How to open a restaurant?
How to open a restaurant?, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 35 lectures, based on 148 reviews, and has 1804 subscribers.
You will learn about Select the most profitable location Pick the right concept to run Create great restaurant that will make your target group happy Analyze and understand your customers Check in Excel how much you will earn from your business Spy on your competitors This course is ideal for individuals who are Entrepreneurs or Restaurant owner or Restaurant managers or Retail managers or Business Analysts or Consultants It is particularly useful for Entrepreneurs or Restaurant owner or Restaurant managers or Retail managers or Business Analysts or Consultants.
Enroll now: How to open a restaurant?
Title: How to open a restaurant?
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Curriculum Items: 35
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Select the most profitable location
- Pick the right concept to run
- Create great restaurant that will make your target group happy
- Analyze and understand your customers
- Check in Excel how much you will earn from your business
- Spy on your competitors
Who Should Attend
- Entrepreneurs
- Restaurant owner
- Restaurant managers
- Retail managers
- Business Analysts
- Consultants
Target Audiences
- Entrepreneurs
- Restaurant owner
- Restaurant managers
- Retail managers
- Business Analysts
- Consultants
What is the aim of this course?
Opening restaurants is very demanding in terms of time and cash. I will show you in this course how to research the market and plan your business to make sure that you open the right concept, in the right place for the right people. Most restaurants fail because they got it wrong in one of the 3 main factors: location, concept, and target segment of customers. Here I will show you how to find out with little money in advance whether your business idea makes sense or not.
We will show several techniques that will help you check:
Whether the location is good for your business?
Who is your customer and whether you will have enough of them in your selected location?
What are the good and bad things about certain concepts and whether is a good fit for you and the location?
How much money can you get from your restaurant business?
I will also show you how to translate it to Excel and create your business plan with this universal tool. It will be useful not only for opening your business but also afterward managing your business.
I will teach you also how to test your concept in real life without actually building the restaurant.
Why have I decided to create this course?
I have worked in retail and restaurant chains for 4 years. It always surprised me that even the chains had problems with the proper selection of location and the concept that would be optimal. 3 years ago my friends started opening their own concepts or taking over existing ones. Due to my previous experience, they started asking me for some help. In this course, you will find the practical tricks that we used to make sure that the businesses they were running were making money in the selected locations. This framework was proven both with small restaurants as well as with chains. We have applied it extensively also in retail projects. You will find here a little theory and mainly a lot of practical how-to tips that will help you perform the research on your own.
This course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement, and turn-arounds in the biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B, and services sectors that I worked for. I have carried out or supervised over 90 different performance improvement projects in different industries that generated in a total of 2 billion of additional EBITDA. On the basis of what you will find in this course, I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts, and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors, COO, CRO, CEO, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 224 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Adidas, Naspers, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange, and many others.
I teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, and tools that we use. To every lecture, you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, and materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modifications, be applied by you or your team in your work.
In what way will you benefit from this course?
The course is a practical, step-by-step guide loaded with tons of, tricks, hints, and examples that will significantly change the way you perceive your business and will drastically increase your chances of success. There is little theory – mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know:
How to find the right spot to build a profitable restaurant
How to analyze a restaurant concept that you think about with little money
How to select the right location for your business
How to analyze your target segment and how to adapt the concept to them
How to get the concept-location-customer fit
How to test the restaurant concept with little money
How to estimate in Excel what can be the sales and margin of your restaurant?
You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly.
How the course is organized?
The course is divided currently into the following sections:
Introduction.We begin with a little intro to the course
What concept should you choose?In the second section, we go through ways you can use to learn everything about a specific concept and decide whether it is good for you or not.
How good certain location is? In the third section, I will show you how to analyze the locations you are considering to make sure that are a good match with your concept. This section will have a lot of hacks that you can apply to make sure that the location you are choosing will generate your expected profits
How to analyze your target group?Only by knowing well your customer and applying this knowledge in management, as well as the selection of the concept, you can build a sustainable business. Here, I will show you methods that you can use online and off-line to spy on your customers and understand them properly
Testing your restaurant concept with MVP.The fifth section is devoted to testing your concept without building full-blown restaurants. We will talk about an interesting concept called MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that is also applied to restaurants to make sure that what you build is what the customer wants and needs. It helps you for a fraction of your initial budget
Restaurant model in Excel.In this section, I will show you how to calculate in Excel, on the basis of previous sections, whether your business idea for a new restaurant makes sense or not. You will get ready-made tools in Excel that you can adapt to your needs.
You will be able also to download many additional resources
Examples in Excel, Word, PowerPoint
Presentation of slides shown in the course
Links to additional presentations and movies
Links to books worth reading
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the course
Lecture 1: What the course will be about
Lecture 2: How to deal with Blurry image
Lecture 3: How to reach additional resources
Lecture 4: 4 most important things in restaurant business
Lecture 5: Why you have to work in restaurant business first?
Chapter 2: What restaurant concept should you choose?
Lecture 1: Introduction to choosing the right concept
Lecture 2: What are storechecks?
Lecture 3: How to use storecheck to analyze restaurants?
Lecture 4: Franchising databases – how to use it to analyze restaurant concepts
Lecture 5: Marketplaces with recommendations – how to use them to analyze the concept
Lecture 6: Fanpages as a source of information about specific restaurant
Lecture 7: What is Keyword Planner?
Lecture 8: How to use Keyword Planner to analyze specific type of restaurant?
Lecture 9: How to use google trends?
Lecture 10: How to use ready made reports to analzy restaurant business?
Chapter 3: How to find the right location for a restaurant?
Lecture 1: Introduction to analyzing locations for future restaurants
Lecture 2: Storechecks – how to use them to check specific location?
Lecture 3: Google Maps – how to use them to check specific location?
Lecture 4: On-demand marketplaces – how to use them to check specific location?
Lecture 5: Keyword Planner – how to use them to check specific location?
Lecture 6: Review sites – how to use them to check specific location?
Chapter 4: How to analyze your target group ?
Lecture 1: How to define a segment – target group
Lecture 2: Example of segmentation
Lecture 3: Introduction to analyzing the target group
Lecture 4: Offline interview for known concepts
Lecture 5: Offline interview for unknown restaurant concepts
Lecture 6: Online interviews
Lecture 7: Marketplaces with recommendations – how to use them to analyze the target group
Lecture 8: Facebook Audience Insights – introduction
Chapter 5: Testing your restaurant concept with MVP.
Lecture 1: What is MVP
Lecture 2: MVP for restaurants
Chapter 6: Restaurant model in Excel
Lecture 1: Business model of a restaurant in Excel – basic model
Lecture 2: Business model of a restaurant in Excel – advanced model
Lecture 3: Restaurant chain – how to model it in Excel?
Chapter 7: Conclusions
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Asen Gyczew
Expert in performance improvement, turnaround and startups
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 8 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 30 votes
- 4 stars: 31 votes
- 5 stars: 74 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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