Interactive Data Visualization with Python and Bokeh
Interactive Data Visualization with Python and Bokeh, available at $89.99, has an average rating of 4.81, with 85 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 1475 reviews, and has 11518 subscribers.
You will learn about Build advanced data visualization web apps using the Python Bokeh library. Create interactive modern web plots that represent your data impressively. Create widgets that let users interact with your plots. Learn all the available Bokeh styling features. Integrate and visualize data from Pandas DataFrames. Create dynamic graphs that plot real-time data. Plot time-series data. Integrate your data visualization apps with Flask apps. Deploy the apps in live servers. Learn how to troubleshoot Bokeh apps. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone involved in the data industry or Anyone who is already familiar with Python basics It is particularly useful for Anyone involved in the data industry or Anyone who is already familiar with Python basics.
Enroll now: Interactive Data Visualization with Python and Bokeh
Title: Interactive Data Visualization with Python and Bokeh
Price: $89.99
Average Rating: 4.81
Number of Lectures: 85
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 78
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 86
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 79
Original Price: $84.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Build advanced data visualization web apps using the Python Bokeh library.
- Create interactive modern web plots that represent your data impressively.
- Create widgets that let users interact with your plots.
- Learn all the available Bokeh styling features.
- Integrate and visualize data from Pandas DataFrames.
- Create dynamic graphs that plot real-time data.
- Plot time-series data.
- Integrate your data visualization apps with Flask apps.
- Deploy the apps in live servers.
- Learn how to troubleshoot Bokeh apps.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone involved in the data industry
- Anyone who is already familiar with Python basics
Target Audiences
- Anyone involved in the data industry
- Anyone who is already familiar with Python basics
If you love Python and want to impress your clients or your employer with impressive data visualization on the browser, Bokeh is the way to go. This course is a complete guide to mastering Bokeh, a Python library for building advanced and data dashboards containing beautiful interactive visualizations. The course will guide you step by step from plotting simple datasets to building rich and beautiful data visualization web apps that plot data in real-time and allow web users to interact and change the behavior of your plots via the internet from their browsers.
Whether you are a data analyst, data scientist, statistician, or any other specialist who deals with data regularly, this course is perfect for you. It will give you the skills to visualize data in a way that excites your audience and eventually sells your product or your idea much easier. All you need to have to learn Bokeh is some basic prior knowledge of Python.
The course also contains exercises to help you check your skills as you progress. You will be given access to various data samples and provided with additional examples to enforce your Bokeh skills. The course is estimated to take you around four weeks to complete assuming you devote 10-20 hours/week depending on your productivity skills.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Lecture 2: Installation
Lecture 3: Getting Help
Lecture 4: What is Bokeh
Lecture 5: Creating Your First Bokeh Plot
Lecture 6: Exercise 1: Plotting triangles and circle glyphs
Lecture 7: Exercise 1: Solution
Lecture 8: Using Bokeh with Pandas
Lecture 9: Exercise 2: Plotting Education Data
Lecture 10: Exercise 2: Solution
Lecture 11: Bug with the Show Method
Lecture 12: Using the Bokeh Documentation
Chapter 2: Customizing Bokeh Graphs
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Note
Lecture 3: Creating an Initial Plot
Lecture 4: Figure Background
Lecture 5: List of Colors
Lecture 6: Title
Lecture 7: List of Text Fonts
Lecture 8: Axes: Custom Styling
Lecture 9: Axes: Custom Geometry
Lecture 10: Axes: Categorical Data
Lecture 11: Grid
Lecture 12: Tools
Lecture 13: Glyphs
Lecture 14: Legend: Configuring
Lecture 15: Legend: Styling
Lecture 16: Popup Windows
Lecture 17: Exercise 3: Summary of Section 3
Lecture 18: Exercise 3: Solution
Chapter 3: Advanced Plotting
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: ColumnDataSource
Lecture 3: Exercise 4: Plotting Elements of the Periodic Table
Lecture 4: Exercise 4: Solution
Lecture 5: Popup Windows with Custom HTML
Lecture 6: Gridplots
Lecture 7: Exercise 5: Gridplots
Lecture 8: Exercise 5: Solution
Lecture 9: Annotations: Spans and Boxes
Lecture 10: Exercise 6: Span Annotations
Lecture 11: Exercise 6: Solution
Lecture 12: Annotations: Labels and LabelSets
Lecture 13: Exercise 7: Labels in Spans
Lecture 14: Exercise 7: Solution
Chapter 4: Bokeh Server: Interactive Plotting with HTML Widgets
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Widgets in Static Bokeh Graphs
Lecture 3: Widgets in Interactive Bokeh Server Apps
Lecture 4: Select Widgets: Changing Labels Dynamically
Lecture 5: Exercise 8: Select Widgets – Drawing Spans Dynamically
Lecture 6: Exercise 8: Tips
Lecture 7: Exercise 8: Solution
Lecture 8: RadioButtonGroup Widgets: Changing Labels Dynamically
Lecture 9: Slider Widgets: Filtering Glyphs, Part 1
Lecture 10: Slider Widgets: Filtering Glyphs, Part 2
Chapter 5: Bokeh Server: Streaming Real Time Data
Lecture 1: Section Introduction
Lecture 2: Streaming Random Points and Lines
Lecture 3: Streaming Financial Data – Designing the App
Lecture 4: Streaming Financial Data – Webscraping
Lecture 5: Streaming Financial Data – Plotting
Lecture 6: Streaming Timeseries Data
Lecture 7: User Interaction Between Real-Time Plots and Widgets
Lecture 8: Example: Visualizing Spinning Planets
Chapter 6: Embedding Bokeh Plots in Websites
Lecture 1: Introduction to Flask
Lecture 2: Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Flask
Lecture 3: Embedding Bokeh Server Plots in Flask
Lecture 4: Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Django: Setting up a Django App
Lecture 5: Embedding Static Bokeh Plots in Django: Embedding the Plot
Chapter 7: Deploying Bokeh Data Visualization Apps in Live Servers
Lecture 1: Deployment Options
Lecture 2: Deploying Static Bokeh Plots
Lecture 3: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask- Setting up the VPS
Lecture 4: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Installing Software
Lecture 5: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Configuration Files
Lecture 6: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Uploading Files
Lecture 7: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Editing Server Files
Lecture 8: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Starting the Service
Lecture 9: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps Embedded in Flask – Troubleshooting
Lecture 10: Deploying Interactive Bokeh Server Apps as Standalone
Lecture 11: Bonus Lecture
Ardit Sulce
Python Programmer | Author at PythonHow | 10 Years on Udemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 17 votes
- 2 stars: 43 votes
- 3 stars: 185 votes
- 4 stars: 556 votes
- 5 stars: 674 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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