Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers, available at $199.99, has an average rating of 4.55, with 286 lectures, 44 quizzes, based on 262 reviews, and has 2684 subscribers.
You will learn about This course qualifies for 27.00 PDU educational hours toward existing certified PMP® from PMI.org Become familiar with the responsibilities and challenges of being a manager, including how to lead and guide a team. Demonstrate authority when needed, and learn how to make better decisions after assessing different possibilities. Deal with conflicting personalities and help others cooperate as a team. Motivate your staff to get the best out of them in an effective and meaningful manner by delegating tasks and developing performance plans to set achievable goals for personal and professional development. Organize and lead meetings efficiently and successfully by engaging the group, getting them to cooperate and productively achieve the goals that had been set for the meeting. Communicate effectively with your colleagues and senior managers. Lead by setting an example and become more confident and influential in the process. Approach crisis situations in a calm and confident manner by assessing the situation and formulating a plan that will guide the team or company through the crisis situation. Conduct SWOT and STEP analyses to both shape both the company culture and address challenges. This course is ideal for individuals who are Certified PMP® from PMI.org looking to gain Professional Develop Units to renew their PMP Certification. or Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them. or Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers. It is particularly useful for Certified PMP® from PMI.org looking to gain Professional Develop Units to renew their PMP Certification. or Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them. or Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Enroll now: Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
Title: Leadership: Foundational Training for First Time Managers
Price: $199.99
Average Rating: 4.55
Number of Lectures: 286
Number of Quizzes: 44
Number of Published Lectures: 286
Number of Published Quizzes: 44
Number of Curriculum Items: 330
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 330
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- This course qualifies for 27.00 PDU educational hours toward existing certified PMP® from PMI.org
- Become familiar with the responsibilities and challenges of being a manager, including how to lead and guide a team.
- Demonstrate authority when needed, and learn how to make better decisions after assessing different possibilities.
- Deal with conflicting personalities and help others cooperate as a team.
- Motivate your staff to get the best out of them in an effective and meaningful manner by delegating tasks and developing performance plans to set achievable goals for personal and professional development.
- Organize and lead meetings efficiently and successfully by engaging the group, getting them to cooperate and productively achieve the goals that had been set for the meeting.
- Communicate effectively with your colleagues and senior managers.
- Lead by setting an example and become more confident and influential in the process.
- Approach crisis situations in a calm and confident manner by assessing the situation and formulating a plan that will guide the team or company through the crisis situation.
- Conduct SWOT and STEP analyses to both shape both the company culture and address challenges.
Who Should Attend
- Certified PMP® from PMI.org looking to gain Professional Develop Units to renew their PMP Certification.
- Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them.
- Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Target Audiences
- Certified PMP® from PMI.org looking to gain Professional Develop Units to renew their PMP Certification.
- Professionals looking to deepen their understanding of human resource and management responsibilities, and how to effectively do them.
- Existing project managers wishing to get certified in recognition of their skills and experience, or others who wish to train to become accredited project managers.
Aside from adapting to a new role with increased responsibilities, new managers must learn to be leaders and explore how to communicate effectively with employees, fellow managers, and senior executives. Learn everything you need to know as a new manager to lead a team effectively, coach with confidence and make better decisions, in this comprehensive course bundle.
Master Strategies for Effective Leadership as a New Manager
- Lead by setting an example and become more confident and influential in the process.
- Communicate effectively with your colleagues and senior managers.
- Motivate your staff to encourage personal and professional development.
In this course you will learn that management isn’t always so much about leading, as it is about pointing the way. It is your duty to point the way by instructing, giving feedback and sharing your experience with your staff. In this course, you will learn how to develop leadership skills to confidently coach a team. Further, you will master the arts of successfully facilitating meetings, appraising performance, providing feedback and resolving conflicts within your team and organization.
At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently lead a team through day-to-day operations, interpersonal challenges and crisis situations.
This course is a bundle of the following LearnSmart courses, and includes comprehensive information for the following topics:
- Introduction to Management
- Developing Leadership and Transitioning into Management
- Leading and Communicating as a Manager
- Facilitating Meetings and Groups
- Appraising Performance
- Coaching with Confidence
- Effective Delegation
- Fundamentals of Business Crisis Management
- Successful Communication and Process Management Skills
- Taking Control as a Manager
- Making an Impact as a Manager
LearnSmart is Project Management Institute (PMI)® Global Registered Education Provider (REP 3577). This course qualifies for the above credit hours toward the PMP® or CAMP® training contact hours or toward maintaining your current certification. Thus meeting the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirement necessary to continue their PMP® Certification or for experienced project managers wanting to brush up on their education.
PMI, PMP, and CAMP are a registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Orientation Video
Chapter 1: Introduction to Management
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Core Functions of Management
Lecture 3: Demands on a Manager
Lecture 4: The Management Decision-Making Process
Lecture 5: Company Culture
Lecture 6: Personal Development
Lecture 7: The Important/Urgent Metric
Lecture 8: Learning Styles
Lecture 9: Drivers and Resistors
Lecture 10: Summary
Chapter 2: Developing Leadership and Transitioning into Management
Lecture 1: Pointing the Way
Lecture 2: Gallup Organization Findings
Lecture 3: All About People
Lecture 4: Leadership Qualities You'll Want to Learn
Lecture 5: Ten Leadership Styles You May Relate To
Lecture 6: Leadership Pitfalls
Lecture 7: Strengthening Your Leadership Skills Day By Day
Lecture 8: Performance Evaluations
Lecture 9: 21st Century Tools
Lecture 10: Building a Good Relationship with Your Manager
Lecture 11: Closing
Chapter 3: Leading and Communicating as a Manager
Lecture 1: Leadership Roles
Lecture 2: Team Leadership
Lecture 3: Effective Teams
Lecture 4: Team Development
Lecture 5: Effective Delegation
Lecture 6: SMART Objectives
Lecture 7: What to Delegate
Lecture 8: Maslow's Hierarchy and Employee Needs
Lecture 9: Communication
Lecture 10: Chairing a Meeting
Lecture 11: Summary
Chapter 4: Facilitating Meetings and Groups
Lecture 1: Introduction to Facilitating Meetings and Groups
Lecture 2: The Facilitator Role
Lecture 3: Communication Skills
Lecture 4: Attributes for Success
Lecture 5: Self-Assessment
Lecture 6: Remedies and Strategies
Lecture 7: Framework
Lecture 8: Pre-Negotiation
Lecture 9: Set-up and Greeting
Lecture 10: Establishing Ground Rules
Lecture 11: Setting the Agenda
Lecture 12: Open Discussion
Lecture 13: Problem Solving
Lecture 14: Consensus Building
Lecture 15: Closing and Evaluation
Lecture 16: Between-Meeting Facilitation
Lecture 17: Internal Facilitators
Lecture 18: External Facilitators
Lecture 19: Conventional Groups
Lecture 20: Participatory Groups
Lecture 21: Values and Goals of Group Facilitation
Lecture 22: Generating Ideas
Lecture 23: Gathering Different Perspectives
Lecture 24: Playing by the Rules
Lecture 25: Tricks for Reinvigorating the Group
Lecture 26: Refining Ideas
Lecture 27: Stacking
Lecture 28: Directing the Group's Focus
Lecture 29: Reaching Consensus
Lecture 30: Setting the Agenda
Lecture 31: Departing from the Agenda
Lecture 32: Time Management
Lecture 33: Types of Groups
Lecture 34: Group Size
Lecture 35: Meeting Structure
Lecture 36: Open Agenda-Setting
Lecture 37: The Problem-Solving Process
Lecture 38: Problem-Solving Tools
Lecture 39: Group Decision-making
Lecture 40: Decision-making Methods
Lecture 41: Reaching Inclusive Solutions
Lecture 42: Providing Closure
Lecture 43: Sources and Types of Conflict
Lecture 44: Preventing Diruptive Behavior
Lecture 45: Intervention Strategies
Lecture 46: Intervention Scenarios
Lecture 47: Managing Group Conflict
Lecture 48: Breaking an Impasse
Lecture 49: Advantages of Co-Facilitation
Lecture 50: Disadvantages of Co-Facilitation
Lecture 51: Co-Facilitation in Practices
Lecture 52: Maintaining Boundaries
LearnSmart LLC
Smarter Training. Never Open a Textbook.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 10 votes
- 3 stars: 50 votes
- 4 stars: 99 votes
- 5 stars: 99 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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