ISO 21502:2020. Project management
ISO 21502:2020. Project management, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 41 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 29 reviews, and has 112 subscribers.
You will learn about The key concepts of project management The integrated project management practices and how they relate to the roles and levels in the project organizatioin The roles in a project organization and their their responsibilities and authorities The other standards published by ISO on subjects related to project management The practices to be considered when managing a project This course is ideal for individuals who are Project managers and members of project teams or Individuals looking to understand the basic project management concepts or Individuals looking to pursue or advance a career in project management or Project sponsors or ISO consultants and auditors or Expert advisors It is particularly useful for Project managers and members of project teams or Individuals looking to understand the basic project management concepts or Individuals looking to pursue or advance a career in project management or Project sponsors or ISO consultants and auditors or Expert advisors.
Enroll now: ISO 21502:2020. Project management
Title: ISO 21502:2020. Project management
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 41
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 41
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 42
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 42
Original Price: $34.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The key concepts of project management
- The integrated project management practices and how they relate to the roles and levels in the project organizatioin
- The roles in a project organization and their their responsibilities and authorities
- The other standards published by ISO on subjects related to project management
- The practices to be considered when managing a project
Who Should Attend
- Project managers and members of project teams
- Individuals looking to understand the basic project management concepts
- Individuals looking to pursue or advance a career in project management
- Project sponsors
- ISO consultants and auditors
- Expert advisors
Target Audiences
- Project managers and members of project teams
- Individuals looking to understand the basic project management concepts
- Individuals looking to pursue or advance a career in project management
- Project sponsors
- ISO consultants and auditors
- Expert advisors
From organizing a party to managing a large construction project and from the implementation of a new software in an organization to the coordination of a marketing campaign, projects require knowledgeable and skilled professionals who understand the concepts of project management and who can apply the practices that will drive the project towards success.
This course presents the guidelines for project management of the international standard ISO 21502:2020 to help you understand how a project can be planned, initiated, directed, controlled and closed with the aim of delivering the expected outcomes and achieving its objectives.
The structure of the course includes 5 sections, generally following the structure of ISO 21502.
The first section is an introductory one where the discussion focuses on what is project management and what is the history of project management, which are the standards published by ISO on the subject of project, programme and portfolio management (the ISO 21500 series of standards) or what is the structure and purpose of ISO 21502:2020.
Then, the next section of the course is about project management concepts. This section relates the 4th clause of ISO 21502 and among the subjects discussed are the project’s context and the impact of a project’s context on its success, the project constraints, project governance, the project life cycle or the structure and the different roles in the project organization.
The third section of the course is called Prerequisites for formalizing project management, and it discusses about the conditions necessary to put project management into practice, to improve the project management environment and the alignment with the organization’s processes and systems.
In the fourth section of the course the subject is about the integrated project management practiceswhich are at the center of the project and provide integration, supervision, control and heart-beating to project management. The integrated project management practices include project initiation, project oversight, project control or project closure and are presented in relation to the different roles in the project organization.
The last, and the largest, section of the course is called Management practices for a project,and it includes 17 practices that should be considered when managing a project. They include practices like scope management, schedule management, cost management, change control, quality management, stakeholder engagement or reporting.
The subject of certification for project management (for both individuals and organizations) is covered in one video at the end of the course.
Become familiar with the concepts and practices of project management or improve your project management knowledge and skills with this course and help your projects be successful!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introductory section
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About project management
Lecture 3: The ISO 21500 series of standards
Lecture 4: About ISO 21502
Chapter 2: Project management concepts
Lecture 1: Project management concepts
Lecture 2: A project's context
Lecture 3: Project organization roles and competencies part 1
Lecture 4: Project organization roles and competencies part 2
Lecture 5: Project governance and life cycle
Lecture 6: Recapitulation – Project management concepts
Chapter 3: Prerequisites for formalizing project management
Lecture 1: Prerequisites for formalizing project management
Chapter 4: Integrated project management practices
Lecture 1: Integrated project management practices
Lecture 2: Pre-project activities
Lecture 3: Overseeing a project
Lecture 4: Directing a project
Lecture 5: Initiating a project
Lecture 6: Controlling a project
Lecture 7: Managing delivery
Lecture 8: Closing or terminating a project. Post-project activities
Lecture 9: Recapitulation – Integrated project management practices
Chapter 5: Management practices for a project
Lecture 1: Management practices for a project
Lecture 2: Planning
Lecture 3: Benefit management
Lecture 4: Scope management
Lecture 5: Resources management
Lecture 6: Schedule management
Lecture 7: Cost management
Lecture 8: Risk management
Lecture 9: Issues management
Lecture 10: Change control
Lecture 11: Quality management
Lecture 12: Stakeholder engagement
Lecture 13: Communication management
Lecture 14: Managing organizational and societal change
Lecture 15: Reporting
Lecture 16: Information and documentation management
Lecture 17: Procurement
Lecture 18: Lessons learned
Lecture 19: Recapitulation – Management practices for a project
Lecture 20: Certification for project management
Lecture 21: Thank you and good bye!
Cristian Vlad Lupa,
I teach about standards, compliance and auditing
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 11 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
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