Learn how to get contracts or a job at the United Nations
Learn how to get contracts or a job at the United Nations, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 30 lectures, based on 272 reviews, and has 8825 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand all aspects of a career with the United Nations and the recruitment process. Research and identify the jobs and contracts that suit you best. To modify your résumé and letter of interest for each application to greatly enhanced your chance to get short listed by both the automated system and UN Human Resource staff. Fully prepared for your competitive test. Understand the Recruitment Panel’s goal and be ready for the Competency Based interview. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone that would enjoy an international career with one of the most significant mission-driven organizations, with attractive salary and benefits packages plus one of the best retirement plans in the world, and excellent opportunity to grow. or People with a university or advanced degree that want to work internationally and pursuit a rewarding career or People that want to make a difference in the world and be well compensated for it or People in developing nations who are seeking job security with great benefits that far outweigh what is available in their countries It is particularly useful for Anyone that would enjoy an international career with one of the most significant mission-driven organizations, with attractive salary and benefits packages plus one of the best retirement plans in the world, and excellent opportunity to grow. or People with a university or advanced degree that want to work internationally and pursuit a rewarding career or People that want to make a difference in the world and be well compensated for it or People in developing nations who are seeking job security with great benefits that far outweigh what is available in their countries.
Enroll now: Learn how to get contracts or a job at the United Nations
Title: Learn how to get contracts or a job at the United Nations
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 30
Number of Published Lectures: 30
Number of Curriculum Items: 30
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 30
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand all aspects of a career with the United Nations and the recruitment process.
- Research and identify the jobs and contracts that suit you best.
- To modify your résumé and letter of interest for each application to greatly enhanced your chance to get short listed by both the automated system and UN Human Resource staff.
- Fully prepared for your competitive test.
- Understand the Recruitment Panel’s goal and be ready for the Competency Based interview.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone that would enjoy an international career with one of the most significant mission-driven organizations, with attractive salary and benefits packages plus one of the best retirement plans in the world, and excellent opportunity to grow.
- People with a university or advanced degree that want to work internationally and pursuit a rewarding career
- People that want to make a difference in the world and be well compensated for it
- People in developing nations who are seeking job security with great benefits that far outweigh what is available in their countries
Target Audiences
- Anyone that would enjoy an international career with one of the most significant mission-driven organizations, with attractive salary and benefits packages plus one of the best retirement plans in the world, and excellent opportunity to grow.
- People with a university or advanced degree that want to work internationally and pursuit a rewarding career
- People that want to make a difference in the world and be well compensated for it
- People in developing nations who are seeking job security with great benefits that far outweigh what is available in their countries
The goal of this course is simple: to equip you with the in-depth knowledge needed to navigate the United Nations recruitment process successfully. Whether you’re aiming for a life-long rewarding career or a short-term highly paid contract that could lead to a long-term appointment, this course will greatly increase your chances of being hired by the United Nations.
The secret to securing UN contracts, whether short or long-term, lies in understanding the organizational structure, knowing which positions to apply for to increase your chances, and preparing your résumé to pass both automated and manual screening processes. Additionally, you’ll need to be ready for the test and, finally, the Competency-Based Interview.
This course will guide you through each step of the process. Using images, PowerPoint slides, and video screenshots of the actual websites, we’ll ensure you understand every detail. You’ll have access to examples of letters, official emails, and replies, along with the latest information from the United Nations to help you make informed decisions about where and what to apply for.
The course lasts approximately 3 hours, packed with essential information. You’ll also have access to me in the discussion panel for any questions you may have during and after the course.
According to reviews on Glassdoor, the United Nations offers an incredible work environment and a rewarding career. However, the application process is competitive and complex. This course is designed to prepare you thoroughly, giving you the best possible chance of success.
Sign up today, and I’ll see you inside the course. As with all my courses, if you’re not satisfied, I offer a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the United Nations and the benefits of working for them
Lecture 1: Introduction: Why start a career at the United Nations
Chapter 2: Understanding the United Nations system
Lecture 1: How does the United Nations recruit staff
Lecture 2: Selecting a Duty Station
Lecture 3: List of Duty Stations Designated as Non-Family Duty Stations
Lecture 4: Level system and salaries
Lecture 5: Understanding the Post-Adjustments
Lecture 6: Post Adjustment Circular
Lecture 7: United Nations Salaries for Professional
Lecture 8: What type of contracts and job duration you should apply for
Lecture 9: Understanding the Steps system
Lecture 10: United Nations official languages
Lecture 11: The recruitment process from the side of the applicant
Chapter 3: How to select a location, a level, a contract type and choose the best location
Lecture 1: How to apply for United Nations Jobs and Contracts
Lecture 2: How to select a post and a Duty Station
Lecture 3: How to increase your odds
Lecture 4: What is best for your family
Lecture 5: Who are you competing against?
Lecture 6: How to prepare yourself before you apply
Chapter 4: The Testing
Lecture 1: Failure can be an advantage
Lecture 2: initial testing
Lecture 3: How to succeed your test
Chapter 5: The Interview
Lecture 1: How to prepare for your interview
Lecture 2: Practice your interview
Lecture 3: How to succeed your interview
Lecture 4: Hours before your interview
Lecture 5: Understanding and practicing CAR: Challenge, Action and Results
Lecture 6: List of Interview questions
Lecture 7: After the Interview
Chapter 6: After you are recruited
Lecture 1: What to do if you are recruited
Lecture 2: You may need money at the point for your relocation
Mario Stinger
Perpetual Traveler and International Businessman
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 8 votes
- 3 stars: 36 votes
- 4 stars: 72 votes
- 5 stars: 154 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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