Learn How To Create A Safe Working Environment For Your Team
Learn How To Create A Safe Working Environment For Your Team, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.36, with 14 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 346 reviews, and has 1015 subscribers.
You will learn about How you can protect your team from outside interference and issues that might distract them from doing their work The importance of a psychologically safe environment, within which teams feel supported and protected Practical steps to set up a safe working environment for your team to be successful and more productive Improve the quality and safety of a team environment by investing yourself in the people and their future How competing interests and "politics" can derail a team if they are blamed and need to defend themselves The importance of creating a team culture that embraces failure rather than fears it or tries to avoid it How failures can be stepping stones to greater success if teams are given a chance to learn from their mistakes Don't be neutral in conflict; get into the detail of disagreements about your team's work so you can argue with substance Be a layer of insulation around your team by understanding what defines the environment and what role you need to play Encourage and support a unique, self-identifying team culture that reinforces safety and positive interaction Create opportunities and safe space for experimentation, creativity and innovation Talk about failure in ways that reinforces how it should be embraced rather than feared Get requirements into your team as early as possible so they can be as agile as possible Become a "heat shield" for your team and absorb the heat that comes from external conflict and politics around the team Use your language to affirm your team as much as possible so that they know you will back them in public and in private Take risk in supporting a team that doesn't have a track record and needs the space to perform even if they haven't earned it Ensure that the correct amount of work comes into your team environment so that the team is set up for success Ensure the right people are on the team or available to the team as additional skills and capacity that they need Actively develop a team culture that encourages and supports how the team want to work to be successful This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to improve the psychological safety of team environments or Team members, coaches, managers and leaders who want to create safe working environment for teams It is particularly useful for People who want to improve the psychological safety of team environments or Team members, coaches, managers and leaders who want to create safe working environment for teams.
Enroll now: Learn How To Create A Safe Working Environment For Your Team
Title: Learn How To Create A Safe Working Environment For Your Team
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.36
Number of Lectures: 14
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 14
Number of Published Quizzes: 1
Number of Curriculum Items: 16
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 16
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How you can protect your team from outside interference and issues that might distract them from doing their work
- The importance of a psychologically safe environment, within which teams feel supported and protected
- Practical steps to set up a safe working environment for your team to be successful and more productive
- Improve the quality and safety of a team environment by investing yourself in the people and their future
- How competing interests and "politics" can derail a team if they are blamed and need to defend themselves
- The importance of creating a team culture that embraces failure rather than fears it or tries to avoid it
- How failures can be stepping stones to greater success if teams are given a chance to learn from their mistakes
- Don't be neutral in conflict; get into the detail of disagreements about your team's work so you can argue with substance
- Be a layer of insulation around your team by understanding what defines the environment and what role you need to play
- Encourage and support a unique, self-identifying team culture that reinforces safety and positive interaction
- Create opportunities and safe space for experimentation, creativity and innovation
- Talk about failure in ways that reinforces how it should be embraced rather than feared
- Get requirements into your team as early as possible so they can be as agile as possible
- Become a "heat shield" for your team and absorb the heat that comes from external conflict and politics around the team
- Use your language to affirm your team as much as possible so that they know you will back them in public and in private
- Take risk in supporting a team that doesn't have a track record and needs the space to perform even if they haven't earned it
- Ensure that the correct amount of work comes into your team environment so that the team is set up for success
- Ensure the right people are on the team or available to the team as additional skills and capacity that they need
- Actively develop a team culture that encourages and supports how the team want to work to be successful
Who Should Attend
- People who want to improve the psychological safety of team environments
- Team members, coaches, managers and leaders who want to create safe working environment for teams
Target Audiences
- People who want to improve the psychological safety of team environments
- Team members, coaches, managers and leaders who want to create safe working environment for teams
“This course provides valuable insights and vital techniques on how teams can made to be more cohesive by cultivating trust, safety and embracing failure.” – Sizwe N.
“This course taught me so much and I am putting everything I learnt into practice” – Mamello L.
“It was another great learning experience that I will add on to my work ethics.” – Inolofatseng P.
“great course, learnt a lot about team work/ being part of a team.” – Ayanda P.
Are you trying to improve your team’s success despite lots of conflict and organisational issues around them? Do you wish you had practical steps that can help you insulate them from all the politics? Do you just need some practical steps about what you can do to protect your team from outside interference so that they can get on with their job?
In this course you will learn practical ways in which you can improve the psychological safety of your team environment. Learn from international best practice research about why this matters and how you can achieve your goals. This course is geared towards giving you the tools and insights you need in the following ways:
One on one lessons that are engaging and insightful to help you achieve the learning outcomes
Wipeboard lessons that provide an overview of key lessons and insights so you get the bigger picture
An assignment that brings it all together and gives you a chance to put it all into practice
Handy worksheets that give you a how-to guide and a reference for the critical lessons and insights
A learning pathway through the course in logical sections and lessons that consecutively build your confidence and skill level
This course is the result of a study of agile teams around the world as well as the experience I have gained in running small teams and projects for over 20 years. You’ll get the practical lessons and insights you need to improve your team environment and help your team be more successful.
I look forward to seeing you in the lessons.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction To Learn How To Create A Safe Working Environment For Your Team
Lecture 2: Let's Celebrate Your Progress In This Course: 25% > 50% > 75% > 100%!!
Lecture 3: Wipeboard Lesson: Safe Teams Need Insulation, Heat Shield, Embrace Failure
Lecture 4: Introduce Yourself To Your Fellow Students And Tell Us What You Want To Learn
Lecture 5: You've Achieved 25% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 50% >>
Lecture 6: Learn About Team Psychological Safety In Google's Research Into It's Own Teams
Chapter 2: Learn Leadership Principles & Practices To Create A Safe Team Environment
Lecture 1: Be A Leader That Embraces Failure & Creates A Culture Of Continuous Improvement
Lecture 2: You've Achieved 50% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 75% >>
Lecture 3: Be A Shield That Absorbs "Heat" From The "War Zone" Around Your Team Environment
Lecture 4: Create A Layer Of Insulation Around Your Team Environment To Ensure Safety
Chapter 3: Assignment: Put What You Have Learnt Into Practice – How To Create Safe Teams
Chapter 4: Learn From My International Research Into Agile Teams In 5 Different Continents
Lecture 1: [Optional Lesson] Learn About How & Why I Did My PhD Research On Agile Teams
Lecture 2: You've Achieved 75% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 100% >>
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Lecture 2: You've Achieved 100% >> Let's Celebrate! Remember To Share Your Certificate!!
Peter Alkema
Business | Technology | Self Development
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 34 votes
- 4 stars: 136 votes
- 5 stars: 169 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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