How to Make People Laugh in ANY Speech or Presentation
How to Make People Laugh in ANY Speech or Presentation, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 13 lectures, based on 215 reviews, and has 1351 subscribers.
You will learn about Everything you must say and say and do to make your audience feel safe with you including… How to introduce yourself in the first 30-90 seconds in front of your audience… The four step relationship model and what to NEVER say… How to give your hook that gets them to the oh-so-important “Feelings Level”… The secret “teamwork formula” that no audience can resist that INSTANTLY makes them open up to you… Everything you must say and say and do for YOUR presentation personality style to make your audience feel good with you including… The exact steps you need to take to get your audience to feel good with you… Watch snipets of real presentations from 4 professionals who each present with me from all four styles so you can see them MODEL EXACTLY how to do it in your own unique style… Be the same genuine version of yourself on stage as you are 1-on-1 with that friend… Embrace the style you were born with and get more people to listen to you and make friends with who you are… Optimize your genuine style and your most attractive self to get them to laugh with you. The top 5 ways fascinators can entertain & fascinate with their knowledge… The top 5 ways performers can entertain & perform with their talents… The top 5 ways inspirers can entertain & inspire with their stories… The top 5 ways energizers can entertain and pump up an audience… How you can leverage all four styles to maximize laughter with your audience… This course is ideal for individuals who are Public Speakers or Presenters or Trainers & Teachers or Managers & Project Leaders or Comedians or Business Leaders or HR Managers or Sales Professionals or Instructional Designers or Sales Professionals or Entrepreneurs or Anyone who wants to get their audience to laugh… It is particularly useful for Public Speakers or Presenters or Trainers & Teachers or Managers & Project Leaders or Comedians or Business Leaders or HR Managers or Sales Professionals or Instructional Designers or Sales Professionals or Entrepreneurs or Anyone who wants to get their audience to laugh…
Enroll now: How to Make People Laugh in ANY Speech or Presentation
Title: How to Make People Laugh in ANY Speech or Presentation
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 13
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 13
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Everything you must say and say and do to make your audience feel safe with you including…
- How to introduce yourself in the first 30-90 seconds in front of your audience…
- The four step relationship model and what to NEVER say…
- How to give your hook that gets them to the oh-so-important “Feelings Level”…
- The secret “teamwork formula” that no audience can resist that INSTANTLY makes them open up to you…
- Everything you must say and say and do for YOUR presentation personality style to make your audience feel good with you including…
- The exact steps you need to take to get your audience to feel good with you…
- Watch snipets of real presentations from 4 professionals who each present with me from all four styles so you can see them MODEL EXACTLY how to do it in your own unique style…
- Be the same genuine version of yourself on stage as you are 1-on-1 with that friend…
- Embrace the style you were born with and get more people to listen to you and make friends with who you are…
- Optimize your genuine style and your most attractive self to get them to laugh with you.
- The top 5 ways fascinators can entertain & fascinate with their knowledge…
- The top 5 ways performers can entertain & perform with their talents…
- The top 5 ways inspirers can entertain & inspire with their stories…
- The top 5 ways energizers can entertain and pump up an audience…
- How you can leverage all four styles to maximize laughter with your audience…
Who Should Attend
- Public Speakers
- Presenters
- Trainers & Teachers
- Managers & Project Leaders
- Comedians
- Business Leaders
- HR Managers
- Sales Professionals
- Instructional Designers
- Sales Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Anyone who wants to get their audience to laugh…
Target Audiences
- Public Speakers
- Presenters
- Trainers & Teachers
- Managers & Project Leaders
- Comedians
- Business Leaders
- HR Managers
- Sales Professionals
- Instructional Designers
- Sales Professionals
- Entrepreneurs
- Anyone who wants to get their audience to laugh…
I want to give you my 9-step recipeto unlock the POWER of your natural presentation style…
…and 20 laughter techniquesto make friends with who you are.
These are the same 9 steps I used with hundreds of other professionals to help them leverage their own genuine style and get their audience to feel safe, good and yes, laugh with them…
This process has been tested with REAL audiences and it just does work!
Are you tired and drained of trying to be someone you’re not?
Whether it’s 1 on 1 with a friend, in a meeting, or on a stage with large audience…it can be not only draining and exhausting to be fake, but people don’t like it, they don’t clap, they don’t stay and talk to you, and they don’t laugh…
And you’re not alone…
Meet Marissa…
“I used to sit in presentations where the speaker wouldtell all sorts of jokes and get the audience laughing, having a great time, and basically present through entertainment. It wasso intimidating to me…How could I be a good speaker like that? How would I learn to ‘perform’ in front of an audience?” – Marissa
What would it be like for you if you could be your own, natural, genuine self, and your audience actually found YOU enjoyable, attractive, irresistible…???
You were BORN a certain presentation personality style.(Fascinator/Energizer/Inspirer/Performer)
So how do you learn how to speak, present and get laughter using your genuine style that reflects who you are as an individual?
Like I said, this is a 9-step recipe…
…actually, it’s more like a 9-step plan to your more genuine, attractive self.
In steps 1 – 3 we’ll cover everything you must say and say and do to make your audience feel safe with you.
How to introduce yourselfin the first 30-90 seconds in front of your audience…
The four step relationship model and what to NEVER say…
How to give your hookthat gets them to the oh-so-important “Feelings Level”…
The secret “teamwork formula” that no audience can resist that INSTANTLY makes them open up to you…
In steps 4 – 6 we’ll cover everything you must say and say and do for YOUR presentation personality style to make your audience feel good with you.
Not only will you learn the exact steps you needto take to get your audience to feel good with you…
…You’ll also get to watch snipets of real presentations from 4 professionals who each present with me from all four styles so you can see them MODEL EXACTLY how to do it in your own unique style…
In steps 7 – 9 we’ll optimize your genuine style and your most attractive self to get them to laugh with you.
In these final steps, we’ll cover…
The top 5 ways fascinators can entertain & fascinate with their knowledge…
The top 5 ways performers can entertain & perform with their talents…
The top 5 ways inspirers can entertain & inspire with their stories…
The top 5 ways energizers can entertain and pump up an audience…
How you can leverage all four styles to maximize laughterwith your audience…
Again, these are the same 9 steps we used with hundreds of other professionals to help them leverage their own genuine style and get their audience to feel safe, good and laugh with them…
…so it’s not like we’re a one hit wonder… 🙂
…and you’ll get to see me, Karl, Katherine, Matt and Chris model exactly how to do these 9 steps and these 20 techniques a live audience…
…so I know this works!
Personally, I wouldn’t attempt to get laughter without having a proven, step-by-step recipe to follow…
…and this is especially true if you use the wrong presentation personality style…
I mean it!
DO NOT try to get another person or audience to laugh with you Until You’ve Watched This Video!!!
Here’s what Marissa said AFTER Archetype (the inside name of this program)…
“The greatest knowledge that I gained was that I could be asuccessful public speaker by simply being myself. Jason helped me to identify my innate strengths and develop those so that I could present in a way that was verycomfortable and natural for me. My presentation style is now so genuine and effective, and I didn’t have to try to be somebody that I’m not. There are a lot of people and books out there that will tell you that if you want to speak well, you have to do x,y,z, andthat’s just not true for everybody. Jason’s approach is very dynamic–you don’t have to fit a specific mold to benefit from it.” -Marissa
That’s the problem for most people with public speaking …
… because of all the other people they have seen do it, they think they can copy someone else and they don’t have the opportunity to be more genuine, attractive and engaging because of it.
At Rule the Room Public Speaking, we have an advantage over everyone else…
As public speakers ourselves, we actually do this stuff! You’ll get to see me, Chris, Matt, Katherine and Karl MODEL everything we suggest you do.
Don’t get me wrong…
We’ve given our share “fake” and “non-genuine” presentations too…
That’s why we’re so careful to document WHAT WORKSinto a simple, easy to follow steps so you can duplicate the results…
In the past, this 9-step recipe and these 20 techniques were mine alone…
…but now I’m making them available to the public.
So you don’t have to be someone else anymore!
Instead of trying to present like someone else, act like someone else, or attract like someone else, you can be the most genuine, authentic, attractive version of yourself…
You can simply follow our PROVEN step recipe and our 20 laughter techniques to start seeing results almost instantly with any audience!
And you can do it all today, by getting access to Archetype and learn how to…
Be the same genuine version of yourself on stage as you are 1-on-1 with that friend…
Embrace the style you were born with and get more people to listen to you…
In other words… make friends with who you are.
The choice is yours.
Click the buttonand start making friends with who you are TODAY…
And in case you’re wondering, like all our Rule the Room trainings, this one is protected by our 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee…
In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back…
We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
Tony Robbinsonce said:
“A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.“
Ok, time is running out.
Take action now to unlock the power of your natural presentation style!
Click the button and start making friends with who you are TODAY…
About Your Instructor
International Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.
He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.
Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”.
Jason gained recognition at EPIC Systems in the medical software industry, where he was known as “trainer of trainers of trainers.”
He has developed more than fifty presentation and communication training programs ranging in length from one hour to three days that serve as the basis for The Rule the Room Method.
In 2014-2019 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 1,000,000 online students around the world.
Teteak has flipped the model and changed the approach to great Public Speaking for even the most seasoned veterans.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to Archetype
Lecture 1: Introduction and Welcome
Chapter 2: Make Your Audience Feel Safe
Lecture 1: Make Them Feel Safe
Chapter 3: Make Your Audience Feel Good
Lecture 1: Discover Your Personality Style
Lecture 2: Fascinator
Lecture 3: Performer
Lecture 4: Inspirer
Lecture 5: Energizer
Chapter 4: Make Your Audience Laugh
Lecture 1: Make Them Laugh
Lecture 2: Fascinator
Lecture 3: Performer
Lecture 4: Inspirer
Lecture 5: Energizer
Chapter 5: Course Wrap Up
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Jason Teteak
Author, YouTuber, Keynote & TEDx Speaker, CEO Rule the Room
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 83 votes
- 5 stars: 99 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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