ISO/IEC 27001:2022. Information Security Management System
ISO/IEC 27001:2022. Information Security Management System, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.54, with 89 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 13986 reviews, and has 47826 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand what is an ISMS and what are the requirements for an ISMS Become familiar with ther requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Understand with the framework for information security management proposed by ISO/IEC 27001 Obtain the required knowledge to participate in ISMS audits and implementation projects Understand the information security controls that should be addressed by an ISMS Acquire the necessary knowledge to coordinate information security management activities in an organization This course is ideal for individuals who are Information security managers or Information security consultants and auditors or Information security officers or Information security risk specialists or Managers and business owners or People involved in the implementation and administration of information security management systems according to ISO/IEC 27001 or Information security management enthusiasts It is particularly useful for Information security managers or Information security consultants and auditors or Information security officers or Information security risk specialists or Managers and business owners or People involved in the implementation and administration of information security management systems according to ISO/IEC 27001 or Information security management enthusiasts.
Enroll now: ISO/IEC 27001:2022. Information Security Management System
Title: ISO/IEC 27001:2022. Information Security Management System
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.54
Number of Lectures: 89
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 89
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 90
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 90
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand what is an ISMS and what are the requirements for an ISMS
- Become familiar with ther requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
- Understand with the framework for information security management proposed by ISO/IEC 27001
- Obtain the required knowledge to participate in ISMS audits and implementation projects
- Understand the information security controls that should be addressed by an ISMS
- Acquire the necessary knowledge to coordinate information security management activities in an organization
Who Should Attend
- Information security managers
- Information security consultants and auditors
- Information security officers
- Information security risk specialists
- Managers and business owners
- People involved in the implementation and administration of information security management systems according to ISO/IEC 27001
- Information security management enthusiasts
Target Audiences
- Information security managers
- Information security consultants and auditors
- Information security officers
- Information security risk specialists
- Managers and business owners
- People involved in the implementation and administration of information security management systems according to ISO/IEC 27001
- Information security management enthusiasts
What is ISO/IEC 27001 and why it matters?
ISO/IEC 27001 is the world’s most popular standard for information security management, and certification to this standard is highly sought after. It demonstrates an organization’s ability to safeguard information with robust controls, ensuring trust and reliability.
Global leaders like Google, Apple, Adobe, Oracle, and countless other tech corporations, financial institutions, healthcare providers, insurance companies, educational institutions, manufacturers, service companies, government agencies, and businesses of all sizes have implemented and certified Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) according to ISO/IEC 27001. This showcases their commitment to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information they handle.
Course Overview
My course delves into the management system requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, along with the information security controls from the standard’s annex (Annex A). This comprehensive guide will help you understand how to implement an ISMS, meet the necessary requirements and achieve compliance.
The course is structured into 6 sections:
– the first section is an introduction to the concept of information security and to this standard, ISO/IEC 27001. Among other aspects the introductive part addresses the following subjects: what represents an ISMS (Information Security Management System), what is the purpose of ISO/IEC 27001 and what is the structure of this standard or what are other standards in the ISO/IEC 27000 family that can be of interest for an information security professional.
– the second section of the course is about the management system requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022. The course follows the structure of the standard, covering all the requirements in each clause and sub-clause. The context of the organization, the scope of the ISMS, information security risk assessment and risk treatment, the information security objectives, the documentation of the ISMS, the internal audit of the ISMS, the management review, the information security policy or the management of nonconformities are among the subjects covered by this second section of the course.
– the third, fourth, fifth and sixth sections are all about the information security controls from Annex A of ISO/IEC 27001:2022. There are 93 controls divided into 4 themes: Organizational controls (section 3 of the course), People controls (section 4), Physical controls (section 5) and Technological controls (section 6). The information security controls to be discussed cover, among others, subjects like incident management, supplier relationships, network security, business continuity and ICT readiness, equipment maintenance, storage media, the development of software and systems, the use of cryptography, authentication information, the screening of candidates for employment, the disciplinary process, change management, backup and redundancy, malware protection and technical vulnerability management, logging and monitoring, information security awareness and training, requirements for user end-point devices, capacity management, access privileges, protection against environmental threats, cabling security or secure coding.
If you are interested in the certification to ISO/IEC 27001 for organizations and individuals, there is a video dedicated to this subject at the end of the course.
After going through all the videos of this course you will have a good understanding of what are the requirements for an information security management system and how an organization can apply such a system and claim conformity to ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
The information will be very useful to you if you:
– work as a consultant helping organizations apply standards and implement management systems;
– participate in audits (internal or external audits) in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2022;
– work in a company that applies or intends to apply an information security management system;
– have an interest in information security management in general;
– are looking to build a career in information security.
If none of the options above suits your profile you can use the information in my course for awareness on information security and you will have a good image of the requirements that many organizations around the world have decided to adopt.
This course provides 7 hours of condensed information that you can revisit anytime you need and once you finish it you can prove your knowledge in the field of information security management with the certificate issued by Udemy.
*The course is updated to account for the 2024 Amendment to ISO/IEC 27001:2022 about climate change.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introductive part
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is information security?
Lecture 3: What is an information security management system (ISMS)?
Lecture 4: The ISO/IEC 27000 series of standards
Lecture 5: About ISO/IEC 27001
Chapter 2: Management system requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Lecture 1: Understanding the organization and its context
Lecture 2: Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
Lecture 3: Determining the scope of the ISMS
Lecture 4: Information security management system
Lecture 5: Information security and climate change
Lecture 6: Leadership and commitment
Lecture 7: Policy
Lecture 8: Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Lecture 9: Actions to address risks and opportunities
Lecture 10: Information security risk assessment (part 1)
Lecture 11: Information security risk assessment (part 2)
Lecture 12: Information security risk treatment (part 1)
Lecture 13: Information security risk treatment (part 2)
Lecture 14: Information security objectives and planning to achieve them
Lecture 15: Planning of changes
Lecture 16: Resources
Lecture 17: Competence
Lecture 18: Awareness
Lecture 19: Communication
Lecture 20: Documented information
Lecture 21: Control of documented information
Lecture 22: Operational planning and control
Lecture 23: Information security risk assessment and treatment
Lecture 24: Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
Lecture 25: Internal audit
Lecture 26: Management review
Lecture 27: Continual improvement
Lecture 28: Nonconformity and corrective action
Chapter 3: Organizational controls
Lecture 1: Information security controls
Lecture 2: Policies. Roles and responsibilities. Segregation of duties
Lecture 3: Contact with authorities and special interest groups
Lecture 4: Threat intelligence. Information security in project management
Lecture 5: Inventory and acceptable use of information and assets. Return of assets.
Lecture 6: Information classification and labelling
Lecture 7: Information transfer
Lecture 8: Access control
Lecture 9: Identity management. Authentication management. Access rights.
Lecture 10: Information security in supplier relationships and agreements
Lecture 11: Information security in the ICT supply chain
Lecture 12: Monitoring, review and change management of supplier services
Lecture 13: Information security for the use of cloud services
Lecture 14: Information security incident management
Lecture 15: Learning from incidents and collecting evidence
Lecture 16: Information security during disruption and ICT readiness for business continuity
Lecture 17: Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements
Lecture 18: Intellectual property. Protection of records. Privacy and protection of PII
Lecture 19: Independent review. Compliance with policies, rules and standards
Lecture 20: Documented operating procedures
Chapter 4: People controls
Lecture 1: Screening. Terms and conditions of employment.
Lecture 2: Awareness, training and education. Disciplinary process
Lecture 3: Termination or change of employment
Lecture 4: Remote working
Lecture 5: Information security event reporting
Chapter 5: Physical controls
Lecture 1: Security perimeters. Physical entry. Securing offices, rooms and facilities
Lecture 2: Physical security monitoring. Physical and environmental threats
Lecture 3: Work in secure areas. Clear desk and clear screen
Lecture 4: Equipment siting and protection. Assets off-premises
Lecture 5: Storage media
Lecture 6: Supporting utilities. Cabling security
Lecture 7: Equipment maintenance, disposal or re-use
Chapter 6: Technological controls
Lecture 1: User end point devices
Lecture 2: Privileged access rights. Information access restriction. Access to source code
Lecture 3: Secure authentication
Lecture 4: Capacity management
Lecture 5: Protection against malware. Technical vulnerability management
Lecture 6: Configuration management. Information deletion
Lecture 7: Data masking and data leakage prevention
Lecture 8: Backup and redundancy of information processing facilities
Lecture 9: Logging
Lecture 10: Monitoring activities and clock synchronization
Lecture 11: Privileged utility programs. Software installation on operational systems
Lecture 12: Networks security
Lecture 13: Security of network services and segregation of networks
Lecture 14: Web filtering
Lecture 15: Use of cryptography
Lecture 16: Secure development life cycle. Application security requirements
Lecture 17: Secure system architecture and engineering principles
Lecture 18: Secure coding. Security testing in development and acceptance
Lecture 19: Outsourced development
Lecture 20: Separation of development, test and production environments
Lecture 21: Change management
Lecture 22: Test information and the protection of systems during audit testing
Lecture 23: The certification to ISO/IEC 27001
Lecture 24: Thank you and good bye!
Cristian Vlad Lupa,
I teach about standards, compliance and auditing
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 78 votes
- 2 stars: 187 votes
- 3 stars: 1528 votes
- 4 stars: 5659 votes
- 5 stars: 6534 votes
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