Learn this Killer Sales Process and Close Massive Deals Now!
Learn this Killer Sales Process and Close Massive Deals Now!, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 38 lectures, based on 45 reviews, and has 3222 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to guide an enterprise level customer through sales process with ease. You will learn to develope a keen understanding of each step of the sales process. You will vastly imrpove your big deal close rate. You will know which part of the sales process is most important! If you follow the teachings in this course you will make more money! This course is ideal for individuals who are You should definitely take this course if you are selling a product or a service. or This is for people who are new to sales, who have been selling for a while, or people who own their own business. or Business owners or Salespeople or Sales Managers or Business Development Managers or Sales Executives or This is not for peole who want a "get rich quick" scheme. or This is not for people who are not willing to put in the time and effort for long term success. or This is not for people who are not willing to take action! It is particularly useful for You should definitely take this course if you are selling a product or a service. or This is for people who are new to sales, who have been selling for a while, or people who own their own business. or Business owners or Salespeople or Sales Managers or Business Development Managers or Sales Executives or This is not for peole who want a "get rich quick" scheme. or This is not for people who are not willing to put in the time and effort for long term success. or This is not for people who are not willing to take action!.
Enroll now: Learn this Killer Sales Process and Close Massive Deals Now!
Title: Learn this Killer Sales Process and Close Massive Deals Now!
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 38
Number of Published Lectures: 38
Number of Curriculum Items: 38
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 38
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to guide an enterprise level customer through sales process with ease.
- You will learn to develope a keen understanding of each step of the sales process.
- You will vastly imrpove your big deal close rate.
- You will know which part of the sales process is most important!
- If you follow the teachings in this course you will make more money!
Who Should Attend
- You should definitely take this course if you are selling a product or a service.
- This is for people who are new to sales, who have been selling for a while, or people who own their own business.
- Business owners
- Salespeople
- Sales Managers
- Business Development Managers
- Sales Executives
- This is not for peole who want a "get rich quick" scheme.
- This is not for people who are not willing to put in the time and effort for long term success.
- This is not for people who are not willing to take action!
Target Audiences
- You should definitely take this course if you are selling a product or a service.
- This is for people who are new to sales, who have been selling for a while, or people who own their own business.
- Business owners
- Salespeople
- Sales Managers
- Business Development Managers
- Sales Executives
- This is not for peole who want a "get rich quick" scheme.
- This is not for people who are not willing to put in the time and effort for long term success.
- This is not for people who are not willing to take action!
“I loved how this got me thinking, great place to start to change my sales thinking pattern.”
“Broke down the material in digestible, intelligible pieces. Step-by-step and straight forward. Good stuff. Thank you.”
“I liked the approach and the method. Integration with real life case
study would turn this experience outstanding for a higher learning
“Well structured , informative, enjoyable, comprehensive , clear with student friendly approach.“
Do you want to get more sales and make more money?
Do you want to learn a highly sought after and transferable sales skill?
Are you ready to become a master at the art of Closing Massive Deals?
You will save time and wasted effort by learning how to close deals the right way with this simple approach to a killer sales process with this new highly sought after skill set!
This course is a complete step by step method of taking your customer through each and every step of the sales process. You will be able to know exactly where you are in the sales process at all times and can accurately forecast what your revenue will be at any given time. It gives you the confidence and ability to be able to go after those truly massive deals and simplify the steps involved to bring it to a closed deal.
This is the complete course that you can use to create a sales process and execution method that will vastly improve your closing rate and ultimately make you a lot more money. I have made this all-inclusive so nothing is left out… and I will be updating this course all the time with even more value.
Yes,you can start on the road to winning massive deals by taking this course today.
- Generate a lot more pipeline.
- Generate more accurate pipeline.
- Grow your deals in size.
- Gain confidence from your customers.
- Gain confidence in yourself!
Anyone can close a small deal. However, the truly massive deals need a lot more care and attention in order for them to close. No matter what type of salesperson you are, having a sales process is going to be an important part of it. This Udemy courseis designed to enable you to take the fear out of selling massive deals so you can become that “rainmaker” that you know you can be. If you don’t have a dedicated sales process you are leaving money on the table!
Conquer your fear and become a well-oiled selling machine by learning the skill from this course!
This sales process and execution method has enabled me to become:
- Fastest time to senior level sales revenue in Company history.
- 3rd highest profitable sales rep in North America for my company.
- Only sales person to achieve every single sales bonus at my company.
- Consistently one of the top sales reps in the country for my company.
- Most key reference customers created in the country within my company.
- 3rd highest revenue in the division of a multinational SaaS corporation.
- Maintained consistent YOY growth over a 6 year period.
- 66% YOY growth as a salesperson.
This course will teach you the exact recipe for effectively selling that I have used for the past fifteen years. I will teach you everything that I do in order to set myself up for a great sales process outcome.
I will be available to you on a weekly basis with my live open office hours. If you are having trouble or have any questions you can some talk to me and get the extra help that you need. I want you to be successful and am willing to go the extra mile to see that you are!
Start your path to Selling Massive Deals and click the “Take This Course” button today!
Feb. 01, 2016
I have now added downloadable MP3 files so that you can learn while on the go.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: About Me and About This Course
Lecture 2: About Top Sales Performers
Chapter 2: The Sales Process: Close More Deals, Close Bigger deals, and Close Better Deals.
Lecture 1: Understanding the Sales Process
Lecture 2: Steps of a Defined Sales Process
Lecture 3: M.E.D.D.I.C. Overview
Lecture 4: M.E.D.D.I.C. Deep Dive
Lecture 5: Building Joint Value
Lecture 6: VOV and Building the Business Case
Chapter 3: The Discovery: The Single Most Important Part of the Sales Process
Lecture 1: Discovery Overview
Lecture 2: Discovery Approach
Lecture 3: Discovery Tracking Form
Lecture 4: Downloadable Discovery Tracking Form
Lecture 5: Discovery Meeting
Lecture 6: Meeting Hacks
Chapter 4: Value Framework: Grow Bigger Deals and Close More Deals by Selling on Value
Lecture 1: Value Messaging Overview
Lecture 2: important Questions
Lecture 3: Value Menu
Lecture 4: Value Card
Lecture 5: Discovery Questions
Lecture 6: Differentiators and Landmines
Lecture 7: Sales Process Wrap Up
Chapter 5: PDF Slides of Lectures That Used Them
Lecture 1: Lecture 3
Lecture 2: Lecture 5
Lecture 3: Lecture 4
Lecture 4: Lecture 7
Lecture 5: Lecture 8
Lecture 6: Lecture 10
Lecture 7: Lecture 11
Lecture 8: Lecture 16
Lecture 9: Lecture 17
Lecture 10: Lecture 18
Lecture 11: Lecture 19
Lecture 12: Lecture 20
Lecture 13: Lecture 21
Chapter 6: Downloadable Lectures in MP3 Format
Lecture 1: The Sales Process: MP3 Download
Lecture 2: The Discovery: MP3 Download
Lecture 3: The Value Framework: MP3 Download
Chapter 7: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Bonus: Get Any of My Other Courses for Just $15!
Jeremiah Walsh
Award Winning Sales Development Coach and Entrepreneur.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 12 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 16 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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