Leading Effective Meetings: The Complete Leadership Guide
Leading Effective Meetings: The Complete Leadership Guide, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 18 lectures, based on 76 reviews, and has 701 subscribers.
You will learn about Create a vision of organization, readiness and metrics, all tied to continuous quality improvement with your teams… The difference between the command model and the consultative model and why it’s so important you choose the right one… Proactively manage meetings effectively delegating and managing fires and creating accountability even before the meeting starts… The steps to create large group accountability and small group accountability and how to rotate delegation and accountability with your teams… Save time and frustration getting yourself and your team ready for the meeting with a agenda that identifies goals and key steps… Connect with your team so you can get your team members engaged from the moment they sit down… Balance free discussion with action items all while maintaining time parameters, incorporating your goals into your team goals… Save time and avoid getting sucked into the fire by validating individual contributions, getting back on track and coming back to priorities… The four meeting styles that keep team members engaged, on track, and having fun all the way through your meeting… How to confidently answer any question, including those you don’t know or are completely off topic… Stay on track and manage confrontation by solving a problem without getting caught up in the day to day fires… Delegate tasks and action items for post meeting follow up and hold team members accountable for those action items… The four Questions to ask at the end of every meeting to ensure follow up and accountability of everyone involved (Hint: Post these in every room in your company)… The post-meeting goals-issues-minutes template to publish key takeaways and incorporate individual goals and team goals after the meeting… Continue working towards your vision and goals through and set up the capacity to improve even after the team meeting is over… And much, much more… This course is ideal for individuals who are ANYONE Who Wants to Run Meetings of Excellence that Meet Your Goals and Help Grow Resilient Teams! It is particularly useful for ANYONE Who Wants to Run Meetings of Excellence that Meet Your Goals and Help Grow Resilient Teams!.
Enroll now: Leading Effective Meetings: The Complete Leadership Guide
Title: Leading Effective Meetings: The Complete Leadership Guide
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 18
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 18
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create a vision of organization, readiness and metrics, all tied to continuous quality improvement with your teams…
- The difference between the command model and the consultative model and why it’s so important you choose the right one…
- Proactively manage meetings effectively delegating and managing fires and creating accountability even before the meeting starts…
- The steps to create large group accountability and small group accountability and how to rotate delegation and accountability with your teams…
- Save time and frustration getting yourself and your team ready for the meeting with a agenda that identifies goals and key steps…
- Connect with your team so you can get your team members engaged from the moment they sit down…
- Balance free discussion with action items all while maintaining time parameters, incorporating your goals into your team goals…
- Save time and avoid getting sucked into the fire by validating individual contributions, getting back on track and coming back to priorities…
- The four meeting styles that keep team members engaged, on track, and having fun all the way through your meeting…
- How to confidently answer any question, including those you don’t know or are completely off topic…
- Stay on track and manage confrontation by solving a problem without getting caught up in the day to day fires…
- Delegate tasks and action items for post meeting follow up and hold team members accountable for those action items…
- The four Questions to ask at the end of every meeting to ensure follow up and accountability of everyone involved (Hint: Post these in every room in your company)…
- The post-meeting goals-issues-minutes template to publish key takeaways and incorporate individual goals and team goals after the meeting…
- Continue working towards your vision and goals through and set up the capacity to improve even after the team meeting is over…
- And much, much more…
Who Should Attend
- ANYONE Who Wants to Run Meetings of Excellence that Meet Your Goals and Help Grow Resilient Teams!
Target Audiences
- ANYONE Who Wants to Run Meetings of Excellence that Meet Your Goals and Help Grow Resilient Teams!
I want to give you 36 Practical Tools To Create And Facilitate Meetings Of Excellence That Meet Your Goals And Help Grow Resilient Teams…
…that you can use tomorrow before, during and after your team meetings to manage meetings of excellence and meet your goals…
…to help you and your team get more done in less time so you can expedite decision making, consolidate communication and enjoy being around your coworkers.
How often have you sat through a meeting and said to yourself, “what a waste of time, I could be doing something better!”
Here are the facts…
Fact:According to a 3M Meeting Network survey…executives spend 18+ hoursper week in meetings with an estimated 25-50% of meeting time considered wasted.
Fact:In a survey reported in Industry Week, 2000 managersclaimed that at least 30 percentof their time spent in meetings were a waste of time.
Fact:According to a survey by Office Team, a division of Robert Half International, 45 percentof senior executives surveyed said that their employees would be more productive if their firms banned meetings for at least one-day a week.
Have You Ever Had These Concerns?
“I don’t see how this meeting is relevant to me.”
“I have other thingson my mind.”
“This is not high priority for me.”
“I don’t think the meetings have a good structure.”
“I really don’t like one of my team members.”
“The meetings are a waste of time.”
“They never finishwhen they’re supposed to.”
“We never followup on action items.”
“There are no action items assigned.”
“We didn’t get anywhere.”
“The same topicskeep coming up over and over again.”
“There’s always negative people that have nothing to contribute.”
“We talk about the same thing over and overagain.”
What does this mean for you and your team?
Fact:A collaborative study by Microsoft, America Online and Salary concluded that the average worker actually worked only 3 daysper week or about 1.5 hours per day. The study identified the rest of the working time was “wasted,” with unproductive meetings heading the list.
Fact:According to a Clarizen/Harris Interactive survey:
40% of employees think status update meetings waste valuable time
70%say these meetings don’t help them get any work done.
67%say they are spending up to 4 hours/week getting readyfor their next status update meeting.
So, how do you go from time wasted to time saved before, during and after your team meetings to move forward towards your goals?
Like I said, these are 36 practical tools…
…to help you and your team get more done in less time so you can expedite decision making, consolidate communication and enjoy being around your coworkers, and of course, we call it…
Meeting: Motivate Change Internally: The Art and Science of Meetings That Motivate
Here’s how it works…
Meeting is a 3-part system to create and facilitate meetings of excellence that meet your goals and grow resilient teams…
Part 1 focuses on BEFORE the meeting such as creating a vision of empowerment, creating delegation and accountability and creating an agenda.
Specifically with Part 1…
Create a vision of organization, readiness and metrics, all tied to continuous quality improvement with your teams…
The difference between the command model and the consultative modeland why it’s so important you choose the right one…
Proactively manage meetings effectively delegating and managing fires and creating accountability even before the meeting starts…
The steps to create large group accountability and small group accountabilityand how to rotate delegation and accountability with your teams…
Save time and frustration getting yourself and your team ready for the meeting with a agendathat identifies goals and key steps…
Part 2focuses on DURING the meeting by helping you connect with your team, facilitate team building activities, validate individual contributions, keep them engaged, answer questions, roll with the unexpected and close well.
Specifically with Part 2…
Connect with your team so you can get your team members engagedfrom the moment they sit down…
Balance free discussion with action items all while maintaining time parameters, incorporating your goals into your team goals…
Save time and avoid getting sucked into the fireby validating individual contributions, getting back on track and coming back to priorities…
The four meeting styles that keep team members engaged, on track, and having fun all the way throughyour meeting…
How to confidently answer any question, including those you don’t know or are completely off topic…
Stay on track and manage confrontationby solving a problem without getting caught up in the day to day fires…
Part 3focuses on AFTER the meeting so that you can incorporate delegation and accountability, and substantiate the vision of empowerment you create before the meeting even started…
Specifically with Part 3…
Delegate tasks and action items for post meeting follow upand hold team members accountable for those action items…
The four Questions to ask at the end of every meetingto ensure follow up and accountability of everyone involved (Hint: Post these in every room in your company)…
The post-meeting goals-issues-minutes templateto publish key takeaways and incorporate individual goals and team goals after the meeting…
Continue working towards your vision and goalsthrough and set up the capacity to improve even after the team meeting is over…
And much, much more…
If you haven’t experience this before, it’s an amazing feeling to come away from a meeting knowing you can…
Enjoy being with your coworkers.
Get your ideas validated and recognized.
Get more help and supportwhen you need it.
Get genuine praisefor your accomplishments.
Achieve your organizational and individual goals.
Take on additional responsibility.
Show off your individual skills and abilities.
Incorporate your personal goalsinto those of the team.
Consolidate communication.
Prioritize your work.
Expedite decisionmaking.
More effectively use your time.
Make better decisionsas a team.
Get validation on the workyou’ve used your time on.
If this 3-part program sounds difficult, don’t worry… we make everything simple, easy to understand, and quick to learn…
In fact, you can complete the entire training in just 4 hours!
Which means that by this time tomorrow, you’ll be able to say with confidence:
“I know EXACTLY how to create and facilitate meetings of excellence.”
Instead of wasting time, you can SAVE time, grow resilient teams and meet your goals.
With a proven systemfor the art and science of meetings that motivate….
We know this system works, because it’s the same system that hundreds of our clients in leadership helped us create as we helped them create and facilitate meetings of excellence to meet THEIR goals…
Here’s what a few of them had to say after the program…
“Jason’s tips and advice have been tremendously beneficial to me both professionally and personally. Not only does he have great insights into how to engage adult learners during a meeting; he also has ways for making the usually daunting task of writing meeting material more manageable and achievable in a way that benefits both the presenter and the audience. These tips are great for public speaking beyond business settings too!”
Jon Maloto –- User Experience Designer
“Jason Teteak’s meeting program not only provided easy-to-use techniques, but the confidence and presence to truly run the show and communicate to your audience what you intended to. He changed the way I think—about being in front of people in a meeting and about feeling assured doing my own thing effectively. You need to see what this course can do for you!”
Mike Dyer – Project Manager
”When Jason teaches you good presentation skills and how to apply them to a leading a meeting he doesn’t just tell you what to do, he shows you. I could read about how to be a good presenter all day but it never really clicked until I saw the skills in action.”
Nicole Ranere— Project Manager
You’ll get to see the entire play-by-play as you watch me me facilitate and model the before, during and after of a real meeting with some of those clients.
So you’ll get there MUCH faster and with LESS work because you’ll know exactly which situation to apply each technique.
And you can do it all today, by getting access to Meeting…
Click the button to create and facilitate meetings of excellence TODAY.
And like all our Rule the Room trainings, this one is protected by our 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee…so if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back…no questions asked.
Daniel Pink says,
“Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined, and connected to one another.”
It’s time for you and your team to connect…to expedite decision making, consolidate communication and enjoy being around your coworkers!
See you on this inside…
About Your Meeting Instructor
International Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.
He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.
Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”.
Jason gained recognition at EPIC Systems in the medical software industry, where he was known as “trainer of trainers of trainers.”
He has developed more than fifty presentation and communication training programs ranging in length from one hour to three days that serve as the basis for The Rule the Room Method.
In 2014,-2019 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 1,000,000 online students around the world.
Teteak has flipped the model and changed the approach to great Public Speaking for even the most seasoned veterans.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to Meetings that Motivate
Lecture 1: Introduction and Welcome
Chapter 2: Before the Meeting
Lecture 1: Create a Vision of Empowerment
Lecture 2: Create Delegation and Accountability
Lecture 3: Create an Agenda
Chapter 3: During the Meeting
Lecture 1: Connect with Your Team – Part 1
Lecture 2: Connect with Your Team – Part 2
Lecture 3: Facilitate Team Building Activities – Part 1
Lecture 4: Facilitate Team Building Activities – Part 2
Lecture 5: Validate Individual Contributions
Lecture 6: Keep Them Engaged – Part 1
Lecture 7: Keep Them Engaged – Part 2
Lecture 8: Answer Any Question – Part 1
Lecture 9: Answer Any Question – Part 2
Lecture 10: Roll With the Unexpected – Part 1
Lecture 11: Roll With the Unexpected – Part 2
Lecture 12: Close Well
Chapter 4: After the Meeting
Lecture 1: Incorporate Delegation and Accountability
Lecture 2: Substantiate the Vision of Empowerment
Jason Teteak
Author, YouTuber, Keynote & TEDx Speaker, CEO Rule the Room
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 48 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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