SALES
Lecture 1: What Is The Purpose Of Sales
Lecture 2: The Sales Process
Lecture 3: Conducting a Sales Call
Lecture 4: Sales Strategies
Lecture 5: Account Manager
Lecture 6: Lead Management Workflow
Lecture 7: Contract Workflow
Lecture 8: How to create contracts with Google Forms
Lecture 1: Disclaimer – Accounting
Lecture 2: Accounting Basics Intro
Lecture 3: Bookkeeping Vs Accounting
Lecture 4: Single Vs Double Bookkeeping
Lecture 5: Cash Vs Accrual Accounting
Lecture 6: Acounts Payable Vs Accounts Receivable
Lecture 7: Understanting Assets, Liabilities, and Equity
Lecture 8: Reading A Balance Sheet
Miguel Hernandez
No-Code Developer & Teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 27 votes
- 4 stars: 107 votes
- 5 stars: 178 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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