Influence and Persuasion skills
Influence and Persuasion skills, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.52, with 26 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 1415 reviews, and has 3961 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the scientifically proven techniques of persuasion Communicate more effectively to the conscious and subconscious of your interlocutors Influence other people's decisions and opinions Get more YES to your queries Motivate others to take action Formulate your messages to be heard and understood Persuade others to change their opinions Determine the communication style of your interlocutor to influence them effectively Quickly connect with others to make you more appreciated This course is ideal for individuals who are This training is for anyone who wants to become more persuasive in their private and professional life. or You will learn the strategies to convince others and get them to take action without manipulation. or Whether you are a manager, employee or entrepreneur, you will find techniques to help you in this training. It is particularly useful for This training is for anyone who wants to become more persuasive in their private and professional life. or You will learn the strategies to convince others and get them to take action without manipulation. or Whether you are a manager, employee or entrepreneur, you will find techniques to help you in this training.
Enroll now: Influence and Persuasion skills
Title: Influence and Persuasion skills
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.52
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the scientifically proven techniques of persuasion
- Communicate more effectively to the conscious and subconscious of your interlocutors
- Influence other people's decisions and opinions
- Get more YES to your queries
- Motivate others to take action
- Formulate your messages to be heard and understood
- Persuade others to change their opinions
- Determine the communication style of your interlocutor to influence them effectively
- Quickly connect with others to make you more appreciated
Who Should Attend
- This training is for anyone who wants to become more persuasive in their private and professional life.
- You will learn the strategies to convince others and get them to take action without manipulation.
- Whether you are a manager, employee or entrepreneur, you will find techniques to help you in this training.
Target Audiences
- This training is for anyone who wants to become more persuasive in their private and professional life.
- You will learn the strategies to convince others and get them to take action without manipulation.
- Whether you are a manager, employee or entrepreneur, you will find techniques to help you in this training.
Techniques for influencing and persuading effectively
This training contains everything you need to know to influence others, learn the secrets of psychological persuasion, connect quickly with others and get your message across.
This content will be updated regularly to add my latest findings in the field of persuasion and influence.
Here are some testimonials from my course participants:
“ Jamal Lazaar is very competent in his training, he provides clear working methods to be successful. I recommend this course for those who question themselves. Excellent course!“. Landry
” You can’t help but be motivated and have confidence in yourself after this course. Thank you Jamal “. L. Naraine
” Simple, concise and concrete. Thanks ! ”Dave
Why join this training to make better decisions?
If you find it difficult to convince?
If you find it difficult to make your voice heard and influence others?
Or simply if you want to learn how to communicate more effectively?
If so, this training is for you!
Most people don’t realize the importance of persuasion and influence. If you want to succeed in your life, you must learn to influence the decisions and opinions of other people because persuasion is everywhere.
Knowing how to convince and influence others is a key element in your private life, but also in your professional development.
All the great leaders of this world have understood this concept very well. If you can’t convince, you will be convinced. If you can’t influence, you will be influenced, whether in your work, with your friends, your family, your children, etc.
People in control of their lives are people who have mastered the power of persuasion.
Imagine for a moment how your life would be different if you managed to convince your future employer that you are the right candidate to hire.
Or if you are a manager, imagine that you manage to convince the members of your team to join you in your various initiatives.
Imagine if you are in front of a group of people, and you manage to convince them to choose your product or solution.
You already have all the necessary resources within you to convince. All you need is a strategy to do so, and techniques to structure your message and boost your influence.
You don’t have to guess them. In this training, I share with you scientifically proven techniques to influence and convince easily. These techniques are based on research from the world of sociology and behavioral psychology.
This training is not hands-on training.
I do not share with you techniques to deceive or to manipulate.
I deeply believe that the content of this training can transform your life if you study all the content and put all the strategies in place.
The content of the training is designed to go straight to the point.
Master the scientifically proven techniques of persuasion
Communicate more effectively to the conscious and subconscious of your interlocutors
Influence other people’s decisions and opinions
Get more YES to your queries
Persuade others to change their opinions
What are you waiting for?
Click “Buy Now” and join me inside the training.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Influence and persuasion tactics
Lecture 1: The art of connecting with others
Lecture 2: [Exercise] The art of connecting with others
Lecture 3: [Exercise] Discover your favorite sensory channel
Lecture 4: The 4 secrets for better communication
Lecture 5: [Exercise] The 4 secrets for better communication
Lecture 6: Make Yourself More Likable
Lecture 7: Reciprocity
Lecture 8: Consistency
Lecture 9: How to get a "yes" to your requests
Lecture 10: [Exercise] How to get a "yes" to your requests
Lecture 11: Psychological Reactance
Lecture 12: The power of metaphors
Chapter 3: How to convince easily
Lecture 1: Capture the attention of your audience
Lecture 2: The importance of culture
Lecture 3: Logic or emotions ?
Lecture 4: How to use values to your advantage
Lecture 5: The negative effects of social proof
Lecture 6: The Paradox Of Choice
Chapter 4: [Bonus] Some techniques of famous people
Lecture 1: Arnold Schwarzenegger's technique
Lecture 2: The Benjamin Franklin Effect
Lecture 3: The 6 techniques of Robert Cialdini
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Lecture 1: A final word
Lecture 2: Contact
Lecture 3: Bonus
Lecture 4: Your certificate
Jamal Lazaar
Author and Trainer / Auteur et formateur
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 7 votes
- 2 stars: 19 votes
- 3 stars: 143 votes
- 4 stars: 514 votes
- 5 stars: 732 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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