How to Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team
How to Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team, available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.46, with 38 lectures, 8 quizzes, based on 27692 reviews, and has 67870 subscribers.
You will learn about Manage a team that works from home Improve communication and collaboration with your virtual team Build trust with your team members Have more effective virtual meetings Increase accountability and engagement among the team Understand how to choose the right technology tools for effective collaboration Know exactly how to assign tasks to your team members to get things done This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals who manage virtual teams or Project Managers or IT Managers or Virtual Team Leaders or Directors or Business Unit Leads or Consultants or Remote Team Facilitators or Small Business Owners or Entrepreneurs or Telecommuting professionals It is particularly useful for Professionals who manage virtual teams or Project Managers or IT Managers or Virtual Team Leaders or Directors or Business Unit Leads or Consultants or Remote Team Facilitators or Small Business Owners or Entrepreneurs or Telecommuting professionals.
Enroll now: How to Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team
Title: How to Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.46
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Quizzes: 8
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Published Quizzes: 8
Number of Curriculum Items: 46
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 46
Number of Practice Tests: 1
Number of Published Practice Tests: 1
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Manage a team that works from home
- Improve communication and collaboration with your virtual team
- Build trust with your team members
- Have more effective virtual meetings
- Increase accountability and engagement among the team
- Understand how to choose the right technology tools for effective collaboration
- Know exactly how to assign tasks to your team members to get things done
Who Should Attend
- Professionals who manage virtual teams
- Project Managers
- IT Managers
- Virtual Team Leaders
- Directors
- Business Unit Leads
- Consultants
- Remote Team Facilitators
- Small Business Owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Telecommuting professionals
Target Audiences
- Professionals who manage virtual teams
- Project Managers
- IT Managers
- Virtual Team Leaders
- Directors
- Business Unit Leads
- Consultants
- Remote Team Facilitators
- Small Business Owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Telecommuting professionals
**This course will give you all the tools & tactics you need to manage and lead your remote workers.**
** Over 50,000+ managers have taken this course with successful results**
Start managing your virtual team more effectively today.
This course is packed with step-by-step tactics that help you discover the psychological secrets of persuasion & communication that influence your virtual team members to do what you want them to do.
You’ll also build trustandaccountabilitywithout wasting time on useless technology tools, frustrating meetings or countless back & forth emails.
Remote teams are the future of work
Learning how to manage people you don’t see face-to-face is an important skill that you need regardless of what industry you’re in. The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has accelerated the need for managing people who work from home, as telecommuting became the norm.
With “How to Manage & Influence Your Virtual Team” you will learn the psychological secrets of persuasionand communicationthat influence your virtual team members to do what you need them to do.
The course will also help you increase the level of trust and accountability among your team members while reducing the time you spend on frustrating meetings, useless technology tools, and back-and-forth emails.
At the end of each lecture in the course, you’ll get specific, actionable steps that you can implement immediately.
In addition, you’ll also get downloadable sample scripts and templates that you can simply copy & paste and use with your own virtual team.
The course contains the following sections:
The Psychology of Communication in Virtual Teams: Psychological strategies to effectively communicate with your team and reduce ambiguity and miscommunication
Principles of Behavior Change: Four strategic principles that will change your team’s behavior to get things done
Tactics of Influence & Persuasion: Step-by-step tactics that influence your team members to do what you need them to do
Managing Virtual Meetings Effectively: How to have fewer meetings while increasing their effectiveness at the same time
Choosing and Evaluating the Right Technology: A simple framework to choose and evaluate the right technology tools to use with your virtual teams
Building Trust in Virtual Environments: A methodical blueprint to increase the level of trust among your virtual team
Killer Email and Phone Techniques: Powerful email and phone techniques that you can use to influence your virtual team members
What is different about this course?
There are many courses on managing virtual teams. Here are three reasons why this one is different
Reason #1: Tactics, not just strategies
Most courses about virtual teams focus on high-level strategies and theories.
Very few actually give you the tacticsthat you need to implement those strategies.
In this course, I’ll show you how to apply the management tactics to your own situation. You’ll get step-by-step techniques and scripts that will save you a lot of time in managing your virtual team.
In other words, you will get answers to both those questions:
-What do I need to do?
-How do I do it?
Moreover, every video also has a “Summary of Actions” slide at the end that summarizes the course lecture for you, and tells you exactly what you need to do as a next step. Basically, you’ll learn everything about virtual team management in simple steps.
Reason #2: Proven Science-based Research
For the course, I did a ton of science-based research about powerful psychological and productivity studies in the areas of influence and management.
Some of the research references include studies from the Harvard Business School, Kelley School of Business, and McKinsey Global Institute.
I also reference studies from international bestselling books such as “Influence: The Science of Persuasion,” “Made to Stick,” and “The Tipping Point,” among others.
I’ve tested the findings from those references myself and selected what works and what doesn’t in virtual teams.
So you will get the absolute best of the best concepts that work for you and your team.
Reason #3: Practical insights that work (not just theory)
I’ve been managing virtual teams for over 15 years, both as an entrepreneur and as a program manager.
In fact, I still work as a remote leader, and my full-time job is to manage virtual teams across the world to deliver highly complex projects (note: I work for Cisco Systems, but all views are my own and not those of Cisco).
Unlike most courses that are taught by professors who have studied this space from a purely theoretical view, you’ll be getting a unique perspective on how to manage people remotely from someone who does this for a living.
In short, the course will help you:
Communicate more effectively and build trust with your team
Stop worrying about being caught up in pointless day-to-day details
Save valuable time spent on useless meetings and back & forth emails
Choose the right technology tools and techniques for effective team collaboration
Influence your team to be accountable for getting tasks accomplished
NOTE for Project Management Professional (PMP) certification holders
This course qualifies for 3 Professional Development Units (PDUs) under the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) “Education” requirement. After you’re done with the course, you will get a “Certificate of Completion” from Udemy, which you can use as evidence for PMI. All 3 hours can be claimed under the “Leadership” category.
Student Testimonials:
★★★★★ “I’ve been managing virtual teams for three years and still found some great gems in this course! I especially liked the first three modules (Communication, Behavior Change, and Persuasion) as well as the Trust module. They added some theory and words to tactics that I’d been using in the past, and condensed some useful tips into easy actions – like the trust formula and the “good” way to answer a question.” – Nina Wroniak
★★★★★ “I’m doing my MBA online, and although group projects feature prominently, the university gave no guidance on how to conduct virtual teamwork. I’m really glad to have taken Hassan’s course, andhave recommended it to other students in my program to make our group work more productive. ”– Astrid Tiefholz
★★★★★ “This course was great because it reallyexplained the evidence behind the tips he was giving. Each section was developed in a clear way and a clear connection to the larger goal. I am excited to implement the things I’ve learned on the team I work with.” –Joy Anderson
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with the course for any reason, you may return the course within 30 days of the purchase date.
Ready to Enroll?
Click on the “Buy Now” or “Enroll Now” button in the top right corner of this page and start learning how to effectively manage and influence your virtual team today.
CPE (Continuing Professional Education)
Learning Objectives
Recognize the different levels of the Pyramid of Communication.
Understand the four main power principles of behavior change in virtual teams.
List and explain Robert Cialdini’s six principles of influence.
Recognize the best practices for scheduling virtual meetings.
Define the formula for building trust in virtual teams.
Describe email tactics that help get things done.
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Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 2: Course Overview
Lecture 3: A Quick and Important Note
Chapter 2: The Psychology of Communication in Virtual Teams
Lecture 1: Communication is Everything
Lecture 2: The Pyramid of Communication
Lecture 3: The Curse of Knowledge
Lecture 4: The 3 Responses to Questions
Chapter 3: Principles of Behavior Change
Lecture 1: Intro to the Principles of Behavior Change
Lecture 2: The Power of Deadlines
Lecture 3: The Power of Assigning Responsibility
Lecture 4: The Power of Specific Tasks
Lecture 5: The Power of Writing
Chapter 4: Tactics of Influence & Persuasion
Lecture 1: Intro to Tactics of Influence and Persuasion
Lecture 2: Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence (Part 1 of 2)
Lecture 3: Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence (Part 2 of 2)
Lecture 4: The Influential Power of One Word
Lecture 5: 6 Steps to Ensure Commitment
Lecture 6: How to Know What They’re Really Thinking
Chapter 5: Managing Virtual Meetings Effectively
Lecture 1: Intro to Managing Virtual Meetings
Lecture 2: Before the Meeting
Lecture 3: During the Meeting
Lecture 4: After the Meeting
Lecture 5: Meeting Scheduling Guidelines
Chapter 6: Choosing and Evaluating the Right Technology
Lecture 1: Intro to Choosing and Evaluating the Right Technology
Lecture 2: Why Choosing the Perfect Tool is Hard
Lecture 3: The 7 Golden Rules for Choosing Your Technology
Lecture 4: The Ultimate List of Virtual Team Tools
Chapter 7: Building Trust in Virtual Environments
Lecture 1: Intro to Trust in Virtual Teams
Lecture 2: The Secret Formula for Trust
Lecture 3: How to Increase Reliability
Lecture 4: How to Increase Likeability
Chapter 8: Killer Email and Phone Techniques
Lecture 1: Intro to Email & Phone Techniques
Lecture 2: 5 Strategies for Managing Email Overload
Lecture 3: 6 Killer Email Tactics That Get Things Done
Lecture 4: How to Use Your Voice to Your Advantage
Lecture 5: How to Leave the Perfect Voice Message
Chapter 9: Conclusion & Wrap Up
Lecture 1: Conclusion & Wrap Up
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Hassan Osman
Tech Leader & Bestselling Author focused on using AI at Work
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 201 votes
- 2 stars: 406 votes
- 3 stars: 3185 votes
- 4 stars: 10937 votes
- 5 stars: 12963 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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