Introduction to safety in the chemical & process industries
Introduction to safety in the chemical & process industries, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.69, with 164 lectures, based on 33 reviews, and has 140 subscribers.
You will learn about Raise your awareness and help you recognize early signs of safety concerns at your facility Promote the adoption of safe practices and operations to avoid the occurrence of unnecessary incidents Communicate lessons learned from previous accidents and avoid unnecessary safety incidents in the future Recognize safety signs used at your facility Understand the importance of evacuation diagrams Know the various types of fire extinguishers at your facility and how and when to use them Know the various types of work permits, their requirements and the principles that apply to them Recognize confined space hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them Recognize lifting operation hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them Recognize work at height space hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them Understand hazard label information Recognize hazard pictograms Learn how to interpret and use information on hazard labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs') Use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs') to find information on hazards and protective measures Increase your awareness of chemical safety in the workplace Recognize workplace chemical hazards and the risks associated with their use List conditions that may present an exposure risk and identify possible routes of exposure Demonstrate safety precautions that should be taken by workers and employers to minimize exposure to chemicals Demonstrate safe storage, transport, and disposal practices for hazardous chemicals Describe appropriate response actions in the event of a chemical incident Understand the need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how and when to use them Understand the concept of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions BLEVE Understand how a fire can cause a tank to BLEVE Know and understand the reasonable safe distances for emergency responders dealing with a potential BLEVE Understand the concept of Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) This course is ideal for individuals who are Operating personnel in refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants or Process safety engineers & safety practitioners or HSE Professionals or Process, Chemical & Design engineers or Technical Professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis or Managers unfamiliar with Chemical Safety Management or Senior managers wishing to refresh and consolidate Chemical Safety knowledge It is particularly useful for Operating personnel in refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants or Process safety engineers & safety practitioners or HSE Professionals or Process, Chemical & Design engineers or Technical Professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis or Managers unfamiliar with Chemical Safety Management or Senior managers wishing to refresh and consolidate Chemical Safety knowledge.
Enroll now: Introduction to safety in the chemical & process industries
Title: Introduction to safety in the chemical & process industries
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.69
Number of Lectures: 164
Number of Published Lectures: 164
Number of Curriculum Items: 164
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 164
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Raise your awareness and help you recognize early signs of safety concerns at your facility
- Promote the adoption of safe practices and operations to avoid the occurrence of unnecessary incidents
- Communicate lessons learned from previous accidents and avoid unnecessary safety incidents in the future
- Recognize safety signs used at your facility
- Understand the importance of evacuation diagrams
- Know the various types of fire extinguishers at your facility and how and when to use them
- Know the various types of work permits, their requirements and the principles that apply to them
- Recognize confined space hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them
- Recognize lifting operation hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them
- Recognize work at height space hazards and the risks associated with this activity and how to manage them
- Understand hazard label information
- Recognize hazard pictograms
- Learn how to interpret and use information on hazard labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs')
- Use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs') to find information on hazards and protective measures
- Increase your awareness of chemical safety in the workplace
- Recognize workplace chemical hazards and the risks associated with their use
- List conditions that may present an exposure risk and identify possible routes of exposure
- Demonstrate safety precautions that should be taken by workers and employers to minimize exposure to chemicals
- Demonstrate safe storage, transport, and disposal practices for hazardous chemicals
- Describe appropriate response actions in the event of a chemical incident
- Understand the need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how and when to use them
- Understand the concept of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions BLEVE
- Understand how a fire can cause a tank to BLEVE
- Know and understand the reasonable safe distances for emergency responders dealing with a potential BLEVE
- Understand the concept of Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE)
Who Should Attend
- Operating personnel in refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants
- Process safety engineers & safety practitioners
- HSE Professionals
- Process, Chemical & Design engineers
- Technical Professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis
- Managers unfamiliar with Chemical Safety Management
- Senior managers wishing to refresh and consolidate Chemical Safety knowledge
Target Audiences
- Operating personnel in refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants
- Process safety engineers & safety practitioners
- HSE Professionals
- Process, Chemical & Design engineers
- Technical Professionals dealing with risk assessment and integrity analysis
- Managers unfamiliar with Chemical Safety Management
- Senior managers wishing to refresh and consolidate Chemical Safety knowledge
Welcome to this introductory course on safety in the chemical and process industries.
This valuable 9 hour course is split into two separate modules.
In the first module (section 1 through 7), permit-to-work systems, confined spaces, work at height and lifting operations are covered in detail to raise awareness around these activities and to promote the adoption of safe designs and practices to avoid the occurrence of unnecessary incidents.
The module then ends with a virtual plant safety tour. Now, while it is obviously impossible to address every safety mistake ever made, we have included in this virtual plant tour, a valuable summary of the most frequent mistakes encountered in the field. This will further raise your awareness so that you will be able to recognize early signs of safety concerns.
The second module (section 8 through 12) covers the required awareness training on the hazards common to the handling, storage, processing and use of chemicals, routinely found in refineries and chemical plants. These hazardous substances include:
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
Nitrogen (N2)
Hydrogen fluoride (HF)
Anhydrous ammonia (NH3)
Chlorine (Cl2)
Caustic soda (NaOH)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
For each hazardous substance, we will provide you with valuable insights into the measures you can take to protect yourself and your fellow workers, safe practices for storage and handling, and the correct response to emergency situations, involving incident events such as:
chemical spills
BLEVEs’ (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion)
VCEs’ (Vapor Cloud Explosion)
In addition, numerous real-world accidents from the Oil & Gas and chemical industries are presented and discussed in an easy-to-understand format, with the sole objective to communicate lessons learned and avoid unnecessary safety incidents in the future.
We are confident that this valuable course will help you contribute to the safety of your facility, your fellow workers and yourself.
We strongly recommend you take the time to watch this valuable course carefully. The usefulness of this course is not limited to operating people, there are many useful applications for the maintenance, design and construction of facilities.
Please feel free to share your experience with others, since this is one of the most effective means of communicating lessons learned and avoiding unnecessary incidents in the future.
Thank you for your interest in our online courses. Enjoy this valuable course and stay safe out there.
WR Training
Spread the wings of your knowledge
A high price has been paid for the information in this course: many workers and members of the public killed and billions of dollars worth of equipment destroyed. You get this information for the price of the course.It will be the best bargain you have ever receivedif you use the information to prevent similar unnecessary incidents at your facility.
This online course is intended as asafety supplementto your operator training courses, operating manuals, and operating procedures. Itshould not be treated as a substitute for them. It is provided to help you better understand the ‘why’ of safe operating practices and procedures in your plants. The advice in this course is a matter of opinion only and should not be construed as a representation or statement of any kind as to the effect of following such advice and no responsibility for the use of it can be assumed by WR Training.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to safety at work
Lecture 1: Introduction to safety at work
Lecture 2: A few simple rules to remember
Lecture 3: Personal Protective Equipment PPE
Lecture 4: Flame-resistant clothings
Lecture 5: Safety signs
Lecture 6: Coded hand signals
Lecture 7: Evacuation diagrams
Chapter 2: Fire extinguishers
Lecture 1: What are fire extinguishers
Lecture 2: How to use fire extinguishers
Chapter 3: Permit-to-work systems
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Principles
Lecture 3: A typical example
Lecture 4: Works requiring a permit
Lecture 5: Case study
Lecture 6: Hot work
Chapter 4: Confined spaces
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 5: Work at height
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Fragile roofs
Lecture 3: Protection against falls
Lecture 4: Protection against falling objects
Lecture 5: Fall arrest equipment
Lecture 6: Components of safety harnesses
Lecture 7: Safe use of safety harnesses through illustrative examples
Lecture 8: How to properly put on a safety harness
Lecture 9: Inspection of safety harnesses
Lecture 10: Working on or near fragile surfaces
Lecture 11: Working near openings
Lecture 12: Accident example: Falling through void
Lecture 13: Safe use of ladders
Lecture 14: Safe use of scaffolds
Lecture 15: Safe use of MEWPs
Chapter 6: Lifting operations
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The people involved
Lecture 3: Reminder: Coded hand signals
Lecture 4: Before you proceed to the next couple of video lectures
Lecture 5: General safety practices
Lecture 6: Mobile cranes
Lecture 7: Outriggers of cranes
Lecture 8: Tower cranes
Lecture 9: Test and examination of lifting gears
Lecture 10: Safe Working Load (SWL)
Lecture 11: Lifting gears before and after use
Lecture 12: Maintenance of rope wire slings and chain slings
Lecture 13: Shackles
Lecture 14: Hooks
Lecture 15: Focus area for using different types of lifting gears
Lecture 16: Rigging methods
Lecture 17: Lifting plans
Lecture 18: Safe lifting
Lecture 19: Surrounding conditions
Lecture 20: Weather conditions
Lecture 21: Accident example: Unsafe loading/unloading operations
Chapter 7: Plant safety tour
Lecture 1: Recognizing early signs of safety concerns
Chapter 8: Hazardous substances in refineries and chemical plants
Lecture 1: Introduction to hazardous substances
Lecture 2: What are hazardous substances
Lecture 3: Classification of hazardous substances
Lecture 4: Toxic substances
Lecture 5: Corrosive substances
Lecture 6: Flammable substances
Lecture 7: Pyrophoric substances
Lecture 8: Explosive substances
Lecture 9: Radioactive substances
Lecture 10: Signs and symbols
Chapter 9: Safety Data Sheets
Lecture 1: Safe handling of hazardous substances
Lecture 2: Importance of Safety Data Sheets (SDSs') – A confined space incident
Lecture 3: Safety Data Sheet Example: Compressed nitrogen gas
Chapter 10: Toxicity and health effects
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About "ppm"
Lecture 3: Methods of entry
Lecture 4: Types of exposures
Lecture 5: Exposure limits
Chapter 11: Control of exposures
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Engineering controls
Lecture 3: Administrative controls
Lecture 4: Gas testing
Lecture 5: Dräger tubes
Lecture 6: Portable multi-gas detectors
Lecture 7: Authorization requirements for entry
Lecture 8: PPE – Reminder
Chapter 12: Specific properties of some hazardous products with real-world accidents
Lecture 1: Intro to specific properties of some hazardous products with accident accounts
Lecture 2: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): a silent killer
Lecture 3: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): characteristics
Lecture 4: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): symptoms of exposure
Lecture 5: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): engineering controls
Lecture 6: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): respiratory protection
Lecture 7: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): importance of using correct chemical cartridges
Lecture 8: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): SCBA air supply levels
Lecture 9: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S): confined space entry
WR Training
Petroleum Petrochemical & Chemical Engineering
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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