Legal Technology Overview – A Paralegal Skills Course
Legal Technology Overview – A Paralegal Skills Course, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.7, with 17 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 19 reviews, and has 88 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the important role that applications, software, and technology play in law offices and legal departments. Develop an innovation-focused mindset open to new technologies and solutions for efficient work Get an overview of the broad classes of software and applications used in many law offices and legal departments Look closer at some of the advanced functions used in word processing applications most relevant to paralegals Brief discussion on more advanced applications including automation and knowledgebases International Students: Improve your understanding of the delivery of legal services, legal technology, and develop Legal English skills Learn key concepts and gain valuable knowledge with smart visuals, charts, and infographics. Please note course is not a tutorial and does not have homework assignments. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is beneficial to paralegals in training as well as currently qualified paralegals who want a refresher or to sharpen their skills. or This course is not for continuing paralegal credits and is not intended to substitute for an approved paralegal training program. It is important that all students research and understand the requirements of the state in which they plan to work as a paralegal and discuss qualifications with their prospective supervising attorney under whose specific direction they will work. or This course can be useful as part of orientation or on-boarding of new paralegals to law offices or in-house legal departments. or This course can also be useful to law clerks, legal interns, and lawyers who need a primer on legaltech and law software It is particularly useful for This course is beneficial to paralegals in training as well as currently qualified paralegals who want a refresher or to sharpen their skills. or This course is not for continuing paralegal credits and is not intended to substitute for an approved paralegal training program. It is important that all students research and understand the requirements of the state in which they plan to work as a paralegal and discuss qualifications with their prospective supervising attorney under whose specific direction they will work. or This course can be useful as part of orientation or on-boarding of new paralegals to law offices or in-house legal departments. or This course can also be useful to law clerks, legal interns, and lawyers who need a primer on legaltech and law software.
Enroll now: Legal Technology Overview – A Paralegal Skills Course
Title: Legal Technology Overview – A Paralegal Skills Course
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.7
Number of Lectures: 17
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 17
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 23
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 23
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the important role that applications, software, and technology play in law offices and legal departments.
- Develop an innovation-focused mindset open to new technologies and solutions for efficient work
- Get an overview of the broad classes of software and applications used in many law offices and legal departments
- Look closer at some of the advanced functions used in word processing applications most relevant to paralegals
- Brief discussion on more advanced applications including automation and knowledgebases
- International Students: Improve your understanding of the delivery of legal services, legal technology, and develop Legal English skills
- Learn key concepts and gain valuable knowledge with smart visuals, charts, and infographics.
- Please note course is not a tutorial and does not have homework assignments.
Who Should Attend
- This course is beneficial to paralegals in training as well as currently qualified paralegals who want a refresher or to sharpen their skills.
- This course is not for continuing paralegal credits and is not intended to substitute for an approved paralegal training program. It is important that all students research and understand the requirements of the state in which they plan to work as a paralegal and discuss qualifications with their prospective supervising attorney under whose specific direction they will work.
- This course can be useful as part of orientation or on-boarding of new paralegals to law offices or in-house legal departments.
- This course can also be useful to law clerks, legal interns, and lawyers who need a primer on legaltech and law software
Target Audiences
- This course is beneficial to paralegals in training as well as currently qualified paralegals who want a refresher or to sharpen their skills.
- This course is not for continuing paralegal credits and is not intended to substitute for an approved paralegal training program. It is important that all students research and understand the requirements of the state in which they plan to work as a paralegal and discuss qualifications with their prospective supervising attorney under whose specific direction they will work.
- This course can be useful as part of orientation or on-boarding of new paralegals to law offices or in-house legal departments.
- This course can also be useful to law clerks, legal interns, and lawyers who need a primer on legaltech and law software
Overview. This skills course describes the important role of technology, applications, and software in the efficient operation of a law office or law department. It also illustrates how the right approach to these legal tech tools can enable paralegals, lawyers, law clerks, legal interns, legal assistants, and others to optimize their use of time, complete tasks and matters faster, and successfully manage busy case loads and matter dockets. This is not a software development course and is focused on paralegal and related students and occupations.
It is not intended to be a step-by-step tutorial, however it includes comprehensive overview on legal technologies and apps along with examples, illustrations, and tips for improving or charting out a plan for learning more.
Effective Approach to Legal Tech. The course starts by describing the purpose of legal technology from the core software that is used by nearly everyone to the more specialized apps and tools used by different practice areas. Importantly, it provides the student a valuable way to think about and approach technology as an indispensable tool for efficiency and for personal effectiveness. It also briefly discusses some of the ethical considerations unique to the use of software and applications in the legal setting. Categories of legal tech and apps covered include: word processing and office applications, law practice management, time and billing, document management, document assembly and automation, communication and collaboration apps, legal research web-apps, and next generation legal tech tools such as knowledge management systems, legal quality assurance, process automation, and others.
Overview of Important Application Types. Importantly, while the course spotlights some specific advanced tools in word processing and other core software that can be useful for most law offices and legal departments, it is not taught as a step-by-step tutorial for specific applications. This is because each specific practice setting and law firm will have its own mix of unique software. The course does provide a good overview of the major classes of software and applications, describing their general purpose, illustrating how they improve efficiency in the law office and help make paralegals more effective. Students can use the exercises and handouts to map out their own plan for further learning of specific applications that are relevant to their position or area of focus.
Concise and Practical Skills Course. The course includes extensive lecture and visual materials; however, it is not intended to substitute for post-secondary instruction in legal research and writing for paralegals. This course is also not intended to be continuing education and is not qualified for such credit in any jurisdiction. The course focuses on paralegals in the U.S. and is intended to be a highly practical skill building overview useful both to paralegals in training who want to supplement their formal studies or current paralegals who want to sharpen everyday skills to help them improve performance on the job.
Advanced Technologies, Data Analytics, and the Future. We also briefly explore the potential role of the latest and most advanced technologies and how leveraging them can help optimize our approach to case work, priorities, drafting, and potentially bring more job satisfaction for paralegals and attorneys. This inclusion discussion on automation and related technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).
The lessons focus on the United States (US) legal system and are taught primarily in English. The course may also be applicable to other common law legal systems (e.g., India, United Kingdom – UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia).
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction & Overview
Lecture 1: Welcome to the Course
Chapter 2: Approach Legal Technology
Lecture 1: Efficiency and Automation in the Law Office
Lecture 2: Categories of Legal Software and Law Apps
Chapter 3: Core Software & Applications
Lecture 1: Writing and Word Processing
Lecture 2: Other Office Applications
Lecture 3: Advanced Features for Legal Work
Chapter 4: Law Office Operations
Lecture 1: Law Practice Management (LPM) & Productivity Apps
Lecture 2: Document Handling
Chapter 5: Specialized Apps
Lecture 1: Practice Type and Area-Specific Apps
Lecture 2: Court and Agency Portals
Chapter 6: Communication and Collaboration
Lecture 1: Email, Voice, and Video Conferencing
Lecture 2: Instant Message and Asynchronous Tools
Chapter 7: Legal Research Apps
Lecture 1: Overview and Common Principles
Lecture 2: Smart Search Strategies
Chapter 8: Advanced and Next Generation of Legal Tech
Lecture 1: Legal Process Development & Knowledge Management
Lecture 2: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Document Analytics for Law
Chapter 9: Review and Next Steps
Lecture 1: Paralegal Skills Course Review
Harvey Zeytuntsyan, J.D.
Lawyer and Law Topics and Public Policy Educator -
Informed Educational Insights LLC
Insightful educational content and courses
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 8 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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