Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity
Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.59, with 58 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 4712 reviews, and has 15372 subscribers.
You will learn about Identify how working with equality, diversity and inclusion can lead to better outcomes within the organisations that you work with Develop the 6 key traits of inclusive leaders Discover how unconscious bias works and how to work with others with bias Interpret how thinking works; how it can help and hinder you as an inclusive leader Explore the best ways to give and receive feedback Recognise ways to effectively communicate across various cultures Analyse the impact of cultural factors on communication between individuals from different cultures Differentiate your leadership capabilities through inclusion and the application of emotional intelligence This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone in any workplace environment to help them understand the role they should play in equality and diversity and inclusion or The course is designed for leaders in organisations who are interested in improving the emotional climate or You will be responsible for leading and managing groups of people to achieve outcomes and enhance performance or This course will not be of interest to you if you see emotional intelligence has little to offer leaders and you cannot see the point of equality It is particularly useful for Anyone in any workplace environment to help them understand the role they should play in equality and diversity and inclusion or The course is designed for leaders in organisations who are interested in improving the emotional climate or You will be responsible for leading and managing groups of people to achieve outcomes and enhance performance or This course will not be of interest to you if you see emotional intelligence has little to offer leaders and you cannot see the point of equality.
Enroll now: Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity
Title: Inclusive Leadership: Working with Equality and Diversity
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.59
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 60
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 60
Original Price: $174.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Identify how working with equality, diversity and inclusion can lead to better outcomes within the organisations that you work with
- Develop the 6 key traits of inclusive leaders
- Discover how unconscious bias works and how to work with others with bias
- Interpret how thinking works; how it can help and hinder you as an inclusive leader
- Explore the best ways to give and receive feedback
- Recognise ways to effectively communicate across various cultures
- Analyse the impact of cultural factors on communication between individuals from different cultures
- Differentiate your leadership capabilities through inclusion and the application of emotional intelligence
Who Should Attend
- Anyone in any workplace environment to help them understand the role they should play in equality and diversity and inclusion
- The course is designed for leaders in organisations who are interested in improving the emotional climate
- You will be responsible for leading and managing groups of people to achieve outcomes and enhance performance
- This course will not be of interest to you if you see emotional intelligence has little to offer leaders and you cannot see the point of equality
Target Audiences
- Anyone in any workplace environment to help them understand the role they should play in equality and diversity and inclusion
- The course is designed for leaders in organisations who are interested in improving the emotional climate
- You will be responsible for leading and managing groups of people to achieve outcomes and enhance performance
- This course will not be of interest to you if you see emotional intelligence has little to offer leaders and you cannot see the point of equality
As a leaderyou are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams. It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others.
This course will help you to develop and apply your skillsas an inclusive leader. You will learn more about working with equality and diversity to include all types of people to confidently engage with you as a leader.
Leadership is about influencing others through personal attributes and behaviours, underpinned by emotional intelligence, to achieve prescribed outcomes.
Inclusive Leadershipis about treating people and groups fairly based on their unique characteristics, rather than acting on biases derived from stereotypes.
It is also about personalising individuals, understanding and valuing the uniqueness and differences of others while at the same time including them as members of the organisation, networks and work groups.
Inclusive Leadershipis about utilising the thinking of diverse groups for smarter ideas, solutions and decision making. Inclusive leadership has the potential to provide different approaches and ways of working that move the organisation forward.
Equality and Diversityrefers to the fair treatment and respect of all individuals, no matter their personal circumstances. Knowledge of equality and diversityhelps you and your team to operate appropriately within an equal and diverse workforce. The course analyses how you behave at work, and how it may affect those around you. It addresses unacceptable behaviour, such as stereotyping and discrimination as well as how to deal with inappropriate or offensive behaviour.
This course will help you to develop and apply your skills as an inclusive leader. You will learn about the psychology of equality and diversity to grow your team and your organisation, enhance their performance and improve your personal satisfaction. Critical thinking to work in an emotionally intelligent manner forms a major component of the skills of an Inclusive Leader to overcome unconscious bias. This is covered in detail within the course.
As an Inclusive Leader it is important to consider the communication between people who have differences. These include age, nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
Cross cultural communication is an important leadership topic as we develop teams and build relationships with people across the world. Many of these people are from different cultures and backgrounds from our own.
Cross cultural communicationrefers to your efforts as a leader to exchange information, negotiate and mediate differences based on national culture through communication. It is understanding how people belonging to different cultures engage with each other and respectfully modifying your communication style to make allowances for this.
The coursecovers how different types of cultures impact upon individuals’ needs. It also covers how you can use cross-cultural communication as an inclusive leader with people from a variety of different backgrounds and cultures.
By taking this course, you will be able to
Determine what equality, diversity and inclusion means for inclusive leadership
Discover the impact of bias and unconscious bias in equality and diversity
Demonstrate the attributes of an emotionally intelligent, inclusive leader through critical thinking
Describe how to inspire and foster respect through your work with equality and diversity
Recognise ways to effectively communicate across various cultures
Analyse the impact of cultural factors on communication between individuals from different cultures
Explore your ability to incorporate an inclusive approach into all that you say and do as a leader
The course gives you practical tools and actions to begin leading inclusively with immediate effect. You will strengthen your relationships with others, build your awareness of unconscious bias, develop your critical thinking skills, and become a senior advocate for inclusive workplace cultures. You can expect to see the results of a more inclusive culture, both internally and externally, very quickly.
There is a practical activityin the course that invites you to assess your inclusive leadership traits. It requires you to do some reflective thinking, to get some feedback and to discuss your development with others. By completing this activity fully, you will be able to examine your inclusive leadership traits and recognise what you need to do to grow and develop as an inclusive leader. I am here to help and guide you.
This course is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding how work to more effectively with others as a leader. It compliments other courses that explore emotional intelligence in more depth.
You’ll receive all the information that you need and will be coached using loads of practical hints that you can use straight away.
The course is for you if you want to develop as an inclusive leader to improve the way that you interact with other people, the way that you make decisions and the way that you manage performance.
The course material makes up a one to two day workshop so is equivalent to 8 -12 hour’s training. It forms part of our advanced emotional intelligence course endorsed by the Institute of Leadership and Management.
The course is being continually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant. Feedback is always welcome.
As the focus of this course is on inclusivity, it is important that it is as inclusive as possible so all course elements are designed for accessibility.
The course has been designed for everyone to encourage human diversity
Expectations are set with clear learning outcomes
The course content recognises diversity and acknowledges barriers to inclusion
There is sufficient contrast using colours and textures, and optimum font sizes are used throughout the course
All documents are supplied in PDF format that can be read using assistive technologies
All the captions have been checked for errors and so are grammatically correct (as far as possible)
The course has been a Udemy highly rated course and is featured in the Udemy for Business catalogue. A few people are instructed to take the course under duress by their organisation. Some of these learners have been known to leave low ratings without comments – not the behaviour expected of appreciative, inclusive leaders! Watch the preview lecture on The Inclusive Leader and Feedback. Constructive feedback is always welcome as I want to made this course the best that it can be.
Lessons are being continually upgraded and rerecorded to improve the overall quality and new activities have been added to enhance your learner experience. This ensures the course remains current and relevant.
All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.
All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.
All videos have grammatically correct English captions.
Latest update – August 2024
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Your Personal View
Lecture 1: Introduction to Working with Equality and Diversity and Inclusion
Lecture 2: Being Emotionally Intelligent about this Course on Udemy
Lecture 3: Learning about Inclusive Leadership
Lecture 4: Activity Booklet: Reflecting about this Leadership Course
Lecture 5: The Inclusive Leader and Feedback
Lecture 6: What is Equality and Diversity?
Lecture 7: The Primary and Secondary Dimensions of Diversity
Lecture 8: Neurodiversity and Equality
Lecture 9: How Filters Work to Create your Internal Representation of the World
Lecture 10: The Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Minds
Lecture 11: What is Unconscious Bias?
Lecture 12: How is Unconscious Bias Assessed and Measured?
Lecture 13: Further Examples of Unconscious Bias and Unconscious Behaviour
Lecture 14: Working with Unconscious Bias
Lecture 15: Activity Booklet: Exploring your Unconscious Bias
Chapter 2: Quiz to Test your Knowledge of Equality and Diversity
Chapter 3: Inclusive Leadership
Lecture 1: Introduction to Inclusive Leadership
Lecture 2: The Platinum Rule
Lecture 3: What is the Difference Between Unacceptable and Unaccepting Behaviour?
Lecture 4: Giving Feedback – How to Give Feedback Effectively
Lecture 5: Receiving Feedback – How to Receive Feedback Effectively
Lecture 6: Why Self-Awareness is so Important in Leadership
Lecture 7: What is Inclusive Leadership?
Lecture 8: The Principles of Ethical Leadership
Lecture 9: The Six Traits of Inclusive Leaders
Lecture 10: The Behaviours of Inclusive Leadership
Lecture 11: How Curiosity Drives Diversity
Lecture 12: Strategies for Inclusive Leaders in 5 Minutes
Lecture 13: Working Towards Neurodiversity Inclusivity
Lecture 14: Microaggressions
Lecture 15: Build your Competence in Equality and Diversity in Less than a Minute
Chapter 4: Practical Activity – Assessing your Inclusive Leadership Traits
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: Assessing your Inclusive Leadership Traits
Chapter 5: Quiz to Test your Knowledge of Inclusive Leadership
Chapter 6: Leadership and Cross Cultural Communication
Lecture 1: Cross Cultural Communication – The New Norm
Lecture 2: Developing Awareness of Cultures
Lecture 3: Demand Mutual Respect
Lecture 4: A Useful Model of National Cultural Differences
Lecture 5: Universalism Cultures vs Particularism Cultures
Lecture 6: Individualism Cultures vs Communitarianism Cultures
Lecture 7: Specific Cultures vs Diffuse Cultures
Lecture 8: Neutral Cultures vs Emotional (Affective) Cultures
Lecture 9: Achievement Cultures vs Ascription Cultures
Lecture 10: Sequential Time Cultures vs Synchronous Time Cultures
Lecture 11: Inner Direction Cultures vs Outer Direction Cultures
Lecture 12: Some Final Thought Around Cross Cultural Communication
Chapter 7: Thinking about Thinking
Lecture 1: Thinking about Critical Thinking
Lecture 2: Critical Thinking and Diversity
Lecture 3: Exploring the Concept of Critical Thinking
Lecture 4: Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 5: Thinking Capabilities
Lecture 6: The Two Thinking Systems – Fast and Slow
Lecture 7: The Two Thinking Systems and how Information is Processed
Lecture 8: Hints and Tips to Improve your Critical Thinking
Lecture 9: The Values and Biases of Inclusive Leaders
Lecture 10: Further Thoughts and Actions to Develop your Critical Thinking
Chapter 8: Practical Activity – An Exercise in Critical Thinking
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: An Exercise in Critical Thinking
Chapter 9: Conclusion to this Course on Inclusive Leadership
Lecture 1: Activity Booklet: Three Good Things to Develop your Leadership
Lecture 2: Conclusion to this Course on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
Chapter 10: More Resources
Lecture 1: How to Access your Udemy Certificate
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture
Robin Hills
Business Psychologist, Emotional Intelligence Trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 26 votes
- 2 stars: 68 votes
- 3 stars: 533 votes
- 4 stars: 1901 votes
- 5 stars: 2184 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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