Learn video editing techniques for drama.
Learn video editing techniques for drama., available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.25, with 58 lectures, based on 22 reviews, and has 1845 subscribers.
You will learn about understand concepts of editing drama. organise audio and video clips on the hard drive. do an assemble edit through to final cut. tracklay audio in a non-linear editing system. add titles and end graphics to a scene. upload vide to YouTube. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed to help students with limited understanding of editing to learn how to edit a drama scene the way a professional does. Each stage the student is guided through the process and provided with audio and video clips so you can join in. You are also encouraged to try out different approaches based on your own ideas, once you have mastered the techniques suggested. or Though in the course Adobe Premiere is used for editing, you should be able to follow the demonstrations and edit the clips in the editing software you are familiar with. It is particularly useful for This course is designed to help students with limited understanding of editing to learn how to edit a drama scene the way a professional does. Each stage the student is guided through the process and provided with audio and video clips so you can join in. You are also encouraged to try out different approaches based on your own ideas, once you have mastered the techniques suggested. or Though in the course Adobe Premiere is used for editing, you should be able to follow the demonstrations and edit the clips in the editing software you are familiar with.
Enroll now: Learn video editing techniques for drama.
Title: Learn video editing techniques for drama.
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.25
Number of Lectures: 58
Number of Published Lectures: 58
Number of Curriculum Items: 58
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 58
Original Price: £19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- understand concepts of editing drama.
- organise audio and video clips on the hard drive.
- do an assemble edit through to final cut.
- tracklay audio in a non-linear editing system.
- add titles and end graphics to a scene.
- upload vide to YouTube.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed to help students with limited understanding of editing to learn how to edit a drama scene the way a professional does. Each stage the student is guided through the process and provided with audio and video clips so you can join in. You are also encouraged to try out different approaches based on your own ideas, once you have mastered the techniques suggested.
- Though in the course Adobe Premiere is used for editing, you should be able to follow the demonstrations and edit the clips in the editing software you are familiar with.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed to help students with limited understanding of editing to learn how to edit a drama scene the way a professional does. Each stage the student is guided through the process and provided with audio and video clips so you can join in. You are also encouraged to try out different approaches based on your own ideas, once you have mastered the techniques suggested.
- Though in the course Adobe Premiere is used for editing, you should be able to follow the demonstrations and edit the clips in the editing software you are familiar with.
This course is designed for those students who are interested in learning how to use a non-linear editing (NLE) system who are keen to learn how to edit drama. Techniques used are similar to those used by professional television editors, based on my own experiences of working on a range of projects over the past 30 years.
The editing technique is demonstrated using Adobe Premiere Pro, but if you are familiar with other NLE systems you should be able to transpose the actions across to your own editing platform.
Course Structure:
- Course introduction
- Theory of editing & NLE interfaces
- Video clips used in the demonstrations
- Locating, copying and importing clips
- Synchronising audio and video clips
- Viewing merged clips and marking up script
- How to do the first assembly edit through to final cut?
- How to edit sound once picture lock has been reached?
- Creating graphics, exporting scene and uploading to YouTube.
- Course Conclusion
Currently, the course contains nearly 7 hours of tutorials (including 20 minutes of video and 22 minutes of audio that you can download to edit following the demonstrations).
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Course introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Theory of editing & NLE interfaces
Lecture 1: Section 2 Introduction
Lecture 2: Basic Non-linear Editing Software Design
Lecture 3: iMovie Interface
Lecture 4: FCPX Interface
Lecture 5: Lightworks Interface
Lecture 6: Adobe Premiere Pro Interface
Lecture 7: Section 2 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Video Clips used in the demonstrations
Lecture 1: Section 3 Introduction
Lecture 2: Creative Commons License
Lecture 3: Clips for editing
Lecture 4: Section 3 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Locating, copying and importing clips
Lecture 1: Section 4 Introduction
Lecture 2: Locating & Copying Files
Lecture 3: Opening Premiere and importing media files
Lecture 4: Section 4 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Synchronising Audio and Video Clips
Lecture 1: Section 5 Introduction
Lecture 2: Synchronising Audio & Video (Part 1)
Lecture 3: Synchronising Audio & Video (Part 2)
Lecture 4: Synchronising Audio & Video (Part 3)
Lecture 5: Section 5 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Viewing merged clips and marking up script
Lecture 1: Section 6 Introduction
Lecture 2: Viewing Clips and Marking up Script (pt1)
Lecture 3: Viewing Clips and Marking up Script (pt2)
Lecture 4: Viewing Clips and Marking up Script (pt3)
Lecture 5: Viewing Clips and Marking up Script (pt4)
Lecture 6: Viewing Clips and Marking up Script (pt5) + LKJ keys
Lecture 7: Section 6 Conclusion
Chapter 7: How to do the first assembly edit through to final cut
Lecture 1: Section 7 Introduction
Lecture 2: First cut or Assembly Edit (part 1)
Lecture 3: First cut or Assembly Edit (part 2)
Lecture 4: First cut or Assembly Edit (part 3)
Lecture 5: Second Rough Edit (part 1)
Lecture 6: Second Rough Edit (part 2)
Lecture 7: Second Rough Edit (part 3)
Lecture 8: Fine editing
Lecture 9: Final Picture Edit
Lecture 10: Section 7 Conclusion
Chapter 8: How to edit sound once picture lock has been reached?
Lecture 1: Section 8 Introduction
Lecture 2: Sourcing music from YouTube
Lecture 3: Using Auditions to export AIF file
Lecture 4: Using Audacity to export AIFF file
Lecture 5: Exporting Audio from Premiere
Lecture 6: Warning about the importance of backing up files
Lecture 7: Tracklaying in Auditions (part 1)
Lecture 8: Tracklaying in Auditions (part 2)
Lecture 9: Tracklaying in Auditions (part 3)
Lecture 10: Tracklaying in Auditions (part 4)
Lecture 11: Audio Adjustments in Premiere
Lecture 12: Tracklaying in Premiere (part 1)
Lecture 13: Tracklaying in Premiere (part 2)
Lecture 14: Section 8 Conclusion
Chapter 9: Creating graphics, exporting scene and uploading to YouTube.
Lecture 1: Section 9 Introduction
Lecture 2: Creating Titles and End Credits
Lecture 3: Exporting Scene
Lecture 4: Upload video to YouTube
Lecture 5: Section 9 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Course Conclusion
Lecture 1: Course conclusion
George Kingsnorth
Filmmaker, 3D Artist, Writer & Educationalist. -
Michael N. Kingsnorth
Open Source Architect And Developer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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