How to Lead with Ease & Be a Successful CEO, Leader, Manager
How to Lead with Ease & Be a Successful CEO, Leader, Manager, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.69, with 38 lectures, based on 870 reviews, and has 6063 subscribers.
You will learn about Developing your leadership skills & creating more leaders in your teams, retains talent, drives results, mobilizes teams and meets market demands successfully! Aligning talent, building trust, resolving conflicts, and getting people rowing in the same direction increases performance, decreases friction & lifts profits Pivoting fast and effectively responding to disruptive market, technology & economic changes with agile decision making and critical thinking Enhancing and integrating emotional intelligence with rational intelligence EQ+IQ across the board to drive results internally and externally Communicating powerfully and with impact by both motivating and holding others accountable changes minds and lifts behavior to deliver better results Thinking critically, creatively, strategically, sustainably and using mental models to overcome barriers and to empower people for a better future Presenting yourself as the go-to authority now or expanding to new markets & audiences, if you're CEO in a solo-enterprise, or in a corporation–this works. This course is ideal for individuals who are Whether you're successful now or looking for a change, a promotion, a new challenge, or see a new opportunity, You are exactly right for this CEO Leadership course. or If you're overworked, overlooked, overhwelmed or under compensated, this course is for you. or If you're spinning your wheels or stuck in a rut and you know you have excess talent and under used skills, this course is for you. or If artificial intelligence is chasing you down and you need to pivot and be more valuable to your organization, this course is for you. or Have you tapped out at the top of your job ladder, been downsized or phased out? This course is for you. or Position yourself as the trusted authority on your team, in your organization, your category, market or for your customers. or Elevate your communication skills. or Develop your creative and critical thinking to become a better decision maker or Motivate teams, elevate performance, and respond to the ever-changing market to lead in your industry. or Build your leadership skills, communication skills, your Emotional and Intelligence skills and become the leader you know you can be. This course is for you. It is particularly useful for Whether you're successful now or looking for a change, a promotion, a new challenge, or see a new opportunity, You are exactly right for this CEO Leadership course. or If you're overworked, overlooked, overhwelmed or under compensated, this course is for you. or If you're spinning your wheels or stuck in a rut and you know you have excess talent and under used skills, this course is for you. or If artificial intelligence is chasing you down and you need to pivot and be more valuable to your organization, this course is for you. or Have you tapped out at the top of your job ladder, been downsized or phased out? This course is for you. or Position yourself as the trusted authority on your team, in your organization, your category, market or for your customers. or Elevate your communication skills. or Develop your creative and critical thinking to become a better decision maker or Motivate teams, elevate performance, and respond to the ever-changing market to lead in your industry. or Build your leadership skills, communication skills, your Emotional and Intelligence skills and become the leader you know you can be. This course is for you.
Enroll now: How to Lead with Ease & Be a Successful CEO, Leader, Manager
Title: How to Lead with Ease & Be a Successful CEO, Leader, Manager
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.69
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Developing your leadership skills & creating more leaders in your teams, retains talent, drives results, mobilizes teams and meets market demands successfully!
- Aligning talent, building trust, resolving conflicts, and getting people rowing in the same direction increases performance, decreases friction & lifts profits
- Pivoting fast and effectively responding to disruptive market, technology & economic changes with agile decision making and critical thinking
- Enhancing and integrating emotional intelligence with rational intelligence EQ+IQ across the board to drive results internally and externally
- Communicating powerfully and with impact by both motivating and holding others accountable changes minds and lifts behavior to deliver better results
- Thinking critically, creatively, strategically, sustainably and using mental models to overcome barriers and to empower people for a better future
- Presenting yourself as the go-to authority now or expanding to new markets & audiences, if you're CEO in a solo-enterprise, or in a corporation–this works.
Who Should Attend
- Whether you're successful now or looking for a change, a promotion, a new challenge, or see a new opportunity, You are exactly right for this CEO Leadership course.
- If you're overworked, overlooked, overhwelmed or under compensated, this course is for you.
- If you're spinning your wheels or stuck in a rut and you know you have excess talent and under used skills, this course is for you.
- If artificial intelligence is chasing you down and you need to pivot and be more valuable to your organization, this course is for you.
- Have you tapped out at the top of your job ladder, been downsized or phased out? This course is for you.
- Position yourself as the trusted authority on your team, in your organization, your category, market or for your customers.
- Elevate your communication skills.
- Develop your creative and critical thinking to become a better decision maker
- Motivate teams, elevate performance, and respond to the ever-changing market to lead in your industry.
- Build your leadership skills, communication skills, your Emotional and Intelligence skills and become the leader you know you can be. This course is for you.
Target Audiences
- Whether you're successful now or looking for a change, a promotion, a new challenge, or see a new opportunity, You are exactly right for this CEO Leadership course.
- If you're overworked, overlooked, overhwelmed or under compensated, this course is for you.
- If you're spinning your wheels or stuck in a rut and you know you have excess talent and under used skills, this course is for you.
- If artificial intelligence is chasing you down and you need to pivot and be more valuable to your organization, this course is for you.
- Have you tapped out at the top of your job ladder, been downsized or phased out? This course is for you.
- Position yourself as the trusted authority on your team, in your organization, your category, market or for your customers.
- Elevate your communication skills.
- Develop your creative and critical thinking to become a better decision maker
- Motivate teams, elevate performance, and respond to the ever-changing market to lead in your industry.
- Build your leadership skills, communication skills, your Emotional and Intelligence skills and become the leader you know you can be. This course is for you.
This course is for leader practitioners like you. It delivers everything you need to know including the practices, processes, people skills, and performance transformation that drives results for profits, people, and the planet.
For a change, be the change to see the change–this is my mantra, and it’s how I make a difference. I teach how leadership is about developing new leaders. When others succeed, we succeed.
The difference you make in the world is all that matters in a world that is dying for a change. That’s why I’m so committed to your success and your learning how to lead with ease in order to make a difference.
This course will teach you leadership skills to power and empower high-performance teams to push the envelope and to get the right results and get results right.
You’ll learn communications, conflict management, motivation, delegation, and relationship-building skills. You’ll learn how to build trust, retain talent, and hold people accountable with ease, leaving them motivated and not frustrated. You’ll manage meetings, time, presentations, teams and projects with confidence.
Let’s do this!
My name is Elizabeth Pagé. Leadership is a learnable skill and I’ve been on the front line overcoming the same challenges you face. These are practical, useful and among the most important lessons based on research and on my decades of leading teams and projects at local, regional, national, and international enterprises.
I’ve consulted and coached leaders and teams across North America and around the world for over 15 years, led projects and teams in total for 30 years, and spent the last 12 years teaching leadership courses every day. (Simultaneously, so don’t add up those years!) I’ve been certified as a leadership and executive coach and trainer by global organizations and I’ve been actively delivering courses in the boardroom and in the classroom worldwide.
These proven curated, and field-tested lessons will change your life at work, at home, and in your community. It already has for over 57,000 participants from my live online and Udemy courses.
Research is unequivocal when it comes to identifying the signature leadership skills that drive 89% of success.
These are the deep and high-level skills that every great leader, manager, team member, and CEO needs to succeed.
In a post-pandemic and pre-AI-dominated world, there are disruptive technologies, movements, fears, risks, and aspirations that we need to step to, to help shape the future of work and the future of our communities and enterprises. If not you, who? Yes, there will be leaders…accidental ones, intentional ones, and those with self-seeking motives, while others contribute generous and generative motives. Which are you? Join us to shape the leader you aspire to be.
Your Blueprint To Become A Successful CEO
This course is for those who aspire to leadership and for those currently in leadership who recognize the untapped potential in your current talent pool and know that with your influence you can shape your world, you can be the change you want to see.
You will learn:
Creating trust, building sustainable relationships, powerful communications, accountability skills, delegation and motivation skills, decision making, conflict management, priority setting, and leadership. Become the go-to, trusted authority in your enterprise, in your field, and in your community.
No Risk To Take This Course–It comes with Udemy’s 30-day money-back guarantee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course introduction
Lecture 1: What its about, Who its for, Who I am, Leadership competency development for YOU
Chapter 2: How to build high performing teams
Lecture 1: Vision, Values and Voice to increase influence and creating new leaders
Lecture 2: Section introduction
Lecture 3: Values are the DNA of behavior so understanding values helps you build your team
Lecture 4: Aligning people's purpose to lift performance through a shared vision
Lecture 5: Take stock of current reality with data before setting a path to results
Lecture 6: A powerful, positive and performance-based vision lifts everyone's engagement
Lecture 7: Congruent and coherent communications to power influence
Chapter 3: Motivation & Leadership
Lecture 1: Specific leadership & motivation strategies to expand your arena of influence
Lecture 2: Using emotional intelligence to connect with your employees and motivate them
Lecture 3: How to give employees feedback in a way that would help them improve
Lecture 4: Conflict resolution strategy
Lecture 5: Aligning high performing teams for everyone to work well with everyone else
Chapter 4: Optimizing the running of your business
Lecture 1: How to run and lead effective meetings
Lecture 2: Time management optimization tips
Chapter 5: How to be a good boss
Lecture 1: When to lead and when to manage
Lecture 2: Strategies to influence people to manage relationships
Lecture 3: Helping your team manage change (organizational, economic, or other)
Lecture 4: Importance of having your employees fully trust in you
Chapter 6: Delegation
Lecture 1: Delegation strategies
Lecture 2: Delegation from the other side of the table: the employees perspective
Chapter 7: Conflict resolution
Lecture 1: Managing relationships
Lecture 2: More on conflict resolution and managing relationships
Lecture 3: More conflict resolution strategies
Lecture 4: Dealing with personal problems
Chapter 8: Working with distributed teams
Lecture 1: Strategies for cross-cultural interactions
Lecture 2: Challenges & solutions for working with distributed teams
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Rapid Results Roadmap Template Your CEO Success Pathway
Chapter 10: Bonus Lectures: Listening Skills
Lecture 1: Empathetic Listening-Introduction and why its important
Lecture 2: Listening vs. Hearing–intro
Lecture 3: L Listen
Lecture 4: I Listen
Lecture 5: S Listen
Lecture 6: T Listen
Lecture 7: E Listen
Lecture 8: N Listen
Lecture 9: LISTEN Conclusion: Value Creation
Elizabeth C. Pagé
Leadership for a change
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 20 votes
- 3 stars: 136 votes
- 4 stars: 305 votes
- 5 stars: 396 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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