ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Implementation & Auditing
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Implementation & Auditing, available at $109.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 45 lectures, based on 211 reviews, and has 480 subscribers.
You will learn about How to implement ISO 9001:2015 in your organisation How to identify and get a template of all Documentation Required for ISO 9001:2015 Certification How to document all procedures within the company in an ISO 9001:2015 compliant way How you to talk to your colleagues about all the requirements in the 10 Clauses of ISO 9001:2015 How to run an audit, prepare the audit report and follow-up the findings How to chair a Management Review Meeting and keeping meeting minutes This course is ideal for individuals who are Professionals who want to expand their knowledge on Quality Management or Quality personnel seeking to streamline their management system or Auditors who aspire to have a good a good grasp of conducting ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audits or Consultants who want to expand their offering to implementing Quality Management Systems or Beginner Quality Practitioners who want to fast-track their knowledge on ISO 9001:2015 or Business Owners seeking to implement and run their Quality Management System It is particularly useful for Professionals who want to expand their knowledge on Quality Management or Quality personnel seeking to streamline their management system or Auditors who aspire to have a good a good grasp of conducting ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audits or Consultants who want to expand their offering to implementing Quality Management Systems or Beginner Quality Practitioners who want to fast-track their knowledge on ISO 9001:2015 or Business Owners seeking to implement and run their Quality Management System.
Enroll now: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Implementation & Auditing
Title: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Implementation & Auditing
Price: $109.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Published Lectures: 45
Number of Curriculum Items: 45
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 45
Original Price: €114.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to implement ISO 9001:2015 in your organisation
- How to identify and get a template of all Documentation Required for ISO 9001:2015 Certification
- How to document all procedures within the company in an ISO 9001:2015 compliant way
- How you to talk to your colleagues about all the requirements in the 10 Clauses of ISO 9001:2015
- How to run an audit, prepare the audit report and follow-up the findings
- How to chair a Management Review Meeting and keeping meeting minutes
Who Should Attend
- Professionals who want to expand their knowledge on Quality Management
- Quality personnel seeking to streamline their management system
- Auditors who aspire to have a good a good grasp of conducting ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audits
- Consultants who want to expand their offering to implementing Quality Management Systems
- Beginner Quality Practitioners who want to fast-track their knowledge on ISO 9001:2015
- Business Owners seeking to implement and run their Quality Management System
Target Audiences
- Professionals who want to expand their knowledge on Quality Management
- Quality personnel seeking to streamline their management system
- Auditors who aspire to have a good a good grasp of conducting ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audits
- Consultants who want to expand their offering to implementing Quality Management Systems
- Beginner Quality Practitioners who want to fast-track their knowledge on ISO 9001:2015
- Business Owners seeking to implement and run their Quality Management System
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Implementation & Auditing Course
Even if right now you have no knowledge of any of the requirements of the standard, by the end of the course you will have a solid grasp of all concepts within ISO 9001:2015.
I am committed to helping you to become confident in ISO 9001:2015 – and I am ready to answer up to a hundred (100) questions within a twelve (12) month period, from when you purchase this course.
Added as resources within this course, you will find all the templates required for achieving ISO 9001 certification, and conducting internal audits.
This course is split into 8 sections, as follows:
Introduction – learn where ISO 9001 came from, and the ideal path to implementation to achieve all the benefits of ISO 9001 Certification
7 Principles of Quality Management – get an explanation with examples of each of the principles – this will help you implement and audit ISO 9001 based on the philosophy of the standard. This helps to appreciate the meaning behind each of the requirements of the standard. To understand how to interpret each of the Clauses within the standard.
The 10 Clauses of ISO 9001:2015 – get a grip on the salient requirements within the standard – and feel comfortable to implement and audit a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015.
The implementation process explained – here you will get a detailed checklist to help you have a question or more for each of the requirements within the standard, and you will learn how to perform a gap analysis to chart your implementation process.
Documentation required for ISO 9001:2015 – ISO 9001 is about having a management system – not about documentation – therefore the requirements of documentation will be laid out here, and then you will find each of the documents that are required as you go along through the implementation and the audit sections, within this course
ISO 9001 Implementation – set up the foundation for building your management system by defining the scope, the internal/external issues, risk management, and other foundational aspects that are needed to being the implementation process.
Supporting system – this is all about the sub-systems that are required for you to run your quality management system. It is also the type of evidence you should be looking for when conducting an internal audit.
The internal audit – you will learn how to create and follow the internal audit process, including a detailed explanation to chair and run the management review meeting.
By seeing all the videos within this course, you will gain all the knowledge you will need to audit or implement a quality management system. The lectures, quizzes, and email support combined are sure to give you the opportunity to access all my knowledge.
I am a Bureau Veritas certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditor and I have been working with the ISO 9001 for the past 12 years. It has always been my mission to find ways to streamline and systemize the standard. What you are seeing in these lectures are the result of countless review for the best process to implement and audit ISO 9001.
You have a 30-day money-back guarantee.
But more than that, you have my personal guarantee that this course, and the e-mail support that you have included with 1-on-1 with myself, are everything that you need to feel comfortable in implementing and auditing ISO 9001.
You will have all the knowledge to engage in strategic conversations about ISO9001:2015 at your place of work.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to ISO 9001
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 2: History of ISO 9001
Lecture 3: Timeline for Implementation Process
Lecture 4: Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification
Chapter 2: 7 Principles for Quality Management: The Mindset for Implementation
Lecture 1: Customer Focus
Lecture 2: Leadership
Lecture 3: Engagement of People
Lecture 4: The Process Approach
Lecture 5: Improvement
Lecture 6: Evidence-Based Decision Making
Lecture 7: Relationship Management
Chapter 3: The 10 Clauses of ISO 9001:2015
Lecture 1: Clauses 1-3 and Clause 4 – Context of the Organisation
Lecture 2: Clause 5 – Leadership
Lecture 3: Clause 6 – Planning
Lecture 4: Clause 7 – Support
Lecture 5: Clause 8 – Operation
Lecture 6: Clause 9 – Performance Evaluation
Lecture 7: Clause 10 – Improvement
Chapter 4: The implementation Process – Explained
Lecture 1: Implementation Plan – Charting the implementation through to completion
Lecture 2: Gap Analysis – A detailed checklist to the requirements of ISO 9001
Chapter 5: Documentation required for ISO 9001:2015
Lecture 1: Overview of the concept of documentation as required by ISO 9001:2015
Lecture 2: Mandatory Documents Required for ISO 9001:2015
Lecture 3: Records needed for ISO 9001
Lecture 4: Procedures – Documenting the Key Processes of the company
Lecture 5: Overview of the requirements for the Sales & Marketing Procedures for ISO 9001
Lecture 6: Overview of the requirements for the Operational Procedures for ISO 9001
Lecture 7: Overview of the requirements for the Purchasing Procedures for ISO 9001
Lecture 8: Creating a flow chart – basic skills required to create a compliant flow chats
Lecture 9: Documenting the Sales Process
Lecture 10: Documenting the Purchasing Process
Lecture 11: Documenting the Operational Processes
Chapter 6: ISO 9001 Implementation – Setting up the basis of the Quality Management System
Lecture 1: Fill-in the details as required in the Quality Manual
Lecture 2: Monitor the Quality Objectives (Process & Business)
Lecture 3: Creating a compelling, and compliant Quality Policy
Chapter 7: Creating the supporting systems required for ISO Management Systems
Lecture 1: Job Descriptions (role in key processes, and any other roles)
Lecture 2: Training Plans & Records
Lecture 3: Equipment Maintenance & Calibration Plan
Lecture 4: Supplier Approval & Evaluation
Lecture 5: Customer Feedback
Lecture 6: Corrective Actions
Lecture 7: Book of Knowledge
Chapter 8: Management Review and The Internal Audit
Lecture 1: Planning Internal Audits
Lecture 2: The Internal Audit Check-list
Lecture 3: The Internal Audit Report
Lecture 4: Conducting the Management Review + Action Plan for improvement
Luke Desira
ISO Management System Consultant & Lead Auditor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 28 votes
- 4 stars: 50 votes
- 5 stars: 124 votes
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