IT Management: Essential Principles and Skills
IT Management: Essential Principles and Skills, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.41, with 42 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 3146 reviews, and has 8556 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the 3 Ps of IT Management Spot areas that typically need the New IT Managers attention but are often overlooked Understand how to ensure all reports are accurate Limit and manage risk Understand that improvement takes time and be ready to work toward that goal This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are newly promoted / hired as an IT Manager this course is for you! or If you are working in the IT arena as an engineer, architect, developer, or an administrator and are looking to stand out from the crowd by understanding the concerns of IT management then this course will help you toward that goal. or Using the collegiate scale as a guide this course will be a 300 level course. Please keep in mind that this is a 101 level course for IT Governance, which is an advanced topic within the umbrella of IT Management. or If you are an experienced IT manager, the other students in the course will benefit from your insight into how the concepts and theories presented are implemented in your organization. or If you are an IT Manager in a Fortune 50 organization this course is likely not for you. Your organization will have fully implemented and adopted the concepts and theories discussed throughout this course. It is particularly useful for If you are newly promoted / hired as an IT Manager this course is for you! or If you are working in the IT arena as an engineer, architect, developer, or an administrator and are looking to stand out from the crowd by understanding the concerns of IT management then this course will help you toward that goal. or Using the collegiate scale as a guide this course will be a 300 level course. Please keep in mind that this is a 101 level course for IT Governance, which is an advanced topic within the umbrella of IT Management. or If you are an experienced IT manager, the other students in the course will benefit from your insight into how the concepts and theories presented are implemented in your organization. or If you are an IT Manager in a Fortune 50 organization this course is likely not for you. Your organization will have fully implemented and adopted the concepts and theories discussed throughout this course.
Enroll now: IT Management: Essential Principles and Skills
Title: IT Management: Essential Principles and Skills
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.41
Number of Lectures: 42
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 42
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 47
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 47
Original Price: $49.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the 3 Ps of IT Management
- Spot areas that typically need the New IT Managers attention but are often overlooked
- Understand how to ensure all reports are accurate
- Limit and manage risk
- Understand that improvement takes time and be ready to work toward that goal
Who Should Attend
- If you are newly promoted / hired as an IT Manager this course is for you!
- If you are working in the IT arena as an engineer, architect, developer, or an administrator and are looking to stand out from the crowd by understanding the concerns of IT management then this course will help you toward that goal.
- Using the collegiate scale as a guide this course will be a 300 level course. Please keep in mind that this is a 101 level course for IT Governance, which is an advanced topic within the umbrella of IT Management.
- If you are an experienced IT manager, the other students in the course will benefit from your insight into how the concepts and theories presented are implemented in your organization.
- If you are an IT Manager in a Fortune 50 organization this course is likely not for you. Your organization will have fully implemented and adopted the concepts and theories discussed throughout this course.
Target Audiences
- If you are newly promoted / hired as an IT Manager this course is for you!
- If you are working in the IT arena as an engineer, architect, developer, or an administrator and are looking to stand out from the crowd by understanding the concerns of IT management then this course will help you toward that goal.
- Using the collegiate scale as a guide this course will be a 300 level course. Please keep in mind that this is a 101 level course for IT Governance, which is an advanced topic within the umbrella of IT Management.
- If you are an experienced IT manager, the other students in the course will benefit from your insight into how the concepts and theories presented are implemented in your organization.
- If you are an IT Manager in a Fortune 50 organization this course is likely not for you. Your organization will have fully implemented and adopted the concepts and theories discussed throughout this course.
Welcome to the world’s first and only Udemy 101 level course on management of the information technology data center. This course will provide you with a clear, practical, and organized learning journey. You will learn the key data center management principles that many novice managers are unaware of and thus soon tarnish their reputation in todays complex, uncertain and rapidly-changing world of I.T. Join other students in their journey to learn how to become an indispensable and highly sought after manager in the high tech area of any company.
- 40+ clear and concise lectures and 5 quizzes on the key data center management principles you need to succeed
- Packed with practical examples from the instructor’s 30+ years working in the corporate world
- Contains many tips, explanations, and summaries
- Clear, practical, powerful, concise and best of all, inexpensive, join now and start learning about the management areas you need to excel at for your customers, your company, your department, your team, and you to be successful
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: Course Introduction
Chapter 2: Let's Get Going
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: IT is Changing
Lecture 3: Don't Fret, Help Is on the Way
Lecture 4: Welcome To Management
Lecture 5: Your Responsibilities are Changing
Lecture 6: Economic Resources
Lecture 7: Human Resources
Lecture 8: Environmental Resources
Lecture 9: Money and Budgets
Lecture 10: Customers – Internal and External
Lecture 11: Vendors or Suppliers
Chapter 3: Breaking IT All Down
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: An IT Managers Primary Responsibility
Lecture 3: The 3 P's of Every Business
Lecture 4: The First P
Lecture 5: The Second P
Lecture 6: The Third P
Lecture 7: Plan, Deliver, and Operate within Underpinning of Manage
Lecture 8: Document and Own the Audit
Chapter 4: Know your Systems
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Inventory Staff and Skills
Lecture 3: Inventory Fixed Assets
Lecture 4: Inventory Applications
Lecture 5: Document Configurations
Lecture 6: SAAC Sheets
Chapter 5: Keeping CDs and RGE's to a Minimum
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: CDs and RGEs
Lecture 3: Maintenance Agreements and Service Contracts
Lecture 4: Application Support
Lecture 5: IT Services/Helpdesk/Production Services
Lecture 6: IT Policy and Procedures, Standard Operational Procedures
Lecture 7: Mean People
Chapter 6: Audits
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Inspect What you Expect
Lecture 3: Physical Security
Lecture 4: Environmental and Electric Control
Lecture 5: Change Management
Lecture 6: Inventory Control
Lecture 7: Incident Management
Lecture 8: Disaster Recovery/Continuity Management
Chapter 7: Course Conclusion
Lecture 1: Wrap-Up
S Drawdy
Providing Insight Into How Things Work
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 29 votes
- 2 stars: 41 votes
- 3 stars: 433 votes
- 4 stars: 1195 votes
- 5 stars: 1448 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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