ISO 45003:2021. Mental health in the workplace
ISO 45003:2021. Mental health in the workplace, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 37 lectures, based on 202 reviews, and has 750 subscribers.
You will learn about How to implement an OH&S management system that addresses psychosocial hazards and risks. What are the requirements for an OH&S management system from ISO 45001. What hazards of a psychosocial nature can exist in an organization and how they can be managed. How psychosocial risks can be assessed and treated by an organization. How an organization can improve employee well-being and protect the mental health of its people. Basic concept for occupational health and safety. This course is ideal for individuals who are Health and safety managers or OH&S management system auditors or Management system consultants or Safety engineers or Those tasked with managing the OH&S system or ISO professionals It is particularly useful for Health and safety managers or OH&S management system auditors or Management system consultants or Safety engineers or Those tasked with managing the OH&S system or ISO professionals.
Enroll now: ISO 45003:2021. Mental health in the workplace
Title: ISO 45003:2021. Mental health in the workplace
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 37
Number of Published Lectures: 37
Number of Curriculum Items: 37
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 37
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to implement an OH&S management system that addresses psychosocial hazards and risks.
- What are the requirements for an OH&S management system from ISO 45001.
- What hazards of a psychosocial nature can exist in an organization and how they can be managed.
- How psychosocial risks can be assessed and treated by an organization.
- How an organization can improve employee well-being and protect the mental health of its people.
- Basic concept for occupational health and safety.
Who Should Attend
- Health and safety managers
- OH&S management system auditors
- Management system consultants
- Safety engineers
- Those tasked with managing the OH&S system
- ISO professionals
Target Audiences
- Health and safety managers
- OH&S management system auditors
- Management system consultants
- Safety engineers
- Those tasked with managing the OH&S system
- ISO professionals
Work has a significant impact on our psychological well-being and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the impact that workplace mental health can have on both employees and organizations.
ISO (The International Organization for Standardization) has published the first international standard to be used by any organization that wants to improve the way it manages psychosocial risks in the workplace.This standard is ISO 45003 and it is intended to be used together with ISO 45001 within an occupational health and safety management system.
This course presents the guidelines in ISO 45003 for improving psychological health and safety at work in correlation with the requirements for an occupational health and safety system from ISO 45001.
The structure of the course includes an introductive section where the subjects are about the importance of workplace mental health, the purpose of an occupational health and safety management system, the structure of ISO 45003, basic human needs that an organization should consider if the intention is to provide a healthy and safe environment or the workplace factors affecting psychological health and safety.
Then, the course follows the structure of ISO 45003:2021 so we will be discussing about the context of the organization, including the need to identify stakeholders and aspects that impact an organization’s health and safety performance; the involvement of the top management in improving employee well-being and recognizing the importance of workplace mental health; the identification of hazards and the assessment of psychosocial risks, the programs of the organization for rehabilitation and return to work, the process for managing incidents and nonconformities or how the performance in managing psychosocial risks can be improved.
Very important for those tasked with implementing and managing OH&S systems is that the course offers multiple examples of hazards of a psychosocial nature including those in relation to poor leadership, toxic organizational culture, remote work and work in isolation, work overload and deadlines, interpersonal relationships, work/life balance, bullying and victimization or the use of inadequate and poorly maintained work equipment.
There are also many examples offered by ISO 45003 on how the organization can control its psychosocial risks and improve employee well-being.
All guidelines are explained and discussed in relationship to the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system from ISO 45001 to facilitate their understanding and to offer the whole picture to somebody who may not be familiar with the subject.
Learn about the subject of psychological health and safety at work and the best practice suggested by the first international standard on this subject, ISO 45003.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: About psychological health and safety at work
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Psychological health and safety in the workplace
Lecture 3: An occupational health & safety management system
Lecture 4: About ISO 45003
Lecture 5: Basic human needs and mental health at work
Lecture 6: Workplace factors affecting psychological health and safety
Chapter 2: Context of the organization
Lecture 1: Understanding the organization and its context
Lecture 2: The needs and expectations of intersted parties
Lecture 3: The scope of the OH&S management system
Lecture 4: OH&S management system
Chapter 3: Leadership and worker participation
Lecture 1: Leadership and commitment
Lecture 2: Occupational health & safety policy
Lecture 3: Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Lecture 4: Consultation and participation of workers
Chapter 4: Planning
Lecture 1: Hazard identification
Lecture 2: Assessment of OH&S risks
Lecture 3: OH&S opportunities
Lecture 4: Objectives to address psychosocial risks
Chapter 5: Support
Lecture 1: Resources
Lecture 2: Competence
Lecture 3: Awareness
Lecture 4: Communication
Lecture 5: Documented information
Chapter 6: Operation
Lecture 1: Operational planning and control
Lecture 2: Eliminating hazards, reducing OH&S risks and promoting well-being at work
Lecture 3: Management of change
Lecture 4: Procurement, contracting and outsourcing
Lecture 5: Emergency preparedness and response
Lecture 6: Rehabilitation and return to work
Chapter 7: Performance evaluation
Lecture 1: Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation
Lecture 2: Internal audit
Lecture 3: Management review
Chapter 8: Improvement
Lecture 1: Incident, nonconformity and corrective action
Lecture 2: Continual improvement
Chapter 9: Additional information
Lecture 1: Certification to ISO 45003
Lecture 2: Where to go for more information
Lecture 3: Thank you and good bye!
Cristian Vlad Lupa,
I teach about standards, compliance and auditing
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 20 votes
- 4 stars: 74 votes
- 5 stars: 104 votes
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