LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: The Ultimate Study Guide
LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: The Ultimate Study Guide, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4, with 81 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 57 reviews, and has 314 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn all the concepts of LEED in preparation for the LEED GA Exam All credits, requirements and points will be clearly explained to you Knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies. Understand LEED Rating system in detail Environmental Management This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to learn about LEED and obtain their LEED GA exam or People who want to build their foundational skills in sustainability or People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancy or Developers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED BD+C It is particularly useful for People who want to learn about LEED and obtain their LEED GA exam or People who want to build their foundational skills in sustainability or People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancy or Developers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED BD+C.
Enroll now: LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: The Ultimate Study Guide
Title: LEED Green Associate Exam Prep: The Ultimate Study Guide
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4
Number of Lectures: 81
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 81
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 83
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 83
Number of Practice Tests: 2
Number of Published Practice Tests: 2
Original Price: $109.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn all the concepts of LEED in preparation for the LEED GA Exam
- All credits, requirements and points will be clearly explained to you
- Knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
- Understand LEED Rating system in detail
- Environmental Management
Who Should Attend
- People who want to learn about LEED and obtain their LEED GA exam
- People who want to build their foundational skills in sustainability
- People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancy
- Developers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED BD+C
Target Audiences
- People who want to learn about LEED and obtain their LEED GA exam
- People who want to build their foundational skills in sustainability
- People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancy
- Developers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED BD+C
About This Class
You’ve been interested in Sustainability, and perhaps even working in this field. You may have been asked to consult and manage a LEED project. You want to achieve your LEED BD+C Accredited Professional status. But in doing so you know that you first must meet the LEED Green Associate accreditation.
You know that there is a lot information, with the reference guide close to 900 pages. Where do you begin? How do I start learning? What information is important? How do I best prepare myself for the exam – especially with so many different responsibilities you have
Think of this course as the Complete Guide to Get your LEED Green Associate Accreditations.
This foundation course will allow you to master the most important concepts and tools. And this all in 4 hours.
This LEED V4 GA – Complete Guide to get certified has been designed to enable you to understand all credits and prepare for the exam in the most effective way.You will learn from an experienced consultant, and USGBC Faculty member.
What will you learn?
The key concepts and tools for LEED.Around 75 specific lessons ranging from 3 to 8 minutes on all important credits. Here a handful of examples.
Sustainable Sites – Heat Island Reduction
Material and Resources – Mercury
IEQ – Views
IEQ – Daylight
All other credits
Definitions, concepts, tips, and how to avoid common mistakes.
Become more confident in your abilities as a sustainability manager.
Why take this course?
You want to pass the LEED GA exam.
You will be able to speak about LEED and sustainability with confidence.
You will understand the difference terms, definitions and requirements.
You will learn from an experienced sustainability consultant and educator
It’s effective and practical. Think of this course as exam preparation together with tips and focus points.
It’s been developed from the ground up with a focus on quality.
How will this help you?
You will deliver projects, better, quicker and avoid common mistakes
You will go prepared to a job that requires knowledge in LEED and sustainability .
You will feel more confident about LEED and how to apply it.
You will be able to add this to your CV (just put it under “Professional Development” LEED Green Associate, Udemy, Year of Completion).
What you will learn will make you effective and successful 🙂
Who is behind this course?
I am the Managing Directorof a green building consultancyin Malaysia, and a LEED AP and a USGBC Faculty Member. Before that I was a university teacher (Yonsei University Korea),Project Manager, entrepreneur, and enjoy teaching. I have an MBA from London Business School. I enjoy creating courses.
This course is specifically for:
People who want to learn about LEED
Professionals that want to obtain their LEED Green Associate
People who are interested in a career in sustainability consultancy
Developers, Engineers, Business Analysts, Architects, and basically anyone interested in learning about LEED
People with an open mind and a willingness to learn.
People capable of taking notes and applying the concepts and tools provided in this course.
The Facts
You will learn all the concept of LEED BD+C in preparation for the LEED GA Exam.
This course will prepare you very well for the LEED GA exam, and should be the starting point if you want to take the exam.
All credits, requirements and points will be clearly explained to you.
LEED GA will allow you to deliver your consulting projects better and more effectively
Professional certifications can lead to a significant increase in salary.
This course is not the only thing to do to get you ready for the exam. But it will give you the solid foundation and is key to preparation.
Certification demonstrates an enhanced understanding of technical concepts; thus a LEED Certification could open doors to new job opportunities.
You will enjoy this Udemy course, here are some examples of what people say about my work with them in the past
What other students wrote about me:
“Hans was my professor in strategic management and entrepreneurship in Yonsei University, in Seoul. Attending these courses enabled me to find a job in this field. Hans has great teaching skills and a valuable experience that he delivers very well to his students. He could bring us to adopt a strategic way of thinking with multiple perspectives. Besides, Hans is very responsive and always willing to help. I really recommend him.. -Solene Moitry “
“Hans was my professor of “Entrepreneurship and Strategy” during one semester this year. I have to say that this class was one of the best I ever had. Indeed, the content was very interesting and Hans made it even better. He explained us things with well known examples and very interesting shows. Moreover, he always knew how to make the class lively and dynamic by pushing people to express what they thought. I also really liked the way Hans structured the class throughout the semester and I think that it the best way to learn how to become an entrepreneur! -Arnaud Girard”
“I cannot recommend Hans enough! He was an amazing lecturer during my time at Yonsei University. He taught was able to project his knowledge in such an interesting way, which made the learning experience enjoyable. Prior to this class I had no background knowledge of anything business related. Hence, It is amazing that after his short three week class, I have learnt so much. Hans is definitely one of the best lecturers I have ever encountered, if not, the best. – Elizabeth Nguyen”
Join me and start learning about LEED now. You will learn all the concepts and requirements that will enable you to achieve your LEED BD+C AP Certification. projects.We will go cover all the topics from the definitions, intent, requirements, concepts, and exemplary performances. So take the course now to learn what all of this means in more detail and how you can apply it to become a LEED Green Associate
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: About your Instructor
Lecture 3: Getting Started
Lecture 4: Minimum Program Requirements
Lecture 5: Minimum Program Requirements – Additional Guidance
Lecture 6: Rating System Selection
Chapter 2: Integrative Process
Lecture 1: IP_Integrative Process
Lecture 2: Integrative Project Planning and Design
Chapter 3: Location & Transportation
Lecture 1: LT Overview
Lecture 2: LT_Neigbourhoud Development
Lecture 3: LT_Sensitive Land
Lecture 4: LT_High Priority Site
Lecture 5: LT_Surrounding Density & Diverse Uses
Lecture 6: LT Access to Quality Transit
Lecture 7: LT_Bicycle Facilities
Lecture 8: LT Reduced Parking Footprint
Lecture 9: LT Green Vehicles
Chapter 4: Sustainable Sites
Lecture 1: SS_Overview
Lecture 2: SS_Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Lecture 3: SS_Environmental Site Assessment
Lecture 4: SS_Restore or Protect Habitat
Lecture 5: SS_Open Space
Lecture 6: SS_Rainwater Management
Lecture 7: SS_Heat Island Reduction
Lecture 8: SS_Light Pollution Reduction
Lecture 9: SS_Site Master Plan
Lecture 10: SS_Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines
Lecture 11: SS_Places of Respite
Lecture 12: SS_Direct Exterior Access
Lecture 13: SS_Joint Use Facilities
Chapter 5: Water Efficiency
Lecture 1: WE_Overview
Lecture 2: WE_Prereq Outdoor Water Use
Lecture 3: WE_Prereq Indoor Water Use
Lecture 4: WE_Building Water Metering
Lecture 5: WE_Credit Outdoor Water Use
Lecture 6: WE_Indoor Water Use
Lecture 7: WE_Cooling Tower Water use
Lecture 8: WE_Building Water Metering Credit
Chapter 6: Energy & Atmosphere
Lecture 1: EA Overview
Lecture 2: EA_Fundamental Commissioning & Verification
Lecture 3: EA_Minimum Energy Performance
Lecture 4: EA_Prereq Building Level Energy Metering
Lecture 5: EA_Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Lecture 6: EA_Enhanced Commissioning
Lecture 7: EA_Minimum Energy Performance
Lecture 8: EA_Advanced Energy Metering
Lecture 9: EA_Demand Response
Lecture 10: EA_Renewable Energy Production
Lecture 11: EA_Enhanced Refrigerant Management
Lecture 12: EA_Green Powerand Carbon Offsets
Chapter 7: Materials & Resources
Lecture 1: MR_Overview
Lecture 2: MR_Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Lecture 3: MR_Construction_and_Demolition Waste_Management_Planning
Lecture 4: MR_Preq_PBT Source Reduction – Mercury
Lecture 5: MR_Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction
Lecture 6: MR_BPDO_Environmental Product Declaration
Lecture 7: MR_BPDO_Sourcing of Raw Materials
Lecture 8: MR_BPDO_Material Ingredients
Lecture 9: MR_PBT Source Reduction – Mercury Credit
Lecture 10: MR_PBT Source Reduction – Lead Cadmium Copper
Lecture 11: MR_Furniture and Medical Furnishings
Lecture 12: MR_Design for Flexibilty
Lecture 13: MR_Construction and Demolition Waste Management
Chapter 8: Indoor Environment Quality
Lecture 1: IEQ_Overview
Lecture 2: IEQ_Min Indoor Air Quality Performance
Lecture 3: IEQ_Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Lecture 4: IEQ_Minimum Accoustic Performance
Lecture 5: IEQ_Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies
Lecture 6: IEQ_Low Emitting Materials
Lecture 7: IEQ_Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan
Lecture 8: IEQ_Indoor Air Quality Assessment
Lecture 9: IEQ_Thermal Comfort
Lecture 10: IEQ_Interior Lighting
Lecture 11: IEQ_Daylight
Lecture 12: IEQ_Quality Views
Lecture 13: IEQ_Accoustic Performance
Chapter 9: Innovation
Lecture 1: IN_Innovation Credit
Lecture 2: IN_Innovation LEED AP
Chapter 10: Regional Priority
Lecture 1: Regional Priority
Lecture 2: Regional Priority Credit
Chapter 11: Mock Exams
Chapter 12: Completion
Lecture 1: Completion
Sustainability Professional with over 15 years experience
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 5 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 15 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 18 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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